My name is Roger Amaral Scheridon de Moraes, I was born on March 30, 1981 (three hours after the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan) and I live in Pelotas (Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil). I graduated in Languages and Literature (Portuguese and English) from UCPel (Catholic University of Pelotas) and in Spanish from UFPel (Federal University of Pelotas). I have also studied Italian for 4 years (between 2001 and 2004). My areas of interest are languages, history, geography, geopolitics and meteorology.
E-mail: [1]
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By paternal side:
By maternal side:
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My origins, according to a genealogical DNA test (made by Genera - São Paulo, Brazil): (First analysis)
*Germany, France and Low Countries: 54% *Iberian Peninsula: 15% *Northern Italy: 7% *Central/Southern Italy: 2% *Sardinia: 1%
*Maghreb (Arabs/Berbers of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia): 7%
*Amerindians from the central Andes (Aymara/Quechua/Uru): 5% *Central America: 1% *Tupi: 1% (Upgrade)
*Iberian Peninsula: 41% *Western Europe (Germany, France and the Low Countries): 30% *Ashkenazi Jews: 7% *Northern Italy: 7% *Central/Southern Italy: 1% *Sardinia: 1%
*Amerindians from the central Andes (Aymara/Quechua): 5% *Central America: 1% *Tupi: 1%
*Maghreb (Arabs/Berbers of): Morocco: 2.5% Algeria and Tunisia: 2.5% Libya: 1%
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My origins, according to MyHeritage: (First analysis)
*Northern/Western Europe (Germany, France and the Low Countries): 38.6% *Iberian Peninsula: 21.7% *Scandinavia: 5.1% *Ashkenazi Jews: 4% *Italy: 1.6%
*Amerindians of Mesoamerica and Andes: 16.2%
*Maghreb: 7.1% *West Asia (Turkey, Syria, Irak and Caucasus): 4.7%
*Nigeria: 1% (Upgrade)
*Portugal: 86.5% *Ireland: 5.7% *Scotland and Wales: 2.4%
*Amerindians of southern Central America: 5.4% (Second upgrade)
*Portugal: 65.3% *Ireland: 8.6% *Scotland and Wales: 4.6% *Spain, Catalan and Basque: 4.3% *Brittany: 2.2% *France: 1.5% *England: 1.4% *South Italy: 1.1%
*South Central America: 7.4%
*Algeria: 2.6% *Morocco: 1% | ||||||||||||
My origins, according to TellmeGen:
*Iberian Peninsula: 56.2% *Great Britain/Ireland: 22% *Sardinia: 6.6% *Ashkenazi Jews: 4.7% *Scandinavia: 3.9%
*Amerindians of Central and South America: 6.6% | ||||||||||||
My origins, according to ADNTRO:
*Iberian Peninsula: 75% *Spain (Andalusia, Murcia and La Mancha): 44.25% *Basque Country: 27%
*Indigenous from Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia: 15%
*Mexico (Zapotec): 7%
*British and Irish: 2%
*French and German: <2%
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My origins, according to Mundo DNA:
*Iberian Peninsula: 29.44% *Italy (Tuscany): 15.65% *England and Scotland: 13.27% *Finland: 12.14% *Sardinia: 10.46% *France: 1.53%
*Colombia: 6.18% *Puerto Rico: 1.07% *Afro-Americans: 0.52% *Surui (Brazil): 0.26% *Lima (Peru): 0.2% *Karitiana (Brazil): 0.12% *Gujarati (in USA): 0.11%
*Kenya (Luhya): 1.84% *Bantu: 0.9% *Mandenka: 0.85% *The Gambia: 0.28%
*Bengali (Bangladesh): 3.36% *Japan: 0.23% *China: 0.15%
*Berbers (Mozabite): 1.41%
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My origins, according to Eurogenes (via GEDmatch):
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My origins, according to Ethnos:
*Iberian Peninsula: 79.8% *British Isles: 7% *Sephardi Jews: 2.2% *France: 1.6% *Romani people: 1%
*Indigenous Jê: 5.6% *Amazonian/Tupi-Guarani: 1%
*Congo and Angola (West Bantu): 1.6% *East Bantu: 0.2% | ||||||||||||
My prehistoric origins, according to ChatGPT:
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My hometown
editSome pictures taken by myself and shared with Wikipedia: