Sunday, June 1, 2008

about Heart and Hearth

Hello everybody! and welcome to Heart and Hearth!

Who am I?

My name is NING. That's my alter-ego, Mommy Penguin looking out to the sea. I am a Chinay - that's Chinese-Filipino living in this tropical "Pearl of the Orient" we call home. I have 2 kids, Princess Penguin and Optimus Prime Penguin. If you have watched the "March of the Penguins", then you would understand we Penguins take our parenting job seriously. And an important part of parenting tasks is to provide nutritious, delicious food to our baby penguins!

Why did I start blogging?

At first, I just needed a place to write down my recipes where I can easily access them in the future. (I tend to lose my notes on paper.) I also needed a space where my family and friends can access my recipes easily. Thus, I started this blog - November 23, 2007. All the contents of this blog are certified edible. What you see here are the real food we eat on our dining table or the dishes I bring to Bible Studies or other gatherings.

Later on, when I joined the blogging communities like Weekend Herb Blogging, Grow Your Own and Weekend Wokking, and many others, I have learned that blogging can be a wonderful place where we can learn from each other. We learn from each other's food cultures and eating habits. We "visit" markets and other places on the web. I have "met" wonderful people bloggers who are generous in sharing their recipes as well.

I did not take up any cooking classes. Most of the things I know, I picked up from my grandmother's and my mother's kitchen. And after I got married, I scoured cookbooks and the internet for recipes and ideas about food. I have done many kitchen experiments (read: failures). But I still persist because it is what I love to do! Daddy Penguin is my worst critic because, well, he loves food as much as I do.

What else have I learned from blogging?

Before I started blogging, I had no interest in photography. I was just content to let Daddy Penguin and Princess Penguin handle the camera. But I have to learn (and fast) how to take pictures so I can make the dishes look yummy. Until now, I am only using a Panasonic Lumix (DMC-LX1) digital camera, set on auto mode when I take the food pictures.

Everyday, I am still learning how to improve the look o f my blog...

I am trying to be consciously healthy in our food choices. I am trying to grow some edibles in pots (limited space). I try to buy and serve fresh foods to my family. I now look at the nutritional contents of foods. Daddy Penguin always says: "Life is too short to eat bad food." So, we choose good healthy food.

What's the main focus of this blog?

To present healthy, nutritious, and delicious food, that are easy to prepare, easy to cook; with ingredients that are readily available and affordable.

Soli Deo Gloria?

I am neither Sol nor Gloria. That's my shout-out. It means to God alone be the glory. I have to put that there to remind me everyday, that whatever I do, it should be for God alone.


Deepa said...

So nice to make your acquaintance!! I love your blog. --Deepa

Chibog in Chief said...

hello ning!! nice to meet you! i really thought you were spanish LOL

mitch said...

knew your blog thru dhanggit i was curious that you had chinese food in your blog. it's because you're filipino chinese :D like me.

Food For Tots said...

Hi Ning, glad to find another full time housewife cum mother here! Nice blog! ;)

Liza said...

I found your site by accident. just looking for recipes on how to cook live fish with chinese herbs and rice wine.
I found a treasure instead. This is really wonderful. i will draw on your reservoir of dishes whenever i ran out of ideas.
It is great to find a Chinoy and a believer. i have never put too much thought on food but as i age i realize eating right is a basic necessity. this is indeed extremely helpful.

Mark said...

Hi there Ning,

Read your blog with interest. I am writing from Singapore. Are you in the Phillipines? My friends and I recently went to a Filipino Restaurant in Marina Square (a shopping centre in Singapore) and tried some Pinoy food. We liked the food very much and I have decided to learn some Filipino dishes. Thats how I came across your blog. Just last night, I cooked garlic and ginger grilled chicken. Basically marinated some chicken thighs with crush and slivered ginger, crushed garlic, black sauce, sugar, chilly and some prawn paste (balachan) Do the ingredients feel like typical Filipino ingredients?


mollycule said...

hello! i love dow miao. i only had that 2x in HK and have been craving for it ever since. i didn't know that it is also available here in mla. pls let me know where i can buy some so i can try your recipes. God bless you! :-)

Arlette said...

Hello Ning

I am glad to be your partner in crime,(the blogger pairing prgram)I look forward to get to know you more and learn about your culture family and food.

Take care Arlette

Anonymous said...

I am so addicted to your website after trying your fish fillet with black bean recipe. I even recommended your website to some friends who also love to cook, like me. Thank you for sharing your recipes.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ning, I appriciate your blog...I'm all new to this blog thing, your the second person I've left a comment with. I found your blog when I was looking for a good and or tricks to omelet making. I'm a filipina and I thought it was pretty cool that you were half! We have lots in common, pretty neat! I too am a professional housewife :) thanks again for your help!!

Anonymous said...

Aloha from Hawaii!!!

Enjoyed your web site and the many recipes.
Most of all, you being a full tome servant of
God. Are you a witness?

Keep up the good work


Tiger said...

Came across your site by accident. My chinese hubby wanted me to make him 'kiam pung'. I have tasted this delicious dish years ago when his Auntie Candy was still around but didn't know how it was made.
Your site has made this possible for me. Thank you for this wonderful site.
Just like you, I love to cook & experiment new dishes. I am a full-time housewife whose goal is to provide a good & nutritious meal for my family.

Unknown said...

Hi Ning! I came across your blog because I was searching for Kiam Pung recipe. Your mother-in-law's kiam pung recipe is basically quite the same as my mother-in-law's but she uses the modern method of cooking - the rice cooker. I prefer my own mother's version of kiam pung. she uses replaces mustard leaves with long beans (cut into short stems like cubes) and some other ingredients like char siew etc.

Jean said...

I love your blog mommy penguin. I hope to meet you in person one day.

Anonymous said...

wow you are so cool :) thanks for all your recipes - I'm going through a asian cooking phase at the moment haha. Optimus Prime Penguin lol. Classic.

Amie said...

hi ning, I am your 44th follower. I really love your recipes...amie

Anonymous said...


I bookmarked your site in 2008 while I was browsing something online. I just created a blogger account and I looked up those blogspot sites I bookmarked years ago to follow it. I am glad that you site is still running.

Anonymous said...

thank you Ning for sharing this info with us.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ning,
I'm Vickie from Denver Colorado . I bought pea sprouts because they were so pretty. I'm practicing a few dishes to bring to a Chinese new year party. Your salad dressing is my inspiration. Thank you !

happy face said...

Hi Ning
I came across your site by accident (although we know there no accident in the Lord) while looking for healthy soups. I am so glad to have found you. You are now on my desktop for quick reference when I need new ideas for healthy recipes!
Thank you for all you share!

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