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Kaja Tampere

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Kaja Tampere (2014)

Kaja Tampere (sünninimi Kaja Saksakulm; sündinud 12. oktoobril 1962 Kuressaares) on eesti suhtekorraldaja, filosoofiadoktor, professor.

Ta kaitses väitekirja 2003. aastal Soomes Jyväskylä Ülikoolis organisatsioonikommunikatsiooni ja avalikussuhete erialal ja sai doktorikraadi.

Ta on õpetanud suhtekorraldust Tartu Ülikoolis (aastatel 1996–2004) ja Jyväskylä Ülikoolis (2004–2010) ning lühikest aega mitmes ülikoolis välismaal (Belgias, Bulgaarias, Hollandis jm). Alates 2010. aastast töötab Tallinna Ülikooli kommunikatsiooniinstituudi juhina.

Kaja Tampere on töötanud suhtekorraldajana Eesti Telefonis, Eesti Energias, Eesti Haigekassas ja Eesti Prokuratuuris.


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Akadeemilised artiklid

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  • Pörhölä, Maili; Cowie, Helen; Cvancara, Kristen; Kaal, Esta; Myers, Carrie-Anne; Tampere, Kaja; Torres, Beatriz (2015). CROSS-CULTURAL COMPARISONS OF BULLYING AMONG UNIVERSITY STUDENTS: PERSPECTIVES FROM ARGENTINA, ESTONIA AND FINLAND, UNITED KINGDOM AND UNITED STATES (Chapter 8). Helen Cowie (University of Surrey) and Carrie-Anne Myers (City University London) (Toim.). BULLYING AMONG UNIVERSITY STUDENTS (1).Routledge [ilmumas]
  • Tampere, Kaja (2014). Palju taluma pidanud eestlased pelgavad muutusi. Kaja: kommunikatsiooni ja suhtekorralduse ajakiri, 13,
  • Kaal, E., Tampere, K. (2013). Branding the Central Baltic region maritime expertise. Eini Laaksonen, Hanna Mäkinen (Toim.). Conclusions on increasing smart competitiveness in the Central Baltic region. (14–16).Turku School of Economics
  • Kaal, E., Tampere, K. (2013). Does the Central Baltic region maritime cluster need a brand? Baltic Rim Economies. Quartely Review, 6, 17 – 18.
  • Tampere, Kaja; Aava, Katrin (2013). Societal approach for interpersonal communication and social interaction analyses. Critical discourse analyses in political practice. Revista Comunicación y ciudadanía, 6, 62 – 75.
  • Abel, Kristel; Tampere, Kaja (2013). The Application Of Bourdieu’s Concept Of ‘Field’ To Public Relations Professional Field . Okay, Aydemir / Carayol, Valérie / Tench, Ralph (eds.) (Toim.). Researching the Changing Profession of Public Relations (205–220).Peter Lang Publishers House
  • Nastasia, Diana Julia; Pilvre, Barbi; Tampere, Kaja (2013). Women Journalists and Women´s Emancipation in Estonia. Carolyn M. Byerly (Toim.). The Palgrave International Handbook on Women and Journalism (39–50).Palgrave Macmillan
  • Tampere, Kaja (2013). The Scope and the limit for development of corporate social responsibility in the Baltic States as a strategy of corporate communication. Central European Journal of Communication, 2(11), 1 – 12.
  • Tampere, Kaja (2012). The Story of PR: Back To The Future Paradigm. Communication Director, May, 46
  • Tampere, Kaja (2012). Suhtekorraldus heitleb vastuolude keerises. Kaja, 1, 42 – 44.
  • Tampere, Kaja (2011) A Walk in the Public Relations field: theoretical discussions from social media and network society perspective, Central European Journal of Communication, spring 2011
  • Tampere, Kaja (2010) Critical approach : Communication failures as a risk to government public relations, In D. Vercic et al (eds) Governement communication, Pristop Communications (Slovenia)
  • Tampere, Kaja (2009) Suhtekorraldus ristteel, Kommunikatsioonijuhtimise käsiraamat, vol 45, 4.2.4, Äripäeva Kirjastus, Tallinn
  • Tampere, Kaja (2009) Meediasuhtluse riskid, Kommunikatsioonijuhtimise käsiraamat vol 46, 7.6.1, Äripäeva Kirjastus, Tallinn
  • Tampere, Kaja (2009) Kriiskommunikatsiooni põhitõed, Kommunikatsioonijuhtimise käsiraamat vol 46, 9.2.4, Äripäeva Kirjastus, Tallinn
  • Tampere, Kaja (2009) Tagasi kommunikatsiooni auditi juurde, Aune Past (toim) Too oma meeskond ühte paati: sisekommunikatsiooni põhitõed, Äripäeva Kirjastus, Tallinn , pp. 163–173
  • Tampere, Kaja (2009) Sisekommunikatsioon muutuvas organisatsioonis, Aune Past (toim) Too oma meeskond ühte paati: sisekommunikatsiooni põhitõed, Äripäeva Kirjastus, Tallinn, pp. 91–97
  • Tampere, Kaja (2008) Role of Strategic PR in an Organization’s Change Process, in Judy VanSlyke Turk and Linda H. Scanlan (eds.) The Evolution of Public Relations: Case Studies from Countries in Transition, 3rd ed. Published by Institute for Public Relations, pp. 38–54
  • Tampere, Kaja (2008) Stakeholder Thinking and a Pedagogical Approach in Public Relations Processes: Experience from Transition Societies, Journal of Public Relations Research, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, Vol 20, nr 1, 2008, pp. 71–93
  • Tampere, Kaja (2007) The Media’s Role in a Transition Society: From Public Lies to Public Trust, In Vian Bakir and David Barlow (eds.) Communication in the age of Suspicion. Trust and the Media. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 141–153
  • Tampere, Kaja (2007), Organisational Discourse. A Language-Ideology-Power Perspective, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, Emerald Publications, Vol 12, issue 2, 2008, pp. 214–215
  • Tampere, Kaja (2006) Trust, the Media and Society: The Bermuda Triangle of Public Relations?, In Dejan Vercic, Danny Moss and Jon White (eds.) Communicating Europe. Diversity, Social Cohesion and Social Integration in Europe and Elsewhere: Contribution of Public Relations and Social Communication, Vol 1., Pristop Communication, Ljubljana (Slovenia), pp. 39–49
  • Tampere, Kaja (2006) Cultural Trauma and Cultural Invasion in an Organisational Communication Context, in eds. Nancy Aalto, Ewald Reuter (2006) Aspects of Intercultural Dialogue. Theory, Research, Applications. SAXA Verlag, Köln (Germany)
  • Tampere, Kaja (2006) Teoreetiline praktika ja praktiline teooria suhtekorralduses, Kaja Tampere (toim) Praktiline suhtekorralduse: Eesti kogemus. Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, Tartu
  • Tampere, Kaja (2006) Bureaucracy and Internal Communication of Public Organisations, Eskelinen, S.A & Luoma-Aho, V. (toim) Public Organisations in Communication Society, University of Jyväskylä, Publications of Department of Communication, (Finland)
  • Tampere, Kaja (2006) Managed communication and public relations in transition society: collection of memories from past and dreams about future, Global Media Journal Polish Edition, Nr 1, spring 2006
  • Tampere, Kaja (2005) From majority to minority: changes of ideologies, changes of identities, D. Petkova & J. Lehtonen (toim) Cultural identity in an intercultural context, University of Jyväskylä (Finland)
  • Tampere, Kaja (2003) Estonia, Van Ruler, B & Vercic, D (toim) Public Relations in Europe. A nation-by-nation introduction into public relations theory and practice, Mouton De Gruyter, Berlin/New York, pp. 95–106
  • Tampere, Kaja (2003) The role of rankings in creating of a positive image of a university: Synergy of theory and practice, Higher Education in Europe, Unesco-Cepes, Vol XXVIII Nr 4 2003
  • Tampere, Kaja (2002) New Developments in Public Relations history: post-communist societies experience like new aspect for European Public Relations, Bled proceedings, Pristop Communication, Ljubljana
  • Tampere, Kaja (2000) Organisational Communication in a Post-Communist Society, Bled proceedings, Pristop Communication, Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Esitlused rahvusvahelistel konverentsidel

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  • Historical heritage: Paradigmatic changes in the public relations discipline in the 20th century. July, 8.-10. 2010, International History of Public Relations Conference, Bournemouth University in England
  • Is dialog possible in the transition society: steps toward civil society. Baltic States experience. September 2009, Euprera Annual Conference in Buchurest, Romania
  • Change in the society and the advent of multicultural organization
  • Trust, the Media and Society: The Bermuda Triangle of Public Relations? August, 15–18 2009 Karlstad Sweden, Nordmedia 2009
  • Toward the history: the role of professional public relations in the economic downturn, June 27, 2009, Poznan Poland
  • Public relations and organizational communication in transition society, 2–3.2.2009, Voronezh, Russia
  • Role of decisions in image creation process: traumatic change from identity to image, May 2008, Reputation Institute, Beijing, China
  • Blogging as a teaching tool: a Finnish experience, 13. 03.2008, EUPRERA/Euroblog 2008, Bruessel, Belgia
  • Communicating Law: Role of PR in Legislation and Legitimating Processes in Democratic Society, Euprera/LOKE conference: Organisation and Society: legitimacy in a Changing World. Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Studies, 30.09.2007, Roskilde, Denmark
  • Relationship of Public Relations and Journalism, 18th Nordic Conference for media and communication research, 19.08.2007, Helsinki, Finland
  • Trust, the Media and Society: The Bermuda Triangle of Public Relations?, 13th Annual BledCom International Public Relations Research Symposium, 07.07.2006, Lake Bled, Slovenia
  • Balkan's Image in Baltic States, International Conference at University of Sofia, 20.05.2005, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Multicultural companies in change: role of managers’ interpretations and identity in new organisational culture building process, 12th Nordic Network for Intercultural Communication Conference, 02.12.2005, Tampere, Finland
  • Estonia – The development of communication management in transition societies, Austrian Ministry of Education and Science, September 29–30, 2004, Vienna, Austria
  • Public Relations’ Role in Shaping the Public Sphere. Stakeholder Thinking and the Pedagogical Role in Public Relations: „Teaching A Pig To Sing? “ Dialog with Stakeholders? A conference on Public Relations and the Public Sphere – Leipzig University, September 23–26, 2004
  • From public lies to public trust: transition society experience, A Conference on Trust, Communication and Culture. Bournemouth University, February 20–21 2004
  • The role of rankings in creating of a positive image of a university: Synergy of theory and practice, International Conference on Public Relations – An Instrument for Transformation and Development of Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe, Chair of Economic Journalism and Public Relations of the Poznan University of Economics in collaboration with UNESCO-European Centre for Higher Education (UNESCO-CEPES) and PRELITE PR, 23–25 May 2003, Poznan, Poland
  • New Developments in Public Relations history: post-communist societies experience like new aspect for European Public Relations, International Symposium of Public Relations Research, Slovenia, July 2002
  • Social Responsibility: Discovery, Pain and Plague for Organisations Coming from Communism, 6th International Conference on Corporate Reputation in Boston, USA in May 2002
  • Organisational Communication in a Post-Communist Society, International Symposium of Public Relations Research, Slovenia, July 7–8, 2000


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