House of Ma (馬家) Jangheung Ma (長興 馬家) since 1411
Parent houseMa of Ancient Joseon
CountryGojoseon, Mahan
Founded1046 BC
FounderMa Wan (馬浣) of Ancient Joseon
Current headMa Jeomryong (馬 点龍) Current head of the Central Committee of House of Ma (長興馬氏中央宗會)
Final rulerUnknown
TitlesKing of Korea
Estate(s)of Korea

The House of Ma was the ruling family of Korea from around 100 BC to 9 AD.

The Founder, Ma Wan (馬浣) established the House of Ma in Ancient Korea around 1046 BC. He was originally a nobleman of virtue (陽城君子) from the Yin Dynasty. He is said to be the bringer of culture to Ancient Joseon. It is possible that he came to Ancient Joseon with Gija as some historians suggest.

Ma Gyeom (月謙/馬謙) was the first king of Mahan. As Mahan was the dominant power of Samhan, Ma Gyeom was effectively the king of the Three Kingdoms, consisting of Mahan, Jinhan, Byeonhan.