Ultimate Spider-Man (2024)

Ultimate Spider-Man is an ongoing comic book series about Spider-Man, part of the Ultimate Universe imprint, written by Jonathan Hickman and illustrated by Marco Checchetto. It began publication in January 2024. The series follows an older Peter Parker who becomes Spider-Man for the first time later in life, already a father of two children and married to Mary Jane Watson, as opposed to his early/late teens like in the mainline. The series is part of the new Ultimate Universe timeline, which puts several Marvel characters in a radically altered sociopolitical status quo, including elements of alternate history.[1]

Ultimate Spider-Man
Cover of Ultimate Spider-Man #2, with Spider-Man (Peter Parker) and Green Goblin (Harry Osborn).
Publication information
PublisherMarvel Comics
Publication dateJanuary 2024
No. of issues9
Main character(s)Peter Parker / Spider-Man
Creative team
Written byJonathan Hickman
Letterer(s)Cory Petit
Colorist(s)Matthew Wilson
Editor(s)Wil Moss



"Married with Children" (#1–8)


Set in a technocratic power bloc called the North American Union, in the reshaped political status quo of Earth-6160 and following the" Ultimate Invasion" plotline, Peter Parker is a married man living in New York City with two children, whose Aunt May has recently died as one of the casualities of a false flag attack orchestrated by the Maker's Council on Stark Tower, with the media framing Tony Stark as a terrorist and the culprit for the destruction. Later, on January, Stark sends out an "origin-machine", a silver orb containing a holographic message revealing to Peter the truth about his stolen life: That he was supposed to be bitten by a radioactive spider and become a superhero in his youth, but the Maker prevented it and averted his origin. Stark explains he retrieved said spider and offers him a chance to become a hero. Parker feels conflicted, concealing the revelation from his wife Mary Jane Watson, and his children, trying to keep a certain level of normality and have a regular day at work. As he arrives in the Daily Bugle, he sees J. Jonah Jameson hurriedly calling his uncle, Ben Parker, about a meeting they have to attend later with the rest of the Bugle's management. It's shown Ben works as managing editor. Jonah briefly shows support to both Parkers regarding their loss, as they take a moment to talk about their grief during their leave, as both, along with Mary Jane and Peter's children Richard and May, attend a memorial to the victims headed by local priest Matt Murdock. Harry Osborn briefly speaks publicly about his loss, since his own parents Emily and Norman also perished in the attack. As Peter and Ben return to the Bugle, they are surprised by Jonah's sudden resignation as it turns out the newspaper is being subject to editorial restructuring following their investigative reports on the attack. Ben is offered Jonah's former role by the Bugle's proprietor, Wilson Fisk, but he resigns as well. Peter stays working at the Bugle as advised by Ben. While leaving the building later on, Fisk and his bodyguard Lester are attacked by a green armored figure in a glider, who rapidly leaves after the attempted assassination. In The Bar With No Name, Jonah and Ben decide to start an independent newspaper to continue their reports. Peter arrives and Jonah leaves after a while. Peter vents to Ben about his feelings on the static nature of his life, and Ben advises him to take control over it and start trying to change it. Peter later talks to Mary Jane about the same subject, and she supports him wanting such change as long as things doesn't change between them, not knowing about the true nature of what he means. He goes to his apartment's rooftop as he remembers when he received the "origin-machine", as Stark refers to the spider in it as a "bio-organic catalyst" and mentions a picotech stealth suit to conceal his identity, reflecting on his words about the conspiracy ruling the world and the lingering offer for him to have his stolen heroic life back, as he accepts it and tries on the suit for the first time. [2]

In February, Peter's exploits while operating using the black suit are already on the Daily Bugle's reports, with Richard doubtful of them while May finds them scary. Meanwhile, he still is adapting to the changes on his body and trying to understand them, as well as his limitations. Ben and Jonah talk about another assassination attempt on Fisk by the armored figure, as well as articles on the man in the black suit, considering the latter to be a distraction as the Bugle seems to be covering up the former's attacks. Peter encounters a thief trying to rob a bank, who tricks him after a conversation and electrocutes him with his gauntlets, stating his name as the Shocker. After the beating, Peter returns to the apartment and is discovered by May, who remains scared by the black suit, but is comforted by him. He briefly explains the origin of his powers as she agrees to keep it a secret from Richard and Mary Jane for a while, as he considers modifying the suit. Later at his office, Fisk is visited by Henri Duggary, a member of the Maker's Council, head of the European Coalition and new ruler of the American East Coast. Duggary asks Fisk about the purpose of the Bugle's reports, with Fisk confirming it's a distraction from the armored vigilante. Duggary advises Fisk to use the resources given to him, as he's still subordinate to the Council. At night, Peter tires fighting Shocker and has an upper hand initially before being tricked again, while the armored figure sees the robber escaping. Peter comes back to his apartment, feeling defeated and unsure of his capacities to carry on as a vigilante, but is encouraged by supportive words from May and a drawing, deciding to give it "one more day"[3]

In March, Mary Jane and Richard suspect something is off with Peter and May, but don't make much of it before they leave one morning. Peter takes the opportunity to try out new color schemes for the suit, settling on a red and blue combination with May's approval as they swing around the city. Later, Peter comes by Jonah and Ben's new building as they are starting making real efforts for their new business venture. Peter comments on the current situation at the Bugle and the armored vigilante, stating he's being internally called the "Green Goblin" by the editorial staff, while higher-ups are indeed pushing articles on the man in the black suit to cover up the attacks on Fisk's properties. Ben and Jonah speculate on the nature of the vigilantes and conclude they still need to find out more. Keeping that in mind, Peter does a stakeout for days before being able to intercept the Goblin during an attack, fighting against an assassin in a black suit calling himself "Bullseye". He interferes and is able to knock him out. Peter and the Goblin talk briefly before he shuts down both of their suits, revealing his identity as Harry Osborn and meeting Peter for the first time, as both agree to go out for a drink and talk.[4]

In April, Peter and Mary Jane head out to a diner meeting with Harry and his wife Gwen Stacy, in an amicable manner as both couples get to know each other, talking about their business ventures, as well as Jonah and Ben's efforts in creating an independent newspaper, generally bonding despite their class differences. Gwen privately offers Mary Jane a PR role in funding the venture entitled "The Paper". Meanwhile, Harry tells Peter that Gwen knows about him being the Goblin and supports him, emphasizing their role at fighting against the Maker's Council and their systemic rule over the world, advising him to tell Mary Jane and that "with great power comes great responsibility".[5]

In a flashback to months ago, Norman talks to Harry on his phone about him being late for an event, just before him, Emily and several others are killed during the attack on Stark Tower, as Harry gazes upon the blast. Weeks later, Harry is given gradual control over Oscorp as he and Gwen become its sole inheritors with the Osborn family trust passing on to them. Harry is also called to a meeting with Wilson Fisk, the newly appointed Shadow Governor of the New York territory. Fisk appoints him to help take care of the Stark/Stane assets since the company has become a political matter in the Union with the fall of the Starks. Later, Harry, Gwen, and their associate Dr. Otto Octavius raid a hidden Stark repository containing archives, suit designs, relevant data, and Iron Man armors. Octavius utilizes Stark technology to create the Green Goblin suit as the three learn about the Maker's Council and their operations, including the attack on Stark Tower. Octavius also tells Harry about the "origin-machines" network, although both are initially puzzled about their purpose. It's shown that after the Shocker's robbery, he was intercepted by the Green Goblin. He tells him about how he found his gauntlets in the apartment of an unnamed man who died of a heart attack as the case played Tony Stark's message. He talks to Peter in a bar after their first meeting as he tells him about his findings regarding Council, as both pledge to cooperate in their operations against the group. In the present, Harry interrogates an unmasked Bullseye, revealing his identity as Lester. Lester claims loyalty to Duggary and the Council, stating he cut out his eye on the day Duggary's eye was wounded by Tony Stark, to show his sympathy. They briefly debate about their moral alignments as Harry ponders if he can be considered a hero, or if he will become something else.[6]

In June, Peter's family is stunned as they find he has a black eye, as May accidentally reveals his secret. Peter tells them about a confrontation he and the Green Goblin had with Wilson Fisk at his building. Both break in at night and find him already expecting them. As the Goblin uses one of his bombs, they are surprised to find Fisk's body has been augmented, as his physical capacity withstands their attacks. Both retreat as they decide to continue their efforts later. As Peter finishes his story, he apologizes to his family for keeping his secret for so long. They support him overall while asking him to be careful, as he asks for some time alone with Mary Jane. She states that among several feelings, she is mostly proud of him. Both realize he does not have a defined codename, as Mary Jane suggests "Spider-Man".[7]

In July, Harry Osborn introduces Peter Parker to Dr. Otto Octavius who tells Harry and Peter that their suits are based on the Stark/Stane designs that run on the same network and have an AI in them. Wilson Fisk meets with Henri Duggary in a secure building as he informs them about the situation involving Spider-Man and Green Goblin as well as Bullseye going missing. While noting that Fisk was right about the vigilante problem he is having, Duggary states that it has become a growing threat to Maker's Council since Duggary's recent defeat at the hands of Iron Lad and the Ultimates. When Duggary offers Fisk a team of agents, Fisk declines stating that he has "six alternative plans". After some training with the A.I., Peter and Harry are told by Otto that a third carrier of the network is approaching. This ends up being Iron Lad who stated that he did state that he would be back in six months and asks if they are heroes yet.[8]

In August, Peter Parker's suit talks to him after Mary Jane tells Peter to pick up the cake and candles. Three weeks ago, Peter, Harry Osborn, and Dr. Otto Octavius are told by Iron Man that Parker's suit and Harry's armor are made from the same Picotech which is revolutionary. As The City that Maker is trapped in will be opened in a year, Iron Lad leaves advising Peter and Harry to prepare themselves for the day when The City opens and that he'll be in touch. Harry advises Otto to work on updating the security in the respectful suits. Back in the present, Peter and Uncle Ben obtain the cake and candles. Jameson arrives as he and Ben tell Peter that "The Paper" will launch in a month. The Peter's family and Jameson at a birthday party at Arcade's. At Fisk Tower, Wilson Fisk's assistant James Wesley has set up a meeting with the heads of the other five boroughs. While Manhattan is managed by Fisk, the other boroughs are managed by his lieutenants. Mister Negative controls Queens with the Demons gang. Walter Hardy operates the Bronx where he operates as Black Cat before vanishing into cat burglar retirement and raising his daughter since the death of his wife. Kraven the Hunter was a billionaire ogliarch who was exile from Russia during the "Rasputin Purge" and prowls Staten Island. Mysterio controls Brooklyn where Wesley doesn't have much information about him. Mole Man controls the "underground borough" and enters through the fireplace with help from his loyal Moloids since he doesn't use the front door. They are informed about the issue with Spider-Man and Green Goblin as Kingpin informs them that they will "play a game" with them.[9]

On September, J. Jonah Jameson and Ben Parker are at a bar as Mary Jane meets up with them. They are celebrating the release of "The Paper" which is talking about the different crimes being stopped by Spider-Man and Green Goblin. Ben states to Mary Jane that "The Paper" will talk about stories that nobody wants to talk about. Mary Jane states that they have the fastest growing online presence since Simon Williams and the numbers are growing every day. Meanwhile, Spider-Man and Green Goblin meet up with Dr. Otto Octavius who found a way to free them from Stark/Stane. While he figured out how to do it for the Green Goblin armor, he is still trying to figure out Spider-Man's Picotech suit. After a talk with his suit's A.I., Spider-Man is shown the Spider-Armor Mark I which has the same abilities except for camouflage which Dr. Octavius hasn't figured out yet. It also has other features like being immune to bullets, EMPs, and explosions as well as extra weight for the web cartridges. Spider-Man is not interested in trying it out and Dr. Octavius works on a simpler solution. At "The Paper", Jameson and Ben are going over a file regarding Stark/Stane. Later that evening, Spider-Man and Green Goblin are on a rooftop as Green Goblin compliment's Spider-Man's new spandex/kevlar suit. Green Goblin then proposes that Spider-Man's family join him and Gwen at their house in the Hamptons in December. Just then, they are ambushed by Walter Hardy's Black Cat appearance who disables Green Goblin's suit. As Spider-Man starts to get overwhelmed by Black Cat's whip attacks as he mentions to Spider-Man that the Kingpin of New York has called his captains together for a game where Spider-Man and Green Goblin are the prize, the Green Goblin armor starts rebooting. Spider-Man breaks free and webs Black Cat to the rooftop where Spider-Man refuses to kill him. As Spider-Man checks up on Green Goblin, Black Cat breaks free. In the nick of time, the Green Goblin armor finishes rebooting and Green Goblin blasts Black Cat enough for him to fall to the street below. As he's still moving, Spider-Man advises Green Goblin to call an ambulance. Moments later, Black Cat is loaded onto the ambulance as Green Goblin states to Spider-Man that he acted in self-defense before Black Cat can kill him. While Green Goblin states that he will not hesitate next time, Spider-Man states that he's still invited to come over for Christmas as Green Goblin states that he has plans. When Green Goblin states that he'll get Richard and Mary some spandex, Spider-Man tells Green Goblin that he might be "the worst best friend a guy could have".[10]

Publication history


Ultimate Spider-Man is the first ongoing series from the Ultimate Universe imprint, following the Ultimate Invasion miniseries that introduced it. Despite the similar name, it has no relation with the Ultimate Spider-Man comic that ran from 2000 to 2015. The former comic was a reinvention of the Spider-Man character as a teenager still attending school, in contrast with the older character from the main continuity. The new comic uses a similar angle, but makes Spider-Man older instead of younger, and also married and with two kids. Hickman said that he was inspired by the version of the character seen in the film Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.[11] Another significant departure is that Uncle Ben, a character that usually dies during Spider-Man's origin story, is alive in the new continuity.[12] Although Harry Osborn keeps the Green Goblin identity in the new continuity, he is reimagined as a superhero, closer to the classic portrayal of Iron Man.[13]

Collected editions

# Title Material collected Format Pages Released ISBN
1 Married With Children Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #1-6 TPB 168 10 Sep 2024 978-1302957292
2 The Paper Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #7-12 TPB 136 18 Mar 2025 978-1302958282



Ultimate Spider-Man #1 sold out three times in just two months.[14] If sales for the comics with the standard cover and alternate covers are taken separately, it got 8 places in the top 10 most sold comics.[15] User comments in social media praised the arts and plots, and compared it favourably to the main Spider-Man comics.[14] Those sales are higher than those of Ultimate Invasion and the Ultimate Universe one-shot published before it.[14] As of March 2024, Ultimate Spider-Man outsold the Spider-Man comics from the main continuity for three months in a row.[16]

See also



  1. ^ Brooke, David (2024-01-04). "EXCLUSIVE Marvel Preview: Ultimate Spider-Man #1 • AIPT". aiptcomics.com. Retrieved 2024-01-06.
  2. ^ Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 3 #1. Marvel Comics.
  3. ^ Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 3 #2. Marvel Comics.
  4. ^ Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 3 #3. Marvel Comics.
  5. ^ Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 3 #4. Marvel Comics.
  6. ^ Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 3 #5. Marvel Comics.
  7. ^ Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 3 #6. Marvel Comics.
  8. ^ Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 3 #7. Marvel Comics.
  9. ^ Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 3 #8. Marvel Comics.
  10. ^ Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 3 #9. Marvel Comics.
  11. ^ JESSE SCHEDEEN (October 16, 2023). "Marvel Comics Reveals the New Ultimate Universe - New York Comic-Con 2023". IGN. Retrieved October 19, 2023.
  12. ^ Jeese Schedeen (January 15, 2024). "How Ultimate Spider-Man Reinvents Peter Parker for 2024". IGN. Retrieved February 29, 2024.
  13. ^ Matt Morrison (July 25, 2024). "Ultimate Spider-Man #7 Preview Reveals Super-Suit Secrets". Superherohype. Retrieved July 26, 2024.
  14. ^ a b c Graeme McMillan (March 1, 2024). "Marvel's first big hit of 2024 Ultimate Spider-Man sold out for the third time this week (but there's more coming)". Popverse. Retrieved March 3, 2024.
  15. ^ Nick Richardson (January 16, 2024). "TOP 10 COMICS & RUNNERS UP: January 15th, 2024". Retrieved March 3, 2024.
  16. ^ Christopher Baggett (April 9, 2024). "Ultimate Spider-Man outsold all other Spidey titles again and fans are loving it". Dexerto. Retrieved July 26, 2024.