الگو:FIPS displays the specified استاندارد پردازش اطلاعات فدرال state and place codes, with an external link to سرشماری ۲۰۱۰ ایالات متحده آمریکا population data for the associated place.
- SS is the 2-digit FIPS state code
- PPPPP is the 5-digit FIPS place code
is a 10-digit code, where SSCCC is the 5-digit FIPS county code (first two digits are FIPS state code) and PPPPP is the 5-digit FIPS place code
Examples for اماندا، اوهیو:
- https://factfinder.census.gov/bkmk/table/1.0/en/DEC/10_DP/DPDP1/1600000US3901630
→ 39-01630{{FIPS|p=3904501630}}
→ {{{1}}}-{{{2}}}
County subdivisions
- SS is the 2-digit FIPS state code
- PPPPP is the 5-digit FIPS place code
- CCC is the last 3 digits of the FIPS county code (first two digits are FIPS state code)
is a 10-digit code, where SSCCC is the 5-digit FIPS county code (first two digits are FIPS state code) and PPPPP is the 5-digit FIPS place code
Examples for ناحیه اماندا، شهرستان فرفیلد، اوهایو
- https://factfinder.census.gov/bkmk/table/1.0/en/DEC/10_DP/DPDP1/0600000US3904501637
→ 39-01637{{FIPS|cs=3904501637}}
→ {{{1}}}-{{{2}}}