この項目「アイダ・B・ウェルズ」は途中まで翻訳されたものです。(原文:en:Ida B. Wells) 翻訳作業に協力して下さる方を求めています。ノートページや履歴、翻訳のガイドラインも参照してください。要約欄への翻訳情報の記入をお忘れなく。(2022年7月) |
アイダ・ベル・ウェルズ=バーネット(英語: Ida Bell Wells-Barnett、1862年6月16日–1931年3月25日)はアメリカの調査ジャーナリスト、また教育者であり公民権運動の初期のリーダーだった。ウェルズは全米黒人地位向上協会 (NAACP) の設立関係者のひとりだった[1]。生前はずっと偏見と暴力に対する闘争に尽くし、アフリカ系アメリカ人、とくに女性のアフリカ系アメリカ人のために戦い、ウェルズはおそらく最も有名な黒人女性となった[2]。
[編集]アイダ・ベル・ウェルズは1862年7月16日、ミシシッピ州ホーリー・スプリングズのボリング農場で生まれた[6]。 ジェイムズ・マディソン・ウェルズ (1840–1878) とエリザベス・「リジー」・ワレントンの長子であった。ジェイムズの父はペギーという名の奴隷の黒人女性を妊娠させた白人男性であった。ジェイムズの父は、死ぬ前に18歳のジェイムズをホーリー・スプリングズに連れてきて大工の見習いにし、ジェイムズはそこで技術を磨いて「街で暮らす雇われる奴隷」として働くようになった[7]。リジーはヴァージニア州のプランテーションで生まれ、家族から引き離されて売られてしまい、南北戦争の後で家族を探そうとしたがうまくいかなかった[7]。奴隷解放宣言が出る前、ウェルズの両親は建築家スパイアズ・ボリングの奴隷で、一家は現在ボリング=ゲイトウッド・ハウスと呼ばれる建物に住んでいたが、ここは現在アイダ・B・ウェルズ=バーネット博物館になっている[8]。
1884年5月4日、チェサピーク・アンド・オハイオ鉄道の車掌がアイダに女性用一等車を譲って喫煙車に移動するように命じたが、喫煙車は既に他の乗客で混雑していた[14][15][11]。前年、アメリカ合衆国最高裁判所は公共施設での人種隔離を禁ずる1875年の連邦公民権法に不利な裁定を下していた。この評決は乗客を人種ごとに隔離しようとする鉄道会社を後押しするものであった。アイダが席を譲るのを拒んだ際、車掌と2人の男性がアイダを車両から引きずり出した。アイダは黒人教会の週刊誌であるThe Living Wayに、列車での自分に対する扱いに関する記事を書き��メンフィスで知られるようになった。メンフィスでアイダは鉄道会社を訴えるべく、アフリカ系アメリカ人の弁護士を雇った。雇った弁護士が鉄道会社に金をつかまされて手を引くと、白人の弁護士を雇った[16]。
小学校で教えるかたわら、アイダはだんだんジャーナリストやライターとして活動するようになっていった。メンフィスの小さな雑誌Evening Starで編集者の食を見つけ、「アイオラ」という筆名でThe Living Wayに毎週記事を書くようになった[19]。筆名で書いた記事は人種差別的なジム・クロウ法を攻撃するものであった[20]。1889年にアイダはテイラー・ナイティンゲール師 (1844–1922) が設立し、メンフィスのビール・ストリート・バプテスト教会に本拠がある、黒人が所有する新聞社であるThe Free Speech and Headlightの編集者となり、またJ・L・フレミングとともに共同所有者にもなった。1891年にアイダは地元の黒人学校の状況を批判した記事ゆえ、メンフィス教育委員会により教職を解雇された。アイダは驚いたがひるまず、The Living WayとThe Free Speech and Headlightに記事を書くことに注力するようになった[18]。
[編集]1889年、アフリカ系アメリカ人であるトーマス・ヘンリー・モス・シニア (1853-1892) はピープルズ・グロサリーという店を開いており、その店はヘンリーが共同所有するものだった。その店はカーブと呼ばれている南メンフィスに位置していた。ウェルズはモスとその家族と親しい仲であり、モスの第1子であるモーリン・E・モス (1891-1971) の名付け親という立ち位置であった。モスの店は好調であり、白人のウィリアム・ラッセル・バレット (1854-1920) が経営するバレット食料品店というモスの店の向かいにある店と競合していた[21]。
1892年3月9日の午前2時30分頃、黒いマスクを着けた75人の男性がシェルビー郡の刑務所からモス、マクダウェル、スチュワートを1600m北にあるチェサピークとオハイオの車両基地に連れて行き、射殺した。Memphis Appeal-Avalancheは、モスは殺される直前暴徒に「私の同胞に西に行くように言え、ここに正義はない。」と言ったと記録している[22]。
ウェルズの友人のリンチの後、彼女はFree Speech and Headlight に黒人はメンフィスを完全に去るようにと書き込んだ[23]。この出来事をきっかけに、ウェルズは調査ジャーナリストの手法でリンチの調査を開始した。ウェルズはミシシッピ州チュニカでのリンチを含む、リンチに関係する人々へのインタビューを開始し、1892年、このチュニカでのリンチに関して、若い白人女性の父親が「娘の評判を救うため」というふりをして、リンチを行う暴徒に、娘が性的関係を持っていた黒人男性を殺すよう懇願したと結論付けた[22]。
[編集]1892年5月21日、アイダはFree Speech and Headlightに黒人男性が白人女性をレイプするという「陳腐な嘘」を非難する論説を刊行した[24]。4日後の5月25日、The Daily Commercialがアイダを「黒人の悪党」と呼んで脅迫する記事を刊行した[25]。メンフィスのThe Evening Scimitarは同日に同じ記事を出したが、「このような状況では忍耐は美徳ではない」と呼びかけるさらなる脅迫が付け足されていた[25]。
白人の暴徒がFree Speech and Headlightのオフィスに乱入し、建物を破壊した[26]。アイダと社を共同所有しており、ビジネスマネージャーであったジェイムズ・L・フレミングはメンフィスから逃亡せざるを得なくなった。アイダはこの時休暇でマンハッタンにいたが、どの列車で帰ってくるのか見張られているという噂もあった。債権者はFree Speech and Headlightの資産を差し押さえて売却した。アイダはメンフィスには帰れなくなった[25]。おそらくはメンフィス綿花取引所の白人ビジネスマンによる「委員会」 が、既に1891年にFree Speech and Headlightの権益をアイダ・B・ウェルズとジェイムズ・L・フレミングに売却していたにもかかわらず、元社主のナイティンゲール師の居場所を突き止めて暴力を振るい、銃をつきつけて5月21日の論説を撤回するレターにサインさせた[27][28][29]。
アイダはその後、New York Ageでの仕事を受け、ニューヨークで反リンチキャンペーンを続けた[30]。その後3年間はハーレムに住み、最初はティモシー・トーマス・フォーチュン (1856–1928) と妻キャシー・フォーチュン (旧名キャロライン・シャーロット・スマイリー、1860–1940) の家に居候していた[31]。
ケネス・W・ゴーイングズ博士によると、メンフィスで出たFree Speech and Headlightは一部も残っていない。文書館に収蔵された他の新聞で再公刊された記事から知識が得られるだけである[32]。
Southern Horrors (1892)
[編集]この節の加筆が望まれています。 |
The Red Record (1895)
[編集]この節の加筆が望まれています。 |
[編集]- The Arkansas Race Riot (Manuscript). (1920)
- Mob Rule in New Orleans: Robert Charles and His Fight to Death, the Story of His Life, Burning Human Beings Alive, Other Lynching Statistics. (1900)
- The Red Record: Tabulated Statistics and Alleged Causes of Lynching in the United States. (1895)
- Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases. New York: New York Age Print. (1892)
[編集]- ^ Giddings, Encyclopedia 2013.
- ^ Dickerson.
- ^ “Ida B. Wells' American Lynching Chronicles” (英語). SOUTHERN HOLLOWS PODCAST. 2022年7月11日閲覧。
- ^ Wells Papers, Univ. Chicago.
- ^ Pulitzer 2020.
- ^ McKinney.
- ^ a b c McMurry.
- ^ Matthews, Dasha.
- ^ Giddings, Sword Among Lions, 2008, pp. 5–10.
- ^ Black, Patti Carr.
- ^ a b Mitchell, p. D13.
- ^ Heather-Lea, pp. 4 & 7 (section A).
- ^ Bay, p. 67.
- ^ Yaeger, October 21, 2015.
- ^ Franklin, pp. 61, 63–65.
- ^ Fradin & Fradin, p. 21.
- ^ Chesapeake, O. & S. R. Co. v. Wells, 1887, p. 5.
- ^ a b Wells–Duster, 1970, p. xviii.
- ^ Wells–Duster, 1970, p. 23-24.
- ^ Cardon.
- ^ a b Peavey & Smith, pp. 46–49.
- ^ a b c d e Giddings, Sword Among Lions, 2008, pp. 178–180, 183, 207.
- ^ Wells–Duster, 1970, p. 52.
- ^ Wormser.
- ^ a b c Wells, Southern Horrors 1892, pp. 3–5.
- ^ Staples, Brent (July 10, 2021). “How the White Press Wrote Off Black America”. The New York Times April 1, 2022閲覧。
- ^ Schechter, p. 70.
- ^ "A Bright Woman", p. 1 (section 2).
- ^ Sheriff, p. 63 (footnote 46).
- ^ Schechter, p. 79.
- ^ Sheriff, pp. 63–64.
- ^ Goings.
- ^ Zackodnik, pp. 268–270.
- Allen, James E. (2011). Without Sanctuary: Photographs and Postcards of Lynching in America. Santa Fe: Twin Palms Publisher
- Book (1st ed.) (July 31, 1999); OCLC 936079991
- Book (10th ed.) (February 1, 2000): OCLC 994750311, 751138477; ISBN 0-944092-69-1; ISBN 978-0-944092-69-9
- Book (11th ed.) (2011): OCLC 1075938297
- Roth Horowitz Gallery, 160A East 70th Street, Manhattan (January 14, 2000 – February 12, 2000); Andrew Roth and Glenn Horowitz, gallery co-owners, Witness: Photographs of Lynchings from the Collection of James Allen and John Littlefield, organized by Andrew Roth
- New York Historical Society (March 14, 2000 – October 1, 2000); OCLC 809988821, Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography in America, curated by James Allen and Julia Hotton
- Andy Warhol Museum (September 22, 2001 – February 21, 2002), The Without Sanctuary Project, curated by James Allen; co-directed by Jessica Arcand and Margery King
- Martin Luther King Jr. National Historical Park (May 1, 2002 – December 31, 2002), Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography in America; OCLC 782970109, curated by Joseph F. Jordan, PhD (né Joseph Ferdinand Jordan, Jr.; born 1951); Douglas H. Quin, PhD (born 1956) exhibition designer; National Park Service MLK site team: Frank Catroppa, Saudia Muwwakkil, and Melissa English-Rias
- The 2002 short film, Without Sanctuary, directed by Matt Dibble (né Matthew Phillips Dibble; born 1959) and produced by Joseph F. Jordan, PhD (né Joseph Ferdinand Jordan, Jr.; born 1951), accompanied the 2002–2003 exhibition by the same name, Without Sanctuary, at the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historical Park (co-sponsored by Emory University)
- Digital format (2008): OCLC 1179211921, 439904269 (Overview, Movie, Photos, Forum)
- Official website; part of collection at the Robert W. Woodruff Library at Emory University
Exhibitions, film, digital:
- Alpha Suffrage Record, The (March 18, 1914). “The Alpha Suffrage Club”. 1. Chicago: Alpha Suffrage Club October 26, 2020閲覧。
- Asante, Molefi Kete (2002). “Ida B. Wells-Barnett”. 100 Greatest African Americans: A Biographical Encyclopedia. Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books. pp. 110, 309–311. ISBN 1-57392-963-8. LCCN 2002-18993. OCLC 1018143510 . Article: 100 Greatest African Americans: A Biographical Encyclopedia
- Baker, Lee D. (February 2012). “Ida B. Wells-Barnett: Fighting and Writing for Justice”. eJournal USA (U.S. Department of State) 16 (6): 6–8. ISSN 1949-7644. OCLC 700047682 March 1, 2015閲覧。.
- Bay, Mia (2009). To Tell the Truth Freely: The Life of Ida B. Wells. Hill & Wang. ISBN 978-0-8090-1646-4. OCLC 1032224630 September 15, 2011閲覧。
- Berenson, Tessa C. (July 16, 2015). “Today's Google Doodle Celebrates Journalist Ida B. Wells' Birthday”. Time.com. ISSN 0040-781X January 14, 2019閲覧。.
- Biography Editors (January 16, 2020). “Ida B. Wells”. Biography. November 7, 2020閲覧。
- Black, Patti Carr (February 2001). “Ida B. Wells: A Courageous Voice for Civil Rights”. Mississippi History Now. Mississippi Historical Society. February 13, 2019閲覧。
- Boissoneault, Lorraine (January 21, 2017). “The Original Women's March on Washington and the Suffragists Who Paved the Way”. Smithsonian. ISSN 0037-7333 November 20, 2017閲覧。.
- Brody, Richard (July 27, 2020). “What to Stream – Ida B. Wells: A Passion for Justice”. The New Yorker 96 (21): 8 November 12, 2020閲覧。. OCLC 877711126 (全ての版). ISSN 0028-792X.
- Busby, Margaret, ed (1992). “Ida B. Wells (Barnett)”. Daughters of Africa. Jonathan Cape / Ballantine Books. p. 150. ISBN 0-345-38268-4. LCCN 93--90470. OCLC 925350164 November 1, 2020閲覧。. Article: Daughters of Africa.
- Cardon, Dustin (February 27, 2018). “Ida B. Wells”. Jackson Free Press (Jackson, Mississippi) February 14, 2019閲覧。. Note: the article is not in the print edition (back issues at ISSUU).
- Cairnes, John Elliott (professor) (August 1865). “The Negro Suffrage”. Macmillan's Magazine 12 (68): 334–343 .
- CCWH. “Ida B. Wells Graduate Student Fellowship”. Columbia, Maryland: Coordinating Council for Women in History. February 22, 2017閲覧。
- “Chesapeake, Ohio & Southwestern Railroad Company v. Ida B. Wells. (Supreme Court of Tennessee; April Term, 1887)”. Southwestern Reporter. (Vol. 4. May 16, 1887 – August 1, 1887) (St. Paul: West Publishing Company): 5. (1886) May 12, 2012閲覧. " ... her persistence was not in good faith ... "
- “Ida B. Wells”. chicagoliteraryhof.org. Chicago Literary Hall of Fame (November 15, 2011). October 17, 2017閲覧。
- Cruickshank, Matt (doodler) (July 16, 2015). “Ida B. Wells' 153rd Birthday”. Google Doodle. January 14, 2019閲覧。
- Curry, Tommy J. (Fall 2012). “The Fortune of Wells: Ida B. Wells-Barnett's Use of T. Thomas Fortune's Philosophy of Social Agitation as a Prolegomenon to Militant Civil Rights Activism”. Transactions (Charles Sanders Peirce Society) 48 (4): 456–482. doi:10.2979/trancharpeirsoc.48.4.456. LCCN 00--168. OCLC 844279727.
- Danielle, Britni (March 8, 2018). “The New York Times Is Finally Giving Ida B. Wells Her Due”. Essence March 31, 2019閲覧。.
- DeCosta-Willis, Miriam (March 1, 2018). “Ida B. Wells-Barnett”. Tennessee Encyclopedia (online). Tennessee Historical Society February 13, 2019閲覧。
- Doenecke, Justus Drew (2002). “Wells-Barnett, Ida (1862–1931)”. In Commire, Anne (1939–2012); Klezmer, Deborah; Morgan, Barbara. Women in World History: A Biographical Encyclopedia. Vol. 16 (Vict–X). Yorkin Publications (The Gale Group). pp. 352–360. ISBN 0-7876-4075-1. LCCN 99--24692. OCLC 593847777 November 7, 2020閲覧。. (also accessible online: "Wells-Barnett, Ida" via encyclopedia.com. Retrieved November 7, 2020)
- Douglass, Frederick (2002). “Letter from Frederick Douglass to Ida B. Wells; October 25, 1892”. In Gabbidon, Shaun L.; Greene, Helen Taylor; Young, Vernetta Diane. African American Classics in Criminology and Criminal Justice. Sage Publications. p. 25. ISBN 978-0-7619-2433-3. OCLC 5559711186
- “Alfreda Wells discusses her mother, Ida B. Wells-Barnett and her book 'Crusade for Justice'” (verbal transcript and sound recording). Chicago: Studs Terkel Radio Archive at WFMT (September 3, 1971). 2023年6月1日閲覧。}
- Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt (1970). Dusk of Dawn; An Essay Toward an Autobiography of a Race Concept. New York: Schocken Books (1970); Harcourt, Brace & Company (1940). ISBN 9783847201823. LCCN 65--14825. OCLC 552187560 October 28, 2020閲覧。[要検証 ]
- Duster, Michelle (compiler and author) (2010). Ida From Abroad: The Timeless Writings of Ida B. Wells From England in 1894 (self published). Chicago: Benjamin Williams Publishing, LLC (currently South Holland, Illinois: BW Publishing). ISBN 978-0-9802-3989-8. OCLC 608235660 Note: Michelle Duster (born 1963) is a great-granddaughter of Ida B. Wells-Barnett by way of her paternal grandmother, Alfreda Duster; she is a niece of academician Troy Duster, PhD.
- Elliott, Mark Emory (2006). Color-Blind Justice: Albion Tourgée and the Quest for Racial Equality from the Civil War to Plessey v. Ferguson. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-1953-7021-8. LCCN 2006-11311 . Related articles: Albion Mourgée and Plessey v. Ferguson. OCLC all editions.
- Enright, Mairead (March 8, 2018). “Gender and Legal History in Birmingham and the West Midlands – Ida B. Wells and the Birmingham Connection”. February 14, 2019閲覧。
- Flexner, Eleanor; Fitzpatrick, Ellen Frances (2000). Century of Struggle: The Woman's Rights Movement in the United States (enlarged ed.). Cambridge, Massachusetts & London: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0-6741-0653-6. LCCN 96--5651. OCLC 634643994
- Fradin, Dennis B.; Fradin, Judith Bloom (2000). Ida B. Wells: Mother of the Civil Rights Movement. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. p. 21. ISBN 0-395-89898-6. OCLC 64586878
- Franklin, Vincent P. (1995). Living Our Stories, Telling Our Truths: Autobiography and the Making of African American Intellectual Tradition. Oxford University Press. pp. 61–65. ISBN 978-0-6891-2192-0. OCLC 31606548
- Giddings, Paula J. (2008). Ida: A Sword Among Lions: Ida B. Wells and the Campaign Against Lynching. Amistad Press. ISBN 978-0-0619-7294-2. OCLC 865473600
- Giddings, Paula J. (2013). “Wells-Barnett, Ida B. 1862–1931”. In Mason, Patrick Leon. Encyclopedia of Race and Racism. Vol. 4: S–Z (2nd ed.). MacMillan Reference USA, an imprint of Gale. pp. 265–267. ISBN 978-0-0286-6024-0 March 8, 2017閲覧。
- Giddings, Paula J. (2008). “Wells-Barnett, Ida B. 1862–1931”. In Moore, John Hartwell. Encyclopedia of Race and Racism. Vol. 3: S–Z (1st ed.). MacMillan Reference USA, an imprint of Gale. pp. 207–219. ISBN 978-0-0286-6023-3. LCCN 2007-24359 October 18, 2020閲覧。
- Goings, Kenneth W. (October 7, 2019). “Memphis Free Speech”. Tennessee Encyclopedia. Tennessee Historical Society November 5, 2020閲覧。
- Gyimah, Miriam C. (2008). “Wells-Barnett, Ida B”. In Boyce Davies, Carole. Encyclopedia of the African Diaspora: Origins, Experiences, and Culture. ABC-Clio. pp. 976–978. ISBN 978-1-8510-9700-5. LCCN 2008-11880 February 14, 2019閲覧。
- “Honoring Ida B. Wells With Chicago's First Monument to an African American Woman”. BPI – Business and Professional People for the Public Interest (October 22, 2015). April 23, 2020閲覧。
- Johnston, Hank; Oliver, Pamela Elaine, eds (2020). Racialized Protest and the State: Resistance and Repression in a Divided America. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 978-0-367-26353-9. LCCN 2020-8052. OCLC 1159575442 November 9, 2020閲覧。
- Jones, Wendy D.. “Wendy Jones”. AALBC.com. Tampa, Florida: AALBC.com, LLC (African American Literature Book Club). November 3, 2020閲覧。
- Jordan, Brucella Wiggins (2003). Ida B. Wells, Catherine Impey, and Trans-Atlantic Dimensions of the Nineteenth-Century Anti-Lynching Movement (PhD dissertation, history, Eberly College of Arts and Sciences, Department of History). Morgantown: West Virginia University. 2020年11月17日閲覧。 OCLC 52488224, 1158307686.
- “Key Findings”. Lynching in America – Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror (eBook) (3rd ed.). Montgomery, Alabama: Equal Justice Initiative. (2017). OCLC 1160165955 November 9, 2020閲覧。
Citing → Tolnay, Stewart Emory; Beck, Elwood Meredith (1992). A Festival of Violence: An Analysis of Southern Lynchings, 1882–1930. University of Illinois Press. ISBN 0-252-06413-5. LCCN 94--7396. OCLC 1015166019 November 9, 2020閲覧。
Quoting → Raper, Arthur Franklin (1899–1979) (1936). The Mob Still Rides: A Review of the Lynching Record, 1931–1935. Atlanta, Georgia: Commission on Interracial Cooperation. OCLC 1130312430 - King, Oona (radio guest); Parris, Matthew (radio host) (August–October 2014). “Baroness Oona King on Ida B Wells”. BBC Radio 4 (Bristol) May 30, 2020閲覧。
- Klinger, Jerry (né Jerrold Ira Klinger; born 1948) (July 15, 2019). “Jewish Group Helps Dedicate Ida Wells-Barnett Marker”. San Diego Jewish World July 17, 2019閲覧。. Klinger, among other things, is the founder of the Jewish American Society for Historic Preservation.
- Mann, Susan A. (Summer 2011). “Pioneers of U.S. Ecofeminism and Environmental Justice”. Feminist Formations (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press) 23 (2): 1–25. doi:10.1353/ff.2011.0028. ISSN 2151-7363. JSTOR 41301654. OCLC 752343699.
- “Ida B. Wells: Suffragist, Feminist, and Leader”. info.umkc.edu – University of Missouri–Kansas City (February 21, 2018). October 8, 2019閲覧。
- McBride, Jennifer (1999年). “Ida B. Wells: Crusade for Justice”. Webster University. January 30, 2013閲覧。
- McCluskey, Audrey Thomas (2014). A Forgotten Sisterhood: Pioneering Black Women Educations and Activists in the Jim Crow South. Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 978-1-4422-1138-4. OCLC 883647209 October 28, 2020閲覧。
- McKinney, Megan (August 19, 2018). “Ida B. Wells: The 'Drive' in Her Name – A Long Wait for a Distinguished Lady” (online). Chicago Classic Magazine October 26, 2020閲覧。.
- McMurry, Linda O. (1998). To Keep the Waters Troubled: The Life of Ida B. Wells. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780195139273 November 25, 2018閲覧。
- Mississippi Writers Trail (November 7, 2019). “Historical Marker: Ida B. Wells”. Jackson: Mississippi Arts Commission. June 16, 2020閲覧。
- Mitchell, Judylynn (November 11, 1979). “Daughter of Slave Fights for Racial Justice”. The Daily Times (Salisbury, Maryland) 56 (343): p. D13 October 26, 2020閲覧。
- Myrick-Harris, Clarissa (July 2002). “Against All Odds”. Smithsonian 33 (4): 70–77 November 12, 2020閲覧。. ISSN 0037-7333. OCLC 718515121 (全ての版). OCLC 96987499 (全ての版).
- “NABJ: Ida B. Wells Award”. www.nabj.org. National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ). February 22, 2017閲覧。
- “National Afro-American Council”. NKAA – Notable Kentucky African Americans Database. Lexington: University of Kentucky Libraries. November 2, 2020閲覧。
- “National Association of Colored Women's Clubs”. Encyclopædia Britannica (online). (August 4, 2017) April 23, 2020閲覧。
- National Women's Hall of Fame (November 15, 1988). “Ida B. Wells-Barnett”. November 22, 2018閲覧。
- Nettles, Arionne Alyssa (November 4, 2019). “Ida B. Wells' Lasting Impact on Chicago Politics and Power”. WBEZ Chicago. November 15, 2020閲覧。
- New York County Lawyers' Association (February 25, 2020). “18th Annual Ida B. Wells Barnett Award Reception”. November 3, 2020閲覧。
- Northwestern University. “Ida B. Wells Award”. Evanston, Illinois: Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University. February 22, 2017閲覧。
- “Our Creation Story”. Chapel Hill: Ida B. Wells Society for Investigative Reporting, UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media. February 16, 2018閲覧。
- Paisana, Joanne Madin Vieira (2016). Mendes, João Ribeiro. ed. “Playing the Transatlantic Card: The British Anti-Lynching Campaigns of Ida B. Wells”. Diacrítica. Series: Philosophy and Culture (Printed in Vila Nova de Famalicão, Portugal, by the University of Minho) 30 (2): 187–203 November 12, 2020閲覧。. (the journal is in Portuguese; however, this article, and others, are in English) (the journal is licensed under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC). ISSN 0870-8967 (paper). ISSN 2183-9174 (ejournal). OCLC 1187195460 (全ての版). OCLC 639150526 (全ての版)
- Palmer, Stephanie C. (2009). “Wells-Barnett, Ida B”. In Finkelman, Paul. Encyclopedia of African American History, 1896 to the Present: From the Age of Segregation to the Twenty-First Century. 5. Oxford University Press. pp. 107–108. doi:10.1093/acref/9780195301731.013.46339. ISBN 978-0-1951-6779-5. LCCN 2008-34263. OCLC 828073382
- Pavithra, Mohan (August 8, 2018). “How These Women Raised $42k in a Day for an Ida B. Wells Monument”. Fast Company January 14, 2019閲覧。. (article is online only, not in a print edition)
- Peavey, Linda; Smith, Ursula (April 2019). “A Determined Quest for Equality – How Ida B. Wells Battled Jim Crow in Memphis”. Memphis (Contemporary Media) 44 (1): 46–49 October 25, 2020閲覧。. Alternate link via ISSUU (a version of this story was published in the June 1983 issue of Memphis).
- Perkins, Kathy A.; Stephens, Judith Louise (Judith Stephens-Lorenz), eds (1998). Strange Fruit: Plays on Lynching by American Women. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press. pp. 366–408. ISBN 0-253-33356-3. LCCN 97--29605. OCLC 751143552 November 6, 2020閲覧。. (link via Google Books; Perkins, among other things, was, in 2007, inducted into the College of Fellows of the American Theatre (see CV); Stephens retired as Professor of Humanities and Theatre at Penn State Schuylkill, where she had been an educator since 1977)
- "Michon Boston" (1962– ), pp. 366–367
- Iola's Letter (1994), pp. 368–408
- Pinar, William Frederick (January 2001). “8 – White Women and the Campaign Against Lynching: Frances Willard, Jane Addams, Jesse Daniel Ames”. Counterpoints. Vol. 163 – The Gender of Racial Politics and Violence in America: Lynching, Prison Rape, & the Crisis of Masculinity (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang) 163: 487–554. ISSN 1058-1634. JSTOR 42977758. OCLC 5792541764. (Pinar offers a description of the accusations made between Willard and Wells in England in 1894.)
- Pinar, William Frederick (2009). The Worldliness of a Cosmopolitan Education: Passionate Lives in Public Service. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-1358-4485-1. LCCN 2008-46092. OCLC 846131889
- Portrait of Ida B. Wells (April 6, 2006). “A Celebration of Ida B. Wells”. Cambridge: Harvard Kennedy School Forum. February 22, 2017閲覧。
- Portwood, Shirley J. (Winter 2000–2001). “Reviewed Work: The Reason Why the Colored American Is Not in the World's Columbian Exposition: The Afro-American Contribution to Columbian Literature by Ida B. Wells, Frederick Douglass, Irvine Garland Penn, Ferdinand Barnett, Robert W. Rydell”. Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society 93 (4): 457–459. ISBN 9783847201823. ISSN 1522-1067. JSTOR 40193465. OCLC 5542906749. Review of the 1893 work, The Reason Why the Colored American Is Not in the World's Columbian Exposition: The Afro-American Contribution to Columbian Literature, by Ida B. Wells, Frederick Douglass, Irvine Garland Penn, and Ferdinand Barnett. Re-published 1999. Robert W. Rydell (ed.); Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press
- “Announcement of the 2020 Pulitzer Prize Winners – Special Citation: Ida B. Wells”. Pulitzer.org (May 4, 2020). May 5, 2020閲覧。
- “Quakers Against Racism: Catherine Impey and the Anti-Caste Journal”. Quakers of the World (co-funded by the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust). November 11, 2018閲覧。OCLC 607352452).
- Ritchie, Donald A. (2007). “Part 3. Society's Critics (1900–1945)" ... "Ida B. Wells-Barnett”. American Journalists – Getting the Story. Oxford University Press. pp. 164–166. ISBN 978-0-1953-2837-0. LCCN 96--29208. OCLC 1099791041 October 26, 2020閲覧。
- Rooney, Terrie M.; Lemerand, Karen E., eds (1998). “Ida B. Wells-Barnett”. Contemporary Heroes and Heroines. 3. Gale Research. pp. 644–651. ISBN 978-0-7876-2215-2. OCLC 38956591 November 9, 2020閲覧。. (also accessible online: "Ida B. Wells-Barnett" via the Christian Broadcasting Network. Retrieved November 7, 2020)
- Schechter, Patricia (January 14, 2003). Ida B. Wells–Barnett and American Reform: 1880–1930. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 9780807875469 October 26, 2020閲覧。
- Seymour, James B., Jr. (2006). “Wells-Barnett, Ida B”. In Finkelman, Paul. Encyclopedia of African American History, 1896 to the Present: From the Age of Segregation to the Twenty-First Century. 3. Oxford University Press. pp. 333–334. doi:10.1093/acref/9780195301731.013.46339. ISBN 978-0-1951-6777-1. LCCN 2005-33701. OCLC 607234039
- Sheriff, Stacey Ellen (December 2009). Rhetoric and Revision: Women's Arguments for Social Justice in the Progressive Era (PhD, Department of English). Pennsylvania State University. OCLC 783231213. 2020年10月26日閲覧。
- Stansell, Christine (2010). The Feminist Promise – 1792 to the Present. New York: The Modern Library. pp. 126–128. ISBN 978-0-8129-7202-3. LCCN 2009-26662. OCLC 770464849 February 16, 2017閲覧。
- Stetz, Margaret Diane (Spring 2018). “Re-Embodying Ida B. Wells: A Figure of Resistance in American Popular Culture”. Americana: The Journal of American Popular Culture, 1900 to Present (Hollywood) 17 (1). ISSN 1553-8931 November 3, 2020閲覧。.
- Stillion Southard, Belinda A. (née Belinda A. Stillion; born 1978) (2011). Militant Citizenship: Rhetorical Strategies of the National Woman's Party, 1913–1920. Texas A&M University Press. ISBN 978-1-60344-281-7. LCCN 2011-5218. OCLC 892519712
- Thompson, Mildred Isabelle (1990). Ida B. Wells-Barnett: An Exploratory Study of an American Black Woman, 1893–1930. Black Women in United States History. 15. Brooklyn: Carlton Publishing Group. ISBN 978-0-9260-1921-8. LCCN 90--1399. OCLC 21035436 November 9, 2020閲覧。 (this book, Vol. 15 of a 16-vol. set, is an adaptation of Thompson's 1979 PhD dissertation at George Washington University; OCLC 78529680).
- Tichi, Celelia (née Cecelia Louise Halbert; born 1942) (2011). “Chapter 7”. Civic Passions: Seven Who Launched Progressive America (end notes). Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 978-0-8078-7191-1. LCCN 2009-11634. OCLC 1055332079 October 28, 2020閲覧。 (webcast via Library of Congress).
- “Introduction”. Truth-Telling: Frances Willard and Ida B. Wells (version 9 ed.). Evanston, Illinois: Frances Willard House Museum and Archives October 24, 2020閲覧。
- Type Investigations Fellowship. “Ida B. Wells Fellowship”. www.typeinvestigations.org. New York: Type Investigations, formerly The Investigative Fund, the investigateive newsroom of the Type Media Center. November 29, 2018閲覧。
- University of Louisville. “Ida B. Wells Award”. February 22, 2017閲覧。
- University of Memphis, Department of Philosophy (2007– ). “Ida B. Wells Conference”. May 4, 2020閲覧。
- USPS: Women stamps (May 2020). “Women Subjects on United States Postage Stamps”. United States Postal Service. pp. 1–8. November 3, 2020閲覧。
- USPS: African American stamps (May 2020). “African American Subjects on United States Postage Stamps”. United States Postal Service. pp. 1–6. November 3, 2020閲覧。
- Viagas, Robert (December 1, 1995). “AuDelCo Award Winners”. Playbill (New York: Playbill Inc.) January 31, 2018閲覧。. See: AUDELCO.
- “Truth-Telling: Frances Willard and Ida B. Wells, Introduction”. Frances Willard House Museum and Archives (March 14, 2019). March 18, 2019閲覧。
- “Wells-Barnett Museum (Ida B.)”. Holly Springs, Mississippi: The Ida B. Wells Memorial Foundation. February 17, 2017閲覧。
- “Wells-Barnett Museum (Ida B.)”. Holly Springs, Mississippi: The Ida B. Wells Memorial Foundation. February 22, 2017閲覧。
- Wells, Ida Bell (1970). Duster, Alfreda. ed. Crusade for Justice: The Autobiography of Ida B. Wells. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-89344-8. LCCN 73-108837. OCLC 8162296586 September 8, 2019閲覧。 (Negro American Biographies and Autobiographies Series. John Hope Franklin, Series Editor)
- Wells, Ida B. (1894). The Red Record – Tabulated Statistics and Alleged Causes of Lynchings in the United States, 1892 – 1893 – 1894. Chicago: Donohue & Henneberry November 23, 2020閲覧。 OCLC 26846545 (全ての版). Library of Congress, Manuscript/Mixed Material – www
.loc . Also transcribed by Project Gutenberg → e-book No. 17977 (released February 8, 2005)..gov /item /mfd .40021 - “Wells, Ida B., Papers, 1884–1976”. Joseph Regenstein Library, University of Chicago (1978年). March 21, 2015閲覧。
- Wells, Ida B.; Douglass, Frederick; Penn, Garland I.; Bernett, Ferdinand Lee (1893). Wells, Ida B.. ed. The Reason Why: The Colored American Is Not in the World's Columbian Exposition. Chicago: Miss Ida B. Wells, 128 S. Clark Street. OCLC 702372532 October 26, 2020閲覧。. LCCN mfd.25023
- Wells, Ida B. (1892). Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases. New York: New York Age Print
- Wikimapia. “Ida B. Wells Homes Chicago, Illinois”. wikimapia.org. May 12, 2012閲覧。
- Willard, Frances (interviewed) (October 23, 1890). “The Race Problem – Miss Willard on the Political Puzzle of the South”. New York Voice (New York, Astor Place: Funk & Wagnalls Company) 7. OCLC 32278752 . (the article is an inverview with Willard by the New York Voice when she was in Atlanta in October 1890 for WCTU's annual convention, wherein she stated: "The grog shop is its center of power. The safety of woman, of childhood, of the home is menaced in a thousand localities at this moment, so that men dare not go beyond the sight of their own roof tree.")
- Yaeger, Lynn (October 21, 2015). “The African-American Suffragists History Forgot”. Vogue May 5, 2018閲覧。.
- Zackodnik, Teresa Christine (July–August 2005). “Ida B. Wells and 'American Atrocities" in Britain”. Women's Studies International Forum (ScienceDirect (Elsevier)) 28 (4): 259–273. doi:10.1016/j.wsif.2005.04.012. ISSN 0277-5395. OCLC 936719646 February 17, 2010閲覧。.
- “A Bright Woman”. St. Joseph Daily News (St. Joseph, Missouri) 17 (9): p. 7. (June 11, 1895). OCLC 13745156 October 26, 2020閲覧. " (also LCCN sn86063691)"
- Bonfiglio, Jeremy Dean (February 19, 2012). “Great Grandson of Influential Civil Rights Pioneer Ida B. Wells Keeps Her Legacy Alive”. The Herald-Palladium (St. Joseph, Michigan) 127 (50): pp. 1–2 (section C). ISBN 9783847201823. OCLC 669922511 October 26, 2020閲覧。 Note: Daniel B. Duster (born 1968), in the article, is a great-grandson of Ida B. Wells-Barnett by way of his paternal grandmother, Alfreda Duster; he is a nephew of academician Troy Duster, PhD.
- Brown, DeNeed L. (April 26, 2018). “Ida B. Wells: Lynching Museum, Memorial Honors Woman Who Fought Lynching”. The Washington Post April 27, 2018閲覧。
- Burgess, Katherine (October 26, 2020). “Ida B. Wells was driven out of Memphis in 1892. She might soon have her own statue there”. USA Today. November 4, 2020閲覧。
- Burleigh, Nina (August 21, 1988). “Hall of Fame Will Induct 10”. Chicago Tribune 142 (234): p. 2, section 6. ISSN 1085-6706 June 30, 2019閲覧。
- Cavna, Michael (July 16, 2015). “Here's Why Google Doodle Salutes Fearless, Peerless Word-Warrior Ida B. Wells”. The Washington Post January 14, 2019閲覧。
- “Miss Ida B. Wells – A Lecture”. The Washington Bee (Washington, D.C.: Bee Publishing) 11 (19): p. 3. (October 22, 1892). ISSN 1940-7424. OCLC 10587828 November 10, 2020閲覧。
- Collins, Sam P. K. (April 4–10, 2019). “D.C.'s Newest Middle School Named After Ida B. Wells”. The Washington Informer 54 (25). ISSN 0741-9414 . The online edition, here, is dated March 26, 2019.
- Dickerson, Caitlin (March 9, 2018). “Ida B. Wells, Who Took on Racism in the Deep South With Powerful Reporting on Lynchings” (online). The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331 April 22, 2018閲覧。
- Gates, Anita (July 23, 2006). “Theater Review; A Pageant Based on History, With Songs That Yearn”. The New York Times: p. 14, section CN June 22, 2010閲覧。. The article is a review of a 2002 musical drama, Constant Star, produced July 13–30, 2006, at the Westport Country Playhouse.
- Greene, Morgan (May 4, 2020). “Ida B. Wells Receives Pulitzer Prize Citation: 'The Only Thing She Really Had Was the Truth'”. Chicago Tribune. ISSN 1085-6706 May 5, 2020閲覧。
- Grossman, Ron (June 23, 2013). “Illinois Women Win the Right to Vote”. Chicago Tribune. ISSN 1085-6706 November 17, 2018閲覧。
- Heather-Lea, Patricia (March 30, 2017). “Letter to the Editor: Ida Wells an inspiring heroine for International Women's Day”. Addison County Independent (Middlebury, Vermont) 71 (13) October 26, 2020閲覧。
- Hentoff, Nat (March 28, 1994). “One Teacher's Struggle to Overcome Bigotry”. Pasadena Star-News: p. A10 November 6, 2020閲覧。
- Hineman, Brinley (June 12, 2020). “Protesters Hang an 'Ida B. Wells Plaza' Banner Where a Statue of Edward Carmack Stood Before It Was Toppled by Protesters”. The Tennessean (Nashville) June 16, 2020閲覧。
- “Horrible but True”. Cleveland Gazette 9 (23): p. 1. (January 16, 1892)
- “Birmingham Blue Plaque Unveiled to Commemorate Civil Rights Activist Ida B. Wells”. I Am Birmingham (Birmingham, England: Adam Yosef). (February 14, 2012) November 4, 2020閲覧。
- Jalabi, Raya (July 16, 2015). “Ida B Wells, African American Activist, Honored by Google”. The Guardian (London) January 14, 2019閲覧。
- Linton, Caroline (TV host); Dickerson, Caitlin (TV guest) (March 8, 2018). “'We Want to Address These Inequities of Our Time': NYT Starts New Series Featuring Overlooked Obituaries”. CBS News March 31, 2019閲覧。. The link to the article includes both text and video.
- “Miss Ida B. Wells About to Marry.”. The Washington Post. (June 13, 1895). ISSN 2641-0702. OCLC 8787120. オリジナルのJanuary 11, 2012時点におけるアーカイブ。 May 9, 2008閲覧。
- Pratt, Gregory; Byrne, John (July 25, 2018). “Ida B. Wells Gets Her Street—City Council Approves Renaming Congress in Her Honor”. Chicago Tribune: chicagotribune
.com . ISSN 1085-6706 July 28, 2018閲覧。. Chicago Tribune's Lolly Bowean contributed. - Rogers, Phil (TV news reporter) (April 11, 2018). “Great-Granddaughter of Ida B. Wells Looks to Erect Memorial”. NBC Chicago (NBC 5). November 3, 2020閲覧。
- Sama, Dominic (February 4, 1990). “Issues Honor Ida B. Wells, Judicial System”. Chicago Tribune 143 (35): p. 11 (section 14) November 11, 2020閲覧。
- Shaw, Nichole (June 30, 2021). “Unveiling of Ida B. Wells Monument in Bronzeville met with 'joy, excitement, appreciation and humbleness'” (英語). Chicago Sun-Times July 3, 2021閲覧。
- Slevin, Peter (July 10, 2018). “History: Movement to Honor Anti-Lynching Crusader and Journalist Ida B. Wells in Chicago Is Gaining Momentum, and Is 'Long Overdue'”. Good Black News (News aggregator and blog of Facebook): (www
.goodblacknews ) July 13, 2018閲覧。. Originally published June 20, 2018, in The Lily of The Washington Post (link), which, in turn, was an adaptation of a story in the Washington Post by Peter Slevin published June 15, 2015, titled "'You Can't Just Gloss Over This History': The Movement to Honor Ida B. Wells Gains Momentum.".org - Smith, David (November 11, 2018). “Ida B Wells: The Unsung Heroine of the Civil Rights Movement”. The Guardian (London) November 11, 2018閲覧。
- Washington, Linn (February 14, 2019). “Ida Wells Barnett Honored in Birmingham, England”. The Chicago Crusader February 17, 2019閲覧。
- Wells, Ida B. (1911年). “The Negro's Quest for Work”. Chicago Daily News OCLC 11473657 (全ての版).
- Reprinted by the New York Call (July 23, 1911). "The Negro's Quest for Work". LCCN sn83-30226. OCLC 9448923 (全ての版).
- Transcribed and published by The Black Worker (1900 to 1919). Vol. 5. Foner, Philip Sheldon (1910–1994); Lewis, Ronald L. (eds.). Part I: "Economic Condition of the Black Worker at the Turn of the Twentieth-Century". Temple University Press. pp. 38–39 – via JSTOR j.ctvn1tcpp.5. OCLC 1129353605 (全ての版).
- “The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow – Jim Crow Stories: Ida B. Wells Forced Out of Memphis (1892)”. www.thirteen.org. WNET. November 27, 2018閲覧。
- Flowers, Mary E. (sponsor) (February 12, 2012). “House Resolution 770: Ida B. Wells Day in the State of Illinois”. House Journal, Ninety-Seventh General Assembly. Illinois House of Representatives 104th Legislative Day, Regular & Perfunctory Session. pp. 7–8 November 9, 2020閲覧。. " ... presented to Michelle Duster, great-granddaughter of Ida B. Wells for efforts to protect her legacy".
- Journal of the Senate of the 48th General Assembly of the State of Illinois. Illinois Senate (Regular Biennial Session ed.). Springfield: Illinois State Journal Co.. (1914) November 9, 2020閲覧。
- Journal of the House of Representatives of the 48th General Assembly of the State of Illinois. Illinois House of Representatives (Regular Biennial Session ed.). Springfield: Illinois State Journal Co.. (1914) November 9, 2020閲覧。
[編集]- Buechler, Steven Michael (1990). Women's Movements in the United States: Woman Suffrage, Equal Rights, and Beyond. New Brunswick, New Jersey, and London: Rutgers University Press. ISBN 0-8135-1558-0. LCCN 89--49083. OCLC 925227511
- Campbell, Karlyn Kohrs (November 1986). “Style and Content in the Rhetoric of Early Afro‐American Feminists”. Quarterly Journal of Speech (Routledge on behalf of the National Communication Association) 72 (4): 434–445. doi:10.1080/00335638609383786. ISSN 0033-5630. LCCN 56-53730. OCLC 4659161765.
- Davis, Elizabeth Lindsay (1855–1944) (1922). The Story of the Illinois Federation of Colored Women's Clubs, 1900–1922. Chicago: Illinois Federation of Colored Women's Clubs. OCLC 830433285 November 5, 2020閲覧。 (portraits from the book have been digitized and are archived at the New York Public Library, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Jean Blackwell Hutson Research and Reference Division; Template:NYPL – click on "Digital Gallery").
- Effinger-Crichlow, Marta (née Marta Jenell Effinger) (2014). “Chapter 1: 'Tell My People to Go West': Ida B. Wells”. Staging Migrations Toward an American West: From Ida B. Wells to Rhodessa Jones. Boulder: University Press of Colorado. pp. 19–60. ISBN 978-1-6073-2311-2. OCLC 867020572 JSTOR j.ctt83jhx6 (the author published a PhD dissertation under the same title in 2000 at Northwestern University; OCLC 1194713125)
- Gere, Anne Ruggle; Robbins, Sarah Ruffing (Spring 1996). “Gendered Literacy in Black and White: Turn-of-the-Century African-American and European-American Club Women's Printed Texts”. Signs 21 (3): 643–678. doi:10.1086/495101. ISSN 0097-9740. JSTOR 3175174. OCLC 4639157083 .
- Hendricks, Wanda Ann (1998). Gender, Race, and Politics in the Midwest: Black Club Women in Illinos. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press. ISBN 978-0-2533-3447-3. LCCN 98--3091. OCLC 38520618
- McCammon, Holly J. (March 2003). “'Out of the Parlors and Into the Streets': The Changing Tactical Repertoire of the U.S. Women's Suffrage Movements”. Social Forces (University of Oxford Press) 81 (3): 787–818. doi:10.1353/sof.2003.0037. ISSN 0037-7732. OCLC 703594031.
- Parker, Maegan F. (married name: Maegan Parker Brooks) (Spring 2008). “Desiring Citizenship: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Wells/Willard Controversy”. Women's Studies in Communication 31 (1): 56–78. doi:10.1080/07491409.2008.10162522. ISSN 0749-1409. OCLC 347075486.
- Royster, Jacqueline Jones, ed (2016). Southern Horrors and Other Writings: The Anti-Lynching Campaign of Ida B. Wells, 1892–1900 (2nd ed.). Bedford/St. Martin's. ISBN 978-1-319-04904-1. OCLC 930997497
[編集]アイダ・B・ウェルズに関する 図書館収蔵著作物 |
アイダ・B・ウェルズ著の著作物 |
- Baker, Lee D.. “Ida B. Wells-Barnett (1862–1931) and Her Passion for Justice”. Duke University. December 9, 2007閲覧。
- Ida B. Wells (1862–1931) (Biography)
- Ida B. Wells, "Lynch Law" (1893), History Is a Weapon Website
- Davidson, James West. 'They say': Ida B. Wells and the Reconstruction of Race. Oxford University Press, 2009. ISBN 978-0-1951-6021-5. OCLC 237042761.
- Dray, Philip, Yours for Justice, Ida B. Wells: The Daring Life of a Crusading Journalist, Peachtree, 2008.
- “Illinois During the Gilded Age, 1866–1896”. DeKalb: Illinois Historical Digitization Projects at the Northern Illinois University Libraries. March 28, 2008閲覧。
- "Ida B. Wells, 1862–1931"
- "The Writing of Ida B. Wells"
- "About Ida B. Wells and Her Writings". Schechter, Patricia Ann, PhD. Portland State University.
- "Video" – In the videos, Schechter talks about Wells' experiences and legacy – archive link via Wayback Machine. Archived from the original on July 19, 2008 (14 files archived in RealMedia format). Retrieved March 28, 2008.
- Lutes, Jean Marie (2007). Front Page Girls: Women Journalists in American Culture and Fiction, 1880–1930. Cornell University Press. ISBN 978-0-8014-7412-5 July 16, 2015閲覧。
- Wells, Ida B. (1995). Decosta-Willis, Miriam. ed. The Memphis Diary of Ida B. Wells: memoirs, travel notes and selected articles. Beacon Press. ISBN 0807070653
- Shay, Alison (July 16, 2012). “Remembering Ida B. Wells-Barnett”. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina. August 1, 2013時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。September 29, 2012閲覧。
- This work was originally posted on a blog that was part of UNC's Long Civil Rights Movement Project – The LCRM Project (JSTOR 3660172). It was funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and UNC for five years, from 2008 to 2012, and its published works were a collaboration of (i) the UNC Special Collections Library, (ii) the University of North Carolina Press, and (iii) the Southern Oral History Program in UNC's Center for the Study of the American South. A fourth partner during the project's first three years was the Center for Civil Rights of UNC's School of Law.
- Silkey, Sarah Lynn (2015). Black Woman Reformer: Ida B. Wells, Lynching, and Transatlantic Activism. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press. ISBN 978-0-8203-5378-4. OCLC 1005870470
- Summerville, Raymond M. (2021). “"Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty": The Proverbs and Proverbial Sayings of Ida B. Wells-Barnett”. Proverbium 38: 315–360. ISSN 0743-782X February 18, 2022閲覧。.
- Wells, Ida B. (April 27, 2018). “'Lynching Is Color-Line Murder': The Blistering Speech Denouncing America's Shame”. The Guardian (London) October 8, 2020閲覧。 Republication of "Lynching: Our National Crime", Wells' speech delivered during the 1909 National Negro Conference, published in the book, Proceedings of the National Negro Conference, 1909. pp. 174–179. New York: May 31 and June 1 – book is accessible via Internet Archive).
- Ida B. Wellsの作品 (インターフェイスは英語)- プロジェクト・グーテンベルク
[編集]- アイダ・B・ウェルズの作品 (インターフェイスは英語)- プロジェクト・グーテンベルク
- アイダ・B・ウェルズの著作 - LibriVox(パブリックドメインオーディオブック)
- アイダ・B・ウェルズ - Find a Grave
- Norwood, Arlisha. "Ida B. Wells-Barnett". National Women's History Museum. 2017.
- Ida B. Wells Papers, 1884–1976. Joseph Regenstein Library, University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center; OCLC 19496699
- "Wells-Barnett, Ida B." (family photo) University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center, Photo Archive