Pembicaraan Pengguna:ArdWar/Arsip
Bagian baruGambar PC Media Antivirus
[sunting sumber]Saya sebagai Pengguna AV PCMAV ingin menjelaskan bahwa gambar yang saya dapatkan berasal dari website official PCMAV di Gambar : Artikel PCMAV : Mohon maaf jika ada salah kata, saya masih baru di wikipedia. :)
Ali munir
[sunting sumber]>>>Ali Munir (bicara) 23:44, 14 April 2009 (UTC)
Voting artikel yang berjudul Marching Band Gita Teladan
[sunting sumber]Bisa ikut memberi suara di sini? Relly Komaruzaman Bicara 16:42, 9 April 2009 (UTC)
Mikhailov Kusserow dan NoiX180
[sunting sumber]Mengenai komentar yang Anda berikan di halaman pembicaraan ini, perlu Anda ketahui bahwa Mikhilov Kusserow dan NoiX180 bukanlah administrator/pengurus di Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia.
Relly Komaruzaman Bicara 07:50, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
Re: Mohon bantuan templat
[sunting sumber]Halo, cara paling mudah untuk membuat templat yang sudah ada di wp.en adalah dengan menyalin templat dari sana dan menerjemahkannya ke bahasa Indonesia. Apa benar en:Template:Infobox electronic component ini yang dimaksud?
Btw, jangan lupa membubuhkan tanda tangan dengan memberi empat tilda (~~~~) sewaktu meninggalkan pesan ya. •• ivanlanin ♫ 07:32, 17 April 2009 (UTC)
- Eh, maaf. Saya lupa menjawab masalah templat. Sudah dibantu oleh yang lain?•• ivanlanin ♫ 13:29, 18 April 2009 (UTC)
Membuatnya mudah saja. Coba simak suntingan pertama saya di {{Infobox komponen elektronika}}. Saya hanya memasukkan nama templat, dan field-field seperti yang tertera di keterangan {{Infobox}}. Kemudian dari sana baru dikembangkan, dibetulkan di sana-sini, dipangkas yang tidak dipakai, dll. Silakan bereksperimen di {{Bak pasir templat}}. 03:04, 20 April 2009 (UTC) Hubungi: Bennylin | ∧∧ (,,°Д°) |
[sunting sumber]Tandatangan Anda
∧∧ (,,゚Д゚) |
05:54, 18 April 2009 (UTC) | B·K·L·P |
Betul, menurut saya itu bisa membingungkan pengguna lain. :( Jaim (bicara) 06:00, 18 April 2009 (UTC)
Iya-iya...udah ganti kok....ini versi paraf-nya ArdWar(kirim pesan) 11:24, 18 April 2009 (UTC) he...he...he
Masalah tanda tangan ini membingungkan.. seperti maling teriak maling. borgx(kirim pesan) 00:06, 19 April 2009 (UTC)
[sunting sumber]Saya bukan ahli bahasa, mungkin Anda bisa baca-baca di glosarium. Untuk cara memindahkan berkas ke commons yang paling gampang adalah dengan memuatnya ulang di sana. borgx(kirim pesan) 00:07, 19 April 2009 (UTC)
[sunting sumber]Tempe goreng202.59.174.193 05:59, 19 April 2009 (UTC)
Bahasa Indonesia
[sunting sumber]Anda benar!
Bahasa adalah suatu hal yang berkembang seiring kemajuan dan tradisi komunikasi yang lebih baik, lebih indah, dan lebih lazim digunakan.
EYD adalah Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan, itu berarti belum sempurna dan mungkin tidak akan pernah sempurna.
Coba Anda baca artikel yang berjudul Bahasa Indonesia, dan pahami yang diucapkan Ki Hajar Dewantara dalam Kongres Bahasa Indonesia I tahun 1939 di Solo, Jawa Tengah. Beliau berkata, "Jang dinamakan 'Bahasa Indonesia' jaitoe bahasa Melajoe jang soenggoehpoen pokoknja berasal dari 'Melajoe Riaoe', akan tetapi jang soedah ditambah, dioebah ataoe dikoerangi menoeroet keperloean zaman dan alam baharoe, hingga bahasa itoe laloe moedah dipakai oleh rakjat di seloeroeh Indonesia; pembaharoean bahasa Melajoe hingga menjadi bahasa Indonesia itoe haroes dilakoekan oleh kaoem ahli jang beralam baharoe, ialah alam kebangsaan Indonesia".
Terima kasih atas pesan yang Anda berikan, dan sampai jumpa lagi dikomunikasi berikutnya.
Relly Komaruzaman Bicara 07:29, 21 April 2009 (UTC)
[sunting sumber]Tuliskan permohonan Anda di Wikipedia:Perubahan nama pengguna/Permintaan. Kontribusi Anda akan dipindahkan juga. borgx(kirim pesan) 07:31, 21 April 2009 (UTC)
- Done by Borgx. Mikhailov Kusserow (bicara) 09:35, 21 April 2009 (UTC)
[sunting sumber]Bahasa Inggris memiliki kosakata yang lebih bervariasi dari bahasa Indonesia. Tanah bisa saja diterjemah menjadi Earth (Bumi), ground (tanah), dan soil (tanah).
Kesimpulannya, jadikan bahasa Inggris sebagaimana bahasa Yang biasa digunakan oleh penutur bahasa aslinya secara tradisi ataupun kebiasaan berdasarkan konteks penerapan kosakata. Kebiasaan penggunaan kosakata bahasa Inggris sangat banyak variasinya, tapi American English (English U.S.)dan British English (English U.K.) merupakan bahasa Inggris yang mendunia dijadikan pedoman.
Untuk lebih jelas mengenai macam-macam bahasa Inggris, silahkan Anda lihat di Microsoft Office Word 2003 ataupun versi yang lebih baru. English (Indonesia) juga ada di daftar bahasa pada Microsoft Office Word tersebut.
Apakah Anda ingin menjadi murid online saya yang kesekian kalinya?
Relly Komaruzaman Bicara 13:36, 21 April 2009 (UTC)
[sunting sumber]Menurut saya parameter tidak sebaiknya diganti, namun di-alias-kan. Misalnya parameter sebelumnya {{{x}}} (baca: x, harus diisi), jangan diganti menjadi {{{y}}} melainkan {{{y}}} (baca: x atau y, salah satunya harus). Beda dengan {{{x|}}} (baca: x, opsional - boleh tidak diisi) menjadi {{{x|{{{y|}}}}}} (baca: x atau y, opsional - boleh tidak diisi); hanya beda satu tanda "pipa". 01:23, 23 April 2009 (UTC) Hubungi: Bennylin |
∧ ∧ (,,°Д°) |
Oh, ya, tolong dilihat:
Nominasi penghapusan Penyangga
[sunting sumber]Halaman Penyangga diusulkan untuk dihapus dari Wikipedia. Alasan yang diberikan:
Kedobelan dengan Rangkaian asinkron tampaknya Hubungi:
Bennylin 01:37, 23 April 2009 (UTC)
Schottky barrier
[sunting sumber]Halo, terjemahan Schottky barrier menurut Glosarium pusat bahasa adalah Sawar Schottky. Menurut KBBI sawar = sejenis perintang/pagar. Gombang (bicara) 12:59, 25 April 2009 (UTC)
[sunting sumber]Saya lihat Anda menambahkan tag "pecahkategori" di Kategori:Elektronika ([1]), tapi Anda sendiri yang sering menambahkan kategori "Elektronika" di artikel-artikel transistor padahal ada kategori:Transistor yang lebih sempit dari kategori:Elektronika :). BTW sudah saya tambahkan Kategori:Tipe transistor. borgx(kirim pesan) 15:14, 25 April 2009 (UTC)
Tag Hapus di templat
[sunting sumber]halo, ArdWar bila memberikan tag {{hapus}} di halaman templat gunakan <noinclude> dan akhiri dengan </noinclude> agar templat {{hapus}} tidak masuk ke halaman artikel, atau hapus dulu templat yang akan dihapus dari halaman artikel. thx..--•• Jagawana ⌨ 10:13, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
Terima Kasih
[sunting sumber]Terima Kasih atas dukungannya dalam pemilihan pengurus yang sedang berlangsung. Semoga saya bisa membantu mewujudkan Wikipedia Indonesia sebagai ensiklopedia online berbahasa Indonesia yang lebih baik. Salam. --Andri.h (bicara) 16:10, 29 April 2009 (UTC)
[sunting sumber]Halo, Anda memang berstatus anak SMP, apa berdomisili di luar negeri?
Relly Komaruzaman Bicara 18:18, 7 Mei 2009 (UTC)
[sunting sumber]Menjawab pertanyaan Anda, intinya ada dua macam kotak, yakni kotak info dan kotak navigasi. Kotak navigasi adalah daftar. Dipasang di setiap artikel yang tercantum di dalamnya (misalnya navbox {{Negara di Asia}} dipasang di semua artikel negara di Asia - idealnya), templat itu selalu sama di setiap artikel.
Kotak info adalah kotak yang unik untuk setiap artikel, artinya data/isinya berbeda-beda setiap kali digunakan. Hal ini dimungkinkan dengan digunakannya parameter yang diapit oleh tiga kurung kurawal ({{{x}}}) dan biasanya berbentuk tabel dua kolom - kolom yang kiri selalu sama, dan kolom yang kanan berubah-ubah. Kotak info selalu terletak di sebelah kanan artikel (standar Wikipedia), dengan perkecualian kotak suksesi, yaitu sejenis kotak info yang terletak di bagian bawah artikel. Untuk kotak navigasi, mayoritas terletak di bagian bawah artikel dengan sedikit perkecualian kotak-kotak turunan {{Campaignbox}} misalnya, atau templat-templat di kategori Templat isme. Kalau Userbox pasti sudah tahu kan :D Semoga jelas. Salam. 09:59, 11 Mei 2009 (UTC) Hubungi:Bennylin |
∧ ∧ (,,°Д°) |
[sunting sumber]Kenapa ini dikembalikan? hati-hati jangan sampai terserang penyakit flu protektif ya. Salam. 04:21, 14 Mei 2009 (UTC) Hubungi: Bennylin
Bennylin 02:24, 22 Mei 2009 (UTC) |
∧ ∧ (,,°Д°) |
[sunting sumber]Boleh saja sih, cuma lain kali mungkin bisa mengusulkannya lebih pagi (sebelum diarsipkan). Coba, Anda rubah sendiri di Wikipedia:Gambar pilihan/22 2009, jika ada pertanyaan silakan bertanya.
Flare adalah kata asing maka perlu dicetak miring. Perlu dipikirkan juga padanan katanya dalam bahasa Indonesia agar kalau ditampilkan bisa menggunakan bahasa Indonesia (daripada bahasa Inggris ditampilkan di halaman utama Wikipedia Bahasa Indonesia.) Saya sendiri cenderung lebih suka Berkas:C17-Vortex.JPG) 02:24, 22 Mei 2009 (UTC) Hubungi:Bennylin |
∧ ∧ (,,°Д°) |
[sunting sumber]Coba Anda lihat di sini, di bagian bawah, sebelum "noinclude", ada {{Tnavbar|One Piece|Plain=1}} . Itu yang menyebabkan kode yang kamu maksud. Tinggal lihat dokumentasinya di {{tnavbar}}. Klo tidak tahu cara pemakaiannya, silakan tanya lagi. 05:28, 6 Juni 2009 (UTC) Hubungi:Bennylin |
∧ ∧ (,,°Д°) |
Terima kasih untuk Bung Wardhana
[sunting sumber]Iya, saya telah mengerti.
Terima kasih!
Kenapa mesti diarsipkan?
Relly Komaruzaman Bicara 10:19, 22 Juni 2009 (UTC)
[sunting sumber]halo mas, ada apa dengan artikel saya kok diusulkan dihapus? namanya orang belajar juga tidak bisa langsung sempurna
[sunting sumber]Bung, tolong kalau menyalin templat wong diterjemahkan juga dong. borgx(kirim pesan) 08:04, 27 Juni 2009 (UTC)
Halo, karena Anda yang sering menyunting Templat:Infobox Konstelasi, tolong lihat, ada ekstra "}}" di setiap halaman yang menggunakan templat itu. borgx(kirim pesan) 05:10, 13 Juli 2009 (UTC)
Re: Komunitas klasik
[sunting sumber]Dari pencarian di Google sih tidak layak, karena belum pernah diekspos. Lain kali beri saja tag {{hapus:kelayakan}} kalau bertemu artikel seperti ini. Gombang (bicara) 07:06, 27 September 2009 (UTC)
Terima kasih
[sunting sumber]Terima kasih untuk dukungannya, Ardian, semoga saya dapat membantu membuat komunitas ini menjadi lebih berkembang.
✒ Bennylin 15:23, 26 Oktober 2009 (UTC)
Pengimbang Elektronik
[sunting sumber]Ada pertanyaan yang saya ajukan di Pembicaraan:Pengimbang_elektronik mengenai penerjemahan istilah ballast. Terima kasih 81Christoforus (bicara) 04:48, 3 Mei 2010 (UTC)
[sunting sumber]Mengapa Anda menghapus beberapa bagian pada Daftar rasi bintang menurut luas? Mimihitam 07:13, 14 Mei 2010 (UTC)
- My apologize then... kalau bisa lain kali diberi tag inuse ya Mimihitam 07:19, 14 Mei 2010 (UTC)
Kak, satu lagi kak. Kalo di halaman pembicaraan saya, ne mau bikin pesan baru itu kudu pencet tombol "Ngobrol Bareng Yuk!" biar langsung terarsipkan (di Pembicaraan Pengguna:Erik Evrest/Arsip 2010) tapi jika ada bagian yang sama hubungan pembicaraan dengan pesan baru Anda (ditempat arsipannya) harap diletakan di bagian itu juga biar nyambung. Tenang kok, saya masih bisa cek kok (melalui halaman pantauan saya) --Erik ✉ ⌨ 10:58, 14 Mei 2010 (UTC)
BintangWiki Astronomi | ||
"BintangWiki Astronomi" diberikan kepada ArdWar yang telah memberikan sumbangan berharga kepada artikel-artikel bertopik astronomi di Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia. Selamat bekerja. Aldo samulo (bicara) 07:17, 17 Mei 2010 (UTC) |
[sunting sumber]Sudah dibuka perlindungannya. Silakan diubah.
✒ βέννγλιν 06:57, 16 Juni 2010 (UTC)
RE:Nominasi penghapusan Berkas:Old tarfford lama.jpg , dll
[sunting sumber]Ya sudah mungkin anda dapat membantu saya bagaimana cara menambahkan sumber-sumbernya ? Makassarpanassekali (bicara) 12:01, 17 Juni 2010 (UTC)
sumber berkas
[sunting sumber]ok aku akan kasih sumbernya...tapi aku ga tau caranya...gimana caranya memberi sumber pa Berkas:Cintakiehl.jpg
Pengguna:Bagus Priyambada (bicara) 11:47, 20 Juni 2010 (UTC)
– komentar tanpa tanda tangan oleh Wtf (b • k) pada 11:47, 20 Juni 2010 (UTC).
[sunting sumber]Hi bung copy TTDnya ya ya ini >(B•K•L•S) M4srUd¡nB 18:55, Kamis, 1 Juli 2010 (WIT)
Re: Pemblokiran alamat IP
[sunting sumber]Terima kasih atas sarannya.. saya biasanya memblokir permanen terhadap semua yang sudah keterlaluan, misalnya: pelaku pemvandalan di artikel-artikel tentang tata surya. Ia sangat berdedikasi tinggi, sudah sekitar enam bulan lewat, masih nongol lagi. Salam. Mimihitam 13:47, 29 Agustus 2010 (UTC)
[sunting sumber]Kombinasi apa saja yang Anda coba? Saya tidak pernah mendengar ada batasan seperti itu sih... Ada kemungkinan nama itu sudah dipakai (karena sekarang ada SUL).
✒ βέννγλιν 12:02, 1 September 2010 (UTC)
- Saya coba tanyakan ke Mike di Meta [3]. Kalau tidak ada jawaban, nanti akan saya hapus baris itu dari MediaWiki:Titleblacklist. Pilihan lain ya mendaftar dengan akun tanpa kata Bot, lalu minta ganti nama (Permohonan perubahan nama pengguna). Salam.
✒ βέννγλιν 15:11, 6 September 2010 (UTC)
Selamat Ulang Tahun
[sunting sumber]Selamat Ulang Tahun ya, ArdWar. Sukses selalu dalam segala halnya, ditunggu kontribusinya di Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia. Salam, Albertus Aditya (bicara) 17:02, 13 Oktober 2010 (UTC)
Hapus gambar penghinaan terhadap Nabi Muhammad saw
[sunting sumber]Assalamu 'alaykum wr. wb
Menyambut hari kelahiran Nabi Muhammad saw, saya mempunyai sebuah pemikiran agar Wikipedia Bahasa Indonesia dapat mengirimkan surat permintaan penghapusan gambar-gambar penghinaan terhadap Nabi Muhammad saw. yang dimuat di berbagai proyek Wikimedia terutama sekali di Wikipedia Bahasa Inggris. Kalau WBI tidak bersedia, kita bisa menggalang suara-suara wikipediawan Indonesia terutama sekali yang muslim untuk menandatangani surat pernyataan meminta penghapusan gambar-gambar penghinaan tersebut. Bagaimana, Anda sepakat? -- Si Gam Aceh (bicara) 19:47, 16 Februari 2011 (UTC)
- Mohon tanda tangannya di sini: Wikipedia:Surat pernyataan permintaan penghapusan gambar-gambar penghinaan terhadap Nabi Muhammad saw.. -- Si Gam Aceh (bicara) 19:47, 16 Februari 2011 (UTC)
Templat:Pengguna editor
[sunting sumber]Halo, para Wikipediawan!
Mohon kiranya Anda berkenan untuk menambahkan templat Pengguna editor pada halaman pribadi Anda dengan sintaks {{Pengguna editor}}. Dengan menambahkannya, nama Anda akan otomatis masuk dalam kategori Pengguna editor.
Terima kasih atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya, salam sejahtera. Wagino 20100516 (bicara) 02:33, 9 April 2011 (UTC)
re:Tinjau permohonan status bot
[sunting sumber]Anda dapat menghapus pesan ini kapan saja dengan membuang templat {{Talkback}} atau {{Tb}} dari halaman ini. |
— Tjmoel bicara 06:33, 6 Juni 2011 (UTC)
Mari memberi suara
[sunting sumber]Mari memberi suara dalam diskusi di bawah! Sudahkah Anda voting semua?
- Permohonan pendapat
- Revisi pemberian dan pencabutan hak peninjau/pengembali revisi
- Kriteria pengguna dalam mendapatkan hak penyelenggara acara
- Usulan pengurus magang
- Proposal pedoman calon pengurus
- Artikel Pilihan
- Pengusulan
- Penjadwalan
- Peninjauan ulang
- Gambar Pilihan
- Pemilihan
- Pengusulan
- Artikel Bagus
- Pengusulan (4 usulan aktif)
- Peninjauan ulang
- Penghapusan
- Usulan
- Evaluasi
Pilih, Setuju dengan empat tilda (format: {{vote|Y}} ~~~~) atau Tidak setuju dengan empat tilda (format: {{vote|N}} ~~~~).
Spartanica ███ 10:55, 6 Juni 2011 (UTC)
Penghapusan berkas Berkas:Mahathir cool.jpeg
[sunting sumber]Salam pak ArdWar/Arsip
Berkaitan dengan rencana penghapusan Berkas:Mahathir cool.jpeg, silahkan di lanjutkan saja,bukan aku tidak dapat untuk memberikan lisensi nya, tapi karena berkas itu sudah tidak di pakai lagi.
Cerita nya waktu pengungahan berkas tersebut aku lagi membuat {{Malasia-bio-stub}}, ternyata gambar Mahadirnya sudah ada di wikipedia (mungkin di buat oleh pengguna terdahulu). Terima kasih
Rumit siregar (Pesan disini) 01:28, 11 Juni 2011 (UTC)
Bls: Lama pemblokiran
[sunting sumber]IP-IP 125.xxxx yang melakukan vandalisme atas artikel bertopik televisi sepengamatan saya tidak digunakan lagi setelah diblokir dan belum ada yang pernah melakukan protes karena IP-nya terblokir. Saya rasa tidak ada masalah jika diperpendek atau dipertahankan apa adanya. Salam. Albertus Aditya (bicara) 04:30, 14 Juni 2011 (UTC)
- IP-IP tersebut disinyalisir sebagai IP yang dikendalikan oleh orang yang sama, namun bisa memiliki banyak IP yang berkepala sama. Sudah saya persingkat menjadi 3 bulan dan saya rasa itu cukup. Salam. Albertus Aditya (bicara) 05:18, 14 Juni 2011 (UTC)
Saya rasa berbeda untuk yang artikel televisi ini. Saya lupa siapa, tetapi ada salah satu rekan yang pernah memblokir sampai 6 bulan. Untuk sementara, 3 bulan saya rasa cukup. Halaman pembicaraan ybs. sudah saya pantau dan ybs. masih dapat menyampaikan hal-hal di halaman pembicarannya (jika ada). Salam. Albertus Aditya (bicara) 05:48, 14 Juni 2011 (UTC)
Terima kasih
[sunting sumber]Karena anda sudah mentg gambar-gambar yang saya upload tanpa lisensi dan ringkasan. Mohon maaf saya tidak mengerti jika smua gambar wajib diberi lisensi. Terima kasih banyak anda mau mengingatkan
Intermediate Experienced Editor | ||
"Intermediate Experienced Editor" diberikan kepada pengguna yang telah berkontribusi aktif dengan memberikan sumbangan sebanyak 3.000 hingga 6.999 suntingan pada Wikipedia Bahasa Indonesia, agar dapat diketahui komunitas bahwa hasil kerja kerasnya diketahui dan sangat dihargai serta ucapan terima kasih kepada pengguna yang terus aktif berkontribusi di komunitas ini. -- Atas kontribusi Anda yang telah menyumbangkan lebih dari 3.000++ suntingan hingga hari ini. Semoga Anda berkenan menerima penghargaan ini dari saya. Selamat berkarya dan salam sejahtera. -- Wagino 20100516 (bicara) 03:51, 10 September 2011 (UTC) |
Barnstar Editor
[sunting sumber]Beginner Experienced Editor | ||
"Beginner Experienced Editor" diberikan kepada pengguna yang telah berkontribusi aktif dengan memberikan sumbangan sebanyak 1.000 hingga 2.999 suntingan pada Wikipedia Bahasa Indonesia, agar dapat diketahui komunitas bahwa hasil kerja kerasnya diketahui dan sangat dihargai serta ucapan terima kasih kepada pengguna yang terus aktif berkontribusi di komunitas ini. Mikhailov Kusserow (bicara) 06:25, 17 September 2011 (UTC) |
Intermediate Experienced Editor | ||
"Intermediate Experienced Editor" diberikan kepada pengguna yang telah berkontribusi aktif dengan memberikan sumbangan sebanyak 3.000 hingga 6.999 suntingan pada Wikipedia Bahasa Indonesia, agar dapat diketahui komunitas bahwa hasil kerja kerasnya diketahui dan sangat dihargai serta ucapan terima kasih kepada pengguna yang terus aktif berkontribusi di komunitas ini. Mikhailov Kusserow (bicara) 06:25, 17 September 2011 (UTC) |
Bintang ganda dan bintang biner
[sunting sumber]Salam ArdWar. Dalam khasanah astronomi Indonesia, binary star sudah umum diterjemahkan sebagai bintang ganda saja. Adapun artikel bintang ganda yang Anda buat kami biasa menyebutnya 'bintang ganda visual'. Lihat misalnya Buku Astrofisika Mengenal Bintang karangan almarhum Pak Winardi Sutantyo, halaman 127. Salam geboy (bicara) 19 Oktober 2011 00.31 (UTC)
Ucapan selamat datang
[sunting sumber]Saya gak pakai bot kok. Emang ngapa? Aldo samulo (bicara) 3 Desember 2011 06.18 (UTC)
Penyertaan sumber gambar
[sunting sumber]Ya... saya akan memberikan sumberny Kalo lisensi bagaimana???..., Fabi Fuu 76 (bicara) 13 Desember 2011 07.28 (UTC)
[sunting sumber]
Nominasi Penghapusan
[sunting sumber]Mohon pencerahannya untuk tidak menghapus Berkas:Stoom locomotive B22.JPG, Berkas:Stoom locomotive B20.JPG, Berkas:Stoom locomotive B17.JPG, Berkas:Stoom locomotive B13.JPG, Berkas:Stoom locomotive BB10.JPG Halaman Penyangga diusulkan untuk dihapus dari Wikipedia. Alasan yang diberikan:
imej tersebut saya dapat dari teman sesama raifans, terma kasih. (bicara) 11 January 2012 | 15:24 (UTC)
The Signpost: 26 December 2011
[sunting sumber]- Opinion essay: Openness versus quality: why we're doing it wrong, and how to fix it
- Recent research: Psychiatrists: Wikipedia better than Britannica, but a threat to the Rorschach test; spell-checking Wikipedia; Wikipedians smart, fun and other-focused; structured biological data
- News and notes: Fundraiser passes 2010 watermark, brief news
- WikiProject report: The Tree of Life
- Featured content: Going through the roster with Killervogel5 and a plethora of featured content
- Arbitration report: Three open cases, one set for acceptance, arbitrators formally appointed by Jimmy Wales
- Technology report: Wikimedia in Go Daddy boycott, and why you should 'Join the Swarm'
The Signpost: 02 January 2012
[sunting sumber]- Interview: The Gardner interview
- News and notes: Things bubbling along as Wikimedians enjoy their holidays
- WikiProject report: Where are they now? Part III
- Featured content: Ghosts of featured content past, present, and future
- Arbitration report: New case accepted, four open cases, terms begin for new arbitrators
The Signpost: 09 January 2012
[sunting sumber]- Technological roadmap: 2011's technological achievements in review, and what 2012 may hold
- News and notes: Fundraiser 2011 ends with a bang
- In the news: Wikipedia ends annual fundraising drive; Monmouthpedia launches
- WikiProject report: From Traditional to Experimental: WikiProject Jazz
- Featured content: Contentious FAC debate: a week in review
- Arbitration report: Four open cases, proposed decision in Betacommand 3
- Technology report: December in more detail; and why the MediaWiki codebase was "slushed" this week
The Signpost: 16 January 2012
[sunting sumber]- Sister projects: What are our sisters up to now?
- Special report: English Wikipedia to go dark January 18
- News and notes: WMF on the looming SOPA blackout, Wikipedia turns 11, and Commons passes 12 million files
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Beer
- Featured content: Lecen on systematic bias in featured content
- Arbitration report: Four open cases, Betacommand case deadlocked, Muhammad images close near
- Technology report: ArticleFeedback moves into new trial phase; and how MediaWiki integrates with Facebook, IPv6, and PostgreSQL explored
[sunting sumber]Mohon hentikan penggunaan bot untuk mengubah "analisa" menjadi "analisis" karena pranala luar Harian Analisa (yaitu diubah menjadi yang merupakan pranala mati) [4] Terima kasih. Kℇℵ℟ℑℭK 19 Januari 2012 13.48 (UTC)
bls:Nominasi penghapusan Berkas:Pramuka Papua Barat.jpg
[sunting sumber]Mas, berkas yang dimaksud sudah saya beri lisensi berupa {{logo}}, mohon peringatannya dapat dicabut, salam rieMOGerz 20 Januari 2012 05.07 (UTC)
The Signpost: 23 January 2012
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: SOPA blackout, Orange
- In the news: World watched as Wikipedia shut down for SOPA blackout
- WikiProject report: The Golden Horseshoe: WikiProject Toronto
- Featured content: Interview with Muhammad Mahdi Karim and the best of the week
- Arbitration report: Four open cases, proposed decision in Muhammad images, AUSC call for applications
- Technology report: Looking ahead to MediaWiki 1.19 and related issues
The Signpost: 30 January 2012
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Update on Global Development, Wikipedia Day NYC is a success, JFK audio on Commons
- In the news: Zambian wiki-assassins, Foundation über alles, editor engagement and the innovation plateau
- Recent research: Language analyses examine power structure and political slant; Wikipedia compared to commercial databases
- WikiProject report: Digging Up WikiProject Palaeontology
- Featured content: Featured content soaring this week
- Arbitration report: Five open cases, voting on proposed decisions in two cases
- Technology report: Why "Lua" is on everybody's lips, and when to expect MediaWiki 1.19
Matahari vs matahari
[sunting sumber]Halo ArdWar, salam kenal. Sepertinya ArdWar adalah pemilik ArdBot yang mengubah otomatis kata matahari menjadi Matahari. Mengapa diubah? Setahu saya di KBBI matahari tetap ditulis dengan m kecil. Atau sudah ada kesepakatan tertentu yang tidak saya ketahui di Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia mengenai penulisan nama benda langit? Terima kasih. sentausa (bicara) 31 Januari 2012 09.40 (UTC)
- OK, terima kasih. Ternyata memang sudah ditulis di Pedoman Gaya ya. sentausa (bicara) 1 Februari 2012 07.43 (UTC)
[sunting sumber]
- Mohon untuk berkomentar pada Halaman Pembicaraan ProyekWiki Pramuka. Salam. rieMOGerz 9 Februari 2012 06.42 (UTC)
The Signpost: 06 February 2012
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: The Foundation visits Tunisia, analyzes donors
- In the news: Leading scholar hails Wikipedia, historians urged to contribute while PR pros remain shunned
- Discussion report: Discussion swarms around Templates for deletion and returning editors of colourful pasts
- WikiProject report: The Eye of the Storm: WikiProject Tropical Cyclones
- Featured content: Talking architechture with MrPanyGoff
- Arbitration report: Four open cases, final decision in Muhammad images, Betacommand 3 near closure
- Technology report: October's coding challenge: results now in; progress on 1.19 steady; and why for a while interwiki links were no more
The Signpost: 13 February 2012
[sunting sumber]- Discussion report: Administrators, vanishing, and ponies
- Special report: Fundraising proposals spark a furore among the chapters
- News and notes: Foundation launches Legal and Community Advocacy department
- In the news: Scholars and spindoctors contend with the emergent wikiorder
- In focus: Skirmishes in the 'great sectarian war of the Internet'
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Stub Sorting
- Featured content: The best of the week
- Arbitration report: Betacommand 3 closed, proposed decision in Civility enforcement, AUSC candidates announced
- Technology report: January sees prototype new geodata API; but February looks to be a testing time for top developers
The Signpost: 20 February 2012
[sunting sumber]- Special report: The plight of the new page patrollers
- News and notes: Fundraiser row continues, new director of engineering
- Discussion report: Discussion on copyrighted files from non-US relation states
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Poland
- Featured content: The best of the week
- Arbitration report: Civility enforcement closed, proposed decision in TimidGuy, two cases remain open
- Technology report: Major strands of development cycle coalesce as 1.19 is deployed to first wikis
The Signpost: 27 February 2012
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Finance meeting fallout, Gardner recommendations forthcoming
- Recent research: Gender gap and conflict aversion; collaboration on breaking news; effects of leadership on participation; legacy of Public Policy Initiative
- Discussion report: Focus on admin conduct and editor retention
- WikiProject report: Just don't call it "sci-fi": WikiProject Science Fiction
- Featured content: By plane, by ship, and by stagecoach: Featured content goes trekking this week
- Arbitration report: Final decision in TimidGuy ban appeal, one case remains open
- Technology report: 1.19 deployment stress, Meta debates whether to enforce SUL
Mohon petunjuk
[sunting sumber]Templat apa yang digunakan oleh ArdBot untuk nominasi penghapusan berkas?
Bagaimana cara menjalankan Bot tsb.
Mohon petunjuk.
Ariyanto 1 Maret 2012 11.34 (UTC)
The Signpost: 05 March 2012
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Chapter-selected Board seats, an invite to the Teahouse, patrol becomes triage, and this week in history
- In the news: Heights reached in search rankings, privacy and mental health info; clouds remain over content policing
- Discussion report: COI and NOTCENSORED: policies under discussion
- WikiProject report: We don't bite: WikiProject Amphibians and Reptiles
- Featured content: Best of the week
- Arbitration report: AUSC appointments announced, one case remains open
- Technology report: With the 1.19 deployment now (mostly) complete, developers consider possible "mini" deployment later in the month
The Signpost: 12 March 2012
[sunting sumber]- Interview: Liaising with the Education Program
- Women and Wikipedia: Women's history, what we're missing, and why it matters
- Arbitration analysis: A look at new arbitrators
- News and notes: Sue Gardner tackles the funds, and the terms of use update nears implementation
- In the news: Britannica runs out of print as Jimmy Wales anointed UK transparency tsar
- Discussion report: Nothing changes as long discussions continue
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Women's History
- Featured content: Extinct humans, birds, and Birdman
- Arbitration report: Proposed decision in 'Article titles', only one open case
- Education report: Diverse approaches to Wikipedia in Education
- Technology report: Git learning curve steep but not insurmountable, plus a diff style we can all agree on?
The Signpost: 19 March 2012
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Chapters Council proposals take form as research applications invited for Wikipedia Academy and HighBeam accounts
- Discussion report: Article Rescue Squadron in need of rescue yet again
- WikiProject report: Lessons from another Wikipedia: Czech WikiProject Protected Areas
- Featured content: Featured content on the upswing!
- Arbitration report: Race and intelligence 'review' opened, Article titles at voting
- Technology report: Bugmeister to leave at end of May, but developers keen to "chart" a path ahead
The Signpost: 26 March 2012
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Controversial content saga continues, while the Foundation tries to engage editors with merchandising and restructuring
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Rock Music
- Featured content: Malfunctioning sharks, toothcombs and a famous mother: featured content for the week
- Arbitration report: Race and intelligence review at evidence, article titles closed
- Recent research: Predicting admin elections; studying flagged revision debates; classifying editor interactions; and collecting the Wikipedia literature
- Education report: Universities unite for GLAM; and High Schools get their due.
- Technology report: A busy week: Git switchover, mobile site upgraded, and still time for three security releases
The Signpost: 02 April 2012
[sunting sumber]- Interview: An introduction to movement roles
- Arbitration analysis: Case review: TimidGuy ban appeal
- News and notes: Berlin reforms to movement structures, Wikidata launches with fanfare, and Wikipedia's day of mischief
- WikiProject report: The Signpost scoops The Signpost
- Featured content: Snakes, misnamed chapels, and emptiness: featured content this week
- Arbitration report: Race and intelligence review in third week, one open case
- Technology report: Somewhere amongst the endless discussions about Gerrit lie details of hackathons, performance blips explained and more
Pemeriksaan kembali
[sunting sumber]Mas monggo dilihat perbaikan saya terkait artikel yang saya buat tentang Indowebster, untuk yang TRN mohon jangan dihapus karena inisial. terima kasih, salam kenal :) Tommyrn (bicara) 7 April 2012 07.40 (UTC)
- silahkan lihat ini Imanuel NS Uen (Pesan di sini) 7 April 2012 08.31 (UTC)
Lisensi Logo LiveJournal
[sunting sumber]Terima kasih atas pemberitahuannya, saya sudah mengoreksi dan memberikan lisensi pada logo tersebut. Akan tetapi saya tidak mengerti akan pernyataan soal penghapusan tag tanpa kesepakatan. Karena saya telah memberikan lisensi kepada logo tersebut, apa saya sudah bisa menghapus templat tidak adanya lisensi? Terima kasih. Ranichop (bicara) 16:36, 7 April 2012 (UTC)
Permohonan validasi dan pengecekan agar bisa di validasikan
[sunting sumber]Sebelumnya terimakasih atas masukan yang membangun dan membantu saya dalam membuat artikel agar lebih baik lagi ya mas dan juga terimakasih karena sudah dibuatkan infobox :). Saran yang anda berikan tadi sudah saya lakukan terkait dengan tulisan yang berjenis iklan atau mendukung suatu website maupun perusahaan sebaiknya tidak ditulis dan bersikaplah netral. Saya sudah mencoba membuat tulisan yang netral pada kolom bagian kategori yang berisi video, music, dokumen, dan sebagainnya serta menyertakan kelebihan dan kekurangan dari web indowebster itu sendiri. Apabila dirasa sudah memenuhi kriteria mohon di validasikan. Terimakasih :) -Tommyrn (bicara) 7 April 2012 14.59 (UTC)
The Signpost: 09 April 2012
[sunting sumber]- Wikidata: The next big thing? An interview with Wikidata
- Interview: Funds, fiduciaries, and the Foundation: the complex dynamics of scaling
- News and notes: Projects launched in Brazil and the Middle East as advisors sought for funds committee
- WikiProject report: The Land of Steady Habits: WikiProject Connecticut
- Featured content: Assassination, genocide, internment, murder, and crucification: the bloodiest of the week
- Arbitration report: Arbitration evidence-limit motions, two open cases
- Technology report: Next Wikimedia deployment already in the pipeline and details of recent performance improvements
The Signpost: 16 April 2012
[sunting sumber]- Arbitration analysis: Inside the Arbitration Committee Mailing List
- Paid editing: Does Wikipedia Pay? The Facilitator: Silver seren
- News and notes: French language outreach, WikiTravel debate, and HighBeam reloaded
- Discussion report: The future of pending changes
- WikiProject report: The Butterflies and Moths of WikiProject Lepidoptera
- Featured content: A few good sports: association football, rugby league, and the Olympics vie for medals
- Arbitration report: Evidence submissions begin in Rich Farmbrough case, proposed decision in R&I Review
- Technology report: MediaWiki 1.20wmf01 hits first WMF wiki, understanding 20% time, and why this report cannot yet be a draft
The Signpost: 23 April 2012
[sunting sumber]- Investigative report: Spin doctors spin Jimmy's "bright line"
- News and notes: Help-space revamp, WikiTravel RfC, and Justin Knapp scores a million edits
- WikiProject report: Skeptics and Believers: WikiProject The X-Files
- Featured content: A mirror (or seventeen) on this week's featured content
- Arbitration report: Evidence submissions ends in Rich Farmbrough case, vote on proposed decision in R&I Review
- Technology report: Wikimedia Labs: soon to be at the cutting edge of MediaWiki development?
The Signpost: 30 April 2012
[sunting sumber]- Paid editing: Does Wikipedia Pay? The Consultant: Pete Forsyth
- News and notes: Showdown as featured article writer openly solicits commercial opportunities
- Recent research: Barnstars work; Wiktionary assessed; cleanup tags counted; finding expert admins; discussion peaks; Wikipedia citations in academic publications; and more
- Discussion report: 'ReferenceTooltips' by default
- WikiProject report: The Cartographers of WikiProject Maps
- Featured content: Featured content spreads its wings
- Arbitration report: R&I Review remains in voting, two open cases
- Technology report: What Git means for end users, design controversies and pertinent poll results
The Signpost: 07 May 2012
[sunting sumber]- Paid editing: Does Wikipedia Pay? The Communicator: Phil Gomes
- News and notes: Hong Kong to host Wikimania 2013
- In the news: What does Wikipedia call an expert; and untruths in biographies ... again.
- WikiProject report: Say What?: WikiProject Languages
- Featured content: This week at featured content: How much wood would a Wood Duck chuck if a Wood Duck could chuck wood?
- Arbitration report: Proposed decision in Rich Farmbrough, two open cases
- Technology report: Search gets faster, GSoC gets more detail and 1.20wmf2 gets deployed
The Signpost: 14 May 2012
[sunting sumber]- Special report: Wikimedia and the "seismic shift" towards open-access research publication
- News and notes: Finance debate drags on as editor survey finds Wikipedia too bureaucratic
- WikiProject report: Welcome to Wikipedia with a cup of tea and all your questions answered - at the Teahouse
- Featured content: Featured content is red hot this week
- Arbitration report: R&I Review closed, Rich Farmbrough near closure
- Technology report: Cross-wiki watchlist controversy; and is "go file a bug" really a useful response?
The Signpost: 21 May 2012
[sunting sumber]- From the editor: New editor-in-chief
- News and notes: Two new Wikimedia fellows to boost strategies for tackling major issues
- WikiProject report: Trouble in a Galaxy Far, Far Away....
- Featured content: Lemurbaby moves it with Madagascar: Featured content for the week
- Arbitration report: No open arbitration cases pending
- Technology report: On the indestructibility of Wikimedia content
The Signpost: 28 May 2012
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Wikimedia endorses open-access petition to the White House; pending changes RfC ends
- Recent research: Supporting interlanguage collaboration; detecting reverts; Wikipedia's discourse, semantic and leadership networks, and Google's Knowledge Graph
- WikiProject report: Experts and enthusiasts at WikiProject Geology
- Featured content: Featured content cuts the cheese
- Arbitration report: Fæ and GoodDay requests for arbitration, changes to evidence word limits
- Technology report: Developer divide wrangles; plus Wikimedia Zero, MediaWiki 1.20wmf4, and IPv6
The Signpost: 04 June 2012
[sunting sumber]- Special report: WikiWomenCamp: From women, for women
- News and notes: Editors want most funding for technical areas, while widespread ignorance of WMF board elections and chapters persists; voting still live on Commons best picture
- Discussion report: Watching Wikipedia change
- WikiProject report: Views of WikiProject Visual Arts
- Featured content: On the lochs
- Arbitration report: Two motions for procedural reform, three requests for arbitration, Rich Farmbrough risks block and ban
- Technology report: Report from the Berlin Hackathon
Pengguna ini sedang sibuk di dunia nyata dan mungkin tidak menanggapi pesan dengan cepat. |
[sunting sumber]saya telah perbaiki ket lisensi. mohon petunjuk. trims. supersonic@DALnet (bicara) 31 Mei 2013 05.56 (UTC)
Re: Penjelasan Bertanya
[sunting sumber]Terimakasih atas penjelasannya mas, mohon bantuannya ya mas untuk gambar yang saya unggah tapi lisensinya tidak jelas. kalau bisa jangan di hapus dulu mas hehehe, terima kasih. -Ramdan Herawan (bicara) 24 Mei 2013 09.07 (UTC)
[sunting sumber]Mohon maaf mas, saya kan mengunggah gambar tapi mengapa selalu menjadi nominasi di hapus dengan alasan tidak diberi lisensi padahal saya sudah mencantumkan sumber saya mengambil gambar ? mohon maaf atas ketidaktahuan saya karena orang baru di wikipedia, mohon penjelasannya tentang lisensi tersebut, Terima kasih -Ramdan Herawan (bicara) 24 Mei 2013 08.34 (UTC)
Re: Bot
[sunting sumber]Setahu saya AutoWikiBrowser bukanlah bot, itu sejenis dengan Hot Cat dan alat bantu lainnya. Di WPEN banyak kok yang make.
Salam kenal. έδδφ 10 Juni 2012 18.41 (UTC)
- Tetep aja beda. Silahkan baca bot. έδδφ 10 Juni 2012 20.47 (UTC)
- Ya. Terima kasih sudah mengingatkan, saya rasa anda memang lebih pintar dari saya. έδδφ 10 Juni 2012 21.19 (UTC)
[sunting sumber]Saya rasa anda tidak berhak menggunakan Infobox peninjau, karena anda bukanlah seorang peninjau. έδδφ 10 Juni 2012 21.28 (UTC)
[sunting sumber]jika anda ingin menghapus silakan saja, itupun saya cuma coba masuk2in gambar. tapi tolong ya nanti anda unggah gambar tersebut dengan cara yg sesuai dgn ketentuan. trims :)Ivory W (bicara) 11 Juni 2012 00.40 (UTC)
The Signpost: 11 June 2012
[sunting sumber]- Special report: Springer's misappropriation of Wikimedia content "the tip of the iceberg"
- News and notes: Foundation finance reformers wrestle with CoI
- WikiProject report: Counter-Vandalism Unit
- Featured content: The cake is a pi
- Arbitration report: Procedural reform enacted, Rich Farmbrough blocked, three requests for arbitration
- Technology report: To support or not to support? IPv6, and how best to serve non-Wikimedia wikis
[sunting sumber]WHY?? Tobii (bicara) 19 Juni 2012 17.46 (UTC)
The Signpost: 18 June 2012
[sunting sumber]- Investigative report: Is the Requests for adminship process 'broken'?
- News and notes: Ground shifts while chapters dither over new Association
- Discussion report: Discussion Reports And Miscellaneous Articulations
- WikiProject report: The Punks of Wikipedia
- Featured content: Taken with a pinch of "salt"
- Arbitration report: Three requests for arbitration, GoodDay case closed
- Technology report: Bugs, Repairs, and Internal Operational News
The Signpost: 25 June 2012
[sunting sumber]- Op-ed: A call for editorial input in developing new Creative Commons licensing
- News and notes: "Mystical" Picture of the Year; run-up to Wikimania DC; RfA reform 2012
- In the news: Wales enters extradition battle; Wikipedia's political bias
- Recent research: Edit war patterns, deleters vs. the 1%, never used cleanup tags, authorship inequality, higher quality from central users, and mapping the wikimediasphere
- WikiProject report: Summer Sports Series: WikiProject Athletics
- Featured content: A good week for the Williams
- Arbitration report: Three requests for arbitration
- Technology report: Second Visual Editor prototype launches
The Signpost: 02 July 2012
[sunting sumber]- Analysis: Uncovering scientific plagiarism
- Op-ed: Representing knowledge – metadata, data and linked data
- News and notes: RfC on joining lobby group; JSTOR accounts for Wikipedians and the article feedback tool
- In the news: Public relations on Wikipedia: friend or foe?
- Discussion report: Discussion reports and miscellaneous articulations
- WikiProject report: Summer sports series: Burning rubber with WikiProject Motorsport
- Featured content: Heads up
- Arbitration report: Three open cases
- Technology report: Initialisms abound: QA and HTML5
The Signpost: 09 July 2012
[sunting sumber]- Special report: Reforming the education programs: lessons from Cairo
- News and notes: Russian Wikipedia protest blackout; E3 team and new tools; Wikitravel proposal bogged down
- WikiProject report: Summer sports series: WikiProject Football
- Featured content: Keeps on chuggin'
- Arbitration report: Three cases, Carnildo desysopped
- Technology report: Optimism over LastModified and MoodBar, but change in clock time causes downtime
The Signpost: 16 July 2012
[sunting sumber]- Special report: Chapters Association mired in controversy over new chair
- Wikimania: Young chapter shows experience beyond its years
- News and notes: WMF enacts reforms at Wikimania; main page redesign; 4 millionth article milestone
- Discussion report: Discussion reports and miscellaneous articulations
- WikiProject report: Summer sports series: French WikiProject Cycling
- Featured content: Takes flight
- Arbitration report: Fæ faces site-ban, proposed decisions posted
- Technology report: Tech talks at Wikimania amid news of a mixed June
The Signpost: 16 July 2012
[sunting sumber]- Special report: Chapters Association mired in controversy over new chair
- Wikimania: Young chapter shows experience beyond its years
- News and notes: WMF enacts reforms at Wikimania; main page redesign; 4 millionth article milestone
- Discussion report: Discussion reports and miscellaneous articulations
- WikiProject report: Summer sports series: French WikiProject Cycling
- Featured content: Takes flight
- Arbitration report: Fæ faces site-ban, proposed decisions posted
- Technology report: Tech talks at Wikimania amid news of a mixed June
Selamat Menyambut Ramadan!
[sunting sumber]Selamat Ramadan | ||
Marhaban Ya Ramadan. Karena sekarang adalah bulan Ramadan dan seluruh umat Muslim di seluruh Dunia merayakan sebagai Bulan kemenangan, maka anda layak dapat Bintang! Dimohonkan maaf juga apabila ada salah kata selama di sini, salam Ezagren (kirim pesan) 20 Juli 2012 16.18 (UTC) |
Files without a license
[sunting sumber]Hi!
Is your bot still active? Tagging files without a license?
There is about 800 files in Istimewa:Berkas_tak_terkategori that does not have a category and that probably means they do not have a license. Can you tag them?
--MGA73 (bicara) 23 Juli 2012 18.55 (UTC)
- There was a lot of files that was GFDL but I managed to remove hundreds of those yesterday. --MGA73 (bicara) 23 Juli 2012 18.56 (UTC)
Long time inactive, slow speed, long latency, simply not suitable for 'bot'ing. :( About unlicensed files, it's much more complicated here. It's common here to (maybe hastly) put unsuitable tag when uploading or after being warned. Even for files that obviously licensed. NB: Excuse my English. :) ArdWar (B•K•L) 1 Agustus 2012 17.10 (UTC)
- Thank you for your reply. It's ok... I'll find another solution. And yeah I noticed that some users upload files from the Internet and just add a random license. --MGA73 (bicara) 1 Agustus 2012 20.50 (UTC)
- Oh... I see that the bot is working anyway :-) I'll talk to some of the admins if they could do something about the new files. Someone should talk to active uploaders of bad files and make them stop uploading bad files. --MGA73 (bicara) 1 Agustus 2012 20.55 (UTC)
The Signpost: 23 July 2012
[sunting sumber]- From the editor: Signpost developments
- Op-ed: The future of PR on Wikipedia
- Paid editing: Does Wikipedia pay? The skeptic: Orange Mike
- News and notes: Chapter head speaks about the aftermath of Russian Wikipedia shutdown
- WikiProject report: Summer sports series: WikiProject Olympics
- Featured content: When is an island not an island?
- Arbitration report: Fæ and Michaeldsuarez banned; Kwamikagami desysopped; Falun Gong closes with mandated external reviews and topic bans
- Technology report: Translating SVGs and making history bugs history
The Signpost: 30 July 2012
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Wikimedians and London 2012; WMF budget – staffing, engineering, editor retention effort, and the global South
- Recent research: Conflict dynamics, collaboration and emotions; digitization vs. copyright; WikiProject field notes; quality of medical articles; role of readers; best wiki paper award
- Discussion report: Discussion reports and miscellaneous articulations
- WikiProject report: Summer sports series: WikiProject Horse Racing
- Featured content: One of a kind
- Arbitration report: No pending or open arbitration cases
- Technology report: Talking performance with CT Woo and Green Semantic MediaWiki with Nischay Nahata
Pengembali revisi
[sunting sumber]Halo, Ardwar!
Saat ini anda telah memiliki status pengembali revisi. Silakan tambahkan templat {{pengguna pengembali revisi}} di halaman pribadi anda. Selamat berkarya dan salam. Wagino 20100516 (bicara) 5 Agustus 2012 15.31 (UTC)
The Signpost: 06 August 2012
[sunting sumber]- Op-ed: The Athena Project: being bold
- News and notes: FDC portal launched
- WikiProject report: Summer sports series: WikiProject Martial Arts
- Featured content: Casliber's words take root
- Arbitration report: No pending or open arbitration cases
- Technology report: Wikidata nears first deployment but wikis go down in fibre cut calamity
re: SiscaSoewitomo
[sunting sumber]Di halaman browser sy utk artikel Wiki-nya sepintas tdk ada yg aneh
Cuma pas sy masuk ke berkas tsb scr langsung, keanehan muncul dgn gambar yg nampak berbalik ke kiri 90 derajat.
Di cek di versi terdahulu nampaknya tdk ada yg mengotak-atik berkas tsb.
Sy pakai Google Chrome F1fans | Alonsista ► 7 Agustus 2012 17.26 (UTC)
Cool that you check new uploads
[sunting sumber]Hi! I noticed that you have been tagging most of the recent uploads that did not look ok. That is good. Hopefully users will learn. Do you have any ideas what to do with the rest of the files on Istimewa:Berkas_tak_terkategori? --MGA73 (bicara) 7 Agustus 2012 21.11 (UTC)
The Signpost: 13 August 2012
[sunting sumber]- Op-ed: Small Wikipedias' burden
- News and notes: Bangla-language survey suggests the challenges for small Wikipedias
- Discussion report: Image placeholders, machine translations, Mediation Committee, de-adminship
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Dispute Resolution
- Featured content: On the road again
- Arbitration report: Youreallycan request for arbitration
- Technology report: "Phabricating" a serious alternative to Gerrit
[sunting sumber]Selamat Lebaran | ||
Minal 'Aidin wal-Faizin! Karena sekarang adalah hari Idul Fitri dan umat Muslim di seluruh dunia merayakannya sebagai Hari yang Suci dan Fitri, maka anda layak dapat Bintang! Taqabalallahu minna waminkum! Imanuel NS Uen (bicara) 11:27, 19 Agustus 2012 (UTC) |
The Signpost: 20 August 2012
[sunting sumber]- Op-ed: Wikimedians are rightfully wary
- News and notes: Core content competition in full swing; Wikinews fork taken offline
- In the news: American judges on citing Wikipedia
- WikiProject report: Land of Calm and Contrast: WikiProject Korea
- Featured content: Enough for a week – but I'm damned if I see how the helican.
- Technology report: Lua onto test2wiki and news of a convention-al extension
- saya jadi pusing. dah lah hapus aja. Oh ya, tolong dimasukkan lagi gambar itu/semacam itu dengan lisensi yang sah. thxx. Ivory W (bicara) 28 Agustus 2012 09.15 (UTC)
The Signpost: 27 August 2012
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Tough journey for new travel guide
- Recent research: New influence graph visualizations; NPOV and history; 'low-hanging fruit'
- Discussion report: Sidebar and main page alterations; Recent Deaths; Education Program extension
- WikiProject report: From sonic screwdrivers to jelly babies: WikiProject Doctor Who
- Featured content: Wikipedia rivals The New Yorker: Mark Arsten
- Technology report: Just how bad is the code review backlog?
Messages added by ArdBot
[sunting sumber]Hi. I just noticed that the bot suggests that uploader adds {{GFDL-self}}. Wikipedia changed from GFDL to CC-BY-SA 3.0 some time ago. So I think it would be better to change the message to {{self|GFDL|Cc-by-sa-3.0}}
. Perhaps it could also be made more clear that uploader should add a source. For example "Own work" or "I took this photo" (translated ofcource) or a link to the website and a link to the permission if it is not in the same place as the photo. --MGA73 (bicara) 29 Agustus 2012 19.05 (UTC)
- If I translate Templat:Berkas bermasalah with Google translation it does not make much sense so it is hard for me to suggest what to change. --MGA73 (bicara) 29 Agustus 2012 19.09 (UTC)
- Perhaps en:Template:Di-no license-notice and en:Template:Di-no source-notice or en:Template:Di-no source no license-notice could be used as inspiration. --MGA73 (bicara) 29 Agustus 2012 19.12 (UTC)
- Kalau ada yang salah silakan perbaiki sendiri seperti aturan Wikipedia. Aldo samulo (bicara) 4 September 2012 07.33 (UTC)
The Signpost: 03 September 2012
[sunting sumber]- Op-ed: Dispute resolution – where we're at, what we're doing well, and what needs fixing
- News and notes: World's largest photo competition kicks off; WMF legal fees proposal
- Featured content: Wikipedia's Seven Days of Terror
- Technology report: Time for a MediaWiki Foundation?
Plak! Jangan dianggap serius, coba ingat-ingat dahulu kira-kira Anda ada salah apa. |
Aldo samulo (bicara) 6 September 2012 01.53 (UTC)
The Signpost: 10 September 2012
[sunting sumber]- From the editor: Signpost adapts as news consumption changes
- Special report: Two Wikipedians set to face jury trial
- Op-ed: Fixing Wikipedia's help pages one key to editor retention
- News and notes: Researchers find that Simple English Wikipedia has "lost its focus"
- In the media: Author criticizes Wikipedia article; Wales attacks UK government proposal
- Discussion report: Closing Wikiquette; Image Filter; Education Program and Momento extensions
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Fungi
- Featured content: Not a "Gangsta's Paradise", but still rappin'
- Technology report: Mmmm, milkshake...
The Signpost: 17 September 2012
[sunting sumber]- From the editor: Signpost expands to Facebook
- News and notes: Tens of thousands of monuments loved; members of new funding body announced
- WikiProject report: Action! — The Indian Cinema Task Force
- Featured content: Go into the light
- Technology report: Future-proofing: HTML5 and IPv6
The Signpost: 01 October 2012
[sunting sumber]- Paid editing: Does Wikipedia Pay? The Founder: Jimmy Wales
- News and notes: Independent review of UK chapter governance; editor files motion against Wikitravel owners
- Technology report: WMF and the German chapter face up to Toolserver uncertainty
- WikiProject report: The Name's Bond... WikiProject James Bond
- Featured content: Mooned
The Signpost: 08 October 2012
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Education Program faces community resistance
- Discussion report: Closing RfAs: Stewards or Bureaucrats?; Redesign of Help:Contents
- WikiProject report: Ten years and one million articles: WikiProject Biography
- Featured content: A dash of Arsenikk
- Technology report: The ups and downs of September and October, plus extension code review analysis
Tanggapan pengunggahan berkas
[sunting sumber]Bro, Berkasku udah diberi keterangan tentang lisensi beserta sumbernya... kenapa anda katakan "berkas tidak memiliki sumber yang jelas dan lisensi", yang sah .
Irul 901 (bicara) 14 Oktober 2012
The Signpost: 15 October 2012
[sunting sumber]- In the media: Wikipedia's language nerds hit the front page
- Op-ed: AdminCom: A proposal for changing the way we select admins
- News and notes: Chapters ask for big bucks
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Chemicals
- Featured content: Second star to the left
- Technology report: Wikidata is a go: well, almost
The Signpost: 22 October 2012
[sunting sumber]- Special report: Adminship from the German perspective
- News and notes: Wikimedians get serious about women in science
- Arbitration report: War declared over Malleus Fatuorum
- WikiProject report: Where in the world is Wikipedia?
- Featured content: Is RfA Kafkaesque?
- Discussion report: Good articles on the main page?; reforming dispute resolution
- Technology report: Wikivoyage migration: technical strategy announced
The Signpost: 29 October 2012
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: First chickens come home to roost for FDC funding applicants; WMF board discusses governance issues and scope of programs
- WikiProject report: In recognition of... WikiProject Military History
- Featured content: On the road again
- Technology report: Improved video support imminent and live
- Recent research: WP governance informal; community as social network; efficiency of recruitment and content production; Rorschach news
The Signpost: 05 November 2012
[sunting sumber]- Op-ed: 2012 WikiCup comes to an end
- News and notes: Wikimedian photographic talent on display in national submissions to Wiki Loves Monuments
- In the media: Was climate change a factor in Hurricane Sandy?
- Discussion report: Protected Page Editor right; Gibraltar hooks
- WikiProject report: Listening to WikiProject Songs
- Featured content: Jack-O'-Lanterns and Toads
- Technology report: Hue, Sqoop, Oozie, Zookeeper, Hive, Pig and Kafka
The Signpost: 12 November 2012
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Court ruling complicates the paid-editing debate
- WikiProject report: Land of parrots, palm trees, and the Holy Cross: WikiProject Brazil
- Featured content: The table has turned
- Technology report: MediaWiki 1.20 and the prospects for getting 1.21 code reviewed promptly
The Signpost: 19 November 2012
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: FDC's financial muscle kicks in
- Discussion report: GOOG, MSFT, WMT: the ticker symbol placement question
- WikiProject report: No teenagers, mutants, or ninjas: WikiProject Turtles
- Featured content: Wikipedia hit by the Streisand effect
- Technology report: Structural reorganisation "not a done deal"
The Signpost: 26 November 2012
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Toolserver finance remains uncertain
- Recent research: Movie success predictions, readability, credentials and authority, geographical comparisons
- WikiProject report: Directing Discussion: WikiProject Deletion Sorting
- Featured content: Panoramic views, history, and a celestial constellation
- Technology report: Wikidata reaches 100,000 entries
The Signpost: 03 December 2012
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Wiki Loves Monuments announces 2012 winner
- Discussion report: Concise Wikipedia; standardize version history tables
- WikiProject report: The White Rose: WikiProject Yorkshire
- Featured content: The play's the thing
- Technology report: MediaWiki problems but good news for Toolserver stability
The Signpost: 10 December 2012
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Wobbly start to ArbCom election, but turnout beats last year's
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Human Rights
- Featured content: Wikipedia goes to Hell
- Technology report: The new Visual Editor gets a bit more visual
The Signpost: 17 December 2012
[sunting sumber]- Op-ed: Finding truth in Sandy Hook
- News and notes: Arbitrator election: stewards release the results
- Discussion report: Concise Wikipedia; section headings for navboxes
- WikiProject report: WikiProjekt Computerspiel: Covering Computer Games in Germany
- Featured content: Wikipedia's cute ass
- Technology report: MediaWiki groups and why you might want to start snuggling newbie editors
The Signpost: 24 December 2012
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Debates on Meta sparking along—grants, new entities, and conflicts of interest
- WikiProject report: A Song of Ice and Fire
- Featured content: Battlecruiser operational
- Technology report: Efforts to "normalise" Toolserver relations stepped up
Tolong perbaiki ardbot secepatnya, krn sudah menghapus beberapa gambar yg saya muat! Saya sudah mencoba memperbaiki lisensi secara manual, tetapi kenapa anda tidak segera memperbaikinya ?! Kembangraps (bicara) 31 Desember 2012 05.04 (UTC)
Tolong perbaiki ardbot secepatnya, krn sudah menghapus beberapa gambar yg saya muat! Saya sudah mencoba memperbaiki lisensi secara manual, tetapi kenapa anda tidak segera memperbaikinya ?! Kembangraps (bicara) 31 Desember 2012 05.04 (UTC)
The Signpost: 31 December 2012
[sunting sumber]- From the editor: Wikipedia, our Colosseum
- Interview: Interview with Brion Vibber, the WMF's first employee
- News and notes: Wikimedia Foundation fundraiser a success; Czech parliament releases photographs to chapter
- In the media: Is the Wikimedia movement too 'cash rich'?; Wales accused of Kazakh corruption
- Recent research: Wikipedia and Sandy Hook; SOPA blackout reexamined
- Discussion report: Image policy and guidelines; resysopping policy
- WikiProject report: New Year, New York
- Featured content: Whoa Nelly! Featured content in review
- Technology report: Looking back on a year of incremental changes
The Signpost: 07 January 2013
[sunting sumber]- Op-ed: Meta, where innovative ideas die
- News and notes: 2012—the big year
- WikiProject report: Where Are They Now? Episode IV: A New Year
- Featured content: Featured content in review
- Technology report: Looking ahead to 2013
Penghapusan gambar
[sunting sumber]Tolong perbaiki ardbot secepatnya, gambar yg saya muat yaitu umroh.jpg dihapus! Saya sudah mencoba memperbaiki lisensi secara manual,dan sudah saya tuliskan itu foto diambil dari dokumen pribadi tetapi kenapa anda tidak segera memperbaikinya ?! Ranggireksapradana (bicara) 12 Januari 2013 07.47 (UTC)
The Signpost: 14 January 2013
[sunting sumber]- Investigative report: Ship ahoy! New travel site finally afloat
- News and notes: Launch of annual photo competition, new grant scheme
- Special report: Loss of an Internet genius
- Discussion report: Flag Manual of Style, accessibility and equality
- WikiProject report: Reach for the Stars: WikiProject Astronomy
- Featured content: Featured articles: Quality of reviews, quality of writing in 2012
- Arbitration report: First arbitration case in almost six months
- Technology report: Intermittent outages planned, first Wikidata client deployment
The Signpost: 21 January 2013
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Requests for adminship reform moves forward
- WikiProject report: Say What? — WikiProject Linguistics
- Featured content: Wazzup, G? Delegates and featured topics in review
- Arbitration report: Doncram case continues
- Technology report: Data centre switchover a tentative success
The Signpost: 28 January 2013
[sunting sumber]- In the media: Hoaxes draw media attention; Sue Gardner's op-ed; Women of Wikipedia
- News and notes: Khan Academy's Smarthistory and Wikipedia collaborate
- Recent research: Lessons from the research literature on open collaboration; clicks on featured articles; credibility heuristics
- Featured content: Listing off progress from 2012
- WikiProject report: Checkmate! – WikiProject Chess
- Discussion report: Administrator conduct and requests
- Arbitration report: Doncram continues
- Technology report: Developers get ready for FOSDEM amid caching problems
The Signpost: 04 February 2013
[sunting sumber]- Special report: Examining the popularity of Wikipedia articles: catalysts, trends, and applications
- In the media: Star Trek Into Pedantry
- News and notes: Article Feedback Tool faces community resistance
- Featured content: Portal people on potent potables and portable potholes
- WikiProject report: Land of the Midnight Sun – WikiProject Norway
- Technology report: Wikidata team targets English Wikipedia deployment
The Signpost: 11 February 2013
[sunting sumber]- Op-ed: An article is a construct – hoaxes and Wikipedia
- News and notes: UK chapter governance review marks the end of a controversial year
- In the media: Wikipedia mirroring life in island ownership dispute
- Discussion report: WebCite proposal; request for adminship reform
- WikiProject report: Just the Facts – WikiProject Infoboxes
- Featured content: A lousy week
- Technology report: Wikidata client rollout stutters
The Signpost: 18 February 2013
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Wikimedia Foundation declares 'victory' in Wikivoyage lawsuit
- In the media: Sue Gardner interviewed by the Australian press
- WikiProject report: Thank you for flying WikiProject Airlines
- Featured content: Featured content gets schooled
- Technology report: Better templates and 3D buildings
The Signpost: 25 February 2013
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: "Very lucky" Picture of the Year
- In the media: Former WMF board member creates "Wikipedia Corporate Index" for Fleishman-Hillard PR agency
- Recent research: Wikipedia not so novel after all, except to UK university lecturers; EPOV instead of NPOV
- Discussion report: Wikivoyage links; overcategorization
- WikiProject report: How to measure a WikiProject's workload
- Featured content: Blue birds be bouncin'
- Technology report: Wikidata development to be continued indefinitely
The Signpost: 11 March 2013
[sunting sumber]- From the editor: Signpost–Wikizine merger; new writers
- News and notes: Finance committee updates
- Featured content: Batman, three birds and a Mercedes
- WikiProject report: Setting a precedent
- Arbitration report: Doncram case closes; arbitrator resigns
- Technology report: Article Feedback reversal: watershed moment?; plus code review one year on
The Signpost: 18 March 2013
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Resigning arbitrator slams Committee
- Interview: Meeting in the middle: Wikipedia and libraries
- Featured content: Wikipedia stays warm
- WikiProject report: Making music with WikiProject Composers
- Arbitration report: Another arbitrator resigns; Richard case closes
- Technology report: Visual Editor "on schedule" for July rollout
The Signpost: 25 March 2013
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Sue Gardner to leave WMF; German Wikipedians spearhead another effort to close Wikinews
- Featured content: One and a half soursops
- WikiProject report: The 'Burgh: WikiProject Pittsburgh
- Arbitration report: Two open cases
- Technology report: The Visual Editor: Where are we now, and where are we headed?
- Recent research: "Ignore all rules" in deletions; anonymity and groupthink; how readers react when shown talk pages
The Signpost: 01 April 2013
[sunting sumber]- Special report: Who reads which Wikipedia? The WMF's surprising stats
- News and notes: Funding for the Wikipedia Library and six other projects; April Fool's Day ructions
- Featured content: What the ?
- WikiProject report: Special: FAQs
- Arbitration report: Three open cases
- Technology report: Wikidata phase 2 deployment timetable in doubt
The Signpost: 08 April 2013
[sunting sumber]- Wikizine: Introducing Wikizine: WMF scales back feature after outcry
- News and notes: French intelligence agents threaten Wikimedia volunteer
- Featured content: Wikipedia loves poetry
- WikiProject report: Earthshattering WikiProject Earthquakes
- Arbitration report: Subject experts needed for Argentine History
- Technology report: Testing week for developers and their deployments
The Signpost: 15 April 2013
[sunting sumber]- Op-ed: How do we fix RfA inactivity?
- News and notes: Another admin reform attempt flops
- Featured content: The featured process swings into high gear
- WikiProject report: Unity in Diversity: WikiProject South Africa
The Signpost: 22 April 2013
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Milan conference a mixed bag
- In the media: Wikipedia inaccurate, says Florence; New Wikipedia app for breaking news
- Featured content: Batfish in the Red Sea
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Editor Retention
- Arbitration report: Sexology case nears closure after stalling over topic ban
- Technology report: A flurry of deployments
The Signpost: 29 April 2013
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Chapter furore over FDC knockbacks; First DC GLAM boot-camp
- In the media: Wikipedia's sexism; Yuri Gadyukin hoax
- Traffic report: Most popular Wikipedia articles of the last week
- Featured content: Wiki loves video games
- WikiProject report: Japanese WikiProject Baseball
- Arbitration report: Sexology closed; two open cases
- Recent research: Sentiment monitoring, Wikipedians and academics favor the same papers, UNESCO and systemic bias, How ideas flow on Wikiversity
The Signpost: 06 May 2013
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Candidates nominating for Foundation elections; Looking ahead to Wikimania 2014
- In the media: New Wikipedia for Schools edition; Anders Behring Breivik's Wikipedia contributions
- Featured content: WikiCup update: full speed ahead!
- WikiProject report: Earn $100 in cash... and a button!
- Technology report: Foundation successful in bid for larger Google subsidy
The Signpost: 13 May 2013
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: WMF–community ruckus on Wikimedia mailing list
- In the media: PR firm accused of editing Wikipedia for government clients; can Wikipedia predict the stock market?
- Featured content: A mushroom, a motorway, a Munich gallery, and a map
- WikiProject report: Knock Out: WikiProject Mixed Martial Arts
- Arbitration report: Race and politics opened; three open cases
Gambar saya
[sunting sumber]Berkas Berkas:Arief Yahya CEO TelkomID.jpeg dan Berkas:Qischil.jpg yang saya unggah adalah hasil karya saya sendiri, namun kesalahan saya, saya memang lupa mencantumkan lisensinya. Adakah cara untuk menyunting lisensi gambar yang saya unggah. saya pemula dan dalam proses belajar. Terima kasih Aryphrase (bicara) 22 Mei 2013 23.12 (UTC)
Ok-ok terimakasih bimibingannya Aryphrase (bicara) 23 Mei 2013 02.06 (UTC)
Re: Nominasi penghapusan Berkas:Logo Multiply Baru.jpg
[sunting sumber]Mau dihapus? Silakan saja. Saya sendiri sebenarnya muak melihat gambar itu. Logo Multiply baru bagi saya tak lebih dari sebuah simbol kezaliman.
The Signpost: 20 May 2013
[sunting sumber]- Foundation elections: Trustee candidates speak about Board structure, China, gender, global south, endowment
- News and notes: Spanish Wikipedia leaps past one million articles
- In the media: Qworty incident continues
- WikiProject report: Classical Greece and Rome
- Featured content: Up in the air
Re: Penjelasan Bertanya
[sunting sumber]Oh iya makasih mas atas info dan penjelasannya, nanti saya coba perbaiki dulu mas gambarnya, terima kasih -Ramdan Herawan (bicara) 24 Mei 2013 09.43 (UTC)
The Signpost: 27 May 2013
[sunting sumber]- Foundation elections: Candidates talk about the Meta problem, the nation-based chapter model, world languages, and value for money
- News and notes: First-ever community election for FDC positions
- In the media: Pagans complain about Qworty's anti-Pagan editing
- Featured content: Life of 2π
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Geographical Coordinates
- Technology report: Amsterdam hackathon: continuity, change, and stroopwafels
- Recent research: Motivations on the Persian Wikipedia; is science eight times more popular on the Spanish Wikipedia than the English Wikipedia?
Marissa Haque
[sunting sumber]Artikelnya lagi dibetulkan dari berulangkali vandal, TUNGGU, karena sekarang sedang hangat dibicarakan hanya informasi yang dapat diverifikasi yang bisa dimasukkan. Seluruh pendidikan dan titel lainnya akan dibuat dua arah, klaim dari si artis sendiri dan sanggahannya dari publik. Salam. Serenity (bicara) 31 Mei 2013 07.27 (UTC)
- Udah di warung kopi, gila, vandalismenya tinggi banget. Baik yang anti dan pro. Yang anti lebih pintar daripada yang kontra. masukin informasi sekolahnya di "SLB" sampai diselipin dalam kalimat yang memiliki rujukan. Yang pro, main paste and copy. Saya ngga bisa benerin dulu. Terlalu tinggi vandalnya. Akan saya biarkan saja dulu.
The Signpost: 05 June 2013
[sunting sumber]- From the editor: Signpost developments
- News and notes: "Cease and desist", World Trade Organization says to Wikivoyage; Could WikiLang be the next WMF project?
- In the media: China blocks Wikipedia
- Discussion report: Return of the Discussion report
- Featured content: A week of portraits
- WikiProject report: Operation Normandy
- Technology report: Developers accused of making Toolserver fight 'pointless'
The Signpost: 12 June 2013
[sunting sumber]- Op-ed: The tragedy of Wikipedia's commons
- News and notes: How Wikimedia affiliates are spending $8.4 million; PRISM scandal
- Traffic report: Who holds the throne?
- In the media: VisualEditor will "change world history"
- Discussion report: VisualEditor, elections, bots, and more
- Featured content: Mixing Bowl Interchange
- Arbitration report: Two cases suspended; proposed decision posted in Argentine History
- WikiProject report: Processing WikiProject Computing
Nominasi penghapusan Berkas:Logo Gunadarma.jpg
[sunting sumber]Maaf, bagaimana cara untuk menambahkan lisensi pada berkas ini? terima kasih.
The Signpost: 19 June 2013
[sunting sumber]- Op-ed: Two responses to the 'Tragedy of Wikipedia's Commons'
- News and notes: Swedish Wikipedia's millionth article leads to protests; WMF elections—where are all the voters?
- In the media: South African learners want Wikipedia
- Traffic report: Most popular Wikipedia articles of the last week
- Discussion report: Citations, non-free content, and a MediaWiki meeting
- Featured content: Cheaper by the dozen
- WikiProject report: The Volunteer State: WikiProject Tennessee
- Arbitration report: The Farmbrough amendment request—automation and arbitration enforcement
- Technology report: VisualEditor set for early July rollout
Nominasi penghapusan Berkas:Pasar Terapung Siring Piere Tendean di Banjarmasin.jpg
[sunting sumber]Foto ini karya saya sendiri, cuma waktu mengupload saya lupa klik lisensinya, apakah sebaiknya dihapus saja kemudian saya upload ulang foto yang samaAlamnirvana (bicara) 24 Juni 2013 12.37 (UTC)
Kalo boleh saya sarankan untuk layout stasiun harap gunakan :
- Khrisma sugandi (bicara · Colek · fb) 25 Juni 2013 06.59 (UTC)
The Signpost: 26 June 2013
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Election results released
- In the media: Daily Dot on Commons and porn; Jimmy Wales accused of breaking Wikipedia rules in hunt for Snowden
- Traffic report: Most-viewed articles of the week
- Discussion report: Privacy policy, X!'s edit counter, old rangeblocks, and the Article Incubator
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Fashion
- Featured content: Wikipedia in black + Adam Cuerden
- Arbitration report: Argentine History closed; two cases remain suspended
- Recent research: Controversial Wikipedia topics
The Signpost: 03 July 2013
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Wikipedia's medical collaborations gathering pace
- In the media: Jimmy Wales is not an Internet billionaire; a mass shooter's alleged Wikipedia editing
- Traffic report: Yahoo! crushes the competition ... in Wikipedia views
- Discussion report: Snuggle, mainpage link to Wikinews, 3RR, and more
- WikiProject report: Puppies!
- Featured content: Queen of France
- Arbitration report: Tea Party movement reopened, new AUSC appointments
- Technology report: VisualEditor in midst of game-changing deployment series
The Signpost: 10 July 2013
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Wikimedia Board appoints world expert in women's issues, global south
- Op-ed: It's time to stop pretending the English-language Wikinews is a viable project
- Dispatches: Infoboxes: time for a fresh look?
- Traffic report: Most-viewed articles of the week
- Discussion report: Featured article process governance, signature templates, and more
- WikiProject report: Not Jimbo: WikiProject Wales
- Featured content: The week of the birds
The Signpost: 17 July 2013
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Wikimedia Foundation's new plans announced
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Square Enix
- Featured content: Documents and sports
- Arbitration report: Kiefer.Wolfowitz and Ironholds case opens; July 22 deadline for checkuser and oversight applications
- Traffic report: Most-viewed articles of the week
The Signpost: 24 July 2013
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Wikivoyage turns ten, but where to now?; Wikipedia Zero expands into India
- In the media: Wikipedia flamewars
- Discussion report: Partially disambiguated page names, page protection policy, and more
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Religion
- Featured content: Engineering and the arts
- Arbitration report: Infoboxes case opens
- Traffic report: Gleeless
The Signpost: 31 July 2013
[sunting sumber]- Op-ed: The VisualEditor Beta and the path to change
- News and notes: Gearing up for Wikimania 2013
- Featured content: Caterpillars, warblers, and frogs—oh my!
- Discussion report: Defining consensus; VisualEditor default state; expert and layperson terms in article titles
- WikiProject report: Babel Series: Politics on the Turkish Wikipedia
- Arbitration report: Race and politics case closes
- Traffic report: Bouncing Baby Brouhaha
- Recent research: Napoleon, Michael Jackson and Srebrenica across cultures, 90% of Wikipedia better than Britannica, WikiSym preview
The Signpost: 07 August 2013
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Chapters Association self-destructs
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Freedom of Speech
- Featured content: The great Colorado River and the mysterious case of the grand duchess
- Discussion report: Civility policy, geographic names, CheckUser and Oversighter candidates, and more
- Arbitration report: Fourteen editors proposed for ban in Tea party movement case
- Traffic report: Greetings from the graveyard
The Signpost: 14 August 2013
[sunting sumber]- Special report: Jimmy Wales: media favors entertainment over raising public awareness
- News and notes: "Beautifully smooth" Wikimania with few hitches
- In the media: Chinese censorship
- Discussion report: Wikivoyage, reliable sources, music bands, account creators, and OTRS
- WikiProject report: For the love of stamps
- Featured content: Wikipedia takes the cities
- Arbitration report: Kiefer.Wolfowitz and Ironholds case closes; invitation to comment on applicants for checkuser and oversight ends 16 August
The Signpost: 21 August 2013
[sunting sumber]- From the editor: Call for contributors
- WikiProject report: Today's article for improvement
- News and notes: Wikipedia's Manual of Style marches into Manning's sex change
- Traffic report: Bad Cat
- Discussion report: Skyscrapers, Gibraltar DYKs, Four Award, Secure login, and more
- Featured content: Afrobeat
- Technology report: Generating musical scores with LilyPond
Undangan diskusi Wikipedia:Artikel pilihan/Usulan/Anatomi burung
[sunting sumber]Mohon kiranya Anda dapat berpartisipasi lebih lanjut untuk memberikan komentar, pendapat, ataupun saran di sini . Terima kasih dan salam sejahtera. Pai Walisongo (bicara) 31 Agustus 2013 01.53 (UTC) |
The Signpost: 28 August 2013
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Looking ahead to Wiki Loves Monuments
- In the media: Chelsea Manning, Box-office predictors, and 'Storming Wikipedia'
- Traffic report: Reddit creep
- WikiProject report: Loop-the-loop: Amusement Parks
- Featured content: WikiCup update, and the gardens of Finland
- Technology report: Gallery improvements launch on Wikipedia
- Recent research: WikiSym 2013 retrospective
The Signpost: 04 September 2013
[sunting sumber]- In the media: Manning "put back in the closet"; State involvement in the Azerbaijani Wikipedia
- News and notes: Privacy policy debate gears up
- WikiProject report: Writing on the frontier: Psychology on Wikipedia
- Traffic report: No accounting for the wisdom of crowds
- Discussion report: Arbcom election procedures, Wiki Loves Monuments, Privacy policy, FDC, and more
- Featured content: Bridging the way to a Peasants' Revolt
- Arbitration report: Manning naming dispute case opens; Tea Party case closes ; Infoboxes nears completion
- Technology report: Making Wikipedia more accessible
The Signpost: 11 September 2013
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: As deadline approaches, Individual Engagement Grants looks for ideas
- In the media: Lawyer goes to court to discover Wikipedian's identity; Storming Wikipedia; Wikimedia UK Secretary in conflict-of-interest controversy; Does Wikipedia need a "right to reply" box?
- WikiProject report: Traveling to Indonesia
- Traffic report: Syria, celebrities, and association football: oh my!
- Featured content: Tintin goes featured
- Arbitration report: Workshop phase opens in Manning naming dispute ; Infoboxes case closes
The Signpost: 18 September 2013
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Third time's the charm: the FDC's newest round of funding requests
- Traffic report: Twerking, tragedy and TV
- WikiProject report: 18,464 Good Articles on the wall
- Featured content: Hurricane Diane and the Van Gogh
- Technology report: What can Wikidata do for Wikipedia?
The Signpost: 25 September 2013
[sunting sumber]- Op-ed: Q&A on Public Relations and Wikipedia
- News and notes: Last call for Wiki Loves Monuments; Community–WMF tension over VisualEditor
- Traffic report: Look on Walter's works
- In the media: Fox News: Wikipedia abandons efforts to purge porn from online encyclopedia
- WikiProject report: Babel Series: GOOOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLLL!!!!!
- Featured content: Wikipedia takes the stage
- Recent research: Automatic detection of "infiltrating" Wikipedia admins; Wiki, or 'pedia?
The Signpost: 02 October 2013
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: WMF signals new grantmaking priorities
- Op-ed: Commons medical diagnostic images under threat from unresolved ownership
- Discussion report: References to individuals and groups, merging wikiprojects, portals on the Main page, and more
- WikiProject report: U2 Too
- Featured content: Bobby, Ben, Roger and a fantasia
- Arbitration report: Infoboxes: After the war
The Signpost: 09 October 2013
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Extensive network of clandestine paid advocacy exposed
- Traffic report: Shutdown shenanigans
- In the media: College credit for editing Wikipedia
- WikiProject report: Australian Roads
- Arbitration report: Manning naming dispute and Ebionites 3 cases continue; third arbitrator resigns
- Featured content: Under the sea
The Signpost: 16 October 2013
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Vice on Wiki-PR's paid advocacy; Featured list elections begin
- WikiProject report: Heraldry and Vexillology
- Traffic report: Peaceful potpourri
- Discussion report: Ada Lovelace Day, paid advocacy on Wikipedia, sidebar update, and more
- Featured content: That's a lot of pictures
- Arbitration report: Manning naming dispute case closes
The Signpost: 23 October 2013
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Grantmaking season—rumbling in the German-language Wikimedia
- In the media: The decline of Wikipedia; Sue Gardner releases statement on Wiki-PR; Australian minister relies on Wikipedia
- Featured content: Your worst nightmare as a child is now featured on Wikipedia
- Traffic report: Your average week... and a fish
- Discussion report: More discussion of paid advocacy, upcoming arbitrator elections, research hackathon, and more
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Elements
The Signpost: 30 October 2013
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Sex and drug tourism—Wikivoyage's soft underbelly?
- Traffic report: 200 miles in 200 years
- In the media: Rand Paul plagiarizes Wikipedia?
- WikiProject report: Special: Lessons from the dead and dying
- Featured content: Wrestling with featured content
- Recent research: User influence on site policies: Wikipedia vs. Facebook vs. Youtube
The Signpost: 06 November 2013
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Alleged 'outing' of an editor's personal information leads to Wikipedia ban
- Featured content: Five years of work leads to 63-article featured topic
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Accessibility
- Traffic report: Danse Macabre
- Discussion report: Sockpuppet investigations, VisualEditor, Wikidata's birthday, and more
- Arbitration report: Ebionites 3 case closed
The Signpost: 13 November 2013
[sunting sumber]- Special report: FDC staff assessments raise the benchmarks for activities, impact, planning, and governance
- News and notes: Trademark at issue again with the Italian Wikipedia and
- Traffic report: Google Doodlebugs bust the block
- Discussion report: Commas, Draft namespace proposal, education updates, and more
- WikiProject report: The world of soap operas
- Featured content: 1244 Chinese handscroll leads nine-strong picture contingent
Undangan diskusi Wikipedia:Artikel pilihan/Usulan/The Age of Reason
[sunting sumber]Mohon kiranya Anda dapat berpartisipasi lebih lanjut untuk memberikan komentar, pendapat, ataupun saran di sini . Terima kasih dan salam sejahtera. SamanthaPuckettIndo (bicara) 18 November 2013 03.37 (UTC) {{Undangan diskusi}} |
The Signpost: 20 November 2013
[sunting sumber]- From the editor: The Signpost needs your help
- News and notes: Foundation to Wiki-PR: cease and desist; Arbitration Committee elections starting
- Book review: Peter Burke's Social History of Knowledge—ambitious, fascinating, and exhaustive
- Traffic report: Ill Winds
- WikiProject report: Score! American football on Wikipedia
- Featured content: Rockin' the featured pictures
The Signpost: 04 December 2013
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: One decade of Wikisource; FDC recommendations raise serious questions
- Discussion report: Musical scores, diversity conference, Module:Convert, and more
- WikiProject report: Electronic Apple Pie
- Traffic report: Kennedy shot Who
- Featured content: F*&!
- Arbitration report: Ottoman Empire–Turkey naming dispute case opens; New discretionary sanctions draft proposal available for review
- Recent research: Reciprocity and reputation motivate contributions to Wikipedia; indigenous knowledge and "cultural imperialism"; how PR people see Wikipedia
The Signpost: 11 December 2013
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Wiki Loves Monuments—winners announced
- In the media: Edward Snowden a "hero"; German Wikipedia court ruling
- Interview: Wikipedia's first Featured Article centurion
- Traffic report: Deaths of Mandela, Walker top the list
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Wine
- Featured content: Viewer discretion advised
- Technology report: MediaWiki 1.22 released
The Signpost: 18 December 2013
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Nine new arbitrators announced
- WikiProject report: Babel Series: Tunisia on the French Wikipedia
- Discussion report: Usernames, template data and documentation, Main page, and more
- Traffic report: Hopper to the top
- Featured content: Triangulum, the world's most boring constellation
- Technology report: Introducing the GLAMWikiToolset
The Signpost: 25 December 2013
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: IEG round 2 funding rewards diverse ambitions
- Discussion report: Draft namespace, VisualEditor meetings
- WikiProject report: More Great WikiProject Logos
- Featured content: Drunken birds and treasonous kings
- Technology report: OAuth: future of user designed tools
- Recent research: Cross-language editors, election predictions, vandalism experiments
The Signpost: 01 January 2014
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: The year in review
- In the media: Does Wikipedia need a medical disclaimer?
- Book review: Życie Wirtualnych Dzikich
- Discussion report: Article incubator, dates and fractions, medical disclaimer
- Traffic report: A year stuck in traffic
- WikiProject report: Where Are They Now? Fifth Edition
- Featured content: 2013—the trends
- Technology report: 2013: Year in review
The Signpost: 15 January 2014
[sunting sumber]- Op-ed: Licensed for reuse? Citing open-access sources in Wikipedia articles
- News and notes: Wikimedia Germany asks for "reworking" of Funds Dissemination Committee; should MP4 be allowed on Wikimedia sites?
- In the media: Is Google hurting Wikipedia traffic?; "Wikipedia-Mania" in the New York Times
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Sociology
- Traffic report: The Hours are Ours
- Technology report: Architecture Summit schedule published
The Signpost: 22 January 2014
[sunting sumber]- Book review: Missing Links and Secret Histories: A Selection of Wikipedia Entries from Across the Known Multiverse
- Special report: The few who write Wikipedia
- News and notes: Modification of WMF protection brought to Arbcom
- Featured content: Dr. Watson, I presume with the Tramp* Traffic report: No show for the Globes
- Technology report: Architecting the future of MediaWiki
The Signpost: 29 January 2014
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Wiki-PR defends itself, condemns Wikipedia's actions
- Traffic report: Six strikes out
- WikiProject report: Contesting Contests
- Arbitration report: Kafziel case closed; Kww admonished by motion
- Recent research: Translation assignments, weasel words, and Wikipedia's content in its later years
The Signpost: 29 January 2014
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Wiki-PR defends itself, condemns Wikipedia's actions
- Traffic report: Six strikes out
- WikiProject report: Contesting Contests
- Arbitration report: Kafziel case closed; Kww admonished by motion
- Recent research: Translation assignments, weasel words, and Wikipedia's content in its later years
Bls: Nominasi penghapusan Berkas:Raja Melewar.jpg
[sunting sumber]Maaf Sdr. ArdWar, kenapa Anda tidak coba membantu memperbaikinya sebelum menjatuhkan "tag penghapusan"?. Terima kasih, salam. ~Jay rang Koto 5 Februari 2014 20.01 (UTC)
- Terima kasih Sdr. ArdWar, sudah memperbaiki berkas Raja Melewar. Salam sejahtera. ~Jay rang Koto 8 Februari 2014 10.14 (UTC)
Bls : Nominasi penghapusan Berkas:PLTA Sigura Gura.jpg; Landungsari.jpg; Landungsari2.jpg
[sunting sumber]Terima kasih sebelumnya, tetapi anda harus berpikir dahulu sebelum menghapusnya, karena sudah saya beri lisensi. Sekali lagi terima kasih. Bayu Adi Setiyawan (bicara) 6 Februari 2014 00.23 (UTC)
Masalah penghapusan Berkas:Poster Viva JKT48.jpg
[sunting sumber]- mohon maaf, untuk Berkas:Poster Viva JKT48.jpg karena memang sumbernya dari Twitter tersebut memang yang paling lengkap. Twitter tersebut memang twitter asli dari Maxima Picture yang menggarap "VIVA JKT48". Masalahnya, jika saya mencantumkan halaman resmi dari Maxima Picture ( yang nota bene hanya ada gambar setengahnya saja, maka sumber akan menjadi lebih salah lagi. Dalam hal ini, mungkin saya memang salah tidak (mungkin lebih tepatnya lupa) tidak mencantumkan lisensi, namun mohon untuk tidak menghapus gambar yang sumbernya memang orisinil dari Maxima Picture. Selain itu, sesuai dengan kelayakan, sudah saya tambahkan Lisensi. Terima kasih sudah memperhatikan. ——conandaSathyaBICARA 6 Februari 2014 02.42 (UTC)
- ya, kebetulan saya juga orangnya cukup ketat sama yang namanya hak cipta, untuk yang poster itu memang lalai. Silakan lepaskan saja peliharaannya biar tau mana yang tidak pakai lisensi. Salam. ——conandaSathyaBICARA 8 Februari 2014 00.47 (UTC)
Undangan diskusi Wikipedia:Usulan penghapusan/Berkas:PatungHatta.jpg
[sunting sumber]Mohon kiranya Anda dapat berpartisipasi lebih lanjut untuk memberikan komentar, pendapat, ataupun saran di sini . Terima kasih dan salam sejahtera. Nikman (bicara) 6 Februari 2014 09.02 (UTC) {{Undangan diskusi}} |
Undangan diskusi Wikipedia:Usulan penghapusan/Berkas:Hutan Bung Hatta.jpg
[sunting sumber]Mohon kiranya Anda dapat berpartisipasi lebih lanjut untuk memberikan komentar, pendapat, ataupun saran di sini . Terima kasih dan salam sejahtera. Nikman (bicara) 6 Februari 2014 09.26 (UTC) {{Undangan diskusi}} |
- Silakan baca pendapat saya di diskusi. Terima kasih. Salam -Nikman (bicara) 7 Februari 2014 13.31 (WIB)
- Untuk Berkas:Welcome THBH.jpg, pemilihan templat {{TampilanSitus}} dilakukan saat pengunggahan. Tadi, mau saya ganti dengan templat lain, bisa dilakukan tapi templat {{TampilanSitus}} masih tetap muncul. Itu gimana cara menyunting templat yg sudah terlanjur dipilih pada saat pengunggahan pertama? Thanks -Nikman (bicara) 7 Februari 2014 16.40 (WIB)
The Signpost: 12 February 2014
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: WMF bites the bullet on affiliation and FDC funding, elevates Wikimedia user groups
- In the media: WikiVIP; Art Feminism; Medical articles; PR manipulation; Azerbaijani Wikipedia
- Featured content: Space selfie
- Traffic report: Sports Day
- WikiProject report: Game Time in Russia
- Technology report: Left with no choice
The Signpost: 15 February 2014
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Foundation takes aim at undisclosed paid editing; Greek Wikipedia editor faces down legal challenge
- WikiProject report: Countering Systemic Bias
- Featured content: Holotype
- Traffic report: Chilly Valentines
- Technology report: ULS comeback
The Signpost: 26 February 2014
[sunting sumber]- Special report: Diary of a protester—Wikimedian perishes in Ukrainian unrest
- Forum: Should Wikimedia modify its terms of use to require disclosure?
- News and notes: Wikimedia chapters and communities challenge Commons' URAA policy
- Traffic report: Snow big deal
- WikiProject report: Racking brains with neuroscience
- Featured content: Odin salutes you
- Recent research: CSCW '14 retrospective; the impact of SOPA on deletionism
The Signpost: 05 March 2014
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Wikipedia Library finding success in matching contributors with sources
- Traffic report: Brinksmen on the brink
- Discussion report: Four paragraph lead, indefinitely blocked IPs, editor reviews broken?
- WikiProject report: Article Rescue Squadron
- Featured content: Full speed ahead for the WikiCup
The Signpost: 12 March 2014
[sunting sumber]- Traffic report: War and awards
- News and notes: Wikimedians celebrate International Women's Day and Women's History Month
- WikiProject report: Examining the Russian Wikipedia's Entomology Project
- Featured content: Ukraine burns
The Signpost: 19 March 2014
[sunting sumber]- Interview: Nate Ott: the writer behind 71 articles in the English Wikipedia's largest-ever good topic
- Forum: Wikimedia Commons mission: free media for the world or only Wikimedia projects?
- News and notes: Foundation-supported Wikipedian in residence faces scrutiny
- Traffic report: Into thin air
- WikiProject report: We have history
- Featured content: Spot the bulldozer
- Technology report: Wikimedia engineering report
The Signpost: 26 March 2014
[sunting sumber]- Op-ed: Why we're updating the default typography for Wikipedia
- Comment: A foolish request
- News and notes: Commons Picture of the Year—winners announced
- Traffic report: Down to a simmer
- WikiProject report: From the peak
- Featured content: Winter hath a beauty that is all his own
- Recent research: Wikipedians' "encyclopedic identity" dominates even in Kosovo debates; analysis of "In the news" discussions; user hierarchy mapped
- Technology report: Why will Wikipedia look like the Signpost?
The Signpost: 02 April 2014
[sunting sumber]- Special report: On the cusp of the Wikimedia Conference
- News and notes: Wikimedia conferences—soul-searching about costs, attendance, and future
- Traffic report: Regressing to the mean
- WikiProject report: Deutschland in English
- Featured content: April Fools
The Signpost: 09 April 2014
[sunting sumber]- Special report: Community mourns passing of Adrianne Wadewitz
- News and notes: Round 2 of FDC funding open to public comments
- Traffic report: Conquest of the Couch Potatoes
- WikiProject report: Law
- Featured content: Snow heater and Ash sweep
The Signpost: 23 April 2014
[sunting sumber]- Special report: 2014 Wikimedia Conference—what is the impact?
- Wikimania: Winning bid announced for 2015
- News and notes: Wikimedian passes away
- WikiProject report: To the altar—Catholicism
- Featured content: There was I, waiting at the church
- Traffic report: Reflecting in Gethsemane
The Signpost: 30 April 2014
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: WMF's draft annual plan turns indigestible as an FDC proposal
- Interview: Wikipedia in the Peabody Essex Museum
- Featured content: Browsing behaviours
- WikiProject report: Genetics
- Traffic report: Going to the Doggs
- Recent research: Wikipedia predicts flu more accurately than Google; 43% of academics have edited Wikipedia
The Signpost: 07 May 2014
[sunting sumber]- In focus: Foundation announces long-awaited new executive director
- News and notes: New system of discretionary sanctions; Buchenwald; is Pirelli 'Cracking Wikipedia'?
- WikiCup: 2014 WikiCup enters round three
- In the media: Google and the flu; Adrianne
- WikiProject report: Singing with Eurovision
- Featured content: Wikipedia at the Rijksmuseum
- Traffic report: TMZedia
The Signpost: 14 May 2014
[sunting sumber]- Investigative report: Hong Kong's Wikimania 2013—failure to produce financial statement raises questions of probity
- News and notes: 'Ask a librarian': connecting Wikimedians with the National Library of Australia
- Featured content: On the rocks
- Traffic report: Eurovision, Google Doodles, Mothers, and May 5th
- WikiProject report: Relaxing in Puerto Rico
- Technology report: Technology report needs editor, Media Viewer offers a new look
The Signpost: 21 May 2014
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: "Crisis" over Wikimedia Germany's palace revolution
- Traffic report: Doodles' dawn
- Featured content: Staggering number of featured articles
The Signpost: 28 May 2014
[sunting sumber]- Interview: Casliber reaches one hundred featured articles
Wikipedia's second featured article centurion - News and notes: The English Wikipedia's second featured-article centurion; wiki inventor interviewed on video
- Recent research: Overview of research on Wikipedia's readers; predicting which article you will edit next
- Featured content: Zombie fight in the saloon
- Traffic report: Get fitted for flipflops and floppy hats
The Signpost: 04 June 2014
[sunting sumber]- Special report: IEG funding for women's stories—a new approach to the gender gap
- Op-ed: "Hospitality, jerks, and what I learned"—the amazing keynote at WikiConference USA
- News and notes: Two new affiliate-selected trustees
- In the media: Reliable or not, doctors use Wikipedia
- Traffic report: Autumn in summer
- Featured content: Ye stately homes of England
The Signpost: 11 June 2014
[sunting sumber]- Paid editing: Does Wikipedia Pay? The Moderator: William Beutler
- Special report: Questions raised over secret voting for WMF trustees
- News and notes: PR agencies commit to ethical interactions with Wikipedia
- Traffic report: The week the wired went weird
- Featured content: Politics, Ships, Art, and Cyclones
Masalah penghapusan Berkas
[sunting sumber]Mohon Pencerahannya masalah penghapusan berkas dibawah ini :
- Berkas:Didik Boediarto.jpg
- Berkas:Taman_Makam_Pahlawan.jpg
- Berkas:Taman Makam Pahlawan Dreded.jpg
- Berkas:Jalan Tole Iskandar.jpg
- Berkas:Kakek Tole Iskandar.jpg
- Berkas:Orang Tua Tole Sskandar.jpg
- Berkas:Barisan Tole Iskandar di masa perjuangan..jpg
- Berkas:Agus Sutondo Bersama Wenri Wanhar Penulis Gedoran Depok.jpg
- Berkas:Margonda Pahlawan Kemerdekaan.jpg
Terima kasih bang ArdBot atas segala sarannya, mohon maaf untuk gambarnya sudah diberi link sumbernya dari situs web, mohon pencerahannya, sekali lagi terucap terima kasih, salam dari : Masdiko (bicara)
berkas akar sulur
[sunting sumber]Berkas akar sulur, dihapus saja tidak apa-apa saya memang lupa menambahkan lisensinya.BP89Siti (bicara) 17 Juni 2014 23.45 (UTC)
Perbaikan Gambar yang akan dihapus
[sunting sumber]Saya sudah menambahkan lisensi pada gambar yang saya unggah . Terima kasih. lukmantomayahu 18 Juni 2014 02.34 (UTC)
Perihal rencana penghapusan Gambar
[sunting sumber]Terima kasih atas koreksinya, Sdr. ArdBot
Terkait nominasi penghapusan gambar
jika sumber yang saya cantumkan kurang memadai syarat pengunggahan gambar di Wikipedia, saya tidak keberatang untuk dihapus.
Salam BP21Danang (bicara) 18 Juni 2014 10.14 (UTC)
perihal penghapusan gambar
[sunting sumber]saya sudah menambahkan lisensi pada gambar Head morriston dan Rogger Bissiere ya.. (BP41Hillun (bicara)
Undangan diskusi Wikipedia:Artikel pilihan/Usulan/Djadoeg Djajakusuma
[sunting sumber]Mohon kiranya Anda dapat berpartisipasi lebih lanjut untuk memberikan komentar, pendapat, ataupun saran di sini . Terima kasih dan salam sejahtera. --Erik Fastman (bicara) 19 Juni 2014 02.08 (UTC) {{Undangan diskusi}} |
penghapusan gambar
[sunting sumber]Selamat pagi mas, saya mau bertanya tentang perihal penghapusan gambar yang ditulis oleh Bot anda di halaman pembicaraan saya, saya minta tolong dong beri contoh cara memberi lisensi misal untuk gambar saya yang mengenai sidang gugatan Sengkon dan Karta, terimakasih BP68Rizqi (bicara) 21 Juni 2014 04.33 (UTC)
- Maaf mau ikut nimbrung. Menurut pranala, harus ada izin dulu dari Tempo Store sebelum gambar tersebut bisa diunduh. Jadi, gambar tersebut perlu segera dihapus untuk menghindarkan anda terkena proses hukum (baca: Larangan). NB: Cara memberi lisensi dan model-modelnya dapat anda lihat di Wikipedia:Kebijakan penggunaan gambar, Wikipedia:Templat/Gambar, dan Kategori:Templat lisensi gambar. Semoga membantu. Salam, Naval Scene (bicara) 25 Juni 2014 15.30 (UTC)
The Signpost: 18 June 2014
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: With paid advocacy in its sights, the Wikimedia Foundation amends their terms of use
- Special report: Wikimedia Bangladesh: a chapter's five-year journey
- Traffic report: You can't dethrone Thrones
- WikiProject report: Visiting the city
- Featured content: Worming our way to featured picture
The Signpost: 25 June 2014
[sunting sumber]- Exclusive: Foundation's new executive director speaks to the Signpost
- News and notes: US National Archives enshrines Wikipedia in Open Government Plan, plans to upload all holdings to Commons
- Featured content: Showing our Wörth
- WikiProject report: The world where dreams come true
- Discussion report: Media Viewer, old HTML tags
- Traffic report: Fake war, or real sport?
- Recent research: Power users and diversity in WikiProjects, the "network of cultures" in multilingual Wikipedia biographies
The Signpost: 02 July 2014
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Wikimedia Israel receives Roaring Lion award
- In the media: Wiki Education; medical content; PR firms
- WikiProject report: Indigenous peoples of North America
- Traffic report: The Cup runneth over... and over.
- Featured content: Ship-shape
- Technology report: In memoriam: the Toolserver (2005–14)
The Signpost: 09 July 2014
[sunting sumber]- Special report: Wikimania 2014—what will it cost?
- Wikimedia in education: Exploring the United States and Canada with LiAnna Davis
- News and notes: With echoes of the VisualEditor, conflict breaks out again over tech initiative
- Wikicup: Wikicup's third round sees money, space, battleships and more
- Featured content: Three cheers for featured pictures!
- Traffic report: World Cup, Tim Howard rule the week
The Signpost: 16 July 2014
[sunting sumber]- Special report: $10 million lawsuit against Wikipedia editors dismissed with help from WMF, but plaintiff intends to refile
- Wikimedia in education: Serbia takes the stage with Filip Maljkovic
- News and notes: Bot-created Wikipedia articles covered in the Wall Street Journal, push Cebuano over one million articles
- Traffic report: World Cup dominates for another week
- Featured content: The Island with the Golden Gun
The Signpost: 23 July 2014
[sunting sumber]- Forum: Did you know?—good idea, needs reform
- Wikimedia in education: Education program gaining momentum in Israel
- News and notes: Institutional media uploads to Commons get a bit easier
- Traffic report: The World Cup hangs on, though tragedies seek to replace it
- Featured content: Why, they're plum identical!
The Signpost: 30 July 2014
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: How many more hoaxes will Wikipedia find?
- Book review: Knowledge or unreality?
- Wikimedia in education: Success in Egypt and the Arab world
- Featured content: Skeletons and Skeltons
- Traffic report: Doom and gloom vs. the power of Reddit
- Recent research: Shifting values in the paid content debate; cross-language bot detection
The Signpost: 06 August 2014
[sunting sumber]- Wikimedia in education: Leading universities educate with Wikipedia in Mexico
- News and notes: "History is a human right"—first-ever transparency report released as Europe begins hiding Wikipedia in search results
- Traffic report: Ebola drives reader interest* Featured content: Bottoms, asses, and the fairies that love them
- Technology report: A technologist's Wikimania preview
The Signpost: 13 August 2014
[sunting sumber]- Wikimania: Promised the moon, settled for the stars
- Op-ed: Red links, blue links, and erythrophobia
- Special report: Twitter bots catalogue government edits to Wikipedia
- News and notes: Media Viewer controversy spreads to German Wikipedia
- Wikimedia in education: Wikimedia Global Education: WMF's Perspective
- In the media: Monkey selfie, net neutrality, and hoaxes
- Featured content: Cambridge got a lot of attention this week
- Traffic report: Disease, decimation and distraction
The Signpost: 20 August 2014
[sunting sumber]- Interview: Improving the visibility of digital archival assets using Wikipedia
- Traffic report: Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero
- WikiProject report: Bats and gloves
- Featured content: English Wikipedia departs for Japan
- Op-ed: A new metric for Wikimedia
The Signpost: 27 August 2014
[sunting sumber]- Featured content: Cheats at Featured Pictures!
- In the media: Plagiarism and vandalism dominate Wikipedia news
- News and notes: Media Viewer—Wikimedia's emotional roller-coaster
- Traffic report: Viral
The Signpost: 03 September 2014
[sunting sumber]- Arbitration report: Media viewer case is suspended
- Featured content: 1882 × 5 in gold, and thruppence more
- Op-ed: Automated copy-and-paste detection under trial
- Recent research: A Wikipedia-based Pantheon; new Wikipedia analysis tool suite; how AfC hamstrings newbies
- Traffic report: Holding Pattern
- WikiProject report: Gray's Anatomy (v. 2)
The Signpost: 10 September 2014
[sunting sumber]- Op-ed: Media Viewer software is not ready
- Featured content: The louse and the fish's tongue
- WikiProject report: Checking that everything's all right
- Traffic report: Refuge in celebrity
The Signpost: 17 September 2014
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Wikipedia's traffic statistics are off by nearly one-third
- In the media: Turkish Twitter outrage, medical translation, audience metrics
- WikiProject report: A trip up north to Scotland
- Featured content: Which is not like the others?
- Traffic report: Tolstoy leads a varied pack
The Signpost: 24 September 2014
[sunting sumber]- In the media: Indian political editing, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Congressional chelonii
- Featured content: Oil paintings galore
- Traffic report: Wikipedia watches the election in Scotland
- WikiProject report: GAN reviewers take note: competition time
- Arbitration report: Banning Policy, Gender Gap, and Waldorf education
- Recent research: 99.25% of Wikipedia birthdates accurate; focused Wikipedians live longer; merging WordNet, Wikipedia and Wiktionary
The Signpost: 01 October 2014
[sunting sumber]- From the editor: The Signpost needs your help
- News and notes: Wikipedia article published in peer-reviewed journal; Wikipedia in education
- Dispatches: Let's get serious about plagiarism
- Featured content: Brothers at War
- Traffic report: Shanah Tovah
- WikiProject report: Animals, farms, forests, USDA? It must be WikiProject Agriculture
The Signpost: 08 October 2014
[sunting sumber]- In the media: Opposition research firm blocked; Australian brushfire
- Featured content: From a wordless novel to a coat of arms via New York City
- Traffic report: Panic and denial
- Technology report: HHVM is the greatest thing since sliced bread
The Signpost: 15 October 2014
[sunting sumber]- Arbitration report: One case closed and two opened
- Discussion report: en:Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2014-10-15/Discussion report
- Featured content: Bells ring out at the Temple of the Dragon at Peace
- In the media: College player falsely linked to sports scandal by Wikipedia; the Nobel Prizes
- Op-ed: Ships—sexist or sexy?
- Technology report: Attempting to parse wikitext
- Traffic report: Now introducing ... mobile data
- WikiProject report: Signpost reaches the Midwest
The Signpost: 22 October 2014
[sunting sumber]- In the media: The story of Wikipedia; Wikipedia reanimated and republished; UK government social media rules; death of Italian Wikipedia administrator
- Featured content: Admiral on deck: a modern Ada Lovelace
- Op-ed: Hong Kong's Umbrella Revolution—a wiki-protest
- WikiProject report: De-orphanning articles - a huge task but with a huge team of volunteers to help
- Traffic report: Death, War, Pestilence... Movies and TV
The Signpost: 29 October 2014
[sunting sumber]- Featured content: Go West, young man (By the way, there is a monster at the end of this article)
- In the media: Wikipedia a trusted source on Ebola; Wikipedia study labeled government waste; football biography goes viral
- Maps tagathon: Find 10,000 digitised maps this weekend
- Recent research: Informed consent and privacy; newsmaking on Wikipedia; Wikipedia and organizational theories
- Traffic report: Ebola, Ultron, and Creepy Articles
The Signpost: 05 November 2014
[sunting sumber]- In the media: Predicting the flu; MH17 conspiracy theories
- Traffic report: Sweet dreams on Halloween
The Signpost: 12 November 2014
[sunting sumber]- In the media: Amazon Echo; EU freedom of panorama; Bluebeard's Castle
- Featured content: Wikipedia goes to church in Lithuania
- WikiProject report: Talking hospitals
- Traffic report: Holidays, anyone?
The Signpost: 26 November 2014
[sunting sumber]- Featured content: Orbital Science: Now you're thinking with explosions
- In the media: A Russian alternative Wikipedia; Who's your grandfather?; ArtAndFeminism
- Recent research: Gender gap and skills gap; academic citations on the rise; European food cultures
- Traffic report: Big in Japan
- WikiProject report: Back with the military historians
The Signpost: 03 December 2014
[sunting sumber]- Op-ed: Who edits health-related content on Wikipedia and why?
- In the media: Embroidery and cheese
- Featured content: ABCD: Any Body Can Dance!
- Traffic report: Turkey and a movie
- WikiProject report: Today on the island
The Signpost: 10 December 2014
[sunting sumber]- Op-ed: It's GLAM up North!
- In the media: Wikipedia is "a rancorous, sexist, elitist, stupidly bureaucratic mess"
- Traffic report: Dead Black Men and Science Fiction
- Featured content: Honour him, love and obey? Good idea with military leaders.
The Signpost: 17 December 2014
[sunting sumber]- In the media: Wikipedia's year in review video; Checking in with Wikipedia's founders
- Arbitration report: Arbitration Committee election results
- Featured content: Tripping hither, tripping thither, Nobody knows why or whither; We must dance and we must sing, Round about our fairy ring!
- Traffic report: A December Lull
The Signpost: 24 December 2014
[sunting sumber]- From the editor: Looking for new editors-in-chief
- In the media: Wales on GamerGate
- Featured content: Still quoting Iolanthe, apparently.
- WikiProject report: Microsoft does The Signpost
- Traffic report: North Korea is not pleased
The Signpost: 31 December 2014
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: The next big step for Wikidata—forming a hub for researchers
- In the media: Study tour controversy; class tackles the gender gap
- Op-ed: My issues with the Wiki Education Foundation
- Featured content: A bit fruity
- Traffic report: Surfin' the Yuletide
- Recent research: Wikipedia in higher education; gender-driven talk page conflicts; disease forecasting
The Signpost: 07 January 2015
[sunting sumber]- Interview: Interview with Jakob, one of Wikipedia's more prolific waterway contributors
- In the media: ISIL propaganda video; AirAsia complaints
- Featured content: Kock up
- Traffic report: Auld Lang Syne
The Signpost: 14 January 2015
[sunting sumber]- Featured content: Citations are needed
- In the media: Wikipedia's birthday brings tributes, app, award; Castro death rumors
- News and notes: Erasmus Prize recognizes the global Wikipedia community
- Op-ed: Articles for creation needs you
- Traffic report: Wikipédia sommes Charlie
- WikiProject report: Articles for Creation: the Inside Story
The Signpost: 21 January 2015
[sunting sumber]- From the editor: Introducing your new editors-in-chief
- Anniversary: A decade of the Signpost
- Interview: WWII veteran honors shipmates through Wikipedia editing
- Op-ed: Let's make WikiProjects better
- News and notes: Annual report released; Wikimania; steward elections
- In the media: Johann Hari; bandishes and delicate flowers
- Featured content: Yachts, marmots, boat races, and a rocket engineer who attempted to birth a goddess
- Arbitration report: As one door closes, a (Gamer)Gate opens
- Technology report: The future of MediaWiki
The Signpost: 28 January 2015
[sunting sumber]- From the editor: An editorial board that includes you
- In the media: A murderous week for Wikipedia
- Traffic report: A sea of faces
The Signpost: 04 February 2015
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: No men beyond this point: the proposal to create a no-men space on Wikipedia
- Op-ed: Is Wikipedia for sale?
- In the media: Gamergate and Muhammad controversies continue
- Traffic report: The American Heartland
- Featured content: It's raining men!
- Arbitration report: Slamming shut the GamerGate
- WikiProject report: Dicing with death – on Wikipedia?
- Technology report: Security issue fixed; VisualEditor changes
- Gallery: Langston Hughes
The Signpost: 11 February 2015
[sunting sumber]- From the editors: We want to know what you think!
- News and notes: One editor faces likely ban for work on Wikipedia; another awarded $1 million
- In the media: Is Wikipedia eating itself?
- Traffic report: Bowled over
- WikiProject report: Brand new WikiProjects profiled
- Featured content: A grizzly bear, Operation Mascot, Freedom Planet & Liberty Island, cosmic dust clouds, a cricket five-wicket list, more fine art, & a terrible, terrible opera...
- Gallery: Feel the love
The Signpost: 18 February 2015
[sunting sumber]- Editorial: Recent retirements typify problem of admin attrition
- In the media: Students' use and perception of Wikipedia
- Special report: Revision scoring as a service
- Traffic report: February is for lovers
- Gallery: Darwin Day
- Featured content: A load of bull-sized breakfast behind the restaurant, Koi feeding, a moray eel, Spaghetti Nebula and other fishy, fishy fish
- Arbitration report: We've built the nuclear reactor; now what colour should we paint the bikeshed?
The Signpost: 25 February 2015
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Did WMF "participate" in nefarious activity?
- Op-ed: Text from Wikipedia good enough for Oxford University Press to claim as own
- In the media: WikiGnomes and Bigfoot
- Gallery: Far from home
- Traffic report: Fifty Shades of... self-denial?
- Featured content: The Moon, Mars, Venus, and Saturn, in no particular order. Also, Kaiser Kong.
- Recent research: Gender bias, SOPA blackout, and a student assignment that backfired
- WikiProject report: Be prepared... Scouts in the spotlight
- Blog: Join the Wikimedia strategy consultation
The Signpost: 25 February 2015
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Did WMF "participate" in nefarious activity?
- Op-ed: Text from Wikipedia good enough for Oxford University Press to claim as own
- In the media: WikiGnomes and Bigfoot
- Traffic report: Fifty Shades of... self-denial?
- Featured content: The Moon, Mars, Venus, and Saturn, in no particular order. Also, Kaiser Kong.
- Recent research: Gender bias, SOPA blackout, and a student assignment that backfired
- Gallery: Far from home
- WikiProject report: Be prepared... Scouts in the spotlight
- Blog: Join the Wikimedia strategy consultation
The Signpost: 04 March 2015
[sunting sumber]- From the editor: A sign of the times—the Signpost revamps its internal structure to make contributing easier
- Editorial: Conspiracy theories distract from real questions about grantmaking report
- News and notes: Wikimedia Foundation and OTRS team both publish quarterly reports, indicate operating changes
- Interview: Meet a paid editor
- Traffic report: Attack of the movies
- In the media: Kanye West rebranded; Wikipedia in court; editors for hire
- Blog: Black History Month edit-a-thons tackle Wikipedia’s multicultural gaps
- Technology report: Bugs, Repairs, and Internal Operational News
- Featured content: Ploughing fields and trading horses with Rosa Bonheur
- Arbitration report: Bradspeaks—impact, regrets, and advice; current cases hinge on sex, religion, and ... infoboxes
The Signpost: 11 March 2015
[sunting sumber]- Special report: An advance look at the WMF's fundraising survey
- In the media: Gamergate; a Wiki hoax; Kanye West
- Traffic report: Wikipedia: handing knowledge to the world, one prank at a time
- Featured content: Here they come, the couple plighted –
- Op-ed: Why the Core Contest matters
The Signpost: 18 March 2015
[sunting sumber]- From the editor: A salute to Pine
- Featured content: A woman who loved kings, a king who loved angels ...
- Traffic report: It's not cricket
The Signpost: 25 March 2015
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Wikimedia Foundation adopts open-access research policy
- Featured content: A carnival of animals, a river of dung, a wasteland of uncles, and some people with attitude
- Special report: Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Year 2014
- Traffic report: Oddly familiar
- Recent research: Most important people; respiratory reliability; academic attitudes
The Signpost: 01 April 2015
[sunting sumber]- In focus: WMF's latest strategy document shows successes, vagueness, and the need for better data
- In the media: Wiki-PR duo bulldoze a piñata store; Wifione arbitration case; French parliamentary plagiarism
- Traffic report: All over the place
- Featured content: Stop Press. Marie Celeste Mystery Solved. Crew Found Hiding In Wardrobe.
Mohon kiranya Anda dapat berpartisipasi lebih lanjut untuk memberikan komentar, pendapat, ataupun saran di sini. Terima kasih dan salam sejahtera. --Erik Fastman (bicara) 6 April 2015 04.17 (UTC) |
The Signpost: 08 April 2015
[sunting sumber]- Op-ed: We are drowning in promotional artspam
- News and notes: Advancement department to be created at the Foundation, milestone fixes
- In the media: Wikipedia on 60 Minutes, Kickstarter, and in the classroom
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Christianity
- Featured content: Partisan arrangements, dodgy dollars, a mysterious union of strings, and a hole that became a monument
- Traffic report: Resurrection week
- Arbitration report: New Functionary appointments
- Technology report: Bugs, Repairs, and Internal Operational News
The Signpost: 15 April 2015
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Erik Möller leaving Foundation; annual plan grants under community review
- In the media: Saving Wikipedia; Internet regulation; Thoreau quote hoax
- Featured content: Au-delà de les Alpes, le chien lit de Sainte Bernard. Sous les pavés, les trimes d'argent! Mes enfants, suivez-moi!
- Traffic report: Furious domination
- Blog: Single-User Login provides access to all wikis
The Signpost: 22 April 2015
[sunting sumber]- Special report: Sony emails reveal corporate practices and undisclosed advocacy editing
- News and notes: Call for candidates as the movement approaches the Wikimedia Board elections
- In the media: UK political editing; hoaxes; net neutrality
- In focus: 2015 Wikimedia Foundation election preparations underway
- Featured content: Vanguard on guard
- Traffic report: A harvest of couch potatoes
- Gallery: The bitter end
The Signpost: 29 April 2015
[sunting sumber]- Wikimania: Choice of small village for Wikimania 2016 ruffles feathers
- News and notes: Wiki Loves Monuments evaluation sees diminishing returns and increasing cost
- In the media: Scottish MEP blocked for edit warring; ranking articles by importance
- Featured content: Apartheid and related topics, awards and accolades, and a bunch of tough journeys
- Recent research: Popularity vs. quality, Wikipedia images show how copyright damages economy, bots as servants or policemen
- Traffic report: Bruce, Nessie, and genocide
- Technology report: VisualEditor and MediaWiki updates
The Signpost: 06 May 2015
[sunting sumber]- Special report: FDC candidates respond to key issues
- News and notes: "Inspire" grant-making campaign concludes, grantees announced
- In the media: Guggenheim image donation; Wiki campaign gets advertising award
- Featured content: The amorous android and the horsebreeder; WikiCup round two concludes
- Traffic report: The grim ship reality
- Blog: How many women edit Wikipedia?
The Signpost: 13 May 2015
[sunting sumber]- Foundation elections: WMF Board candidates share their views with the Signpost
- Op-ed: What made Wikipedia lose its reputation?
- In the media: Grant Shapps story continues; Wikipedia's "leftist ties"
- News and notes: Swedish Wikimedia chapter organizes simultaneous Wikidata contests
- Featured content: Four first-time featured article writers lead the way
- Traffic report: Round Two
The Signpost: 20 May 2015
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: The dark side of comedy: Wikipedia volunteers cleaning up behind John Oliver's fowl jokes
- In focus: The awful truth about Wikimedia's article counts
- From the editor: Your voice is needed: strategic voting in the WMF election
- In the media: Jimmy Wales accepts Dan David Prize
- WikiProject report: Cell-ebrating Molecular Biology
- Arbitration report: Editor conduct the subject of multiple cases
- Featured content: Puppets, fungi, and waterfalls
- Traffic report: Inner Core
The Signpost: 27 May 2015
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: WMF releases quarterly reports, annual plans
- In the media: Scrubbing Parliamentary biographies; Wikipedia's invisible history
- Recent research: Drug articles accurate and largely complete; women "slightly overrepresented"; talking like an admin
- Traffic report: Summer, summer, summertime
- Discussion report: A relic from the past that needs to be updated
- Featured content: When music was confined to a ribbon of rust
- Technology report: MediaWiki blows up printers
The Signpost: 03 June 2015
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Three new community-elected trustees announced, incumbents out
- Blog: How Wikipedia covered Caitlyn Jenner’s transition
- Discussion report: The deprecation of Persondata; RfA – A broken process; Complaints from users on Swedish Wikipedia
- Special report: Towards "Health Information for All": Medical content on Wikipedia received 6.5 billion page views in 2013
- In the media: Anonymous Australian editing targets football player, shooting victim
- Traffic report: A rather ordinary week
- Featured content: It's not over till the fat man sings
- Technology report: Things are getting SPDYier
The Signpost: 10 June 2015
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Chapter financial trends analyzed, news in brief
- Traffic report: Two households, both alike in dignity
- In the media: Arbitration case attracts media coverage; Wikipedia in Israel
- Featured content: Just the bear facts, ma'am
- Technology report: Wikimedia sites are going HTTPS only
- Blog: Making Wikipedia’s medical articles accessible in Chinese
The Signpost: 17 June 2015
[sunting sumber]- Arbitration report: An election has consequences
- Discussion report: A quick way of becoming an admin
- Featured content: Great Dane hits 150
- In focus: Three weeks to save freedom of panorama in Europe
- In the media: Wikipedia wins Asturias Prize; printing out Wikipedia; HTTPS switch
- Interview: A veteran’s Wikipedia edits help him understand the brutality behind Yugoslavia’s wars
- News and notes: Labs outage kills tools, self; news in brief
- Op-ed: Making a difference in Wikipedia, one GA at a time
- Technology report: HTTPS-only rollout completed, proposal to enable VisualEditor for new accounts
- WikiProject report: We are back - Western Australia speaks
The Signpost: 24 June 2015
[sunting sumber]- From the editor: The Signpost tagging initiative
- Op-ed: Content Translation beta is coming to the English Wikipedia
- News and notes: Board of Trustees propose bylaw amendments
- In the media: Turkish Wikipedia censorship; "Can Wikipedia survive?"; PR editing
- Special report: Small impact of the large Google Translation Project on Telugu Wikipedia
- Recent research: How Wikipedia built governance capability; readability of plastic surgery articles
- Featured content: One eye when begun, two when it's done
- Blog: 7,473 volumes at 700 pages each: meet Print Wikipedia
- Arbitration report: Politics by other means: The American politics 2 arbitration
- Technology report: 2015 MediaWiki architecture focus and Multimedia roadmap announced
The Signpost: 01 July 2015
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Training the Trainers; VP of Engineering leaves WMF
- In the media: EU freedom of panorama; Nehru outrage; BBC apology
- WikiProject report: Able to make a stand
- Featured content: Viva V.E.R.D.I.
- Traffic report: We're Baaaaack
- Technology report: Technical updates and improvements
- Blog: These Texans are on a quest to improve Wikipedia’s coverage of their state’s revolution
The Signpost: 08 July 2015
[sunting sumber]- Editorial: So you want to get your message out. Where do you turn?
- News and notes: Wikimedia Foundation annual plan released, news in brief
- In the media: Wikimania warning; Wikipedia "mystery" easily solved
- Traffic report: The Empire lobs back
- Featured content: Pyrénées, Playmates, parliament and a prison...
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
The Signpost: 15 July 2015
[sunting sumber]- Op-ed: On paid editing and advocacy: when the Bright Line fails to shine, and what we can do about it
- News and notes: The Wikimedia Conference and Wikimania
- In the media: Shapps requests WMUK data; professor's plagiarism demotion
- Blog: Wikimedia Foundation releases third transparency report
- Traffic report: Belles of the ball
- WikiProject report: What happens when a country is no longer a country?
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
- Featured content: When angels and daemons interrupt the vicious and intemperate
The Signpost: 22 July 2015
[sunting sumber]- From the editor: Change the world
- News and notes: Wikimanía 2016; Lightbreather ArbCom case
- Wikimanía report: Wikimanía 2015 report, part 1, the plenaries
- In the media: Novelists annotate Wikipedia; Wales promotes TPO; Working for free
- Traffic report: The Nerds, They Are A-Changin'
- WikiProject report: Some more politics
- Featured content: The sleep of reason produces monsters\
- Gallery: "One small step..."
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
The Signpost: 29 July 2015
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: BARC de-adminship proposal; Wikimania recordings debate
- Op-ed: My life as an autistic Wikipedian
- Recent research: Wikipedia and collective intelligence; how Wikipedia is tweeted
- In the media: Is Wikipedia a battleground in the culture wars?
- Featured content: Even mammoths get the Blues
- Traffic report: Namaste again, Reddit
The Signpost: 05 August 2015
[sunting sumber]- Editorial: Wikipedia better equipped to deal with systemic bias than traditional publishers
- Op-ed: Je ne suis pas Google
- News and notes: VisualEditor, endowment, science, and news in brief
- WikiProject report: Meet the boilerplate makers
- In the media: Probe into Nehru edits launched; dangers of the right to be forgotten
- Traffic report: Mrityorma amritam gamaya...
- Featured content: Maya, Michigan, Medici, Médée, and Moul n'ga
- Blog: Get help editing Wikipedia with the new “Co-op” mentorship program
The Signpost: 12 August 2015
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Superprotect, one year later; a contentious RfA
- In the media: Paid editing; traffic drop; Nicki Minaj
- Forum: Community voices on paid editing
- Wikimanía report: Wikimanía 2015, part 2, a community event
- Traffic report: Fighting from top to bottom
- Featured content: Fused lizards, giant mice, and Scottish demons
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
- Blog: The Hunt for Tirpitz
The Signpost: 19 August 2015
[sunting sumber]- Op-ed: WP:THREATENING2MEN: The English Wikipedia's misogynist infopolitics and the hegemony of the asshole consensus
- In the media: Politically controversial science; "Wikipedia hates women"
- Featured content: Dead parrots, live frogs, a symbolic kiss and what do we get? Enrique Iglesias!
- Travelogue: Seeing is believing
- Traffic report: Straight Outta Connecticut
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
- Blog: How Wikipedia responds to breaking news
The Signpost: 26 August 2015
[sunting sumber]- In focus: An increase in active Wikipedia editors
- Op-ed: Wikimania – can volunteers organize conferences?
- News and notes: Re-imagining grants
- In the media: Russia temporarily blocks Wikipedia
- Recent research: OpenSym 2015 report; PageRank and wiki quality; news suggestions; the impact of open access
- Featured content: Out to stud, please call later
- Arbitration report: Reinforcing Arbitration
The Signpost: 02 September 2015
[sunting sumber]- Special report: Massive paid editing network unearthed on the English Wikipedia
- News and notes: Flow placed on ice
- Discussion report: WMF's sudden reversal on Wiki Loves Monuments
- Featured content: Brawny
- In the media: Orangemoody sockpuppet case sparks widespread coverage
- Traffic report: You didn't miss much
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
The Signpost: 09 September 2015
[sunting sumber]- Gallery: Being Welsh
- Op-ed: DYK, or proudly displaying incorrect information on the Main Page with alarming regularity
- News and notes: The Swedish Wikipedia's controversial two-millionth article
- In the media: Calling all scientists!; More Wikipedia editors in the Netherlands than all of Africa combined
- Featured content: Killed by flying debris
- Traffic report: Mass media production traffic
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
The Signpost: 16 September 2015
[sunting sumber]- Editorial: No access is no answer to closed access
- Traffic report: Another week
- News and notes: Byrd and notifications leave, but page views stay; was a terror suspect editing Wikipedia?
- In the media: Is there life on Mars?
- Featured content: Why did the emu cross the road?
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
The Signpost: 23 September 2015
[sunting sumber]- Featured content: Inside Duke Humfrey's Library
- In the media: PETA makes "monkey selfie" a three-way copyright battle; Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Op-ed: Can we please stop bashing Wikipedia?
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
- Traffic report: ¡Viva la Revolución! Kinda.
- WikiProject report: Dancing to the beat of a... wikiproject?
The Signpost: 30 September 2015
[sunting sumber]- In the media: Irish legislative editing; coffee quarrel; more sports vandalism
- News and notes: Wikimedia Foundation fundraising report, Montreal to host 2017 Wikimania
- Op-ed: Wikipedia needs more administrators
- Recent research: Wiktionary special; Is Wikipedia's search function inferior?; newbies, conflict and tolerance
- Tech news: Tech news in brief
The Signpost: 07 October 2015
[sunting sumber]- Op-ed: Walled gardens of corruption
- In the media: Jailed Saudi blogger wins award; PR editing and Wiki-embarassment; Pakistan's third-richest person?
- Traffic report: Reality is for losers
- Featured content: This Week's Featured Content
- Arbitration report: Warning: Contains GMOs
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
- Gallery: Winners of Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 in Pakistan
The Signpost: 14 October 2015
[sunting sumber]- Blog: Third Wikimedia Spain conference takes place in Madrid
- Editorial: Why the news media needs a Wikipedian in residence
- Op-ed: WikiConference USA 2015: Built on good faith
- Traffic report: Screens, Sport, Reddit, and Death
- WikiConference Report: WikiConference USA 2015
- News and notes: Fundraising: 2015–2016 Q1 Update sparks mailing list debate
- Featured content: A fistful of dollars
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
The Signpost: 21 October 2015
[sunting sumber]- Editorial: Women and Wikipedia: the world is watching
- News and notes: Wikimedia lawsuit against NSA dismissed; Affiliates mailing list launched
- In the media: "Wikipedia's hostility to women"
- Special report: One year of GamerGate, or how I learned to stop worrying and love bare rule-level consensus
- Featured content: A more balanced week
- Op-ed: Wikipedia is significantly amplifying the impact of Open Access publications
- Arbitration report: Four ArbCom cases ongoing
- Traffic report: Hiding under the covers of the Internet
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
The Signpost: 28 October 2015
[sunting sumber]- From the editor: The Signpost 's reorganization plan—we need your help
- News and notes: English Wikipedia reaches five million articles
- In the media: The world's Wikipedia gaps; Google and Wikipedia accused of tying Ben Carson to NAMBLA
- Op-ed: It’s time to stop the bullying
- Arbitration report: A second attempt at Arbitration enforcement
- Traffic report: Canada, the most popular nation on Earth
- Recent research: Student attitudes towards Wikipedia; Jesus, Napoleon and Obama top "Wikipedia social network"; featured article editing patterns in 12 languages
- Featured content: Birds, turtles, and other things
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
- Community letter: Five million articles
The Signpost: 04 November 2015
[sunting sumber]- Op-ed: You are invited to participate in the Community Wishlist Survey
- News and notes: Wikimedia Foundation finances; Superprotect is gone
- In the media: Ahmadiyya Jabrayilov: propaganda myth or history?
- Traffic report: Death, the Dead, and Spectres are abroad
- Featured content: Christianity, music, and cricket
- Gallery: Princess of Asturias Awards 2015 ceremony
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
The Signpost: 11 November 2015
[sunting sumber]- Op-ed: As one thousand of us requested, Superprotect has been removed
- Arbitration report: Elections, redirections, and a resignation from the Committee
- Discussion report: Compromise of two administrator accounts prompts security review
- Featured content: Texas, film, and cycling
- In the media: Sanger on Wikipedia; Silver on Vox; lawyers on monkeys
- Traffic report: Doodles of popularity
- Gallery: Paris
The Signpost: 18 November 2015
[sunting sumber]- Special report: ArbCom election—candidates’ opinions analysed
- In the media: Icelandic milestone; apolitical editing
- Discussion report: BASC disbanded; other developments in the discussion world
- Arbitration report: Ban Appeals Subcommittee goes up in smoke; 21 candidates running
- Featured content: Fantasia on a Theme by Jimbo Wales
- Traffic report: Darkness and light
The Signpost: 25 November 2015
[sunting sumber]- Blog: Wikimedia Foundation, Wikimedia Deutschland urge Reiss Engelhorn Museum to reconsider suit over public domain works of art
- Op-ed: Wikidata: the new Rosetta Stone
- Traffic report: J'en ai ras le bol
- News and notes: Fundraising update; FDC recommendations
- In the media: Erasmus Prize awarded to Wikipedia; trouble on the Russian Wikipedia
- Recent research: Do Wikipedia citations mirror scholarly impact?; co-star networks in silent films
- Featured content: Caves and stuff
- Arbitration report: Third Palestine-Israel case closes; Voting begins
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
The Signpost: 02 December 2015
[sunting sumber]- Op-ed: Whither Wikidata?
- Traffic report: Jonesing for episodes
- News and notes: Online harassment consultation; High voter turnout at ArbCom elections
- In the media: Is Wikidata as transparent as it seems?; Wikimedia Fund-raising drive launches
- Featured content: This Week's Featured Content
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
The Signpost: 09 December 2015
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: ArbCom election results announced
- Op-ed: Wikidata: Knowledge from different points of view
- In the media: Political editing in the context of the US presidential primaries
- Traffic report: So do you laugh, or does it cry?
- Featured content: Sports, ships, arts... and some other things
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
- Gallery: Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 winners
The Signpost: 16 December 2015
[sunting sumber]- In the media: Wales in China; #Edit2015
- In focus: Drone photography: New possibilities and new challenges
- Arbitration report: GMO case decided
- WikiProject report: Women in Red—using teamwork and partnerships to elevate online and offline collaborations
- Traffic report: A feast of Spam
- Featured content: An unusually slow week
- Gallery: WikiConference USA 2015: images, slide decks, and videos
The Signpost: 30 December 2015
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: WMF Board dismisses community-elected trustee
- Year in review: The top ten Wikipedia stories of 2015
- Arbitration report: Second Arbitration Enforcement case concludes as another case is suspended
- In the media: Wikipedia plagued by a "Basket of Deception"
- Traffic report: The Force we expected
- Featured content: The post-Christmas edition
- Gallery: It's that time of year again
The Signpost: 06 January 2016
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: The WMF's age of discontent
- In the media: Impenetrable science; Jimmy Wales back in the UAE
- Arbitration report: Catflap08 and Hijiri88 case been decided
- Featured content: Featured menagerie
- Recent research: Teaching Wikipedia, Does advertising the gender gap help or hurt Wikipedia?
- WikiProject report: Try-ing to become informed - WikiProject Rugby League
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
The Signpost: 13 January 2016
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Community objections to new Board trustee
- In focus: The Crisis at New Montgomery Street
- Editorial: We need a culture of verification
- Op-ed: Transparency (by James Heilman)
- Blog: Inside the game of sports vandalism on Wikipedia
- Community view: Strategy and controversy
- In the media: War and peace; WMF board changes; Arabic and Hebrew Wikipedias
- Traffic report: Pattern recognition: Third annual Traffic Report
- Special report: Wikipedia community celebrates Public Domain Day 2016
- Featured content: This Week's Featured Content
- Arbitration report: Interview: outgoing and incumbent arbitrators 2016
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
The Signpost: 20 January 2016
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Vote of no confidence; WMF trustee speaks out
- Op-ed: Not a pretty picture: Thoughts on the "monkey selfie" debacle
- In the media: 15th anniversary news round-up
- Traffic report: Danse Macabre
- Featured content: This week's featured content
- Blog: Fifteen years ago, Wikipedia was a very different place: Magnus Manske
The Signpost: 03 February 2016
[sunting sumber]- From the editors: Help wanted
- In focus: The Knight Foundation grant: a timeline and an email to the board
- Op-ed: So, what’s a knowledge engine anyway?
- Special report: Board chair and new trustee speak with the Signpost
- Traffic report: Bowled
- News and notes: Harassment survey 2015; Luis Villa to leave WMF; knowledge engine background
- Featured content: This week's featured content
- Arbitration report: Catching up on arbitration
The Signpost: 10 February 2016
[sunting sumber]- Special report: New leaked internal documents raise questions about the origins of the Knowledge Engine
- News and notes: Another WMF departure
- In the media: Jeb Bush takes a swing at Wikipedia, and connects
- Featured content: This week's featured content
- Traffic report: A river of revilement
The Signpost: 17 February 2016
[sunting sumber]- Blog: Antonin Scalia and the editor tracking his legacy
- Featured content: This week's featured content
- Op-ed: Shit I cannot believe we had to fucking write this month
- Special report: Search and destroy: the Knowledge Engine and the undoing of Lila Tretikov
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
- Traffic report: Super Bowling
The Signpost: 24 February 2016
[sunting sumber]- Special report: WMF in limbo as decision on Tretikov nears
- Op-ed: Backward the Foundation
- Featured content: This week's featured content
- Traffic report: Of Dead Pools and Dead Judges
- Arbitration report: Motion on CheckUser and Oversight inactivity
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
The Signpost: 2 March 2016
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Tretikov resigns, WMF in transition
- Featured content: This week's featured content
- Traffic report: Brawling
The Signpost: 09 March 2016
[sunting sumber]- Blog: The new alchemy: turning online harassment into Wikipedia articles on women scientists
- Featured content: This week's featured content
- In the media: Wikipedian is break-out star of International Women's Day; dinosaur art; Wikipedia's new iOS app and its fight for market share
- News and notes: Katherine Maher named interim head of WMF; Wales email re-sparks Heilman controversy; draft WMF strategy posted
- Op-ed: A modest proposal for Wikimedia’s future
- Systemic bias: Revenge of "I can’t believe we didn’t have an article on ..."
- Technology report: Wikimedia wikis will temporarily go into read-only mode on several occasions in the coming weeks
- Traffic report: All business like show business
- WikiCup report: First round of the WikiCup finishes
The Signpost: 16 March 2016
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Wikipedia Zero: Orange mobile partnership in Africa ends; the evolution of privacy loss in Wikipedia
- In the media: Wales at SXSW; lawsuit over Wikipedia PR editing
- Discussion report: Is an interim WMF executive director inherently notable?
- Featured content: This week's featured content
- Traffic report: Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States
- Technology report: Watchlists, watchlists, watchlists!
- Wikipedia Weekly: Podcast #119: The Foundation and the departure of Lila Tretikov
The Signpost: 23 March 2016
[sunting sumber]- News_and_notes: Lila Tretikov a Young Global Leader; Wikipediocracy blog post sparks indefinite blocks
- In_the_media: Angolan file sharers cause trouble for Wikipedia Zero; the 3D printer edit war; a culture based on change and turmoil
- Editorial: "God damn it, you've got to be kind."
- Traffic report: Be weary on the Ides of March
- Featured content: Watch out! A slave trader, a live mascot and a crested serpent awaits!
- Arbitration report: Palestine-Israel article 3 case amended
- Wikipedia_Weekly: Podcast #120: Status of Wikimania 2016
The Signpost: 1 April 2016
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Trump/Wales 2016
- WikiProject report: Why should the Devil have all the good music? An interview with WikiProject Christian music
- Traffic report: Donald v Daredevil
- Featured content: A slow, slow week
- Technology report: Browse Wikipedia in safety? Use Telnet!
- Recent research: "Employing Wikipedia for good not evil" in education, useing eyetracking to find out how readers read articles
- Wikipedia Weekly: Podcast #121: How April fools went down
The Signpost: 14 April 2016
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Denny Vrandečić resigns from Wikimedia Foundation board
- In the media: Wikimedia Sweden loses copyright case; Tex Watson; AI assistants; David Jolly biography
- Featured content: This week's featured content
- Traffic report: A welcome return to pop culture and death
- Arbitration report: The first case of 2016—Wikicology
- Gallery: A history lesson
The Signpost: 24 April 2016
[sunting sumber]- Special report: Update on EranBot, our new copyright violation detection bot
- Featured content: The double-sized edition
- Traffic report: Two for the price of one
- Arbitration report: Amendments made to the Race and intelligence case
The Signpost: 2 May 2016
[sunting sumber]- In the media: Wikipedia Zero piracy in Bangladesh; bureaucracy; chilling effects; too few cooks; translation gaps
- Traffic report: Purple
- Featured content: The best... from the past two weeks
The Signpost: 17 May 2016
[sunting sumber]- Op-ed: Swiss chapter in turmoil
- In the media: Wikimedia's Dario Taraborelli quoted on Google's Knowledge Graph in The Washington Post
- Featured content: Two weeks for the prize of one
- Traffic report: Oh behave, Beyhive / Underdogss
- Arbitration report: "Wikicology" ends in site ban; evidence and workshop phases concluded for "Gamaliel and others"
- Wikicup: That's it for WikiCup Round 2!
The Signpost: 28 May 2016
[sunting sumber]- Special report: Compensation paid to Sue Gardner increased by almost 50 percent after she stepped down as executive director
- News and notes: Upcoming Wikimedia conferences in the US and India; May Metrics and Activities Meeting
- Op-ed: Journey of a Wikipedian
- Featured content: Eight articles, three lists and five pictures
- Traffic report: Splitting (musical) airs / Slow Ride
- Arbitration report: Gamaliel resigns from the committee
The Signpost: 05 June 2016
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: WMF cuts budget for 2016-17 as scope tightens
- Featured content: Overwhelmed ... by pictures
- Traffic report: Pop goes the culture, again.
- Arbitration report: ArbCom case "Gamaliel and others" concludes
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Video Games
The Signpost: 15 June 2016
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Clarifications on status and compensation of outgoing executive directors Sue Gardner and Lila Tretikov
- Special report: Wikiversity Journal—A new user group
- In the media: Biography disputes; Craig Newmark donation; PR editing
- Featured content: From the crème de la crème
- Traffic report: Another one with sports; Knockout, brief candle
The Signpost: 21 July 2016
[sunting sumber]- Discussion report: Busy month for discussions
- Featured content: A wide variety from the best
- Traffic report: Sports and esports
- Arbitration report: Script writers appointed for clerks
The Signpost: 4 August 2016
[sunting sumber]- News and notes: Foundation presents results of harassment research, plans for automated identification; Wikiconference submissions open
- Obituary: Kevin Gorman, who took on Wikipedia's gender gap and undisclosed paid advocacy, dies at 24
- Traffic report: Summer of Pokémon, Trump, and Hillary
- Featured content: Woman and Hawaii
- Recent research: Easier navigation via better wikilinks
- Technology report: User script report (January to July 2016, part 1)