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Alternative forms




From Late Middle English, from Medieval Latin externus (outward, external), from exter/exterus (on the outside, outward).





external (comparative more external, superlative most external)

  1. Outside of something; on the exterior.
    This building has some external pipework.
    1. (anatomy) Situated near or toward the surface of the body.
    2. (pharmacology, relational) Relating to or denoting a medicine or similar substance for use on the outside of the body.
  2. Capable of being perceived outwardly.
    1. Having merely the outward appearance of something.
      Synonym: superficial
    2. Not intrinsic or essential.
      Synonyms: accidental, accompanying; see also Thesaurus:extrinsic
  3. Provided by something or someone outside of the entity (object, group, company etc.) considered.
    external authority, external force
  4. Relating to or connected with foreign nations or institutions.
    external trade or commerce; the external relations of a state or kingdom
    Synonym: foreign
  5. Having existence independent of the mind.
    external reality
  6. (education) For or concerning students registered with and taking the examinations of a university but not resident there.
    external degrees
  7. (computing, of a hardware) Not contained in the main computer.
    Synonym: peripheral
  8. (computing, of storage) Using a disk or tape drive rather than the main memory.



Derived terms






external (plural externals)

  1. (usually in the plural) The exterior; outward features or appearances.
    1. Inessential or superficial features.
      • 1979 December 22, S. J. Harris, “Life And Spirit”, in Gay Community News, volume 2, number 22, page 5:
        To a non-Christian who has never experienced but only observed the externals of Christianity, it appears to be merely another spiritual system, but to a person who has left one of the other religions and embraced the Christian faith, it is most definitely The Way, and all else pales to insignificance.
    2. Outward appearance.
  2. (programming, in the C language) A variable that is defined in the source code but whose value comes from some external source.



Further reading
