Skew left brace
editIn mathematics, a skew left brace is a set with two operations, and so that with the operation is a group, often called the additive group, with the operation is a group, often called the circle group, and a certain compatibility condition, analogous to distributivity, connects the two group operations. First defined in 2017, skew left braces yield set-theoretic solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation (See Yang-Baxter equation) and also have a close connection with Hopf-Galois structures on classical Galois extensions of fields.
editSkew left brace
editA radical ring is a skew left brace
editSome results on skew left braces
editSome history
editSkew left braces and the Yang-Baxter equation
editSkew left braces and Hopf-Galois theory
editClassification results
editBi-skew braces
editSee also
editA skew left brace is a set with two operations, and , somewhat analogous to a ring (see Ring (mathematics)). The set with the operation , denoted , is a group with identity element 1, often called the \emph{additive group}, with the operation , denoted , is a group, often called the \emph{circle group}, and the compatibility condition holds for all , , ' in . Here denotes the inverse of in the group , and will denote the inverse of in the group .
The identity element of the group is equal to the identity element 1 of : for setting in the compatibility condition shows that for all in , hence by uniqueness of identity in , , hence . A skew left brace whose additive group is abelian: for all in , is called a left brace.
Examples. The most trivial example of a skew brace is a group made into a skew brace where (see Group (mathematics)). Less trivial: if is a non-abelian group, then defining on by makes into a skew brace.
Radical ring. A ring without unity is a set with two operations, (addition) and (multiplication), where is typically written , and ( factors) is denoted . With those operations satisfies all of the properties of a ring (associativity of multiplication, left and right distributivity of multiplication over addition, etc.) except that has no multiplicative identity element.
- Given any ring , the circle operation on is defined by . It is easy to check that the operation is associative, and , so , the set with the circle operation , is a monoid with identity element equal to the additive identity element 0 of the ring : (see monoid).
The ring is a radical ring if and only if is a group: that is, given any in , there is some so that : see Jacobson radical, where such an element is called right quasi-regular and left quasi-regular. Thus is a radical ring if and only if is equal to its Jacobson radical . The group is sometimes called the \emph{adjoint group} of . See Radical ring.
A radical ring is a skew left brace. If is a radical ring, then with the operations and , is a left brace. The defining property: for all in , = becomes, after replacing by for all in , = and the two sides are equal if and only if the left distributive law holds.
is also a right brace, because the corresponding defining property for a right brace is equivalent to right distributivity. Conversely, suppose is a set with two operations and which make into both a left brace and a right brace. Define on by . Then the set with operations and satisfies both the left and right distributive laws, and so is a ring ; and the circle operation on defined from the multiplication is the original circle operation, hence is a group, so is a radical ring. Therefore the set of radical rings is a subset of the set of left braces. For some counts of radical rings with n elements for various numbers n, see Radical rings.
Some history A set-theoretic solution of the Yang-Baxter equation (see Yang-Baxter equation) is a pair ( , ) where is a set and is a bijective map such that . The question of finding set-theoretic solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation was first raised by V. G. Drinfel'd in 1990 [Dr92]. W. Rump [Ru07] defined a left brace as a generalization of a radical ring with the property that a left brace yields a set-theoretic solution of the Y-B equation. Skew left braces (where the “additive” group need not be abelian) were first defined in 2017 by L. Guarneri and L. Vendramin [GV17], who showed that every skew left brace yields a solution of the Y-B equation, and conversely, that every non-degenerate solution of the Yang-Baxter equation corresponds to a unique skew left brace.
Skew left braces and the Yang-Baxter equation
Given a skew brace , define : by . Then . Define : × → × by = = where = . Then for all , in , and are one-to-one maps from to , and we have:
([GV], Theorem 3.1) If is a skew left brace, then yields a solution of the Yang-Baxter equation: for all in , .
Since and are one-to-one maps from to for all , in , the solution of the Yang-Baxter equation is called nondegenerate.
Here is a proof of this result, adapted from [LYZ00] to the skew brace setting.
There are three equalities to show:
(L:) Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "http://localhost:6011/":): {\displaystyle \sigma_{\sigma_x(y)}(\sigma_{\tau_y(x)}(z))= \sigma_x(\sigma_y(z)), }
(C:) Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle \tau_{\sigma_{\tau_y(x)}(z)}(\sigma_x(y)) = \sigma_{\tau_{\sigma_y(z)}(x)}(\tau_z(y)) }
(R:) Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle \tau_z(\tau_y(x))) = \tau_{\tau_z(y)}(\tau_{\sigma_y(z)}(x)) )} .
Here is how it goes:
Given a skew brace ( is usually omitted), the maps and satisfy the following three properties (c.f. [GV19]):
i) is a homomorphism from to : for , , in , ; (this is equivalent to the defining equation for a left brace).
ii) is an anti-homomorphism from to :
iii) . Thus, since then if , then . These properties suffice to show that satisfies .
The left side of (*) is: .
where and by property iii).
The right side of (*) is:
Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle (id × R)(R × id)(id × R)(a, b, c) = (id × R)(R × id)(a, q, r) = (id × R)(s, t, r)= (s, v, w)} ,
where , and by property iii).
To show that : ; , and . So .
To show that : ; ; and . So .
To show that :
For any , if , then .
So the left side of equation (*) is ; the right side is , and
Since , and in the group , it follows that .
That completes the proof.
For an illustration of what these equalities look like for A a radical algebra, see Radical
Skew Braces and Hopf-Galois theory. Generalizing work of [FCC12] on Hopf-Galois structures on Galois extensions of fields whose Galois group is a finite abelian p-group for some prime p, D. Bachiller [Bac16], [Bac18] observed a connection between left braces and Hopf-Galois structures of type on Galois extensions of fields with Galois group isomorphic to . N. Byott and L. Ventramin [SV18] then showed that every left skew brace yields at least one Hopf-Galois structure of type on a classical Galois extension of fields with Galois group isomorphic to (B, circ)</math>, and conversely, given a -Galois extension of fields which also has a Hopf Galois structure of type , then there exists a skew left brace with additive group isomorphic to and circle group isomorphic to . A given skew brace with circle group may yield more than one Hopf-Galois structure on a Galois extension with Galois group : the number of Hopf-Galois structures corresponding to a given skew brace relates to the sizes of the automorphism groups of automorphisms of and of and is described in the appendix to [SV18].)
Classification results. A natural question arising in skew brace theory, and independently, in Hopf-Galois theory, is to ask, given a pair of finite groups, is there a skew brace so that and ? In skew brace theory the question was typically posed: given a skew brace with additive group isomorphic to , what are the possible isomorphism types of groups so that is isomorphic to ? In Hopf-Galois theory the question was typically posed: given a Galois group , what are the possible types of Hopf-Galois structures on a -Galois extension? Here are some results on this question. (All groups are finite.)
• If is a cyclic group of order p^n</math> where p</math> is an odd prime, then must be isomorphic to . [Kohl98] • If is a cyclic group of order p^n</math> where p</math> is an odd prime, then must be isomorphic to [Ru07a]. Neither of these results hold if : see [By07] and [Ru07a], [Ru19]. • If is odd, is an abelian p</math>-group of order p^n</math> and of p</math>-rank m</math> where m+1 < p</math>, and is an abelian p-group, then is isomorphic to . [Fe03, FCC12] This was generalized in [Bac16] to yield that if B</math> = (B, \circ, \cdot)</math> is a brace with additive group (B, \cdot)</math> = an abelian group of p</math>-rank m</math> with m+1 < p</math>, then for any b</math> in B</math>, the order of b</math> in (B, \cdot)</math> is equal to the order of b</math> in (B, \circ) = . In particular, if is an elementary abelian p</math>-group of order p^m</math> for p</math> an odd prime and m+1< p</math>, then must have exponent p.</math> • If is abelian, then is solvable. [ESS99], [Byo13]. • If is a simple group, then must be isomorphic to [By04]. • If = S_n</math>, the symmetric group and n = 5</math> or > 6</math>, then must be isomorphic to </math> or to A_n \times C_2</math> (the direct product of the alternating group A_n</math> and the cyclic group of order 2 [Ts19]. • If is abelian, then must be a metabelian group [By15], [Nas19], [TQ20] • If </math> is a nilpotent group, then is a solvable group [TQ20]. • If is solvable, then need not be solvable [By15]: there exists a skew brace with circle group isomorphic to and additive group , where is the alternating group (the group of even permutations on symbols) and is the cyclic group of order . • If is a nilpotent group of class 2, then there exists a brace with circle group : in fact, a radical algebra with circle group [AW73]. • If for some m dividing the order of , if has more characteristic subgroups of order than has subgroups of order , then there is no skew brace with additive group isomorphic to and circle group isomorphic to [Koh19]. • If is a non-cyclic abelian p-group of order with and odd, then there is a skew brace with circle group and non-abelian additive group. [BC12]
An open conjecture of N. Byott states that if is insolvable, then cannot be solvable: see [TQ20]. Given groups and N of order for which there is a skew brace with additive group and circle group , there are also many results on the number of isomorphism types of skew braces with additive and circle groups isomorphic to and , resp. In particular, for squarefree, see [AB21].
Bi-skew braces
A set with two group structures and so that is a skew brace with either group acting as the circle group is called a bi-skew brace. One large set of examples are where is a nilpotent algebra of index 3 (that is, for all in , ). Another set of examples are where is a semidirect product for , finite subgroups of , and is the direct product . The concept of bi-skew brace, from [Ch19], has been extended to the concept of brace block, a collection of different group operations on a set so that every ordered pair of operations on makes into a skew brace. See [Koc21] and [CS21] for examples and theory.
See also
• Jacobson radical
• Yang-Baxter equation.
Notes For expositions of Hopf-Galois structures and their applications to Galois module theory, see [Ch00] and [CGKKKTU21].
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