The Lost Chapters (断章, Danshō?) are corollary stories in the world of Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia. Each story is based on the adventures of a single character who was not originally a part of the main storyline. This feature was activated for the global release in the Week 4 April 2018 server-side update.
Lost Chapters are in themselves gaiden stories created from prior events; but unlike the events that spawned them, these stories have full field maps associated with them. Thus, each region created is divided into Normal and Hard tracks, complete with no fewer than ten main missions apiece plus quick battles and treasures to build the character being recruited. Lost Chapters also contain additional cutscenes not seen in the original time-limited event.
Beginning with Rubicante's Lost Chapter, the complete scenarios are released in full, and only the Hard track is available. However, an accompanying co-op event will allow the player to obtain exchange tokens for additional resources, provided also that the player has completed specific battles within the Lost Chapter.
In the event that the player already has the unit on their roster, as well as any of the two copies of the unit's armor and/or default 5★ 15 CP weapon from the prior event, the pickups in the Lost Chapter will convert to a substantial amount in gil. If the Normal track of any Lost Chapter prior to One-Winged Angel was initiated ahead of that event's release, the default weapon may be awarded as a player objective completion reward upon clearing the entire scenario.
The first four groups of Lost Chapter characters were prerequisites to unlocking storyline chapters:
- Recruiting Squall, Vanille, and Setzer unlocks Chapter 8.
- Recruiting Balthier, Eiko, and Tidus unlocks Chapter 9.
- Recruiting Prishe, Faris, and Ramza unlocks Chapter 10.
- Recruiting Ace, Seymour, and Sabin unlocks Chapter 11.
Lost Chapters[]
Note: Starting with Garland, characters who receive their BT, FR, or LD weapons are boosted for the duration of the Lost Chapter's story draw and limited-time missions.
Chapter | Rewards | Boosted | Release Date | |
Japan | Global | |||
A Lion's Heart 獅子の心 |
Squall Lion's Belt (VIII) (x2) Twin Lance (VIII). |
Squall, Tifa, Zidane | May 30, 2017 | April 26, 2018 |
The Girl from Oerba ヲルバの少女 |
Vanille Starfall Pendant (XIII) (x2) Physician's Staff (XIII). |
Vanille, Yuna, Hope | May 30, 2017 | April 26, 2018 |
Castles in the Sky 空にかける夢 |
Setzer Gambler's Ring (VI) (x2) Death Tarot (VI). |
Setzer, Yuffie, Laguna | May 30, 2017 | April 26, 2018 |
Thieves of the Sky 空の義賊 |
Balthier Cameo Belt (XII) (x2) Aldebaran (XII). |
Balthier, Edge, Terra | July 30, 2017 | June 28, 2018 |
The Small Summoner ちいさな召喚士 |
Eiko Angel Earrings (IX) (x2) Priest's Racket (IX). |
Eiko, Bartz, Yda | July 30, 2017 | June 28, 2018 |
From Zanarkand ザナルカンドより |
Tidus Rainbow Shield (X) (x2) Astral Sword (X). |
Tidus, Steiner, Sazh | July 30, 2017 | June 28, 2018 |
That Detestable Child 勝気な忌子 |
Prishe Melee Cyclas (XI) (x2) Koenigs Knuckles (XI). |
Prishe, Y'shtola, King | September 28, 2017 | August 30, 2018 |
Of the High Seas 美しき海賊 |
Faris Mirage Vest (V) (x2) Assassin's Dagger (V). |
Faris, Yang, Penelo | September 28, 2017 | August 30, 2018 |
The Hero of Ivalice イヴァリースの戦士 |
Ramza Grand Armor (FFT) (x2) Broadsword (FFT). |
Ramza, Zidane, Wakka | September 28, 2017 | August 30, 2018 |
The Power of Acceptance (Unparalleled Power) Original name 受け取る力 |
Ace Stalwart Ring (0) (x2) Cards (0). |
Ace, Bartz, Vivi | November 29, 2017 | October 08, 2018 |
The Spirit of Salvation 救済を説く者 |
Seymour Ceremonial Robes (X) (x2) Seymour's Staff (X). |
Seymour, Terra, Shantotto | November 29, 2017 | October 08, 2018 |
The Runaway Prince 修行好きの王弟 |
Sabin Tiger Mask (VI) (x2) Kaiser Knuckles (VI). |
Sabin, Warrior of Light, Rem | November 29, 2017 | October 08, 2018 |
Will of the Dawn 暁の意志を継ぐ少女 |
Krile Celebrant's Miter (V) (x2) Lilith Rod (V). |
Krile, Cecil (Dark Knight), Yuffie | January 30, 2018 | November 19, 2018 |
He Who Sings of Love 愛を謳う詩人 |
Thancred Ninja Chainmail (XIV) (x2) Banos del Sol (XIV). |
Thancred, Y'shtola, Yda | January 30, 2018 | December 06, 2018 |
A Burning Passion 雪を溶かす熱き者 |
Snow Brawler's Wristband (XIII) (x2) Wild Bear (XIII). |
Snow, Firion, Penelo | January 30, 2018 | December 17, 2018 |
The Power of Valor (The Strength of Courage) Original name 勇敢なる力 |
Cater Suzaku's Bag (0) (x2) Magicite Pistol (0). |
Cater, Onion Knight, Hope | February 12, 2018 | December 31, 2018 |
The Princess of Dalmasca ダルマスカ王国の王女 |
Ashe Jade Collar (XII) (x2) Claymore (XII). |
Ashe, Vaan, Penelo | February 22, 2018 | January 14, 2019 |
Inheriting the Past 古代種の末裔 |
Aerith Aegis Armlet (VII) (x2) Guard Stick (VII). |
Aerith, Shadow, Steiner | March 04, 2018 | January 28, 2019 |
The Caring Adventurer 仲間思いの冒険者 |
Lion Assassin's Vest (XI) (x2) Lust Dagger (XI). |
Lion, Y'shtola, Galuf | March 25, 2018 | January 28, 2019 |
Princess of Alexandria アレクサンドリアの美姫 |
Garnet Madain Sari Bracelet (IX) (x2) Stardust Rod (IX). |
Garnet, Cloud, Zell | April 09, 2018 | February 14, 2019 |
Legendary Guardian 伝説のガード |
Auron Metal Bracer (X) (x2) Shimmering Blade (X). |
Auron, Cyan, Vincent | April 23, 2018 | February 25, 2019 |
Raise the Runic Blade 魔封剣を掲げて |
Celes Tiara (VI) (x2) Crystal Sword (VI). |
Celes, Onion Knight, Papalymo | May 07, 2018 | March 04, 2019 |
The Proud Lance of Baron 誇り高きバロンの槍 |
Kain Flame Mail (IV) (x2) Wind Spear (IV). |
Kain, Shantotto, Layle | May 21, 2018 | March 18, 2019 |
The Beautiful Archeress 美しき弓のひき手 |
Maria Hermes' Sandals (II) (x2) Mythril Bow (II). |
Maria, Irvine, Eiko | June 04, 2018 | April 04, 2019 |
A Mischievous Black Mage いたずら好きの黒魔道士 |
Palom Black Robe (IV) (x2) Mysidian Rod (IV). |
Palom, Edge, Vanille | June 18, 2018 | April 15, 2019 |
Taking the Gods' Stage 神の造りし舞台へ |
Kuja Egoist's Armlet (IX) (x2) Brilliant Cores (IX). |
Kuja, Setzer, Yuna | July 09, 2018 | May 09, 2019 |
Balamb Whiplash ムチふるうバラムの教官 |
Quistis Quistis's Glasses (VIII) (x2) Chain Whip (VIII). |
Quistis, Vivi, Serah | July 23, 2018 | May 22, 2019 |
Vagaries of a Fractured Heart うつろいゆく壊れた心 |
Kefka Clown Boots (VI) (x2) Motley Cap (VI). |
Kefka, Bartz, Tifa | August 13, 2018 | June 03, 2019 |
A Devoted Heart いたわりの心 |
Lenna Hyper Wrist (V) (x2) Silver Bow (V). |
Lenna, Ramza, King | August 27, 2018 | June 17, 2019 |
One-Winged Angel 片翼の天使 |
Sephiroth Sephiroth's Gloves (VII) (x2) Masamune Blade (VII). |
Sephiroth, Vincent, Eiko | September 04, 2018 | July 04, 2019 |
Space Dreams 宇宙を夢見る |
Cid Gigas Armlet (VII) (x2) Slash Lance (VII). |
Cid, Zell, Rem | September 13, 2018 | July 17, 2019 |
Shining In, Someday いつか射す光 |
Zack Bulletproof Vest (VII) (x2) Hardedge (VII). |
Zack, Laguna, Layle | October 08, 2018 | August 05, 2019 |
Overcoming Sadness かなしみを乗り越えて |
Rydia Eidolon Tiara (IV) (x2) Chain Whip (IV). |
Rydia, Yang, Shadow | October 22, 2018 | August 16, 2019 |
Another Realm 異なる世界 |
Alisaie Red Bliaud (XIV) (x2) Mythrite Rapier (XIV). |
Alisaie, Terra, Papalymo | November 05, 2018 | September 02, 2019 |
Royal Hope 王家の希望 |
Noctis Prince's Fatigues (XV) (x2) Engine Blade (XV). |
Noctis, Irvine, Rem | November 18, 2018 | September 13, 2019 |
With Trabia in Mind トラビアを想う意思 |
Selphie Selphie's Necklace (VIII) (x2) Flail (VIII). |
Selphie, Squall, Thancred | December 03, 2018 | September 23, 2019 |
Itchin' for Greater Fights 更なる戦いを求めて |
Gilgamesh Genji Gloves (V) (x2) Kotetsu (V). |
Gilgamesh, Bartz, Hope | December 17, 2018 | October 03, 2019 |
A Thousand Words 絵に宿る力 |
Relm Memento Ring (VI) (x2) Chocobo Brush (VI). |
Relm, Edgar, Vivi | January 07, 2019 | October 18, 2019 |
Power is Everything 力こそ全て |
Leon Golden Shield (II) (x2) Ancient Sword (II). |
Leon, Firion, Snow | January 21, 2019 | October 29, 2019 |
Fangs of Promise 誓いを貫く牙 |
Fang Frostbane Brooch (XIII) (x2) Bladed Lance (XIII). |
Fang, Tidus, Yuna | February 04, 2019 | November 11, 2019 |
The Power of Kindness (Gentle Strength) Original name 優しき力 |
Deuce Mythril Bracelet (0) (x2) Argentic Flute (0). |
Deuce, Ace, Aerith | February 18, 2019 | November 25, 2019 |
Knight's Honor 騎士の信義 |
Agrias Mythril Shield (FFT) (x2) Coral Sword (FFT). |
Agrias, Faris, Ashe | March 04, 2019 | December 09, 2019 |
"Treasure Hunting" ど・ろ・ぼ・う? |
Locke Locke's Bandanna (VI) (x2) Main Gauche (VI). |
Locke, Celes, Setzer | March 18, 2019 | December 23, 2019 |
Right Arm with a Mission 決意の右腕 |
Barret Tough Ring (VII) (x2) Assault Gun (VII). |
Barret, Maria, Tifa | April 04, 2019 | January 06, 2020 |
A Prayer for One Dear 想い人に捧ぐいのり |
Rosa Luminous Robe (IV) (x2) Power Bow (IV). |
Rosa, Sabin, Yuri | April 14, 2019 | January 15, 2020 |
Golbez, Clad in Darkness 黒い甲冑ゴルベーザ |
Golbez Golbez's Cape (IV) (x2) Snowfall Scales (IV). |
Golbez, Laguna, Seven | May 07, 2019 | February 04, 2020 |
Where to Go 約束の場所で |
Rinoa Party Dress (VIII) (x2) Pinwheel (VIII). |
Rinoa, Squall, Irvine | May 21, 2019 | February 21, 2020 |
A New Journey 新たな旅路 |
Lulu Onyx Bangle (X) (x2) Magical Mog (X). |
Lulu, Wakka, Jecht | June 05, 2019 | March 03, 2020 |
Mysterious Siblings from a Mysterious World ふしぎな世界のふしぎな姉弟 |
Lann & Reynn Mirage Charms (WOFF) (x2) Mythril Claw & Knife (WOFF). |
Lann & Reynn, Faris, Edgar | June 19, 2019 | March 16, 2020 |
Conqueror's Duty 覇者の義務 |
Vayne Vayne's Gloves (XII) (x2) Sephira (XII). |
Vayne, Cecil (Paladin), Cyan | July 03, 2019 | April 02, 2020 |
Girded for Freedom 自由を得る覚悟 |
Fran Adamant Hat (XII) (x2) Silver Bow (XII). |
Fran, Balthier, Ashe | July 21, 2019 | April 20, 2020 |
A Reliable White Mage しっかり者の白魔道士 |
Porom Sage's Hat (IV) (x2) Healing Staff (IV). |
Porom, Palom, Yang | August 05, 2019 | May 04, 2020 |
The Power of Innocence (Sincere Strength) Original name 純真なる力 |
Cinque White Cape (0) (x2) Skull Crusher (0). |
Cinque, Cait Sith, Snow | August 21, 2019 | May 18, 2020 |
On the Road 旅の思い出 |
Prompto Prompto's Fatigues (XV) (x2) Cocytus (XV). |
Prompto, Freya, King | September 04, 2019 | June 01, 2020 |
Walk This Way 理想への歩み |
Alphinaud Evoker's Doublet (XIV) (x2) The Veil of Wiyu (XIV). |
Alphinaud, Celes, Yda | September 17, 2019 | June 15, 2020 |
Royal Puppeteer 無手の傀儡師 |
Aphmau Puppetry Tobe (XI) (x2) Poppet Katars (XI). |
Aphmau, Prishe, Lion | October 02, 2019 | June 29, 2020 |
Someday Never Comes 消えない想い |
Sherlotta Sherlotta's Shoes (FFCC) (x2) Dear Ribbon (FFCC). |
Sherlotta, Rydia, Seymour | October 20, 2019 | July 20, 2020 |
Cycle of Battle 戦いの輪廻 |
Garland Dark Helm (I) (x2) Rebellion (I). |
Garland, Warrior of Light, Sephiroth Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Squall |
November 05, 2019 | August 03, 2020 |
Governess of Time 時間を統べる魔女 |
Ultimecia Phantasmal Garment (VIII) (x2) Looking Glass (VIII). |
Ultimecia, Squall, Paine Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Shantotto |
November 19, 2019 | August 17, 2020 |
Keeper of Fear 恐れの座 |
Machina Soldier's Gloves (0) (x2) Argentic Rapiers (0). |
Machina, Rem, Cid Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Vaan |
December 04, 2019 | August 31, 2020 |
A Captain's Loyalty 忠誠を尽くす将軍 |
Basch Golden Shield (XII) (x2) Mythril Blade (XII). |
Basch, Vaan, Serah Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Noctis |
December 16, 2019 | September 14, 2020 |
Unbreakable Pride 折れぬ誇り |
Kimahri Metal Armlet (X) (x2) Halberd (X). |
Kimahri, Yuna, Noel Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Ardyn |
January 06, 2020 | October 05, 2020 |
Dastardly Dominus 謀略の支配者 |
The Emperor Emperor's Mantle (II) (x2) Diamond Mace (II). |
The Emperor, Firion, Gilgamesh Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Kefka |
January 21, 2020 | October 19, 2020 |
The Power of Tranquility 冷静なる力 |
Eight Black Belt (0) (x2) Silver Knuckles (0). |
Eight, King, Quistis Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Warrior of Light |
February 04, 2020 | November 06, 2020 |
Wild Child of the Veldt 獣ヶ原の野生児 |
Gau Zephyr Cloak (VI) (x2) Impact Claws (VI). |
Gau, Terra, Selphie Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Kuja |
February 17, 2020 | November 20, 2020 |
Ambition for Provenance 創世への野望 |
Kam'lanaut Kam'lanaut's Armguard (XI) (x2) Winged Degen (XI). |
Kam'lanaut, Shantotto, Rydia Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Lightning |
March 03, 2020 | December 07, 2020 |
Caravan of Hope 希望のキャラバン |
Ciaran Makeshift Shield (FFCC) (x2) Steel Blade (FFCC). |
Ciaran, Layle, Krile Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Sephiroth |
March 18, 2020 | December 21, 2020 |
Roses of May ローズ・オブ・メイ |
Beatrix Mythril Gloves (IX) (x2) Iron Sword (IX). |
Beatrix, Steiner, Vanille Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Cloud |
April 05, 2020 | January 04, 2021 |
Tree for the Void 無を渇望する大樹 |
Exdeath Exdeath's Helm (V) (x2) Ghido's Whisker (V). |
Exdeath, Gilgamesh, Warrior of Light Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Firion |
May 06, 2020 | January 18, 2021 |
Keeper of the Farseer 時詠みの守り手 |
Caius Caius's Boots (XIII) (x2) Oath Guardian (XIII). |
Caius, Noel, Lyse Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Ramza |
June 03, 2020 | February 02, 2021 |
The Power of Ignorance 無知なる力 |
Jack (FF TYPE-0) Metal Gloves (0) (x2) Kiku-ichimonji (0). |
Jack (FF TYPE-0), Ramza, Ignis Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Ultimecia |
June 15, 2020 | February 11, 2021 |
Swordmaiden ソード・メイデン |
Arciela Warlock's Tabard (XI) (x2) Astral Ring (XI). |
Arciela, Prishe, Rinoa Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Onion Knight |
July 05, 2020 | March 05, 2021 |
Reliable Partner 頼れる相棒 |
Keiss Blue Bandana (FFCC) (x2) White Knife (FFCC). |
Keiss, Zidane, Cloud Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Cecil (Paladin) |
July 20, 2020 | March 18, 2021 |
Ghosts of the Past ジラートの亡霊 |
Eald'narche Eald'narche's Eyepatch (XI) (x2) Flood (XI). |
Eald'narche, Garnet, Lann & Reynn Limited-time boost: Aerith, The Emperor featured BT weapon |
August 06, 2020 | April 05, 2021 |
The Power of Knowledge 知の力 |
Trey Suzaku's Chestplate (0) (x2) Hunter's Bow (0). |
Trey, Quistis, Fran Limited-time boost: Serah, Y'shtola featured BT weapon |
August 20, 2020 | April 19, 2021 |
The Yuke Cometh 現れたユーク族 |
Amidatelion Amidatelion's Shoulder Guard (FFCC) (x2) Demon Wing (FFCC). |
Amidatelion, Layle, Deuce Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Terra |
September 03, 2020 | May 04, 2021 |
Ancient Memories いにしえの記憶 |
Desch Ice Shield (III) (x2) Mythril Sword (III). |
Desch, Onion Knight, Yang Limited-time boost: Ignis, Garland featured BT weapon |
September 16, 2020 | May 20, 2021 |
The Power of Action 行動する力 |
Nine Silver Bracelet (0) (x2) Heavy Lance (0). |
Nine, Barret, Fujin Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Golbez |
October 04, 2020 | June 02, 2021 |
Love, the Melody of Courage 紡ぐ愛は勇気の旋律 |
Edward Edward's Scarf (IV) (x2) Dream Harp (IV). |
Edward, Palom, Hope Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Bartz |
October 19, 2020 | June 16, 2021 |
Lotsa Lore おぼえたわざの数々 |
Strago Strago's Cape (VI) (x2) Mythril Rod (VI). |
Strago, Relm, Ashe Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Eald'narche |
November 04, 2020 | July 05, 2021 |
The Ice Reaper 氷剣の死神 |
Kurasame Kurasame's Boots (0) (x2) Hyōka (0). |
Kurasame, Edgar, Seifer Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Layle |
November 17, 2020 | July 19, 2021 |
Around the Fire 焚き火のもとで |
Gladiolus Gladiolus's Fatigues (XV) (x2) Two-Handed Sword (XV). |
Gladiolus, Sabin, Vayne Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Cloud of Darkness |
December 02, 2020 | August 06, 2021 |
The Redheaded Turk 赤髪のタークス |
Reno Reno's Goggles (VII) (x2) Baton (VII). |
Reno, Rosa, Leo Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Tidus |
December 15, 2020 | August 17, 2021 |
The Terse Turk 寡黙なるタークス |
Rude Rude's Sunglasses (VII) (x2) Shinra Type A Gloves (VII). |
Rude, Yuffie, Lann & Reynn Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Yuna |
January 05, 2021 | September 09, 2021 |
Thrall of Darkness 闇に魅入られし魔王 |
Xande Xande's Shoes (III) (x2) Xande's Rod (III). |
Xande, Zell, Eiko Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Exdeath |
January 19, 2021 | September 21, 2021 |
Gentle Giant 心優しき力持ち |
Guy Giant's Helm (II) (x2) Battle Axe (II). |
Guy, Auron, Cinque Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Zidane |
February 02, 2021 | October 04, 2021 |
Commodore of the Skies 天空を翔ける准将 |
Aranea Aranea's Boots (XV) (x2) Eisenspeer (XV). |
Aranea, Prompto , Rem Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Ace |
February 16, 2021 | October 15, 2021 |
Mother Fixation 母への執着 |
Kadaj White Cape (VII) (x2) Nisou (VII). |
Kadaj, Maria, Alisaie Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Jecht |
April 05, 2021 | November 25, 2021 |
The Power of Wisdom 賢き力 |
Queen Queen's Hairpin (0) (x2) Claymore (0). |
Queen, Fran, Cater Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Noel |
June 02, 2021 | January 20, 2022 |
Lofty Souls 高潔なる魂 |
Raines Raines's Boots (XIII) (x2) White Gloves (XIII). |
Raines, Mog, Steiner Limited-time boost: Selphie, Sherlotta, Zack featured BT weapon |
August 03, 2021 | April 01, 2022 |
Shelke the Transparent 無式のシェルク |
Shelke Edincoat (VII) (x2) Injection (VII). |
Shelke, Fujin, Lulu Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Prishe |
October 05, 2021 | May 30, 2022 |
Gentle Fist 優しき拳 |
Ursula Ursula's Shoes (IV) (x2) Ice Claws (IV). |
Ursula, Freya, Cinque Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Gabranth |
December 06, 2021 | August 02, 2022 |
Wings Graven with Emotion 翼に刻まれた想い |
Llyud Gauntlets (XII) (x2) Mythril Lance (XII). |
Llyud, Zell, Amidatelion Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Tifa |
February 03, 2022 | October 03, 2022 |
An Elegant Coffee Break 優雅なコーヒーブレイク |
Enna Kros Roksanne Gloves (WOFF) (x2) Chic Scarf (WOFF). |
Enna Kros, Reno, Rude Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon Raines |
April 05, 2022 | December 05, 2022 |
The Power of Tenacity 執着する力 |
Sice Shield Talisman (0) (x2) Reaper's Scythe (0). |
Sice, Lann & Reynn featured BT weapon, Eight Limited-time boost: featured BT weapon JP: Ashe GL: Penelo |
June 06, 2022 | February 09, 2023 |
Rubicante, Autarch of Flame 火のルビカンテ |
Rubicante Rubicante's Kerchief (IV) (x2) Flame Gloves (IV). |
Rubicante, Yuna featured BT and FR weapon, Cissnei, Lulu, Prompto, Trey Limited-time boost: Mog, Squall, Jack (FFO) |
August 17, 2022 | April 17, 2023 |
The Man Known as The Immortal 不死将軍と呼ばれた男 |
Cor Cor's Fatigues (XV) (x2) Onikiri (XV). |
Cor, Noctis featured BT and FR weapon, Galuf, Gau, Cater, Cinque Limited-time boost: Balthier, Lann & Reynn JP: Celes, Beatrix GL: Rydia, Seymour |
September 30, 2022 | May 19, 2023 |
Fear for Home 祖国を憂えて |
Reks Buckler (XII) (x2) Longsword (XII). |
Reks, Garnet featured BT and FR weapon, Barret, Shelke, Basch, Alphinaud Limited-time boost: Maria, Terra, Edgar |
October 14, 2022 | May 31, 2023 |
Guardian of the Crystals クリスタルの守り人 |
Dorgann Dorgann's Armguards (V) (x2) Broadsword (V). |
Dorgann, Bartz featured BT and FR weapon, Edward, Galuf, Zell, Lyse, Limited-time boost: JP: Squall, Braska, Lilisette, Ace GL: Rosa |
December 15, 2022 | August 03, 2023 |
A Thin, Icy Smile 薄氷の笑み |
Nabaat Nabaat's Wedges (XIII) (x2) Extension Èpèe (XIII). |
Nabaat, Paine featured BT & FR weapon, Alphinaud, Agrias, Cinque, Jack (FF TYPE-0) Limited-time boost: JP: Rosa GL: Vincent, Reno |
January 18, 2023 | August 25, 2023 |
Dawn's Howl Shattering Illusions 幻を砕く暁の咆哮 |
Kelger Kelger's Cloak (V) (x2) Longsword (V). |
Kelger, Machina featured BT & FR weapon, Cid, Xande JP:Gau, Trey GL:Vaan, Lunafreya Limited-time boost: JP: Cater GL: Queen, Garnet, Golbez |
March 31, 2023 | September 05, 2023 |
Sage of a Distant Moon 遠き月の賢人 |
Fusoya Sage's Miter (IV) (x2) Lilith Rod (IV). |
Fusoya, Ciaran featured BT & FR weapon, Seifer, Kimahri, Leila, King Limited-time boost: JP: Deuce GL: Papalymo, Aerith, Fujin, Zidane |
April 14, 2023 | October 06, 2023 |
Sloppy Provisioner うかつな整備担当 |
Jessie Jessie's Gloves (VII) (x2) Seizure Gun (VII). |
Jessie, Snow featured BT & FR weapon, Barret, Sazh, Noctis, Kurasame Limited-time boost: Vincent, Ignis, Aranea |
June 15, 2023 | November 13, 2023 |
The Flaming Amarant 焔色のサラマンダー |
Amarant Mantra Band (IX) (x2) Mythril Claws (IX). |
Amarant, Enna Kros featured BT & FR weapon, Zell, Garnet, Cid, Auron Limited-time boost: Cait Sith |
July 31, 2023 | |
The Icy Swordsman 氷の剣士 |
Xezat Xezat's Glove (V) (x2) Ashura (V). |
Xezat, Vincent featured BT & FR weapon, Mog, Alisaie, Aphmau, Yuri Limited-time boost: Leon |
September 29, 2023 |