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47, Ph.D. is a discovery challenge to achieve in the Untouchable mission an the Carpathian Mountains.

To acquire this challenge, Agent 47 must disguise himself as one of Providence's doctors hired to work on the mind erase serum.


  • Disguise yourself as a Scientist.


Untouchable Challenges
Assassinations Losing Everything - Straight Shot
Discoveries 47, Ph.D. - Chameleon - Forbidden Pineapple - Got My Boomstick - Heavy Duty - I'm the Conductor Now - Mall Cop - Shortcut: Container Door - Shortcut: Passenger Car Door - Spray and Slay - You've Got Some Skills
Feats A New Father - Button Masher - Exhibition Shooting - Snow Angel - Soda Slinger - The Gun Muffler - Untouchable
Targets Eliminate the Constant
The Classics Silent Assassin - Silent Assassin, Suit Only - Suit Only
Codename 47 Codename 47 - The Setup
Escalation Contract challenge
ICA Facility Discover Cuba - Mission Stories - ICA Facility - The Einarsson Inception - The Snorrason Ascension
Paris Baron Larin's Boat - Bull in a China Shop - Careful What You Wish For - Chameleon - Discover Paris - Escalations - Track 1 - Escalations - Track 2 - Hold My Hair - Piano Forty Seven - Piano Man - Someone Could Hurt Themselves - Straight Shot - Tasteless, Traceless - The Corky Commotion - The Kotti Paradigm - The Teague Temptation - The Videl Cataclysm - Versatile Assassin
Sapienza Chameleon - Discover Sapienza - Escalations - Track 1 - Escalations - Track 2 - Get What You Wish For - Hold My Hair - I Aim to Please - Investigator - Luck Alone is Worthless - Piano Man - Pipe Down - Safe House - Someone Could Hurt Themselves - Straight Shot - Surgical Procedure - Tasteless, Traceless - The Bells are Ringing - The Ecclestion Illumination - The Gladwyn Simulacrum - The Living Dead - The Szilassi Darkness - Unleash the Kraken - Versatile Assassin
Marrakesh A Tall, Bald Stranger - Begging for It - Chameleon - Discover Marrakesh - Escalations - Track 1 - Escalations - Track 2 - Floor It! - Get the Truck Out of Here! - Hold My Hair - I'm a Member - Looking Through Walls - Piano Man - Pipe Dreams - Public Sneaker - Someone Could Hurt Themselves - Straight Shot - Tasteless, Traceless - The Bahadur Dexterity - The Ignatiev Integrity - The Scenic Route - Wishing Well - Your Luck is Running Out
Marrakesh (Night) Break Out - Chameleon - Discover Marrakesh - Escalations - Track 1 - Escalations - Track 2 - Hold My Hair - Piano Man - Sneaking Away - Someone Could Hurt Themselves - Straight Shot - Tasteless, Traceless - The Cheveyo Calibration - Truck Off - Versatile Assassin
Bangkok Basement Jack - Chameleon - Codename 47 - Discover Bangkok - Escalations - Track 1 - Escalations - Track 2 - Heeeere's Johnny - Hello, Who's There? - Hold My Hair - La Cucaracha - Looking Into the Distance - Ordering In - Piano Man - Put the Lime in the Coconut - Rubber Duck Sunday - Someone Could Hurt Themselves - Straight Shot - Tasteless, Traceless - The Arthin Occultation - The Somsak Equation - Traditions of the Trade - Versatile Assassin
Colorado All Terrain Exit - Chameleon - Discover Colorado - Escalations - Track 1 - Escalations - Track 2 - Gunslinger - Hay There! - Hold My Hair - Howdy, Partner - Lending a Hand - No Birds Here - Not Exactly Ulcer Pills - Piano Man - Rep Tires - Scare Tactics - Someone Could Hurt Themselves - Straight Shot - Tasteless, Traceless - The Farley Crescendo - The Long Way Out - They Scream, They Cry - Versatile Assassin - Wicker Man
Hokkaido Bye-Cicle - Chameleon - Cottonmouth - Cut Throat - Discover Hokkaido - Escalations - Track 1 - Escalations - Track 2 - Guardian Angel - Hold My Hair - Impossible Heights - Namaste - Nothing but Clear KAIs - Piano Man - Someone Could Hurt Themselves - Straight Shot - Tasteless, Traceless - Techman - The Dexter Discordance - The Meiko Incarnation - The Yuuma Tenacity - The Groom - We Meet Again
Hawke's Bay A Nightmare in Hawke's Bay - Chameleon - Contained Explosion - Deadly Ninja - Deadly Shadow - Discover Hawke's Bay - Don't Tread on Me! - Escalations - Track 1 - Escalations - Track 2 - Hitman with a Shotgun - Hold My Hair - No Running on the Tiles! - Piano Man - Someone Could Hurt Themselves - Straight Shot - Tasteless, Traceless - The Mills Reverie - The Sandman - The Scissor Man - Under the Mat - Versatile Assassin - Vertigo - Waterbender - Wood You Believe It?
Miami Arms Dealer - Backdoor Engineering - Bigger Fish - Chameleon - Coconut Balls - Day at the Aquarium - Discover Miami - Escalations - Track 1 - Escalations - Track 2 - Fish Slapping Dance - Free Fishie - Frutti di Mare - Hold My Hair - Mission Story - The Triumph - Mr. Tambourine Man - One Kilo Brick - Piano Man - Red Flag - Shafted - Sheikh Zanzibar, I Presume? - Shredding The Evidence - Sleeping with the Fishes - Slice of Vice - Someone Could Hurt Themselves - Straight Shot - Tanked - Tasteless, Traceless - Tintamarresque - The Aquatic Retribution - The BigMooney Flamboyancy - The Flamingo - The Military Man - The Rival - The Riviera Restoration - The Sewer Beyond - The Simmons Concussion - The Sweeney Scrupulousness - The Treasonous Mimicry - The Unpalatable Termination - Thorough Demonstration - Versatile Assassin - Very Important Person - What's In This Thing - You Got a Fast Car
Santa Fortuna Authentic Local Cuisine - Blowing Bubbles - Chameleon - Codename 47 - Discover Santa Fortuna - Escalations - Track 1 - Escalations - Track 2 - Feel Good Hit of the Stunner - Hold My Hair - Low Mileage - Off the Wagon - Piano Man - Plain Sailing - Pop a Wheelie - Say Hello to my Little Friend - Someone Could Hurt Themselves - Straight Shot - Tasteless, Traceless - The Calvino Cacophony - The Delgado Larceny - The Hallowed Ground - The Healing - The MacMillan Surreptition - The Merle Revelation - The Montague Audacity - The Truman Contravention - The Turms Infatuation - The Wind in Your Hair - Versatile Assassin - We Meat Again
Mumbai Become a Denim Angel - Become a Metal Worker - Become the Barber - Become the Foreman - Become the Holy Man - Become the Kashmerian - Become the Painter - Become the Tailor - Big Spender - Bird of Prey - Chameleon - Discover Mumbai - Escalations - Track 1 - Escalations - Track 2 - Ex-Pirate, Spa-Ghet-It? - Hold My Hair - Let's Get the Tuk Out of Here - Out of the Nest - Piano Man - Privacy, Please - Red Flag - Someone Could Hurt Themselves - Straight Shot - Tasteless, Traceless - Taste of Your Own Cure - The Chameleon Anonymity - The Divine Descendance - The Dubious Cohabitation - The Han Encasement - The Hirani Evacuation - The Raaz Algorithm - Versatile Assassin
Whittleton Creek Become James Batty - Become the BBQ King - Become the Exterminator - Become the Mailman - Become the Nurse - Become the Politician - Become the Real Estate Broker - Breaking News - Chameleon - Clocked Out - Cowabunga! - Discover Whittleton Creek - Doing the Rounds - Escalations - Track 1 - Escalations - Track 2 - Hold My Hair - Piano Man - Public Enemy No. 1 - Raking it In - Remember to Recycle - Sleepy Cake - Someone Could Hurt Themselves - Straight Shot - Sweet Recycling - Tasteless, Traceless - They See Me Paddlin' - The Batty Tranquility - The Covert Dispersal - The McCallister Ransack - The Nolan Disinfection - The O'Leary Conflagration - Troll Toll - Versatile Assassin - Wear the Robe - Welcome to Business Class - Whittleton Creek Blackout - Whittleton Creek Electric - You Had Me at Bodyguard - You Must be Trucking
The Isle of Sgàil Access Denied - Blood Eagle - Caged - Chameleon - Come Fly with Me - Discover The Isle of Sgàil - Egg on Your Face - Escalations - Track 1 - Escalations - Track 2 - Hitching a Ride - Hold My Hair - Piano Man - Raider of the Lost Ark - Someone Could Hurt Themselves - Spade Knight - Straight Shot - Swan Dive - Tasteless, Traceless - The Aelwin Augment - The Babayeva Dissonance - The Marinello Motivation - The Quimby Quandary - The Rafael Misadventure - The Scarlett Deceit - Tis But a Scratch - Versatile Assassin
New York Breath of Bad Air - Chameleon - Discover Milton-Fitzpatrick - Due You Even Care - Escalations - Track 1 - Escalations - Track 2 - Executive Exfiltration - Heavy Exfiltration - Hold My Hair - I'm Getting Too Old for This... - Maintenance Man - Open Sesame! - Peeping Tom - Piano Man - Seven Figures - Show Me the Money - Someone Could Hurt Themselves - Straight Shot - Superintendent Exfiltration - Tasteless, Traceless - The Applicant - The Dalton Dissection - The IT Individual - The Other Frank - The Sweater - Versatile Assassin - Where Did it Go? - You're Hired!
Haven Island A Great Source of Comedy - A Great Source of Potassium - Arial Exfiltration - Chameleon - Connector Conspiracy - Discover Haven Island - Do You Even Lift? - Escalations - Track 1 - Escalations - Track 2 - Hold My Hair - Hot Fizzsh - I Got Your Back - Inflatable Exfiltration - Kleptomaniac - Lily-Livered Landlubbers! - Make Some Noise - Maritime Exfiltration - Piano Man - Pirates' Gold - Plenty of Fish in the Sea - Rapture of the Deep - Recreational Exfiltration - Set It and Forget It - Someone Could Hurt Themselves - Straight Shot - Tasteless, Traceless - The Bartholomew Hornswoggle - Tiki Time - Tropical Espionage - Total Server Collapse - Vacation Insurance - Versatile Assassin - Very, Very Safe - Well Informed - Wilson the Killer
Dubai Chameleon - Discover Dubai - Easy Breezy - Elite Heat - For Emergencies Only - Grand Connection - Greed Apprentice - Greed Grandmaster - Greed Intermediary - Greed Master - Ground Floor, Please - Here Goes Nothing - Hold My Hair - Hot One - Key to the Sceptre -Piano Man - Pocket-Sized Empire - Rotor Man - Rotor Ready - Servant Exit - Shortcut: Atrium Lobby Door - Shortcut: Helipad Ladder - Shortcut: Penthouse Terrace Ladder - Shortcut: Ventilation Area Ladder - Someone Could Hurt Themselves - Straight Shot - Tasteless, Traceless - The Asmodeus Waltz - The Greed Enumeration - The Phoenix Ascension - The Sebastian Principle - Introduction Escalation - The Sinbad Stringent - Toothpick - Up and Away - Versatile Assassin - Waiter Cater - Wet Worker
Dartmoor Been There, Done That - Bring Out Your Dead - Chameleon - Cocoh No! - D'ya Like Dags - Danger! Danger! - Discover Dartmoor - Dog's Secrets - Don't Lose Focus - Don't Rock the Boat - Elementary, My Dear Diana - Froget Escaping - Hold My Hair - Holy Moly! - It's a Fhammerly Affair - Justice for a Prize - Last Responder - Let's Go Hunting - Magic is Real - Mystery of the Unicorns - Personal Day - Piano Man - Poison Ivy - Power of Frenzy - Power of Fury - Power of Rage - Sabbatical - Seasonal Pruning - Self-Care - Level 1 - Self-Care - Level 2 - Self-Care - Level 3 - Shortcut: Balcony Ladder - Shortcut: Maintenance Ladder - Sleeper Agent - Level 1 - Sleeper Agent - Level 2 - Sleeper Agent - Level 3 - Someone Could Hurt Themselves - Straight Shot - Tasteless, Traceless - The Baskerville Barney - The Bridge on the Thornbridge River - The Dartmoor Garden Show - The Percival Passage - The Raven - The Wrath Termination - Thornbridge Manor Keys - Top Gear - Tortoise and the Hare - Level 1 - Tortoise and the Hare - Level 2 - Tortoise and the Hare - Level 3 - Versatile Assassin - Vacation Day - Voyeurist
Berlin Berlin Egg Hunt - Chameleon - Coconut Ball Surprise - Codename 47 - Concrete Ornithology - Der Ami - Devil's Dandruff - Discover Berlin - Duck Hunt - Explosions Runs Loose - Full Throttle - Hold My Hair - Oocyanin Hunt - Piano Man - Ratiocination - Scavenger - Shortcut: Biker Basement Door - Shortcut: Entrance Backdoor - Shortcut: Skylight Ladder - Someone Could Hurt Themselves - Spree Party - Straight Shot - Suck a Bag of Bricks - Sweet Dreams - Tasteless, Traceless - The Candy Man - The Club Owner - The Golden Ticket - The Great Pretenders - The Halliwell Fable - The Lesley Celebration - The Lust Assingnation - The Party Starter - The Safe Option - The Satu Mare Delirium - The Wurst Disguise - The Wurst Getaway - Trophy Au Naturel - Versatile Assassin - Waaagh!
Chongqing Ambivalence - Apartment Safe House - Block Buster - Chameleon - Climbing the Corporate Ladder - Codename 47 - Discover Chongqing - Down the Rabbit Hole - Dumplings Cook - Exquisite Appetizer - Exquisite Dessert - Exquisite Main Course - Hack the Planet - Hold My Hair - Horsing Around - Hubris - Humility - Last Resort - Piano Man - Quite a Hatch - Scoot Over - Shortcut: Facility Elevator Shaft - Shortcut: Inner Courtyard - Shortcut: The Block Ladder - Someone Could Hurt Themselves - Straight Shot - Super Special Door - Tasteless, Traceless - The Beat - The Downtrodden - The Gluttony Gobble - The Jinzhen Incident - The Lee Hong Derivation - The Pride Profusion - The Red Dragon - Training Hard - Vengeance - Versatile Assassin - Wafer-Thin Muffin
Mendoza A Thick Must - A Vintage Year - Adequate Assassin - Chameleon - Cuckoo's Nest - Discover Mendoza - Elusive Assassin - Estate Wines - Exhaustive Assassin - Grand Theft Auto - Grape Picker - Harvest Season - Hello, Cowboy - Hold My Hair - Into the Sunset - Lago Lurker - One Last Tango - Pedantic Assassin - Piano Man - QR codes - Scandal - Shortcut: Backdoor - Shortcut: Cellar Door - Shortcut: Maintenance Door - Someone Could Hurt Themselves - Straight Shot - Tasteless, Traceless - Tastemaker - The Cave - The Envy Contention - The Famous Llosa Brothers - The Gauchito Antiquity - The Hidden Hand - The Pasquel Consortium - Unrivalled Assassin - Versatile Assassin
Carpathian Mountains 47, Ph.D. - Button Masher - Chameleon - Codename 47 - Exhibition Shooting - Forbidden Pineapple - Got My Boomstick - Heavy Duty - I'm the Conductor Now - Mall Cop - Shortcut: Container Door - Shortcut: Passenger Car Door - Snow Angel - Soda Slinger - Spray and Slay - Straight Shot - The Gun Muffler - The Proloff Parable - The Setup - You've Got Some Skills
Cut Challenges Escalating the Situation - The Adamoli Fascination - The Adrian Eclipse - The Agana Abyss - The Andersen Animosity - The Apeiron Sadness - The Asya Attunement - The Ataro Caliginosity - The Caden Composition - The Ezekiel Paradox - The Gemini Fiasco - The Granville Curiosity - The Hamartia Compulsion - The Hexagon Protocol - The Holmwood Disturbance - The Killie Agitation - The Lupei Sensitivity - The Mallory Misfortune - The Mandelbulb Requiem - The Lyndon Gyration - The Marsden Isotopy - The Osterman Mosaic - The Otaktay Obliteration - The Perkins Disarray - The Raskoph Satisfaction - The Reziko Conundrum - The Scarlatti Covenant - The Selmone Mimesis - The Shapiro Omen - The Sigma Illusion - The Spaggiari Subversion - The Sokoloff Sophistication - The Susumu Obsession - The Varvara Mystification - The Zunion Disintergration