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Cid Pollendina: Oh, shut up and help me remodel the Final Fantasy VII Remake enemy abilities page!
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  • Any missing entries, such as Barrier and Manaward.

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This is a list of enemy attacks in Final Fantasy VII Remake.


Enemy abilities[]


Ability Description Enemy
??? Type-0 Behemoth


Ability Description Enemy
Acid Malboro
Acid Shower Magical damage that may inflict Poison Poison. Levrikon
Aeolian Onslaught Sephiroth
Aero Jenova Dreamweaver
Aeroga Jenova Dreamweaver, Sephiroth, Trypapolis
Aerora Ghost
Air Support Crab Warden
Amber Whirl Whisper Croceo
Animus Ghost
Antipersonnel Gas The Valkyrie
Apotosis Bomb, H0512-OPT, Trypapolis Clone
Aquatic Force Leviathan
Assault Beck, Butch
Auto-Repair Restores 94 HP Scorpion Sentinel
Avaricious Bite Hedgehog Pie
Azure Blast Whisper Viridi
Azure Wave Whisper Viridi


Ability Description Enemy
Backspring Kick Inflicts moderate physical damage Elite Shock Trooper, Shock Trooper
Backwash Abzu
Backwash Spout Abzu (1st)
Bad Breath Malboro
Balefire Ghoul
Ballistic Beams Magic attack Armored Magitrooper
Barrier Bestows Barrier Barrier Gigantipede
Barrier Shift Hell House
Bash and Smash Abzu
Beam Cannon Severe magic damage in a straight line across the battlefield. Pride and Joy Prototype, Pride and Joy Mk 0.5
Beatdown Reno (1st)
Big Bomber Airbuster
Binding Current Reno (2nd)
Binding Talons Nero
Bio Jenova Dreamweaver
Biotoxin Bomb Physical damage Gigantipede
Black Hole Rust Drake
Blackwater Blast Abzu
Blackwater Deluge Abzu (2nd)
Blizzaga Sephiroth, Shiva
Blizzara 3-C SOLDIER Operator, Roche, Shiva
Blizzard H0512-OPT, Phantom
Body Blow Physical damage Gigantipede
Bombardment The Valkyrie
Bombs Away Fat Chocobo
Boom Fat Chocobo
Bounce Hedgehog Pie, Hedgehog Pie King
Bright Lights Rufus
Bright Spark Reno (1st)
Briny Barrage Leviathan
Briny Bellow Leviathan
Brutalize Physical damage Levrikon
Brutal Tackle Physical damage Pride and Joy Mk 0.5
Brute Force Pride and Joy Prototype, Pride and Joy Mk 0.5
Bullet Barrage The Crimson Mare
Burst Fire Rapid-fire shooting attack lasting approximately two seconds Corneo Lackey, Security Officer
Buzzsaw Blitz Cutter, Jury-Rigged Cutter


Ability Description Enemy
Call to Arms Doomrat, Wererat
Cannibalize Consumes cripshays in the vicinity to replenish health. Horned Cripshay
Cast Aside Jenova Dreamweaver
Catch Pride and Joy Prototype, Pride and Joy Mk 0.5
Chair Salvo Hell House
Chair Salvo Deluxe Hell House
Chaotic Pulsars Nero
Charge Abzu, Crab Warden, The Arsenal, Levrikon
Charged Current Ramuh
Chef's Knife Tonberry
Chthonic Surge Magical damage Nero
Circuitous Bolt Ramuh
Claim Failed Experiment
Combustion Flametrooper
Combustion Sword Roche
Concentrated Fire Blast-Ray
Consume Enigmatic Spectre
Containment Laser Gigantipede
Corkscrew Darkstar
Correction Whisper Harbinger
Counterattack Reno (1st)
Crimson Arc Whisper Rubrum
Crosswire Cleave Weiss
Cry Havoc The Arsenal
Cryoshot Ice Ice magical damage Deepground SOLDIER
Cura Ghost
Curaga Darkstar


Ability Description Enemy
Dance Trypapolis
Dance of Death Varghidpolis
Dark Ferocity Physical damage Nero
Dark Matter Magical damage Nero
Dark Torrent Magical damage Nero
Deadly Spike Cripshay
Death Dive Gigantipede
Death Grip Binds one opponent and, if not pressured quickly enough, shocks and blows them to the ground, dealing high Lightning Lightning damage Scorpion Sentinel
Demolish Failed Experiment
Deploy The Crimson Mare
Determination Whisper Harbinger
Devour Physical damage Horned Cripshay
Diamond Dust Shiva
Discharge EM Mine
Disembowel Nero
Divebomb Bahamut
Divekick Shock Trooper
Divide and Conquer Airbuster
Divine Proclamation Sephiroth
Diving Tackle Abzu Shoat (Abzu 2nd only)
Doom and Gloom Tonberry
Double Rocket Charge Hell House
Dream Powder Rude (1st)
Dreams of Flame Jenova Dreamweaver
Dreams of Quietude Jenova Dreamweaver
Dreams of Sanctuary Jenova Dreamweaver
Dreams of Spirituality Jenova Dreamweaver
Dreams of Vengeance Jenova Dreamweaver
Drill Dive The Valkyrie
Drill Surge Physical damage Gigantipede
Drillstrike M.O.T.H. Unit
Drone Deployment Gigantipede
Dust Cloud Doomrat, Wererat


Ability Description Enemy
Eat up, kupo! Fat Chocobo
Eject The enemy sheds their armor suit transforms into another enemy. Armored Shock Trooper, Armored Magitrooper
Eldritch Celerity Physical damage Nero
Electric Discharge Deathwheel
Electrical Discharge Lightning Lightning magical damage Blast-Ray
Electroburst Reno (2nd)
Electrostomp Inflicts moderate lightning-elemental damage and knocks opponent back Scorpion Sentinel
EM Charge Reno (1st)
EM Field Emits an electromagnetic field surge within moderate radius, dealing moderate lightning-elemental damage and knocking opponents back Crab Warden, Scorpion Sentinel, Armored Magitrooper
EM Flail Reno (1st)
EM Mine Toss Reno (1st)
EM Shot Reno (1st)
EM Triple Shot Reno (2nd)
Energize Failed Experiment
Energy Volley Swordipede
Enrage Abzu
Ensnare Diabolic Creation
Erode Whisper Croceo
Essence Drain Phantom
Etheric Burst Ghoul
Etheric Drain Ghoul
Evisceration Physical damage Weiss
Execution Physical damage Weiss


Ability Description Enemy
Fatal Fangs Hellhound
Feast Gorger, Ringmaw
Fingers crossed, kupo! Fat Chocobo
Fira Ghost, Hedgehog Pie
Firaga Severe Fire Fire damage to one or multiple targets Jenova Dreamweaver, Sephiroth, Whisper Rubrum, Diabolic Creation
Fire Inflicts low Fire Fire damage to one or multiple targets Ghost, H0512-OPT, Hedgehog Pie, Monodrive
Fire Blast[note 1] Sweeper, Sweeper Prototype
Fire Combo Mark II Monodrive
Fire Infusion Sephiroth
Fireball Bomb
Firewall The Arsenal
Firewheel The Valkyrie
Flamethrower Crab Warden
Flamewall Sephiroth
Flame Spire The Crimson Mare
Flare Breath Leviathan
Flashbang Brain Pod
Flashfoot Reno (2nd)
Flashstrike Reno (2nd)
Flee Wrath Hound (Sector 7 only)
Fling Failed Experiment
Flood Enigmatic Spectre
Flurry Whisper Rubrum
Flying Kick Sahagin
Flying Knee Grungy Bandit
Focus Fire Sentry Gun
Follow-Up Darkstar, Rufus
Frenzied Charge Physical damage Horned Cripshay
Frost Familiars Shiva
Frozen Barbs Cerulean Drake
Frozen Claw Phantom
Fulgent Blade Only used in hard mode The Crimson Mare
Full Nelson Hoodlum
Full Salvo Sentry Launcher
Fury Failed Experiment
Fusillade Only used in hard mode The Crimson Mare


Ability Description Enemy
Ghenghana Zenene
God House Mode Hell House
God House Primer Hell House
GOT Missile Deathwheel
Gravity Rust Drake
Grenade Throws a grenade that explodes after a few seconds Corneo Lackey, Hoodlum, Security Officer
Grenade Shot Grenadier
Ground Pound Abzu
Guard Scissorclaw
Guns Akimbo Rufus
Gyro Spume Leviathan


Ability Description Enemy
Hammerblow Rude (2nd)
Hard Charger Charges into one direction, inflicting high physical damage Sweeper, Sweeper Prototype
Harpoon Hurl Sahagin
Haste Bestows Haste Haste to self Nero
Haymaker Rude (1st)
Haywire Sentry Gun Prototype
Haywire Haze Smogger
Headbutt Leaps forward to hit a target ahead of it with its hard skull, dealing moderate physical damage Abzu Shoat, Wrath Hound, Wayward Wolf
Heartless Angel Sephiroth
Heavensward Hell House
Heel Rufus
Hell's Gate Sephiroth
Hellbound Hell House
Hellish Smash Hellhound
Heavenly Strike Shiva
Hi-Potion Elite Security Officer (hard difficulty only)
High Gear Deathwheel
High Voltage M.O.T.H. Unit
Homing Laser The Arsenal
House Call Hell House
Housing Rush Hell House
Housing Shock Hell House
Hundred Cuts Jury-Rigged Cutter


Ability Description Enemy
Icicle Impact Shiva
Icy Aura Cerulean Drake
Incorporeality Ghoul
Inferno Eruption Hellhound
Ignition Flame Roche
Immaculate End Unavoidable physical attack that kills those it hits Weiss
Impale Mysterious Spectre
Inflame Bomb
Intercessio Whisper Harbinger
Intimidate Failed Experiment
Inviolate Whisper Harbinger


Ability Description Enemy
Javelin Bolts Eligor
Jetstream Hell House
Jump Sahagin, Sahagin Prince


Ability Description Enemy
Killing Blows Sledgeworm
Kweh... Fat Chocobo
Kweh, kweh! Fat Chocobo


Ability Description Enemy
Leaping Slash Grashtrike, Venomantis
Leech Cripshay
Life Syphon Brain Pod
Light Arrows Ramuh
Lightning Infusion Sephiroth
Lightning Strike Ramuh
Lights Out Rufus
Limiter Override The Valkyrie
Live Wire Swordipede
Livewire Failed Experiment
Luminous Blast Slug-Ray
Luminous Falchion Ramuh


Ability Description Enemy
Mako Expulsion Specimen H0512
Manawall Bestows manawall Gigantipede
Mana-Mine Enhanced Magitrooper
Mark 98 Cannons A two to three-hit attack with each hit dealing a tiny amount of damage each that momentarily interrupts its opponents' actions Scorpion Sentinel
Mark 98 Rotary Cannons The Valkyrie
Mark 99 Anti-fiend Artillery The Valkyrie
Mark 99 Launchers Missiles land within a moderate radius from an opponent, with each missile that lands on its opponents dealing a low amount of damage Scorpion Sentinel
Masamune in Waiting Sephiroth
Megaflare Bahamut, Whisper Bahamut
Mephistic Shower Zenene
Merge Airbuster
Missile Barrage Crab Warden
Missile Launcher Sentry Launcher
Mourning Wail Jenova Dreamweaver


Ability Description Enemy
Napalm Elite Grenadier
Noxious Expulsion Specimen H0512
Noxious Whirl Brain Pod


Ability Description Enemy
Obliteration Physical damage Weiss
Oblitterating Laser The Arsenal
Open Fire Corneo Lackey, Hoodlum
Orb of Gravity Corneo Lackey
Orbiting Wand Ramuh
Overkill Combines Mark 99 Launchers, Mark 98 Cannons, and Stinger Salvo to perform an area of effect attack and deal a low amount of damage with each hit on opponents Scorpion Sentinel


Ability Description Enemy
Paralyzing Fluid Unknown Entity
Pendulum Swing Physical damage Gigantipede
Phase Shift Changes between battle strategy Weiss
Phantasmic Flurry Ghoul
Physical Defense Protocol The Arsenal
Piercing Scream Ghoul
Pinion Pistols Physical damage Nero
Plasma Discharge Failed Experiment
Playtime Abzu (2nd)
Poison Shroud Magical damage and inflicts Poison Poison Diabolic Creation
Poison Sting Queen Grashtrike
Possess Ghost
Potion Elite Security Officer
Pounce Abzu
Primary Fire The Arsenal
Projection Sequence Projector
Prop Swipe Elite Helitrooper, Helitrooper
Protection Hedgehog Pie King
Provoke Abzu (1st)
Pyramid Reno (2nd)
Pyroshot Fire Fire magical damage Deepground SOLDIER
Psychokinesis Byobapolis
Pulse Cannon The Arsenal
Pulse Laser Magic attack Armored Magitrooper
Pulse Shot Elite Shock Trooper
Putrid Discharge Scissorclaw


Ability Description Enemy
Quietude Jenova Dreamweaver


Ability Description Enemy
Rake Specimen H0512
Rallying Cry Summons cripshays Horned Cripshay
Rampage Type-0 Behemoth
Reconstitution Jenova Dreamweaver
Reflect Eligor, Ghost, Jenova Dreamweaver, Phantom
Regrowth Specimen H0512
Regurgitate Specimen H0512
Rejection Jenova Dreamweaver
Rejuvenate Ringmaw
Reload Rufus
Renewed Hospitality Hell House
Resolution Jenova Dreamweaver
Reversal Abzu (2nd)
Revitalize Type-0 Behemoth
Riot Shield Elite Riot Trooper, The Huntsman
Rock Hard Sledgeworm
Rocket Charge Hell House
Rocket Launcher The Crimson Mare
Roly-Poly Fat Chocobo
Royal Webbing Queen Grashtrike
Running Tackle Rude (1st)


Ability Description Enemy
Salientian Curse Sahagin, Sahagin Prince
Salvo Nero
Saturation Attack Physical attack Deathwheel
Saturation Fire The Arsenal
Saw Blade Swordipede (1st phase only)
Saw-Toothed Spin Swordipede (2nd phase only)
Scatter Whisper Croceo
Scatter Shot Magic attack Enhanced Magitrooper
Scintilla Sephiroth
Scorpion Strikes Strikes its tail downwards six times with electricity, dealing moderate lightning-elemental damage with each strike Scorpion Sentinel
Scourge Tonberry
Screech Trypapolis
Seize Specimen H0512, Rude (1st/2nd)
Self-Destruct Smogger
Shadow Flare Sephiroth
Shield Deployment Projector
Shock M.O.T.H. Unit
Shock Swipe Reno (1st)
Shockwave Rude (1st/2nd)
Shotgun Elite Security Officer
Sickle Strike Gorger, Grashtrike, Ringmaw
Sickle Swipe Venomantis
Siphon Strike Bloodhound
Skewer Armored Shock Trooper
Skull Cracker Chromogger
Sleep 3-C SOLDIER Operator
Slow Hedgehog Pie King
Slumber Spume Blugu
Soul Erosion Nero
Spark Flail Ramuh
Spatial Shift Nero
Spearhead Slug-Ray
Special Delivery Rude (2nd while in helicopter)
Spiderweb Beastmaster, Hoodlum
Spinner H0512-OPT α
Spinning Axe Kick Rude (1st/2nd)
Spinning Bodyblow Varghidpolis
Spinning Dive Leviathan
Spray Sahagin
Springboard Elite Shock Trooper
Spirit Geyser Rude (1st)
Stab Physical damage Weiss
Stinger Salvo Sends out 10 cannon balls consecutively with light trailing behind each of them, each dealing a small amount of damage. Scorpion Sentinel
Stomp Jumps and lands on opponents, crushing them Sweeper, Sweeper Prototype
Stone's Throw Physical damage Levrikon
Stop Brain Pod
Stun Baton Riot Trooper, The Huntsman
Stun Beam Laser Cannon
Subdue Darkstar
Summon Sparks Ramuh
Suppressive Fire Slug-Ray
Surge Crab Warden
Swarm Enigmatic Spectre
Sweep Whisper Rubrum
Sweeping Darkness Nero
Sweeping Gaze Eligor
Sweet Dreams Hedgehog Pie King, Rude (1st)
Swell Bomb
Swing Away Bandit, Burke


Ability Description Enemy
Tail Laser Fires laser at target's direction and deals a great amount of damage when target is successfully hit Scorpion Sentinel
Tail Swat Physical damage Gigantipede
Tail Sweep Physical damage Horned Cripshay
Tail Swipe Swipes an opponent behind it with its tail to either side dealing a nearly moderate amount of damage Scorpion Sentinel
Tail Whip Leviathan
Tailspin Abzu (2nd)
Talon Dive Cerulean Drake
Talon Snatch Cerulean Drake, Rust Drake
Tankbuster Airbuster
Tantrum Tonberry
Target Lock Crab Warden
Target Scanner Locks on to an opponent Scorpion Sentinel
Tear Gas Elite Helitrooper
Telekinesis Ghoul
Telluric Fury Sephiroth
Tentacle Drill Physical damage Diabolic Creation
Tentacle Reconstruction Restores a destroyed tentacle Diabolic Creation
Tentacle Slam Physical damage Diabolic Creation
Tentacle Whip Lashes out the tentacle attached to its head to quickly hit a target in front, dealing physical damage Wrath Hound
Test Bite Malboro
Thanatos Denied Jenova Dreamweaver
Think Fast Rufus
Throat Clamp Leaps onto the target and binds them, biting and dealing damage Bloodhound, Guard Dog, Wrath Hound, Wayward Wolf
Throttle Grungy Bandit
Thundaga Sephiroth, Unknown Entity, Whisper Viridi
Thundara 3-C SOLDIER Operator, Byobapolis, Roche, Varghidpolis
Thunder Darkstar
Thunderclap Rufus
Thunderous Orbs Ramuh
Thunderstorm Sephiroth
Tidal Roar Leviathan
Tidal Wave Leviathan
Tornado Lesser Drake
Torpid Strike Sledgeworm
Toxic Volley Failed Experiment
Toxic Waste Brain Pod
Trample Eligor, Jenova Dreamweaver
Tread Softly Rufus
Triple Charge Abzu (1st/2nd)
Triple Shockwave Rude (2nd)
Truncheon Elite Riot Trooper
Turks Combo Reno & Rude (only when both are alive)
Twin Scissors Scissorclaw
Twisted Leap Physical damage Horned Cripshay
Twister Enhanced Shock Trooper


Ability Description Enemy
Ultrahigh Voltage M.O.T.H. Unit
Umbral Aura Clads oneself into an aura thar damages those who come nto contact with it Bahamut
Umbral Frenzy Bahamut
Umbral Inferno Bahamut
Umbral Shell Nero
Umbral Strikes Bahamut
Unholy Howl Hellhound
Up in Smoke Rufus


Ability Description Enemy
Vacuum Wave 3-C SOLDIER Operator, Roche
Veil of Woe Nero
Vengeance Jenova Dreamweaver
Virulent Bite Physical attack that may inflict Poison Poison. Toxirat
Voltaic Action Failed Experiment
Voltaic Discharge The Arsenal
Voltaic Lance Ramuh


Ability Description Enemy
Wark Fat Chocobo
Wark, wark! Fat Chocobo
Whack Fat Chocobo
Whirling Blades Terpsicolt
Whirling Smokestack Chromogger
Whirlwhip Inflicts moderate physical damage Bloodhound, Guard Dog
Whirlwind Rude (2nd)
Whiteout Shiva
Wild Stab Beastmaster, Hoodlum
Wild Swings Reno (2nd)
Wildfire Crab Warden
Wind Infusion Sephiroth
Wind Slash Roche, 3-C SOLDIER Operator
Winds of Gehenna Eligor
Windwall Lesser Drake



  1. ↑ Known as "Steam Blast" in the playable demo