Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Sibthorp, Christopher
SIBTHORP, Sir CHRISTOPHER (d. 1632), pamphleteer, was born in England. He was made third justice of the King's bench in Ireland on 11 May 1607, and was knighted on 3 May 1618. He held office until his death late in 1632.
Sibthorp was author of:
- 'A Friendly Advertisement to the Pretended Catholickes of Ireland: Declaring for their satisfaction that both the King's Supremacies, and the Faith whereof his Majestie is the Defender, are consonant to the doctrine delivered in the holy Scriptures and writings of the ancient Fathers.' There was appended an epistle to like effect, written to the author by James Ussher (1580–1656) [q. v.], Dublin, 1622, 4to.
- 'A Reply to an Answer which Adversary made to two chapters contained in the first part of that book which is entitled a Friendly Advertisement to the Pretended Catholickes of Ireland,' Dublin, 1625, 4to.
- 'A Surreplication to the Rejoinder of a Popish Adversary,' Dublin, 1627, 4to.
[Ware's Writers of Ireland, ed. Harris, p. 336; Lowndes's Bibliographer's Manual, ed. Bohn, p. 2393; Haydn's Book of Dignities, p. 679; Morrin's Cal. Patent Rolls, Ireland, Charles I, pp. 6, 200. 653; Metcalfe's Book of Knights, p. 213: Lascelles's Liber Munerum Hibernæ, ii. 33; Cal. State Papers, Irish, 1606-1623. passim; Cal. Carew MSS.]