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See also: kûab

Old Tupi


Alternative forms




Inherited from Proto-Tupi-Guarani *kuwaaβ.



kuab (first-person singular active indicative aîkuab, first-person singular negative active indicative n'aîkuabi, gerund kuapa, noun kuaba) (transitive)

  1. to know (to perceive the truth or factuality of)
  2. to know (to be acquainted or familiar with; to have encountered)
    • 1618, Antônio de Araújo, chapter V, in Cateciſmo na Lingoa Braſilica [Catechism in the Brazilian Language], Livro Terceiro do Cathecismo, e summa da Doctrina Christam [ ] (overall work in Old Tupi, Portuguese, and Latin), Lisbon: Pedro Crasbeeck, page 57:
      M. Marã ey pe S.Pedro?
      D. Naicuâbi aèabâ, ey, T. rece / Oyâbo tenhé, oemo emamo Tupã / rera renõya.
      [M[estre]. Marã e'ipe S[ão] Pedro?
      D[iscípulo]. N'aîkuabi a'e abá, e'i, T[upã] resé o'îabo tenhẽ, o emo'emamo Tupã rera renõîa.]
      Master: What did Saint Peter said?
      Disciple: I don't know this man, he said, saying to God in vain, lyingly calling the name of God.
  3. to recognize (to match in memory)
  4. to acknowledge (to be grateful of)
    • 1618, Antônio de Araújo, chapter IIII, in Cateciſmo na Lingoa Braſilica [Catechism in the Brazilian Language], Livro Primeiro da Doctrina Christam (overall work in Old Tupi, Portuguese, and Latin), Lisbon: Pedro Crasbeeck, page 24:
      Maranamo pe ace Sanctos ara cuabi? / Ymoetebo, y pupe toriba monhanga?
      [Marãnamope asé santos 'ara kuabi? I moetébo, i pupé toryba monhanga?]
      Why do the people acknowledge the saints' days? Praising them, having parties on [these days]?
  5. to guess (to reach an unconfirmed conclusion)
  6. to judge
  7. to feel (to find one's way by touching or using cautious movements)[1]
  8. to feel (to be or become aware of)
    • 1622, anonymous author, “Tolheito ou tolhido ter algum membro que o não sente”, in Vocabulario na lingoa Braſilica, volume 2 (overall work in Old Tupi and Portuguese), Piratininga, page 130; republished as Carlos Drummond, editor, Vocabulário na Língua Brasílica, 2nd edition, São Paulo: USP, 1953:
      Naicuguabi xegiba []
      [N'aîkugûabi xe îybá [] ]
      I don't feel my arm.




  • Nheengatu: kwáu


  1. ^ anonymous author (1622) “Interpretar o escuro”, in Vocabulario na lingoa Braſilica (overall work in Portuguese), Piratininga; republished as Carlos Drummond, editor, Vocabulário na Língua Brasílica, 2nd edition, volume 2, São Paulo: USP, 1953, page 13:Aicuguab [Aîkugûab]