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Kinnui (כנוי) atau kinui (diterjemahkan menjadi "marga")[1][2] adalah nama sekuler yang dipegang oleh orang Yahudi[3][4] dalam kaitan dengan bahasa yang dipaki oleh negara dimana mereka singgah, berbeda dari nama Ibrani Biblikal mereka.

Nama relijius berada dalam bahasa Ibrani (contohnya Moses ben Maimon;[5] Joseph ben Gershon;[6] Shlomeh Arieh ben David HaLevi;[7] Gershom ben Judah; Devorah bat Avraham), dan nama sekuler berada dalam bahasa apapun yang dipakai di wilayah geografis tersebut (contohnya Isaiah Berlin;[8] Solomon Lyon Barnard;[9] Sigmund Freud;[10] Golda Meir;[11] Etta Cone [12]).


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  1. ^ Ben-Yehuda, Ehud and Weinstein, David. Pocket English-Hebrew, Hebrew-English Dictionary. Pocket Books, New York,1977, p. 129.)
  2. ^ Warren Blatt "presentation first given at the 18th Seminar on Jewish Genealogy, Los Angeles, July 1998" http://www.jewishgen.org/infofiles/givennames/slide6.html
  3. ^ Potok, Chaim. Wanderings: History of the Jews. Ballantine Books, New York, 1978
  4. ^ Telushkin, Joseph. Jewish literacy. William Morrow and company, New York, 1991
  5. ^ Telushkin, Joseph. Jewish literacy. William Morrow and company, New York, 1991, p. 175.
  6. ^ http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=440&letter=J
  7. ^ http://www.cemeteryscribes.com/getperson.php?personID=I5361&tree=Cemeteries
  8. ^ Ignatieff,Michael.Isaiah Berlin: A Life. Henry Holt and company, New York, 1999
  9. ^ http://www.cemeteryscribes.com/getperson.php?personID=I5361&tree=Cemeteries
  10. ^ http://www.iep.utm.edu/freud/
  11. ^ https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/biography/meir.html
  12. ^ Gabriel, Mary, The Art of Acquiring: A Portrait of Etta and Claribel Cone. Bancroft Press, Baltimore, 2002