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The 2×2 crafting grid is used for basic crafting using a subset of the possible crafting recipes. The 2×2 grid is accessed inside the player's own inventory (opened by pressing E by default).
Because of the limited number of recipes, the 2×2 grid is typically used to craft logs into planks and then make a crafting table, as well as combining damaged tools into a repaired tool. Because the crafting table offers a far greater variety of recipes, it is often used once it has been crafted.
This page contains is a list of blocks and items that can be crafted using the 2×2 crafting grid.
Building blocks[]
- Andesite
- Blocks, various from matching Slabs
- Brick including Nether, End Stone types
- Chiseled variants of various types of stone
- Clay (block)
- Coarse Dirt
- Dyed Wool
- Glowstone from dust
- Granite (from Nether Quartz)
- Jack o'Lantern
- Magma Block from Magma Cream
- Mossy variants of various items
- Pillars, various
- Planks
- Polished variants of various types of stone
- Prismarine
- Purpur Block from Popped Chorus Fruit
- Quartz (various, from Nether Quartz)
- Sandstone (most/all varieties)
- Snow Block
- Stone Bricks including varieties
- Stripped Wood from matching Stripped Log
- Waxed Copper Block including varieties
- White Wool from String
- Wood from matching Log
Decoration blocks[]
- Carpet
- Crafting table
- Dyed Bed from Bed
- Dyed Carpet from Carpet
- (Various other colored variants of items)
- End Rod
- Loom
- Torch
- Trapped Chest from Chest
- Underwater Torch from Torch
Redstone components[]
- Carrot on a stick
- Flint and steel
- Shears
- Warped fungus on a stick
- Repairs by combining two damaged tools of the same type
- Repairs by combining two damaged weapons of the same type (removes enchantments)
- Repairs by combining two damaged armor pieces of the same type (removes enchantments)
- Book
- Book and quill
- Eye of Ender
- Fire charge
- Firework Rocket
- Map with Marker
- Slimeball
- String from Cobweb