Alueellinen suurvalta

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Kansainvälisessä politiikassa alueellinen suurvalta tarkoittaa valtiota, joka pystyy käyttämään valtaa maantieteellisen alueen sisällä.

Alueelliset suurvallat määrittelevät maantieteellisen alueen polariteetin. Tyypillisesti alueellisista valtaa käyttävillä valtioilla on alueen kannalta tärkeitä ominaisuuksia, mutta joiden maailmanlaajuinen merkitys on pieni.

Nykyiset alueelliset vallat

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Alla on lueteltuna ne valtiot, jotka kansainvälisen politiikan tutkijat tai muut asiantuntijat ovat luokitelleet alueellisiksi suurvaltioiksi. Valtiot täyttävät jossain määrin alueellisen vallan kriteerit. Asiantuntijoiden joukossa on kuitenkin eriäviä näkemyksiä.


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Saharan eteläpuolinen Afrikka

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Alkuperäinen artikkeli: en:Regional power
  1. Holliday, IAN: Japan and the Myanmar Stalemate: Regional Power and Resolution of a Regional Problem| Japanese Journal of Political Science | Cambridge Core. Japanese Journal of Political Science, 2006, 6. vsk, nro 3, s. 393. doi:10.1017/S1468109905001969 S2CID:154946583
  2. South Korea: A Major Regional Power Journal of Sociology. Viitattu 5 July 2017.
  3. Emmers, Ralf. "Regional hegemonies and the exercise of power in Southeast Asia: A study of Indonesia and Vietnam" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Le Centre Sheraton Hotel, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 17 March 2004. Retrieved 17 April 2017.
  4. a b c Buzan, Barry: The United States and the Great Powers, s. 71. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Polity Press, 2004. ISBN 978-0-7456-3375-6
  5. a b Buzan & Wæver, Regions and Powers.2003.p.55
  6. Perkovich, George: Is India a Major Power? The Washington Quarterly, 13 December 2007, nro 27.1 Winter 2003–04. Artikkelin verkkoversio. Arkistoitu 27 February 2008.
  7. Encarta - Great Powers Arkistoitu 2009-10-31 Wayback Machine
  8. Dilip Mohite: Swords and Ploughshares- India: The Fourth Great Power? Spring 1993. Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security (ACDIS). Arkistoitu 1 September 2006. Viitattu 13 December 2007.
  9. In Hooman Peimani, Nuclear Proliferation in the Indian Subcontinent (Westport: Praeger Publishers, 2000), p. 30.
  10. Butenschøn, Nils A.: ”Israel as a Regional Great Power: Paradoxes of Regional Alienation”, Regional Great Powers in International Politics, s. 95–119. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 1992. doi:10.1007/978-1-349-12661-3_5 ISBN 9781349126637
  11. Ehteshami, Anoush: Saudi Arabia as a Resurgent Regional Power. The International Spectator, 2018, 53. vsk, nro 4, s. 75–94. doi:10.1080/03932729.2018.1507722 S2CID:158177906 Artikkelin verkkoversio.
  12. Turkey: A Regional Power in the Making. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013. ISBN 978-1-4438-4870-1 Teoksen verkkoversio. (englanti)
  13. Turkey's Rise as a Regional Power and its Role in the European Neighbourhood (ARI) Elcano Royal Institute. Viitattu 25 August 2023. (englanti)
  14. Before the Arab Revolts and After: Turkey's Transformed Regional Power Status in the Middle East, s. 103–121. Springer Science+Business Media, 2013. doi:10.1057/9781137484758_6 ISBN 978-1-349-50355-1 Teoksen verkkoversio. (englanti)
  15. Flemes, Daniel: Regional Leadership in the Global System: Ideas, Interests and Strategies of Regional Powers. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2010. ISBN 9780754679127 Teoksen verkkoversio.
  16. Arkistoitu 12 October 2006.
  17. Africa more than during the days of apartheid (white rule), when it was ostracized." See David Lynch, Trade and Globalization (Lanham, USA: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2010), p. 51.
  18. a b " Tom Nierop, "The Clash of Civilisations," in The Territorial Factor, edited by Gertjan Dijkink and Hans Knippenberg (Amsterdam: Vossiuspers UvA, 2001), p. 61.
  19. a b Samuel P. Huntington, "Culture, Power, and Democracy," in Globalization, Power, and Democracy, edited by Marc Plattner and Aleksander Smolar (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000), p. 6.
  20. Gabriele Abbondanza, Italy as a Regional Power: the African Context from National Unification to the Present Day (Rome: Aracne, 2016)
  21. The reality of Spain in 2021 is that of a relevant middle power with the potential to gain more importance in the world.
  22. Spain, as a middle power with global connections and goals.
  23. Malline:Bare URL PDF
  24. Malline:Bare URL PDF
  25. Argounès, Fabrice: Australia: the Temptation of Regional Power. Pouvoirs, 5.7.2012, 141. vsk, nro 2, s. 103–116. doi:10.3917/pouv.141.0103 ISSN 0152-0768 Artikkelin verkkoversio. (ranska)
  26. Australia as an Asia-Pacific Regional Power: Friendships in Flux? (Hardback) - Routledge 12 September 2007. Arkistoitu 7 April 2020. Viitattu 5 March 2017.
  27. "Michael Morris, "The Srait of Magellan," in International Straits of the World, edited by Gerard Mangone (Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishes, 1988), p. 63.
  28. " David Lake, "Regional Hierarchies," in Globalising the Regional, edited by Rick Fawn (UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009), p. 55.
  29. "Emanuel Adler and Patricia Greve, "Overlapping regional mechanisms of security governance," in Globalising the Regional, edited by Rick Fawn (UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009), p. 78.
  30. "Alejandra Ruiz-Dana, Peter Goldschag, Edmundo Claro and Hernan Blanco, "Regional integration, trade and conflicts in Latin America," in Regional Trade Integration and Conflict Resolution, edited by Shaheen Rafi Khan (New York: Routledge, 2009), p. 18.
  31. " Anestis Papadopoulos, The International Dimension of EU Competition Law and Policy (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010), p. 283.
  32. De Lima, Maria Regina Soares; Hirst, Monica: Brazil as an intermediate state and regional power: action, choice and responsibilities Chatham House. Arkistoitu 6 November 2012. Viitattu 16 April 2012.
  33. Wigell, Mikael: Assertive Brazil, an emerging power and its implications 19 May 2011. Finnish Institute of International Affairs. Arkistoitu 3 June 2013. Viitattu 16 April 2012.
  34. Schenoni, Luis: Unveiling the South American Balance. Estudos Internacionais, Jul–Dec 2015, 2. vsk, nro 2, s. 215–232. Artikkelin verkkoversio.