Obodo Békè
part of the world, continent
Akụkụ nkeEurasia, Ostfeste, Àlà, Afro-Eurasia Dezie
aha mkpirisi, ,  Dezie
A gụrụ ahaEuropa Dezie
mba/obodono value Dezie
dị na mpaghara ogeEurope/Athens, Europe/Brussels, Europe/London, Kaliningrad Time, Europe/Moscow Dezie
dị na / na njirimara ahụrụ ányáEbe Ugwu Dezie
nhazi ọnọdụ48°41′27″N 9°8′26″E Dezie
nhazi nke ebe ọwụwa anyanwụ56°0′0″N 41°0′0″E Dezie
nhazi nke ebe ugwu71°0′0″N 24°0′0″E Dezie
nhazi nke ebe ndịda36°0′0″N 6°0′0″W Dezie
nhazi nke ebe ọdịda anyanwụ52°0′0″N 10°0′0″W Dezie
ebe kachasi eluMount Elbrus Dezie
kacha alaCaspian Sea Dezie
Nkwekọrịtara oke alaAsia Dezie
mụrụ yaEuropean studies Dezie
time of discovery or invention200000 years BCE, 1200000 years BCE Dezie
Ogo dị elu ọnọdụ ịntanetị.eu Dezie
ọkọlọtọflag of Europe Dezie
ọdịdị ala nke isiokwugeography of Europe Dezie
akụkọ ihe mere eme nke isiokwuhistory of Europe Dezie
Akụ na ụba nke isiokwueconomy of Europe Dezie
demographics nke isiokwudemographics of Europe Dezie
Stack Exchange mkpadohttps://opendata.stackexchange.com/tags/europe Dezie
udi maka maapụCategory:Maps of Europe Dezie

Obodo Békè' bu he ndi Igbo kpowa ala ukwu ndi ocha ana-kpo Europe. O soto Asia na Afrịka n'imerime madu bi la ya.

Lee nke ozo


Ala no na obodo bekee
