Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Smith, George (1815-1871)

620307Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 53 — Smith, George (1815-1871)1898Edward Irving Carlyle

SMITH, GEORGE (1815–1871), bishop of Victoria, born in 1815, was the only son of George Smith of Wellington, Somerset. He matriculated from Magdalen Hall, Oxford, on 17 Dec. 1831, graduating B.A. in 1837 and M.A. in 1843. He was ordained deacon in 1839 and priest in the following year. In 1841 he became incumbent of Goole, Yorkshire, and in 1844 he undertook a mission of exploration in China for the Church Missionary Society. On his return he published the results of his expedition under the title ‘A Narrative of an Exploratory Visit to each of the Consular Cities of China, and to the Islands of Hong Kong and Chusan,’ London, 1847, 8vo. He was consecrated bishop of Victoria in Hong Kong on 29 March 1849, resigned the see in 1865, and died on 14 Dec. 1871, at his residence at Blackheath, Kent. He married a daughter of Andrew Brandram, rector of Beckenham, Kent, and secretary of the British and Foreign Bible Society.

Besides the work mentioned, Smith was the author of:

  1. ‘Hints for the Times,’ London, 1848, 16mo.
  2. ‘A Letter on the Chinese Version of the Holy Scriptures to the British and Foreign Bible Society,’ Hong Kong, 1851, 8vo.
  3. ‘Lewchew and the Lewchewans,’ London, 1853, 8vo.
  4. ‘Our National Relations with China,’ London, 1857, 8vo.
  5. ‘Ten Weeks in Japan,’ London, 1861, 8vo.

[Times, 16 Dec. 1871; Men of the Time, 7th edit.; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1715–1886; Crockford's Clerical Directory.]