I was born in Ulee gle, in nowadays Pidie Jaya district of Aceh province in Indonesia. My early life was spent mainly in Kuala Lumpur after my family migrated to Malaysia in 1990 during Aceh conflict.

I completed my bachelors degree at the International Islamic University Malaysia in 2008 specialising in mass communication. Throughout my studies in IIUM, I have been working with UNHCR in Kuala Lumpur, Utusan Malaysia, Médecins Sans Frontières-France in Sigli and Al Jazeera Kuala Lumpur's bureau.

This user just LOVES to cycle!
ASTThis user is a fan of XDS Astana Team.
FlindersThis user attends or attended Flinders University, Australia.
IIUMThis user is/was a student at the International Islamic University Malaysia.