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Weapons in Final Fantasy III can be equipped in both the left and right hands. When dual-wielding, the attack ratings of each weapon are added together for the overall attack rating of the character.

In the original NES version, some elemental weapons are glitched.

Legendary Blacksmith weapons only exist in the 3D version.

Job key[]

Onion Knight Freelancer Warrior Monk White Mage Black Mage
Red Mage Ranger Knight Thief Scholar Geomancer
RM Ra Kn Th Sc Ge
Dragoon Viking Dark Knight Evoker Bard Black Belt
Dr Vi DK Ev Ba BB
Devout Magus Summoner Sage Ninja
De Ma Su Sa Ni


FFIII NES Knife Icon
FFIII Icon Dagger

Except thrown weapons, daggers are the only type of weapon that Thieves can equip. Most daggers add to the Agility statistic. The Red Mage is the only magic-using job that can equip daggers. Black Mages, however, can only equip the Knife and Dagger.

Name NES Image 3D Image Jobs Attack Acquirement Cost
Knife FFIII NES Knife
Knife01-Knife icon-small
OK, Fr, Wa, BM, RM, Th, DK, Ba, Ni 8
Buy: Ur (NES)
Initial: All characters
Dagger FFIII NES Dagger
Knife02-Dagger icon-small
OK, Fr, Wa, BM, RM, Th, DK, Ba, Ni 9
Buy: Ur
Find: Ur
Mythril Knife FFIII NES Mythril Knife
Knife03-MythrilKnife icon-small
OK, Fr, Wa, RM, Th, DK, Ba, Ni 14
Buy: Kazus, Canaan 500
Spark Dagger —
Knife04-SparkDagger icon-small
OK, Fr, Wa, Th, DK, Ba, Ni 23 Find: Vikings' Cove, Tower of Owen —
+2 Agility. Lightning elemental.
Main Gauche FFIII NES Main Gauche
Knife05-MainGauche icon-small
OK, Fr, Wa, RM, Th, DK, Ba, Ni 35
Buy: Amur
Find: Amur Sewers, Saronia Castle
+3 Agility.
Poison Dagger —
Knife06-PoisonDagger icon-small
OK, Fr, Wa, RM, Th, DK, Ba, Ni 40 Find: Amur Sewers (3D) —
+4 Agility. Inflicts Poison when attacking.
Orichalcon FFIII NES Orialcon — Th, Ni 45 Find: Sewers, Temple of Time —
Absorbs damage as HP.
Behemoth Knife —
Knife07-BehemothKnife icon-small
OK, Th, Ni 78 Find: Temple of Time (3D) —
+8 Strength
Air Knife FFIII NES Air Knife
Knife08-AirKnife icon-small
OK, Th, Ni 89
Find: Sunken Cave —
+6 Agility. Casts Aero when used as an item. Wind elemental.
Dark Knife —
Knife09-DarkDagger icon-small
OK, Th, Ni 93 Buy: Invincible (3D) 30,000
+5 Agility.
Lust Dagger —
Knife10-LustDagger icon-small
OK, Th, Ni 110 Find: Doga's Grotto (3D) —
+8 Agility
Gladius —
Knife11-Gladius icon-small
Thief 130 Other: Legendary Smith (Job Level 99 Thief) —
+20 Agility.


Concept art
Nintendo DS


FFIII NES Sword Icon
FFIII Icon Sword

Swords are the most basic weapon for the physical damage dealing jobs, Warrior, Knight, and Dark Knight. Additionally, the Red Mage is the only magic-using job that can equip swords.

Name NES Image 3D Image Jobs Attack Acquirement Cost
Golden Sword FFIII NES Gold Sword
Sword01-GoldenSword icon-small
OK, Fr, Wa, RM, Kn, DK 5 Find: Goldor Manor (x11) —
Longsword FFIII NES Longsword
Sword02-Longsword icon-small
OK, Fr, Wa, RM, Kn, DK 10 Buy: Ur
Find: Altar Cave x3, Ur
Wightslayer FFIII NES Wightslayer
Sword03-Wightslayer icon-small
OK, Fr, RM 15 Buy: Village of the Ancients (NES), Dwarven Hollows (NES)
Find: Castle Sasune
Super effective against undead enemies.
Mythril Sword FFIII NES Mythril Sword
Sword04-MythrilSword icon-small
OK, Fr, Wa, RM, Kn, DK 17
Buy: Kazus, Canaan
Find: Mythril Mines
Serpent Sword FFIII NES Serpent Sword
Sword05-SerpentSword icon-small
OK, Fr, Wa, RM, Kn, DK 25 Buy: Village of the Ancients, Dwarven Hollows (NES)
Find: Nepto Temple, Tokkul
Lightning elemental.
Tyrfing FFIII NES Tyrfing
Sword06-Tyrfing icon-small
OK, Fr, Wa, RM, Kn, DK 28
Buy: Dwarven Hollows 2,000
Salamand Sword FFIII NES Salamand Sword
Sword07-SalamandSword icon-small
OK, Fr, Wa, RM, Kn, DK 30
Buy Dwarven Hollows (NES)
Find: Tower of Owen
Fire elemental. Casts Fire when used as an item.
Freezing Blade FFIII NES Icebrand
Sword08-FreezingBlade icon-small
OK, Fr, Wa, RM, Kn, DK 32
Find: Molten Cave —
Ice elemental. Casts Blizzard when used as an item.
Royal Sword FFIII NES King Sword
Sword09-RoyalSword icon-small
OK, Fr, Wa, RM, Kn, DK 50 Find: Castle Hein —
Blood Sword FFIII NES Blood Sword
Sword10-BloodSword icon-small
OK, Wa, Kn, DK 55
Buy: Ancient Ruins (NES)
Find: Wrecked Ship
Absorbs damage as HP.
Ancient Sword FFIII NES Ancient Sword
Sword11-AncientSword icon-small
OK, Wa, Kn, DK 80
Buy: Ancient Ruins (NES)
Find: Sunken Cave
Inflicts Paralysis when attacking.
Defender FFIII NES Defender
Sword12-Defender icon-small
OK, Wa, RM, Kn, DK 95 Buy: Ancient Ruins, Invincible (NES)
Find: Temple of Time, Sunken Cave
+5 Vitality. Casts Protect when used as an item.
Break Blade FFIII NES Break Blade
Sword13-BreakBlade icon-small
OK, Wa, RM, Kn, DK 125
Find: Ancients' Maze —
Inflicts Gradual Petrify when attacking.
Excalibur FFIII NES Excalibur
Sword14-Excalibur icon-small
OK, Fr, RM, Kn 137
Find: Eureka —
+5 all stats
Ragnarok FFIII NES Ragnarok
Sword15-Ragnarok icon-small
OK, Wa, Kn, DK 140
Find: Eureka —
+5 all stats
Save the Queen —
Sword16-SaveTheQueen icon-small
Knight 140 Other: Legendary Smith (Job Level 99 Knight) —
+10 Vitality & Mind. Casts Reflect when used as an item.
Onion Blade —
Sword17-OnionBlade icon-small
Onion Knight 150 Other: Legendary Smith (Job Level 99 Onion Knight) —
+7 all stats.
Ultima Weapon —
Sword18-UltimaWeapon icon-small
OK, Fr, Wa, RM, Kn, DK 155 Other: Legendary Smith at Falgabard (Complete "Fix Sara's Pendant" and "Find Orichalcum" sidequest) —
+15 all stats.
Onion Sword FFIII NES Onion Sword
Sword19-OnionSword icon-small
Onion Knight 156
Drop: Green Dragon, Yellow Dragon, Red Dragon —
+5 all stats


Concept art
Nintendo DS

Dark blades[]

FFIII NES Dark Blade Icon
FFIII Icon Dark Sword

Dark blades are effective against dividing enemies. Dark blades are the primary weapon of Dark Knights and Ninjas.

Name NES Image 3D Image Jobs Attack Acquirement Cost
Ashura FFIII NES Ashura
Katana01-Ashura icon-small
OK, DK, Ni 100
Buy: Falgabard
Find: Falgabard Cave
Effective against dividing enemies.
Kotetsu FFIII NES Kotetsu
Katana02-Kotetsu icon-small
OK, DK, Ni 105 Find: Cave of Shadows, Falgabard, Bahamut's Lair —
Effective against dividing enemies.
Kiku-Ichimonji FFIII NES Kikuichimonji
Katana03-KikuIchimonji icon-small
OK, DK, Ni 115
Find: Cave of Shadows
Other: Defeat Shinobi (Falgabard)
Effective against dividing enemies
Masamune FFIII NES Masamune
Katana04-Masamune icon-small
OK, DK, Ni 132
Find: Eureka —
+10 Agility. Effective against dividing enemies.
Murakumo —
Katana05-Murakumo icon-small
Dark Knight 140 Other: Legendary Smith (Job Level 99 Dark Knight) —
+20 Agility. Effective against dividing enemies.
Muramasa —
Katana06-Muramasa icon-small
Ninja 140 Other: Legendary Smith (Job Level 99 Ninja) —
+5 Strength, Vitality, Intellect, & Mind. +10 Agility. Effective against dividing enemies.


Concept art
Nintendo DS


FFIII NES Staff Icon
FFIII Icon Staff

Staves are the primary weapon of the magic-using jobs, White Mage, Devout, and Evoker. They usually add to the Mind statistic. Most staves will cast a spell if used from the "Item" menu during battle. In the NES version, they do not grant any elemental defense because of a glitch.

Name NES Image 3D Image Jobs Attack Acquirement Cost
Staff FFIII NES Staff
Staff01-Staff icon-small
OK, WM, BM, RM, Ev, De, Ma, Su, Sa 3 Buy: Ur
Find: Kazus
Fire Staff FFIII NES Burning Staff
Staff02-FireStaff icon-small
OK, WM, BM, RM, Ev, De, Ma, Su, Sa 20
Buy: Village of the Ancients, Dwarven Hollows (3D), Northeast Saronia (NES)
Find: Tozus, Gulgan Gulch
+2 Intellect & Mind. Casts Fire when used as an item.
Ice Staff FFIII NES Freezing Staff
Staff03-IceStaff icon-small
OK, WM, BM, RM, Ev, De, Ma, Su, Sa 20
Buy: Village of the Ancients, Dwarven Hollows (3D), Northeast Saronia (NES)
Find: Tokkul, Gulgan Gulch
+2 Intellect & Mind. Casts Blizzard when used as an item.
Light Staff FFIII NES Shining Staff
Staff04-LightStaff icon-small
OK, WM, BM, RM, Ev, De, Ma, Su, Sa 20
Buy: Village of the Ancients (3D), Dwarven Hollows (NES), Northeast Saronia (NES) 3,500
+2 Intellect & Mind. Casts Thunder when used as an item.
Golem Staff FFIII NES Golem Staff
Staff05-GolemStaff icon-small
OK, WM, RM, Ev, De, Su, Sa 30
Buy: Northeast Saronia
Find: Saronia Catacombs, Bahamut's Lair
+3 Mind. Casts Break when used as an item.
Rune Staff FFIII NES Rune Staff
Staff06-RuneStaff icon-small
OK, WM, RM, Ev, De, Su, Sa 33
Buy: Northeast Saronia 18,000
+4 Mind. Casts Erase when used as an item.
Elder Staff FFIII NES Eldest Staff
Staff07-ElderStaff icon-small
OK, WM, De, Sa 85
Find: Eureka —
+6 Mind. Casts Cura when used as an item.
Holy Wand —
Staff08-HolyWand icon-small
Devout 110 Other: Legendary Smith (Job Level 99 Devout) —
+20 Mind. Casts Curaga when used as an item.
Sage Staff —
Staff09-SageStaff icon-small
Sage 110 Other: Legendary Smith (Job Level 99 Sage) —
+10 all stats.


Concept art
Nintendo DS


FFIII Icon Staff

Rods are the primary weapon of the magic-using jobs, Black Mage, Magus, and Summoner. They usually add to the Intellect statistic. Most rods will cast a spell if used from the "Item" menu in battle. In the NES version, they do not grant any elemental defense because of a glitch.

Name NES Image 3D Image Jobs Attack Acquirement Cost
Mythril Rod FFIII NES Mythril Staff
Rod01-MythrilRod icon-small
OK, BM, RM, Ev, Ma, Su, Sa 12
Buy: Kazus, Canaan 400
+1 Intellect.
Wizard Rod —
Rod02-WizardRod icon-small
OK, BM, RM, Ev, Ma, Su, Sa 20 Buy: Northeast Saronia (3D) 20,000
+5 Intellect.
Fire Rod FFIII NES Flame Rod
Rod03-FireRod icon-small
OK, WM, BM, RM, Ev, De, Ma, Su, Sa 25
Buy: Northeast Saronia 10,000
+3 Intellect & Mind. Casts Fira when used as an item.
Ice Rod FFIII NES Ice Rod
Rod04-IceRod icon-small
OK, WM, BM, RM, Ev, De, Ma, Su, Sa 25
Buy: Northeast Saronia
Find: Saronia Castle
+3 Intellect & Mind. Casts Blizzara when used as an item.
Light Rod FFIII NES Light Rod
Rod05-LightRod icon-small
OK, WM, BM, RM, Ev, De, Ma, Su, Sa 25
Buy: Northeast Saronia 10,000
+3 Intellect & Mind. Casts Thundara when used as an item.
Omnirod FFIII NES Ultimate Rod
Rod06-Omnirod icon-small
OK, BM, Ev, Ma, Su, Sa 93
Find: Eureka —
+10 Intellect. Inflicts Gradual Petrify when attacking.
Lilith Rod —
Rod07-LilithRod icon-small
Black Mage 110 Other: Legendary Smith (Job Level 99 Black Mage) —
+20 Intellect. Casts Death when used as an item.
Millennium Rod —
Rod08-MilleniumRod icon-small
Magus 110 Other: Legendary Smith (Job Level 99 Magus) —
+10 Intellect & Mind. Casts Blizzaga when used as an item.


Concept art
Nintendo DS


FFIII NES Nunchuck Icon

Nunchaku are used by Monks. They are relatively weak weapons meant to be used early on before the Monk can do more damage with their bare hands. Nunchakus only appear in the 2D versions of the game.

Name NES Image Jobs Attack Acquirement Cost
Nunchaku FFIII NES Nunchuck Mo, Ni 12 Buy: Ur
Find: Altar Cave
Tonfa FFIII NES Tonfa Mo, Ni 20 Buy: Dwarven Hollows
Find: Castle Sasune
Sansetsukon FFIII NES 3-Part Mo, Ni 25 Buy: Dwarven Hollows
Find: Tokkul


Concept art

Bows and arrows[]

FFIII Icon Bow
FFIII Icon Arrow

Bows and arrows are the primary weapons of Rangers and must be equipped separately in the right and left hands. Bows give stat bonuses, while arrows carry the additional effects, like elemental damage and inflicted status ailments. Bows and arrows are effective against enemies weak to Wind.

Since bows and arrows deal the same damage from the back row as they do from the front row, and since the weaker bows are available to Black Mages, the player can equip a Black Mage with a bow and arrows to make them a decent physical damage dealer if the need arises. The player can place the Black Mage in the back row for reduced damage, since the armor available to magic-using jobs does not offer as much physical defense as that available to melee jobs.


Name NES Image Remake Image Jobs Attack Acquirement Cost
Bow01-Bow icon-small
OK, Fr, Wa, BM, RM, Ra 10
Buy: Ur (3D)
Find: Castle Sasune
Great Bow FFIII NES Great Bow
Bow02-GreatBow icon-small
OK, Fr, Wa, BM, RM, Ra 18
Buy: Canaan (3D)
Find: Canaan (Cid's basement), Tokkul
Killer Bow FFIII NES Killer Bow
Bow03-KillerBow icon-small
OK, Fr, Wa (3D), BM (3D), RM (3D), Ra 26
Buy: Village of the Ancients
Find: Dwarven Hollows, Castle Argus
Rune Bow FFIII NES Rune Bow
Bow04-RuneBow icon-small
OK, Ra 42
Find: Castle Hein —
+2 Intellect & Mind
Selene Bow —
Bow05-SeleneBow icon-small
OK, Ra 63 Buy: Amur (3D)
Find: Saronia Castle (3D)
Yoichi Bow FFIII NES Yoichi Bow
Bow06-YoichiBow icon-small
OK, Ra 70
Buy: Falgabard 42,000
+5 Agility.
Eurytos Bow —
Bow07-EurytosBow icon-small
OK, Ra 95 Find: Bahamut's Lair (3D) —
+5 Strength.
Elven Bow —
Bow08-ElvenBow icon-small
OK, Ra 109 Find: Crystal Tower (3D) —
+5 Agility.
Artemis Bow —
Bow09-ArtemisBow icon-small
Ranger 122 Other: Legendary Smith (Job Level 99 Ranger) —
+10 Strength & Agility.


Concept art
Nintendo DS
FFIII NES Arrow Icon


Name NES Image Jobs Attack Acquirement Cost
Wooden Arrow FFIII NES Wooden Arrow OK, Fr, Wa, BM, RM, Ra 6 Buy: Ur (3D)
Find: Castle Sasune (x3)
Holy Arrow FFIII NES Holy Arrow OK, Fr, Wa, BM, RM, Ra 8
Buy: Dwarven Hollows (3D), Amur (3D)
Find: Castle Sasune (x2), Hein's Castle
Holy elemental.
Iron Arrow FFIII NES Iron Arrow OK, Fr, Wa, BM, RM, Ra 12
Buy: Canaan (3D), Dwarven Hollows (3D), Amur (3D)
Find: Canaan (Cid's basement)
Fire Arrow FFIII NES Fire Arrow OK, Ra 17
Buy: Village of the Ancients
Find: Castle Argus
Fire elemental.
Ice Arrow FFIII NES Ice Arrow OK, Ra 17
Buy: Village of the Ancients
Find: Castle Argus
Ice elemental.
Light Arrow FFIII NES Bolt Arrow OK, Ra 17
Buy: Village of the Ancients
Find: Castle Argus
Lightning elemental.
Sleep Arrow — OK, Ra 20 Buy: Invincible (3D) 200
Inflicts Sleep when attacking.
Poison Arrow — OK, Ra 20 Buy: Invincible (3D) 200
Inflicts Poison when attacking.
Medusa Arrow FFIII NES Medusa Arrow OK, Ra 23
Buy: Ancient Ruins (3D), Invincible (3D)
Find: Castle Argus, Saronia Castle
Inflicts Petrify when attacking.
Magic Arrow — OK, Ra 27 Buy: Invincible (3D) 250
Yoichi Arrow FFIII NES Yoichi Arrow OK, Ra 40
Buy: Invincible (NES), Falgabard 500


Concept art


FFIII Icon Book

Aside from Onion Knights, only Scholars can equip books. Books give stat bonuses in Intellect and Mind to boost the power of the limited amount of magic Scholars can learn. Books are rare finds, as they can be found in a few treasure chests and are not sold in shops.

Name NES Image 3D Image Jobs Attack Acquirement Cost
Book of Fire FFIII NES Fire Book
Book01-BookOfFire icon-small
OK, Sc 32 Find: Dwarven Hollows, Castle Argus —
+2 Intellect & Mind. Fire elemental.
Book of Ice FFIII NES Ice Book
Book02-BookOfIce icon-small
OK, Sc 32 Find: Dwarven Hollows, Castle Argus —
+2 Intellect & Mind. Ice elemental.
Book of Light FFIII NES Light Book
Book03-BookOfLight icon-small
OK, Sc 32 Find: Dwarven Hollows, Castle Argus —
+2 Intellect & Mind. Lightning elemental.
Tome of Fire FFIII NES Inferno Book
Book04-TomeOfFire icon-small
OK, Sc 53
Buy: Invincible (NES)
Find: Saronia Castle
+3 Intellect & Mind. Fire elemental.
Tome of Ice FFIII NES Blizzard Book
Book05-TomeOfIce icon-small
OK, Sc 53
Buy: Invincible (NES)
Find: Saronia Castle
+3 Intellect & Mind. Ice elemental.
Tome of Light FFIII NES Illumina Book
Book06-TomeOfLight icon-small
OK, Sc 53
Buy: Invincible (NES)
Find: Saronia Castle
+3 Intellect & Mind. Lightning elemental.
Cognitome —
Book07-Cognitome icon-small
OK, Sc 78 Find: Sunken Cave (3D) —
+5 Intellect & Mind.
Omnitome —
Book08-Omnitome icon-small
Scholar 130 Other: Legendary Smith (Job Level 99 Scholar) —
+10 Intellect & Mind.


Concept art
Nintendo DS


FFIII Icon Knuckle

Claws and Knuckles are the primary weapons of Monks and Black Belts. They are worn on the hands to deal extra damage when punching. Claws and knuckles are not sold in shops.

Name NES Image 3D Image Jobs Attack Acquirement Cost
Bronze Knuckles —
Monk01-BronzeKnuckles icon-small
OK, Fr, Mo, BB 12 Find: Altar Cave (3D), Castle Sasune (3D) —
Sonic Knuckles —
Monk02-SonicKnuckles icon-small
OK, Mo, BB 28 Find: Tokkul (3D), Tower of Owen (3D) —
+2 Agility.
Impact Claws —
Monk03-ImpactClaws icon-small
OK, Mo, BB 34 Find: Molten Cave (3D) —
Cat Claws FFIII NES Claws
Monk04-CatClaws icon-small
OK, Mo, BB 42 Find: Amur Sewers —
+3 Agility.
Kaiser Knuckles FFIII NES Claws
Monk05-KaiserKnuckles icon-small
OK, Mo, BB 50
Buy: Amur (NES)
Find: Amur Sewers (3D)
Wyvern Claws FFIII NES Claws
Monk06-WyvernClaws icon-small
OK, Mo, BB 51
Find: Goldor Manor —
+4 Agility. Wind elemental.
Tiger Claws —
Monk07-TigerClaws icon-small
OK, Mo, BB 82 Find: Sunken Cave (3D) —
+5 Strength.
Faerie Claws FFIII NES Claws
Monk08-FaerieClaws icon-small
OK, Mo, BB 89
Find: Ancient Ruins —
+2 Intellect & Mind.
Metal Knuckles —
Monk09-MetalKnuckles icon-small
OK, Mo, BB 100 Find: Sunken Cave (3D) —
Dark Claws —
Monk10-DarkClaws icon-small
OK, Mo, BB 115 Find: Cave of Shadows (3D) —
Hellish Claws FFIII NES Claws
Monk11-HellishClaws icon-small
OK, Mo, BB 121
Find: Ancients' Maze —
+5 Vitality. Inflicts Poison when attacking.


Concept art
Nintendo DS


FFIII NES Spear Icon
FFIII Icon Spear

Spears are the primary weapons of Dragoons and, except for Onion Knights, Dragoon is the only job that can equip them.

Name NES Image 3D Image Jobs Attack Acquirement Cost
Thunder Spear FFIII NES Thunder Spear
Lance01-ThunderSpear icon-small
OK, Dr 45
Buy: Amur (3D), Northeast Saronia, Dragon Spire (x3) 8,000
Lightning elemental. Casts Thunder when used as an item.
Wind Spear FFIII NES Wind Spear
Lance02-WindSpear icon-small
OK, Dr 53
Buy: Northeast Saronia
Find: Southwest Saronia
Casts Aero when used as an item. Wind elemental.
Heavy Lance —
Lance03-HeavyLance icon-small
OK, Dr 84 Find: Saronia Catacombs (3D) —
Blood Lance FFIII NES Blood Lance
Lance04-BloodLance icon-small
OK, Dr 95
Buy: Ancient Ruins (3D)
Find: Temple of Time (3D), Sunken Cave (NES)
Absorbs damage as HP.
Trident —
Lance05-Trident icon-small
OK, Dr 108 Find: Sunken Cave (3D) —
Dragon Lance —
Lance06-DragonLance icon-small
OK, Dr 117 Buy: Invincible (3D) 40,000
Holy Lance FFIII NES Holy Lance
Lance07-HolyLance icon-small
OK, Dr 125
Find: Ancients' Maze —
Casts Holy when used as an item. Holy elemental.
Gungnir —
Lance08-Gungnir icon-small
OK, Dr 140 Steal: Odin (3D) —
+10 Strength & Agility.
Magic Lance —
Lance09-MagicLance icon-small
Dragoon 145 Other: Legendary Smith (Job Level 99 Dragoon) —
+20 Strength.


Concept art
Nintendo DS


FFIII NES Hammer Icon
FFIII Icon Hammer

Hammers are the primary weapons of Vikings and, except for Onion Knights, Viking is the only job that can equip them. Hammers are Lightning-elemental.

Name NES Image 3D Image Jobs Attack Acquirement Cost
Hammer FFIII NES Hammer
Hammer01-Hammer icon-small
OK, Vi 55
Find: Amur Sewers (3D), (glitch) (NES) —
Lightning elemental. +1 Vitality.
Thor FFIII NES Thor Hammer — Vi, Ni 30 Find: Lake Dohr, Falgabard, Amur Sewers, Saronia Catacombs —
Casts Thundara when used as an item.
Dragon Hammer —
Hammer02-DragonHammer icon-small
OK, Vi 70 Find: Saronia Castle (3D) —
Lightning elemental. +4 Vitality.
Triton Hammer FFIII NES Triton Hammer
Hammer03-TritonHammer icon-small
OK, Vi 110
Buy: Ancient Ruins (NES)
Find: Sunken Cave
Lightning elemental. +5 Vitality.
Platinum Hammer —
Hammer04-PlatinumHammer icon-small
OK, Vi 115 Find: Lake Dohr (3D), Falgabard (3D) —
Lightning elemental. +2 Vitality.
Blessed Hammer —
Hammer05-BlessedHammer icon-small
OK, Vi 120 Find: Falgabard (3D), Falgabard Cave (3D) —
Lightning elemental. +3 Vitality.
Mighty Hammer —
Hammer06-MightyHammer icon-small
Viking 145 Other: Legendary Smith (Job Level 99 Viking) —
Lightning elemental. +20 Vitality.


Concept art
Nintendo DS


FFIII Icon Axe

The Warrior ultimate weapon is an axe, though Warriors can equip many other weapons. These weapons include the Morning Star, which is only available in the NES version.

Name NES Image 3D Image Jobs Attack Acquirement Cost
Viking Axe —
Axe01-VikingAxe icon-small
OK, Wa, Vi 33 Find: Vikings' Cove (3D) —
Battleaxe FFIII NES Battle Axe
Axe02-BattleAxe icon-small
OK, Wa, Vi 65
Buy: Amur 7,400
Morning Star FFIII NES Morning Star — Vi, Ni 50 Buy: Amur (NES) 8,000
Dual Tomahawk FFIII NES Tomahawk
Axe03-DualTomahawk icon-small
OK, Wa, Vi 73
Buy: Ancient Ruins (NES)
Find: Sunken Cave
Rune Axe —
Axe04-RuneAxe icon-small
OK, Wa, Vi 110 Buy: Invincible (3D) 35,000
+2 Intellect & Mind.
Demon Axe —
Axe05-DemonAxe icon-small
OK, Wa, Vi 116 Buy: Falgabard (3D) 40,000
+2 Strength & Agility.
Dual Haken FFIII NES Great Axe
Axe06-DualHaken icon-small
OK, Wa, Vi 122
Buy: Invincible (NES)
Find: Ancients' Maze
+3 Strength.
Gigantic Axe —
Axe07-GiganticAxe icon-small
Warrior 155 Other: Legendary Smith (Job Level 99 Warrior) —
+20 Strength.


Concept art
Nintendo DS
Relm-ffvi-snes-battleThis gallery is incomplete and requires Demon Axe added. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by uploading images.

Throwing weapons[]

FFIII NES Shuriken Icon
FFIII NES Boomerang Icon
FFIII Icon Star
FFIII Icon Throwing

Throwing weapons can either be equipped normally or thrown by Ninjas, who are the only characters that can use the ability. Thrown weapons offer no stat bonuses and no additional effects.

Name NES Image 3D Image Jobs Attack Acquirement Cost
Boomerang FFIII NES Boomerang
Throw01-Boomerang icon-small
OK, Ra, Th, Ni 40
Buy: Amur
Find: Saronia Castle (3D)
Chakram —
Throw02-Chakram icon-small
OK, Ra, Th, Ni 50 Find: Sunken Cave (3D) —
Rising Sun —
Throw03-RisingSun icon-small
OK, Th, Ni 70 Find: Doga's Grotto (3D) —
Moonring Blade FFIII NES Full Moon MoonringBlade Final Fantasy III (DS) OK, Th (3D), Ni 110
Find: Eureka —
Shuriken FFIII NES Shuriken
Throw05-Shuriken icon-small
Ninja 200 Buy: Eureka
Find: Gysahl (3D), Crystal Tower, Eureka (x4)
Can only be thrown.


Concept art
Nintendo DS


FFIII Icon Bell

Bells are the only weapons Geomancers can equip.

Name NES Image 3D Image Jobs Attack Acquirement Cost
Diamond Bell FFIII NES Giyaman Bell
Bell01-DiamondBell icon-small
OK, Ge 42
Buy: Dwarven Hollows (3D), Duster
Find: Amur Sewers
Earthen Bell FFIII NES Earth Bell
Bell02-EarthenBell icon-small
OK, Ge 88
Find: Saronia Castle —
Inflicts Paralysis when attacking.
Rune Bell FFIII NES Rune Bell
Bell03-RuneBell icon-small
OK, Ge 98
Buy: Invincible (NES)
Find: Saronia Catacombs, Ancient Ruins
Blessed Bell —
Bell04-BlessedBell icon-small
Geomancer 130 Other: Legendary Smith (Job Level 99 Geomancer) —
+10 Agility, Mind, & Intellect.


Concept art
Nintendo DS


FFIII Icon Harp

Harps are the primary weapons of Bards. They are meant to boost magic rather than attack the enemy. Three of the five harps the Bard uses with Attack command can inflict status ailments at the enemies.

In the NES version, the confusion-inflicting Lamia Harp is bugged and will not inflict the status. Moreover, the sleep-inflicting Dream Harp is nowhere to be found and can only be obtained through the item upgrade glitch.

In the 3D versions, different harps play a different song when using the Sing command.

Name NES Image 3D Image Jobs Attack Acquirement Cost
Madhura Harp FFIII NES Madora Harp
Harp01-MadhuraHarp icon-small
OK (3D), Ni (NES), Ba 60
Buy: Amur (3D), Duster 10,000
+5 Mind. Uses the song Minne with Sing.
Loki Harp FFIII NES Loki Harp
Harp02-LokiHarp icon-small
OK (3D), Ni (NES), Ba 60 Buy: Duster (3D), Invincible (NES)
Find: Sunken Cave
+5 Mind. Uses the song Minuet with Sing.
Lamia Harp FFIII NES Lamia Harp
Harp03-LamiaHarp icon-small
OK (3D), Ni (NES), Ba 60
Buy: Duster (3D)
Find: Temple of Time
+5 Mind. Inflicts Confuse when attacking. Uses the song Requiem with Sing.
Dream Harp FFIII NES Dream Harp
Harp04-DreamHarp icon-small
OK (3D), Ni (NES), Ba 60
Buy: Duster (3D)
Find: (glitch) (NES)
+5 Mind. Inflicts Sleep when attacking. Uses the song Paeon with Sing.
Apollo Harp —
Harp05-ApolloHarp icon-small
OK, Ba 60 Buy: Eureka (3D) 60,000
+10 Mind. Inflicts Silence when attacking. Uses the song Elegy with Sing.


Concept art
Nintendo DS


The default weapon when the character's hands are empty, this "weapon" remains unnamed. Only the Monk and Black Belt can efficiently use bare hands in combat.

Name NES Image Jobs Attack Acquirement
Hands FFIII NES Unarmed All Jobs Default weapon when the character's hands are empty.


Nintendo DS

Unobtainable weapons[]

These weapons can neither be equipped nor acquired normally, but can be obtained via a cheating device. They can only work by Ninja's Throw command, and throwing weapons offer no stat bonuses and no additional effects.

Name 3D Image Jobs Attack Acquirement Cost
Adaman Sword
Sword21-AdamanSword icon-small
None 138 Dummied out weapon —
Apparently fire-elemental, and grants +20 to Strength.
Desch's Sword
Sword20-DeschSword icon-small
None 20 Permanently equipped on Desch —
Desch's personal sword.
Monk12-Tigerfangs icon-small
None 140 Dummied out weapon —
+20 Agility. Scrapped mastery weapon for Black Belt.

Other appearances[]

Numerous weapons from Final Fantasy III return in spin-off appearances, generally as weapons for the Onion Knight character created for the Dissidia Final Fantasy series.
