Spotsylvania Courthouse. 201
preparations for the attack cornpleted. At 4 A. M., Gibbon and Barlow moved forward to the assault, their troops in line of brigades. My artillery was posted in the first line of works, firing during the action over our troops in front. Birney and Tyler were in reserv^e. The enemy held a strong line of in- trenchments about one-half mile in front of and parallel to the works we had stormed on the 12th. His position was con- cealed by the forest and protected by heavy slashing and abatis.
"As our troops approached his line they encountered a severe fire of musketry and artillery, \Vhich completely swept his front, making great havoc in our ranks. They pressed forward how- ever, until they arrived at the edge of the abatis, which with the heavy fire, arrested their progress. Many gallant attempts were made by our troops to penetrate the enemy's line, but without success. Finding that I was losing quite heavily, and there was but little probability of- my being able to carry the enemy's position, I communicated the state of affairs to the major-general commanding, and was directed by him to discontinue the at- tack. Accordingly at 10 A. M., I withdrew my troops and oc- cupied the line of works in front of the Landrum House."
General Hancock, page 361, of Records, says, "May 17, 1864, 8 A. M., Tyler's division, about 8,000 strong, mostly heavy ar- tillery, joined the Second Corps, which will re-enforce us suf- ficiently to make up our losses at the Wilderness, the Po, and Spotsylvania. The division massed near the Fredericksburg road.
"No movement of the Second Corps until dark, when we marched back to the works we had captured on the 12th, instant, at which point it is determined again to assault the enemy to- morrow morning.
"4:10 A. M., Barlow's and Gibbon's divisions having been form.ed in front of the captured works moved forward to assail the enemy in the lines he had occupied after the battle at this point on the 12th. Tyler's division in reserve in rifle-pits run- ning from the Landrum House to the Salient. Birney's division still remaining with General Burnside. Gibbon's and Barlow's