Discussion:Dynamique holomorphe
Wrong image description
[modifier le code]Hi, I just observed a minor bug an the description of Image:Julia-set -z3+z-0.2i.png in this aricle: The Julia set is just the white part. The green part and the violet part belong to the Fatou set. Points in violet will converge to infinity under iteration, while the orbits of the violet points stay bounded. Note that if a Julia set of a rational function has an interior, then it will be the whole complex plane. Some computographical methods cannot destinguish between Julia set and the bounded part of the Fatou set because they just compute the number of iterations a point needs to get close to infinity. This might be the reason why some people confuse the filled out Julia set with the proper mathematical definition of Julia sets. Georg-Johann (d) 17 avril 2010 à 21:47 (CEST)
- There is no error, in the caption it said that the Filled in Julia set is the white part. Anyway i find this picture ugly.--Biajojo (d) 21 avril 2010 à 15:24 (CEST)