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Andreas Sherratt

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Andreas Sherratt

Andreas Sherratt (Andrew Sherratt; 1946-2006) fuit archaeologus Anglicus qui primus omnium, de historia agriculturae disserens, commutationem proventús secundarii proposuit.

Natus die 8 Maii 1946 apud Oldham comitatus Lancastriensis, Andreas Sherratt fuit alumnus collegii Petri universitatis Cantabrigiensis ab anno 1963; gradum doctoratus eiusdem universitatis anno 1976 ob dissertationem The Beginning of the Bronze Age in south-east Europe meruit. Oxoniae fuit ab anno 1973 curator apud Museum Ashmoleanum; anno 2002 factus est professor universitatis, sed anno 2005 universitatis Sheffieldiensis. Mortuus est ob infarctum myocardialem die 24 Februarii 2006 in oppido Witney iuxta Oxoniam.

Libri et commentationes

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  • 1980 (editor) : Cambridge Encyclopedia of Archaeology (Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press, 1980) ISBN 0521229898
  • 1981 : "Plough and Pastoralism: aspects of the secondary products revolution" in Pattern of the past: studies in honour of David L. Clarke ed. I. Hodder et alii (Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press, 1981) pp. 261-305
  • 1983 : "The Secondary Exploitation of Animals in the Old World" in World archaeology vol. 15 (1983) pp. 287-316
  • 1987 : "Cups That Cheered: the introduction of alcohol to prehistoric Europe" in W. H. Waldren, R. C. Kennard, edd., Bell Beakers of the Western Mediterranean: definition, interpretation, theory and new site data: the Oxford international conference 1986 (Oxoniae: British Archaeological Reports, 1987. 2 voll. ISBN 9780860544265) pp. 81–114
  • 1993 (editor cum Norman Yoffee) : "Archaeological theory: who sets the agenda?" Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521440149
  • 1993 (cum Susan Sherratt) : "The Growth of the Mediterranean Economy in the Early First Millennium BC" in World Archaeology (1993) pp. 361-78
  • 1993 : "What Would a Bronze Age World System Look Like? Relations between temperate Europe and the Mediterranean in later prehistory" in Journal of European Archaeology vol. 1 no. 2 (1993) pp. 1-58 Epitome
  • 1994 : "The Fabrication of the Past" [recensio operis Alani Schnapp La Conquête du passé) in Times Literary Supplement (21 Octobris 1994)
  • 1995 : "Reviving the Grand Narrative: archaeology and long-term change" in Journal of European Archaeology vol. 3 no. 1 (1995) pp. 1-32 Epitome
  • 1995 (editor cum Jordan Goodman, Paul E. Lovejoy) : Consuming Habits: drugs in history and anthropology. Londinii: Routledge. ISBN 0415090393; 2a ed., 2007. ISBN 0415425816 Textus editionis 2a
  • 1997 : Economy and Society in Prehistoric Europe: changing perspectives [commentationes selectae]. Edinburgi: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 0748606467
  • 2002 : "Diet and cuisine: farming and its transformations as reflected in pottery" in Documenta praehistorica vol. 29 (2002) pp. 61-71

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