Darkness is a status in Final Fantasy VI. A character inflicted by darkness will be halving the affected's hit rate and giving attacks vs. the affected a 25% bonus to hit. This status also prevents Strago from learning Lore spells. In the SNES release, the evade bug meant that the changes to hit rate had no effect. Party members who are afflicted with darkness wears shades in battle, and have a green swirl in the menu. Darkness persists outside of battle until healed.
Ability | Flash (Tools) |
Spell | Bad Breath (Lore), Reflect ??? (Lore) |
Enemy abilities[]
Ability | Description | Enemy |
Bad Breath | Inflicts Darkness, Poison, Sap, Imp, Silence, and Confuse to one target. Can be learned as a Lore. | Malboro, Great Malboro, Dark Force, Malboro Menace |
Blinder | Inflicts Darkness to one target. | Tumbleweed |
Blinding Touch | Inflicts Darkness to one target. | Cherry |
Diabolic Whistle | Randomly inflicts Darkness, Poison, Imp, Doom, Berserk, Confuse, Sap, and Slow to the party. | Glutturn (X-Ether), Pandora, Phantom Train, Malboro Menace |
Disaster | Inflicts Darkness, Imp, Doom, Silence, Confuse, and Float to one target or the party. | Brachiosaur, Chaos Dragon, Abaddon, Skull Dragon, Kaiser Dragon, Glutturn (X-Ether) |
Enmity | Inflicts Darkness to one target. | Misfit |
Eye Gouge | Inflicts Darkness to one target. | Vulture |
Eyeshadow | Inflicts Darkness to one target. | Misty |
Ink | Inflicts Darkness to one target. | Nautiloid, Guardian, Ultros |
Face Chomp | Inflicts Darkness to one target. | Luna Wolf |
Glare | Inflicts Darkness to one target. | Outcast |
Mind Blast | Inflicts Darkness, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Doom, Silence, Berserk, Confuse, Sap, Sleep, Slow, or Stop on four random targets. | Ultima Weapon, Kaiser Dragon, Omega Weapon |
Octopus Ink | Inflicts non-elemental damage and Darkness to one target. | Ultros |
Reflect??? | Inflicts Darkness, Silence, and Slow to targets with Reflect. Can be learned as a Lore. | Dark Force, Dullahan, Kaiser Dragon, Zurvan, Daedalus |
Remedy | Removes Darkness, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Silence, and Sap from one target. | Magic Urn |
Scintillation | Inflicts Darkness to the party. | Satellite, Proto Armor, Kaiser Dragon |
Trine | Inflicts Darkness and Silence to the party. | Rest, Kefka (final boss), Kaiser Dragon, Plague |
Relic | Amulet, Fairy Ring, Ribbon, Silver Spectacles |
Ability | Chakra (Blitz), Forest Healing (Dance), Mysidian Rabbit (Slot), Raccoon (Dance), Soul Spiral (Blitz), Tapir (Dance; see Tapir bug) |
Item | Eye Drops, Remedy, Sleeping Bag, Tent |
Spell | Esuna (Magic), Transfusion (Lore) |
Summon | Unicorn |
The following are immune to darkness:
- Alluring Rider
- Amduscias
- Anemone
- Angel Whisper
- Antares
- Apparition
- Aspidochelon
- Baalzephon
- Behemoth
- Birthday Suit
- Black Dragon
- Bomb
- Bonnacon
- Borghese
- Brachiosaur
- Brainpan
- Bug
- Cactuar
- Cancer
- Cherry
- Chimera
- Cloudwraith
- Clymenus
- Coco
- Crusher
- Daedalus
- Dante
- Darkside
- Delta Beetle
- Dropper
- Enuo
- Eukaryote
- Exocite
- Exoray
- Flan
- Fossil Dragon
- Gamma
- Garm
- Ghost
- Gloomwind
- Glutturn
- Gorgimera
- Grasswyrm
- Great Behemoth
- Great Malboro
- Greater Mantis
- Hexadragon
- Humpty
- Illuyankas
- Imperial Elite
- Imperial Soldier
- Io
- Land Grillon
- Land Ray
- Level 30 Magic
- Level 40 Magic
- Level 50 Magic
- Level 60 Magic
- Lich
- Living Dead
- Luridan
- Magic Dragon
- Magic Urn
- Magna Roader (Brown)
- Mahadeva
- Mandrake
- Maximera
- Medusa Chicken
- Merchant
- Misfit
- Misty
- Moonform
- Mousse
- Mu
- Muud Suud
- Necromancer
- Nightwalker
- Ninja
- Oceanus
- Ouroboros
- Outcast
- Outsider
- Oversoul
- Pandora
- Paraladia
- Parasite
- Poplium
- Prometheus
- Provoker
- Psychos
- Rafflesia
- Sandhorse
- Satellite
- Scorpion
- Seaflower
- Shambling Corpse
- Skeletal Horror
- Specter
- Sprinter
- Spritzer
- Still Life
- Tumbleweed
- Twinscythe
- Tyrannosaur
- Vampire Thorn
- Vector Chimera
- Vector Lythos
- Vilia
- Weredragon
- Wererat
- Wizard
- Yojimbo
- Zokka
- Zombie Dragon
- Zone Eater
The following have darkness automatically applied to them:
All bosses are immune to darkness except the following:
- Angler Whelk
- Behemoth King (Living & Undead)
- Blue Dragon
- Chadarnook
- Curlax
- Dadaluma
- Dark Behemoth
- Demon
- Dullahan
- Earth Dragon (Opera House)
- Erebus (Bottom Center & Bottom Left & Bottom Right)
- Fiend
- Gargantua
- Gold Dragon
- Guard Leader
- Hell's Rider
- Holy Dragon (Fanatics' Tower)
- Humbaba
- Ice Dragon (Narshe)
- Ifrit
- Inferno
- Ipooh
- Laragorn
- Magitek Armor
- Master Tonberry
- Moebius
- Plague
- Red Dragon (Phoenix Cave)
- Rhizopas
- Samurai Soul
- Shiva
- Siegfried (Colosseum)
- Soul Saver
- Storm Dragon (Zozo)
- Tentacle (Lower Right & Upper Right & Lower Left)
- Typhon
- Ultima Buster
- Ultima Weapon
- Ultros
- Valigarmanda
- Vargas
- Visage
- Wrexsoul
- Yeti