editFrom Latin agenda (“things that ought to be done”), future passive participle (gerundive) of agō (“I do, act, make”).
editagenda (plural agendas or (rare, proscribed) agendae)
- A temporally organized plan for matters to be attended to.
- 2012 July 18, Scott Tobias, “The Dark Knight Rises”, in AV Club[1], retrieved 2024-11-24:
- Where the Joker preys on our fears of random, irrational acts of terror, Bane has an all-consuming, dictatorial agenda that’s more stable and permanent, a New World Order that’s been planned out with the precision of a military coup.
- A list of matters to be taken up (as at a meeting).
- A notebook used to organize and maintain such plans or lists, an agenda book, an agenda planner.
- 2005, Linda Wilmshurst, Alan W. Brue, A Parent's Guide To Special Education: Insider Advice On How To Navigate The System And Help Your Child Succeed, →ISBN, page 145:
- A homework agenda, sometimes called a student planner, is a notebook often used to help your child keep track of daily homework assignments.
- 2011, Spencer Marc Aronfeld, Make It Your Own Law Firm: The Ultimate Law Student's Guide to Owning, Managing, and Marketing Your Own Successful Law Firm, AuthorHouse, page 12:
- It may be better to simply buy an agenda at the drug store for five dollars, but you need to keep this stuff accurate.
- 2011, David Campos, Rocio Delgado, Mary Esther Huerta, Reaching Out to Latino Families of English Language Learners, →ISBN, page 160:
- The children will use an agenda book that the school provides to organize their homework information. Before leaving for home, the children will neatly write their assignments and related directions in their agendas.
- An ulterior motive; a program of various such motives.
- (obsolete) A ritual.
Usage notes
editThe word agenda is the Latin plural of agendum, but in English the word agenda is usually taken as a singular, and agenda item or item on the agenda used for individual things in the list.
Derived terms
editBorrowed from Latin agenda, substantive use of the neuter plural of agendus (“which ought to be done”), future passive participle (gerundive) of agō (“to do, act, make”).
editagenda f (plural agendes)
- agenda; calendar (a list of planned events, organized by time)
- planner (a notebook in which one keeps notations of appointments and contacts)
- agenda (a list of planned items for discussion at a meeting)
- (economics) a list of planned projects that are to be done as funds become available
edit- (a list of planned events, organized by time): calendari (“a list of planned events for a given year”)
editFrom Middle Dutch agendaboec, itself from Latin agenda (“things which ought to be done”) (from the verb agō (“act, do”)) + boec (“book”) (modern Dutch boek).
editagenda m (plural agenda's, diminutive agendaatje n)
- a calendar (book), a diary, a booklet or other device where one notes down one’s schedule, appointments etc.
- Synonym: dagwijzer
- an agenda (list of matters at a meeting)
Derived terms
editSee also
- An agenda
editInflection of agenda (Kotus type 13/katiska, no gradation) | |||
nominative | agenda | agendat | |
genitive | agendan | agendoiden agendoitten agendojen | |
partitive | agendaa | agendoita agendoja | |
illative | agendaan | agendoihin | |
singular | plural | ||
nominative | agenda | agendat | |
accusative | nom. | agenda | agendat |
gen. | agendan | ||
genitive | agendan | agendoiden agendoitten agendojen agendain rare | |
partitive | agendaa | agendoita agendoja | |
inessive | agendassa | agendoissa | |
elative | agendasta | agendoista | |
illative | agendaan | agendoihin | |
adessive | agendalla | agendoilla | |
ablative | agendalta | agendoilta | |
allative | agendalle | agendoille | |
essive | agendana | agendoina | |
translative | agendaksi | agendoiksi | |
abessive | agendatta | agendoitta | |
instructive | — | agendoin | |
comitative | See the possessive forms below. |
Further reading
edit- “agenda”, in Kielitoimiston sanakirja [Dictionary of Contemporary Finnish][2] (in Finnish) (online dictionary, continuously updated), Kotimaisten kielten keskuksen verkkojulkaisuja 35, Helsinki: Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus (Institute for the Languages of Finland), 2004–, retrieved 2023-07-02
editBorrowed from Latin agenda, substantive use of the neuter plural of agendus (“which ought to be done”), future passive participle (gerundive) of agō (“to do, act, make”).
editagenda m (plural agendas)
- organiser, appointment book, engagement book
Derived terms
edit- → Turkish: ajanda
Further reading
edit- “agenda”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.
editFrom Dutch agenda, from Latin agenda (“things that ought to be done”).
editagènda (plural agenda-agenda)
- agenda:
- A notebook used to organize and maintain such plans or lists, an agenda book, an agenda planner.
- A list of matters to be taken up.
- Synonym: acara
Derived terms
editFurther reading
edit- “agenda” in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Jakarta: Agency for Language Development and Cultivation – Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, 2016.
editagenda f (plural agende, diminutive agendìna)
- diary
- planner (notebook)
- Synonym: taccuino
- (figurative) agenda
editagenda f (related adjective agencyjny)
edit- Jan Trepczyk (1994) “agenda”, in Słownik polsko-kaszubski (in Kashubian), volumes 1–2
- Eùgeniusz Gòłąbk (2011) “agenda”, in Słownik Polsko-Kaszubski / Słowôrz Pòlskò-Kaszëbsczi[3]
- “agenda”, in Internetowi Słowôrz Kaszëbsczégò Jãzëka [Internet Dictionary of the Kashubian Language], Fundacja Kaszuby, 2022
- inflection of agendus:
edit- "agenda", in Charles du Fresne du Cange’s Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition with additions by D. P. Carpenterius, Adelungius and others, edited by Léopold Favre, 1883–1887)
edit- (Standard) IPA(key): [a.ɡen.da]
- (Johor-Riau) IPA(key): [ä.d͡ʒen.dä]
editagenda (Jawi spelling اݢيندا, plural agenda-agenda, informal 1st possessive agendaku, 2nd possessive agendamu, 3rd possessive agendanya)
Further reading
edit- “agenda” in Pusat Rujukan Persuratan Melayu | Malay Literary Reference Centre, Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 2017.
Norwegian Bokmål
editFrom Latin agenda (“what ought to be done”).
editagenda m (definite singular agendaen, indefinite plural agendaer, definite plural agendaene)
- an agenda
edit- “agenda” in The Bokmål Dictionary.
Norwegian Nynorsk
editFrom Latin agenda (“what ought to be done”).
editagenda m (definite singular agendaen, indefinite plural agendaer or agendaar, definite plural agendaene or agendaane)
- an agenda
edit- “agenda” in The Nynorsk Dictionary.
editAlternative forms
editLearned borrowing from Latin agenda/agendum/agendus. First attested in 1560.[1][3]
editagenda f (diminutive agendka)
- branch, department (of a company or organization)
- agenda, schedule (lists of tasks one must do) [from mid-18th c.][2]
- Synonym: terminarz
- agenda, schedule (lists tasks of for a meeting)
- agenda (small notebook)
- (obsolete, Christianity) Christian prayer book [16th–19th c.]
- agenda liturgiczna ― a liturgical prayer book
editRelated terms
edit- (of a company or organization):
- agenda rządowa/rządu ― a government department
- wyspecjalizowana agenda ― a specialized department
- lokalna agenda/agenda terenowa ― a local department
- agenda państwowa/państwa ― a state-run department
- agenda zajmująca się czymś ― a department dealing with something
- specjalistyczna agenda ― a specialist department
- rozmaite agendy ― various department
- agenda podległa/podporządkowana ― a department under something
- agenda pozarządowa ― a non-governmental department
- międzynarodowa agenda ― an international department
- agenda odpowiedzialna za coś ― a department responsible for something
- ministerialna agenda/agenda ministra/ministerstwa ― a departmental branch
- powiatowa agenda/agenda powiatu ― a county department
- marszałkowska agenda ― a marshal’s department
- agendy założone gdzieś ― departments set up somewhere
- agenda wojewódzka ― a voivodeship department
- agenda administracyjna/administracji ― an administration department
- powołana agenda ― an established department
- agenda zewnętrzna ― an internal department
- miejska agenda ― a city department
- federalna agenda ― a federal department
- samorządowa agenda/agenda samorządu ― a self-governing department
- regionalna agenda ― a regional department
- gminna agenda/agenda gminy ― a municipal department
- agenda starostwa ― a starost department
- pracownik/pracownica agendy ― a department worker/employee
- agenda urzędu/agenda urzędów ― a department of bureaus
- szef agendy ― the boss of a department
- założenia agendy ― establishing of a department
- funkcjonariusz agendy ― department functionary
- utworzenie agendy ― creating a department
- urzędnik agendy ― a department official'
- działalność agendy ― department activity
- funkcjonowania agendy ― the functions of department
- agenda zarządu ― an administration department
- agenda organu ― the department of an organ
- agenda służby ― a (military) service department
- agenda stowarzyszenia ― the department of an association
- agenda gospodarcza ― an economic department
- oficjalna agenda ― an official department
- agenda wojskowa ― a military department
- agenda związana z czymś ― a department related with something
- sieć agend ― a network of departments
- krajowa agenda ― a domestic department
- finansowa agenda ― a financial department
- turystyczna agenda ― a tourist department
- zagraniczna agenda ― a foreign department
- agenda kancelarii ― a registrar's office
- kierownik agendy ― the leader of a department
- agenda skarbu ― a treasury department
- zalecenia agendy ― a department's recomendation/guidelines
- agenda wywiadu ― a department of intelligence
- agenda biblioteki ― a library department
- przedstawiciel agendy ― a department representative
- agenda banku ― a bank department
- działania agendy ― an department's activity
- prowadzić agendę ― to lead a department
- (lists of tasks):
- w ramach agendy ― on an agenda
- unijna agenda/agenda unii ― a union agenda
- poszczególna agenda ― the respective agenda
- szczegółowa agenda ― a detailed agenda
- tajna agenda ― a secretagenda
- propagandowa agenda ― a propagandist agenda
- ukryta agenda ― a hidden agenda
- agenda prywatyzacyjna ― a privatization agenda
- specjalna agenda ― a special agenda
- cyfrowa agenda ― a digital agenda
- studencka agenda ― a student’s agenda
- polityczna agenda ― a political agenda
- liczne agendy ― numerous agendas
- nowa agenda ― a new agenda
- socjalna agenda/agenda społeczna ― a social agenda
- wspólna agenda ― a common agenda
- stała agenda ― a fixed agenda
- agenda organizacji ― an organization’s agenda
- wdrażanie/realizacja agendy ― implementation of an agenda
- agenda instytucji ― an institution’s agenda
- agenda fundacji ― a foundation's agenda
- agenda departamentu ― a department's agenda
- agenda spotkania ― the agenda of a meeting
- agenda konferencji ― the agenda of a conference
- agenda przedsiębiorstwa ― a business' agenda
- agenda kościoła ― a church’s agenda
- agenda imprezy ― a party’s agenda
- punkt agendy ― a point on an agenda
- ustalić agendę ― to determe/set an agenda
- przyjąć agendę ― to adopt/embrace an agenda
edit- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Maria Renata Mayenowa, Stanisław Rospond, Witold Taszycki, Stefan Hrabec, Władysław Kuraszkiewicz (2010-2023) “ajenda”, in Słownik Polszczyzny XVI Wieku [A Dictionary of 16th Century Polish]
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Teresa Sokołowska (25.09.2014) “AGENDA”, in Elektroniczny Słownik Języka Polskiego XVII i XVIII Wieku [Electronic Dictionary of the Polish Language of the XVII and XVIII Century]
- ^ agenda in Narodowy Fotokorpus Języka Polskiego
Further reading
edit- agenda in Wielki słownik języka polskiego, Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN
- agenda in Polish dictionaries at PWN
- Samuel Bogumił Linde (1807–1814) “agienda”, in Słownik języka polskiego
- Aleksander Zdanowicz (1861) “agenda”, in Słownik języka polskiego, Wilno 1861
- Rhymes: -ẽdɐ
- Hyphenation: a‧gen‧da
Etymology 1
editagenda f (plural agendas)
- schedule (time-based plan of events)
- agenda (booklet where a schedule is kept)
- planner (a personal phone book)
Related terms
editEtymology 2
- inflection of agendar:
editEtymology 1
editBorrowed from Latin agenda, substantive use of the neuter plural of agendus (“which ought to be done”), future passive participle (gerundive) of agō (“to do, to act, to make”).
editagenda f (plural agendas)
Derived terms
editEtymology 2
- inflection of agendar:
Further reading
edit- “agenda”, in Diccionario de la lengua española [Dictionary of the Spanish Language] (in Spanish), online version 23.8, Royal Spanish Academy [Spanish: Real Academia Española], 2024 December 10
editagenda class IX (plural agenda class X)
- Alternative form of ajenda
editFrom Latin agenda (“what ought to be done”).
editagenda c
- an agenda
Usage notes
edit- The agenda for a meeting is normally called dagordning. The word agenda is more often used in the abstract sense of somebody's "political agenda".
editnominative | genitive | ||
singular | indefinite | agenda | agendas |
definite | agendan | agendans | |
plural | indefinite | agendor | agendors |
definite | agendorna | agendornas |
edit- English terms derived from Proto-Indo-European
- English terms derived from the Proto-Indo-European root *h₂eǵ-
- English terms derived from Latin
- English 3-syllable words
- English terms with IPA pronunciation
- English terms with audio pronunciation
- Rhymes:English/ɛndə
- Rhymes:English/ɛndə/3 syllables
- English lemmas
- English nouns
- English countable nouns
- English nouns with irregular plurals
- English terms with quotations
- English terms with obsolete senses
- English non-lemma forms
- English noun forms
- English terms with rare senses
- English plurals in -a with singular in -um
- Catalan terms borrowed from Latin
- Catalan terms derived from Latin
- Catalan terms with IPA pronunciation
- Catalan lemmas
- Catalan nouns
- Catalan countable nouns
- Catalan feminine nouns
- ca:Economics
- ca:Tools
- Dutch terms inherited from Middle Dutch
- Dutch terms derived from Middle Dutch
- Dutch terms derived from Latin
- Dutch terms with IPA pronunciation
- Dutch terms with audio pronunciation
- Rhymes:Dutch/ɛndaː
- Dutch lemmas
- Dutch nouns
- Dutch nouns with plural in -s
- Dutch masculine nouns
- Finnish terms derived from Latin
- Finnish 3-syllable words
- Finnish terms with IPA pronunciation
- Rhymes:Finnish/ɑɡendɑ
- Rhymes:Finnish/ɑɡendɑ/3 syllables
- Finnish lemmas
- Finnish nouns
- Finnish katiska-type nominals
- French terms borrowed from Latin
- French terms derived from Latin
- French 3-syllable words
- French terms with IPA pronunciation
- French terms with audio pronunciation
- French lemmas
- French nouns
- French countable nouns
- French masculine nouns
- Indonesian terms borrowed from Dutch
- Indonesian terms derived from Dutch
- Indonesian terms derived from Latin
- Indonesian 3-syllable words
- Indonesian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Rhymes:Indonesian/da
- Rhymes:Indonesian/da/2 syllables
- Rhymes:Indonesian/a
- Rhymes:Indonesian/a/2 syllables
- Indonesian lemmas
- Indonesian nouns
- Italian 3-syllable words
- Italian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Rhymes:Italian/ɛnda
- Rhymes:Italian/ɛnda/3 syllables
- Italian lemmas
- Italian nouns
- Italian countable nouns
- Italian feminine nouns
- Kashubian terms derived from Latin
- Kashubian terms borrowed from Polish
- Kashubian terms derived from Polish
- Kashubian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Rhymes:Kashubian/ɛnda
- Rhymes:Kashubian/ɛnda/3 syllables
- Kashubian lemmas
- Kashubian nouns
- Kashubian feminine nouns
- Latin non-lemma forms
- Latin participle forms
- Malay terms borrowed from English
- Malay terms derived from English
- Malay 3-syllable words
- Malay terms with IPA pronunciation
- Malay lemmas
- Malay nouns
- Norwegian Bokmål terms derived from Latin
- Norwegian Bokmål lemmas
- Norwegian Bokmål nouns
- Norwegian Bokmål masculine nouns
- Norwegian Nynorsk terms derived from Latin
- Norwegian Nynorsk lemmas
- Norwegian Nynorsk nouns
- Norwegian Nynorsk masculine nouns
- Polish terms borrowed from Latin
- Polish learned borrowings from Latin
- Polish terms derived from Latin
- Polish 3-syllable words
- Polish terms with IPA pronunciation
- Polish terms with audio pronunciation
- Rhymes:Polish/ɛnda
- Rhymes:Polish/ɛnda/3 syllables
- Polish lemmas
- Polish nouns
- Polish feminine nouns
- Polish terms with obsolete senses
- pl:Christianity
- Polish terms with collocations
- pl:Collectives
- pl:Business
- Portuguese 3-syllable words
- Portuguese terms with IPA pronunciation
- Rhymes:Portuguese/ẽdɐ
- Rhymes:Portuguese/ẽdɐ/3 syllables
- Portuguese terms borrowed from Latin
- Portuguese terms derived from Latin
- Portuguese lemmas
- Portuguese nouns
- Portuguese countable nouns
- Portuguese feminine nouns
- Portuguese non-lemma forms
- Portuguese verb forms
- Spanish 3-syllable words
- Spanish terms with IPA pronunciation
- Spanish terms with audio pronunciation
- Rhymes:Spanish/enda
- Rhymes:Spanish/enda/3 syllables
- Spanish terms borrowed from Latin
- Spanish terms derived from Latin
- Spanish lemmas
- Spanish nouns
- Spanish countable nouns
- Spanish feminine nouns
- Spanish non-lemma forms
- Spanish verb forms
- Swahili terms with audio pronunciation
- Swahili lemmas
- Swahili nouns
- Swahili class IX nouns
- Swedish terms derived from Latin
- Swedish terms with IPA pronunciation
- Swedish terms with audio pronunciation
- Swedish lemmas
- Swedish nouns
- Swedish common-gender nouns