Manga de Dokuha (Japanese: まんがで読破, "Reading Through with Manga") is a series of manga adaptations of classic literature. Published by East Press and later Gakken, the aim of the series is to introduce average manga readers to important literary works they would otherwise not be aware of or willing to read. The series received press coverage for its publication of often controversial political treatises. East Press published best-selling versions of the communist novel Kanikōsen, Karl Marx's Das Kapital and Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf. Some of the books were translated and made available in other languages such as English, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Manga de Dokuha was launched by East Press in an effort to expose young Japanese people to classic works of literature in a manga format. Kosuke Maruo produces each book in the series and outlines the narrative while artwork is created by Variety Art Works.[1] The books in the series were often sold through easily accessible convenience stores, including 7-Eleven. Maruo said: "We thought that maybe we could get people to read well-known works perceived as tough reads by turning them into manga and selling them at convenience stores". In July 2008, the series' first 17 entries had sold over 900,000 copies.[2] The average sales for an entry in the series were around 35,000.[1]

Significant entries


Kanikōsen and Das Kapital

First manga edition of Kanikōsen, published by East Press in October 2007

Kanikōsen (蟹工船) (published in English as The Crab Canning Ship or The Crab Ship) is a 1929 Japanese novel by Takiji Kobayashi. Written from a left-wing political perspective, the book follows the crew of a crab fishing ship living under oppressive conditions while being exploited by capitalists. The novel which typically sells around 5,000 copies a year became an unexpected bestseller in 2008 and sold over 507,000 copies that year. The same year, East Press published its own manga version of the novel which sold over 200,000 copies.[3] In response to the popularity of the communist-themed Kanikōsen manga, East Press published a manga version of Karl Marx's 1867 treatise Das Kapital. This version presents the original Marxist anti-capitalist principles via the fictionalized tale of Robin, the owner of a cheese factory who experiences guilt for exploiting his workers and betraying his father's socialist principles. Maruo stated that "I think people are looking to Marx for answers to the problems with capitalist society. Obviously, the recent global crisis suggests that the system isn't working properly". East Press's edition of Das Kapital sold 6,000 copies in its first few days of publication.[4]

The renewed success of both the novel and manga versions of Kanikōsen as well as that of the manga Das Kapital were often discussed in the context of the rising popularity of left-wing literature in Japan, the late-2000s recession affecting Japan and growing membership of the Japanese Communist Party.[3][5][6] According to Waseda University literature professor Hirokazu Toeda, "Kanikōsen is discussed and analyzed every time a critical social issue occurs – the disparity society, severe labor conditions, consumer product falsification, random killings. This is a unique characteristic of the Kanikōsen boom and it now is symbolizing or mirroring all those negative aspects of current day Japan".[7] Daisuke Asao, a senior office of the National Confederation of Trades Unions, said that "the situation of those labourers in the book is very similar to modern temporary workers: the unpredictable contracts, the working under heavy supervision, violence from supervisors, the widespread sexual harassment and the pressure against unionisation are all things that modern Japanese recognise every day".[5] Anti-poverty activist Kosuke Hashimoto responded to the books' popularity, saying: "I think many young people in Japan are afraid of the future, and that fear is sometimes turning to anger. Reading comics might only be the start".[6] Social welfare advocate Kaori Katada said: "Poverty has been a growing and visible problem for some time, but now people are looking for answers about why it is returning. That's why they're turning to these books".[6]

Mein Kampf


A version of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf (わが闘争, Waga Tōsō) was published in October 2008. The book is Hitler's autobiography in which he outlines his Nazi political ideology. The manga version of Mein Kampf was a minor commercial success, selling 45,000 copies.[8] However, it also proved to be controversial. The Financial Ministry of Bavaria which owns the copyright to the book and has refused to publish it in Germany issued a statement saying that manga was an inappropriate medium for Hitler's writing.[8] Bavaria's former Japanese representative Toshio Obata stated: "Even 60 years after the end of war, Nazism remains a sensitive issue in Germany. Did East Press exhaust discussions before publishing it? Did it consider the difference between Japan and Germany as to how manga is viewed as a medium?"[1] Maruo defended its publication, saying "Mein Kampf is a well-known book, but relatively few people have read it. We think this will provide clues about Hitler as a human being, as to his way of thinking that led to such tragedy, even though he was dismissed as a 'monster'". The publication of the manga helped reignite the debate in Germany as to whether the ban on the book should be lifted.[1]

International publications


Between November 2011 and November 2012,[9][10] JManga made available online 14 Manga de Dokuha titles in English, namely No Longer Human, Das Kapital, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Night on the Galactic Railroad, The Book of Five Rings, I Am a Cat, Seton's Wild Animals, Sutta Nipata, One Thousand and One Nights, The Metamorphosis, Journey to the West, In Search of Lost Time, The Art of War and The Narrow Road to the Deep North.[11] One Peace Books also released Don Quixote, The Great Gatsby, Moby-Dick, Ulysses and The War of the Worlds as part of its "Manga Classic Readers" series on 1 September 2012.[12] Canadian company Red Quill Books physically published Das Kapital in 2012 as Capital in Manga!.[13]

The Spanish division of Verlag Herder publishes the series in the country since 2011.[14] Thus Spoke Zarathustra,[15] the Divine Comedy,[16] The Prince,[17] The Art of War,[18] The Social Contract,[19] Das Kapital,[20] the Iliad and the Odyssey (in a single book),[21] Nineteen Eighty-Four,[22] The Antichrist,[23] the Analects[24] and Tao Te Ching[25] are the eleven books published by the company.

In Brazil, Editora JBC published The Capital and King Lear in 2011.[26] Two years later, L&PM Editores published The Art of War, The Great Gatsby, Hamlet, and Thus Spoke Zarathustra.[27] Between 2013 and 2016, L&PM published the Manifesto of the Communist Party, The Metamorphosis, The Social Contract,[26] The Brothers Karamazov,[28] In Search of Lost Time,[29] and Ulysses.[30] A box containing The Brothers Karamazov, The Great Gatsby, The Metamorphosis and Thus Spoke Zarathustra was also released in 2015.[31]

List of entries


Manga de Dokuha (2007-2017, East Press)

Number Title Original author/editor ISBN Publication date
MD001 No Longer Human Osamu Dazai ISBN 978-4-87257-810-2
ISBN 978-4-7816-8631-8 (new edition)
August 2007
November 2020 (new edition)
MD002 The Broken Commandment Tōson Shimazaki ISBN 978-4-87257-812-6 August 2007
MD003 Kokoro Natsume Sōseki ISBN 978-4-87257-811-9
ISBN 978-4-7816-8630-1 (new edition)
August 2007
November 2020 (new edition)
MD004 Crime and Punishment Fyodor Dostoyevsky ISBN 978-4-87257-835-5 October 2007
MD005 "Rashōmon" Ryūnosuke Akutagawa ISBN 978-4-87257-834-8 October 2007
MD006 Kanikōsen Takiji Kobayashi ISBN 978-4-87257-836-2 October 2007
MD007 Night on the Galactic Railroad Kenji Miyazawa ISBN 978-4-87257-866-9 December 2007
MD008 War and Peace Leo Tolstoy ISBN 978-4-87257-867-6 December 2007
MD009 On Decadence and The Idiot Ango Sakaguchi ISBN 978-4-87257-868-3 December 2007
MD010 The Brothers Karamazov Fyodor Dostoyevsky ISBN 978-4-87257-889-8 February 2008
MD011 The Setting Sun Osamu Dazai ISBN 978-4-87257-890-4 February 2008
MD012 The Red and the Black Stendhal ISBN 978-4-87257-910-9 April 2008
MD013 An Encouragement of Learning Fukuzawa Yukichi ISBN 978-4-87257-909-3 April 2008
MD014 Bushido: The Soul of Japan Nitobe Inazō ISBN 978-4-87257-908-6 April 2008
MD015 The Metamorphosis Franz Kafka ISBN 978-4-87257-911-6 April 2008
MD016 King Lear William Shakespeare ISBN 978-4-87257-932-1 May 2008
MD017 Light and Darkness Natsume Sōseki ISBN 978-4-87257-933-8 May 2008
MD018 Night Flight Antoine de Saint-Exupéry ISBN 978-4-87257-973-4 July 2008
MD019 Faust Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ISBN 978-4-87257-974-1 July 2008
MD020 Thus Spoke Zarathustra Friedrich Nietzsche ISBN 978-4-87257-972-7 July 2008
MD021 Divine Comedy Dante Alighieri ISBN 978-4-7816-0002-4 October 2008
MD022 The Prince Niccolò Machiavelli ISBN 978-4-7816-0004-8 October 2008
MD023 "The Dancing Girl" Mori Ōgai ISBN 978-4-7816-0003-1 October 2008
MD024 Mein Kampf Adolf Hitler ISBN 978-4-7816-0011-6 November 2008
MD025 Dogra Magra Yumeno Kyūsaku ISBN 978-4-7816-0012-3 November 2008
MD026 The Possessed Fyodor Dostoyevsky ISBN 978-4-7816-0022-2 December 2008
MD027 Das Kapital Karl Marx ISBN 978-4-7816-0021-5
ISBN 978-4-7816-8629-5 (new edition)
December 2008
October 2020 (new edition)
MD028 The Sickness Unto Death Søren Kierkegaard ISBN 978-4-7816-0023-9 February 2009
MD029 Les Misérables Victor Hugo ISBN 978-4-7816-0024-6 February 2009
MD030 Moby-Dick Herman Melville ISBN 978-4-7816-0080-2 March 2009
MD031 The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald ISBN 978-4-7816-0081-9 March 2009
MD032 The True Story of Ah Q Lu Xun ISBN 978-4-7816-0083-3 April 2009
MD033 Don Quixote Miguel de Cervantes ISBN 978-4-7816-0082-6 April 2009
MD034 Ulysses James Joyce ISBN 978-4-7816-0084-0 May 2009
MD035 Das Kapital, Volume II Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels ISBN 978-4-7816-0124-3 May 2009
MD036 In Search of Lost Time Marcel Proust ISBN 978-4-7816-0085-7 June 2009
MD037 Hagakure Yamamoto Tsunetomo ISBN 978-4-7816-0125-0 June 2009
MD038 The Origin of Species Charles Darwin ISBN 978-4-7816-0167-0 July 2009
MD039 The Merchant of Venice William Shakespeare ISBN 978-4-7816-0168-7 July 2009
MD040 Pandora's Box and Villon's Wife Osamu Dazai ISBN 978-4-7816-0201-1 August 2009
MD041 Sorekara Natsume Sōseki ISBN 978-4-7816-0200-4 August 2009
MD042 Water Margin Shi Naian ISBN 978-4-7816-0207-3 September 2009
MD043 Manifesto of the Communist Party Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels ISBN 978-4-7816-0208-0 September 2009
MD044 The Sorrows of Young Werther Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ISBN 978-4-7816-0220-2 October 2009
MD045 Macbeth William Shakespeare ISBN 978-4-7816-0221-9 October 2009
MD046 The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson ISBN 978-4-7816-0241-7 November 2009
MD047 A Christmas Carol Charles John Huffam Dickens ISBN 978-4-7816-0242-4 November 2009
MD048 The Book of Five Rings Miyamoto Musashi ISBN 978-4-7816-0274-5 December 2009
MD049 A Fool's Life Ryūnosuke Akutagawa ISBN 978-4-7816-0275-2 December 2009
MD050 Kojiki ISBN 978-4-7816-0276-9
ISBN 978-4-7816-8632-5 (new edition)
December 2009
November 2020 (new edition)
MD051 Nihon Shoki ISBN 978-4-7816-0277-6
ISBN 978-4-7816-8633-2 (new edition)
January 2010
November 2020 (new edition)
MD052 The Tale of Genji Murasaki Shikibu ISBN 978-4-7816-0313-1 February 2010
MD053 The Life of an Amorous Man Ihara Saikaku ISBN 978-4-7816-0314-8 February 2010
MD054 Analects Confucius ISBN 978-4-7816-0325-4 March 2010
MD055 One Thousand and One Nights Unknown ISBN 978-4-7816-0326-1 March 2010
MD056 I Am a Cat Natsume Sōseki ISBN 978-4-7816-0347-6
ISBN 978-4-7816-8634-9 (new edition)
April 2010
December 2020 (new edition)
MD057 Byōshō Rokushaku Masaoka Shiki ISBN 978-4-7816-0348-3 April 2010
MD058 The War of the Worlds Herbert George Wells ISBN 978-4-7816-0363-6 May 2010
MD059 The Interpretation of Dreams and Introduction to Psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud ISBN 978-4-7816-0364-3 May 2010
MD060 Sutta Nipata Unknown ISBN 978-4-7816-0379-7 June 2010
MD061 Heart Sutra Unknown ISBN 978-4-7816-0380-3 June 2010
MD062 Analects Part II Confucius ISBN 978-4-7816-0381-0 July 2010
MD063 The Art of War Sun Tzu ISBN 978-4-7816-0382-7 July 2010
MD064 Seton's Wild Animals Ernest Thompson Seton ISBN 978-4-7816-0422-0 August 2010
MD065 Souvenirs entomologiques Jean Henri Fabre ISBN 978-4-7816-0423-7 August 2010
MD066 Gespräche mit Goethe Johann Peter Eckermann ISBN 978-4-7816-0443-5 September 2010
MD067 Human, All Too Human Friedrich Nietzsche ISBN 978-4-7816-0444-2 September 2010
MD068 Kama Sutra Vātsyāyana ISBN 978-4-7816-0458-9 October 2010
MD069 Journey to the West Wu Cheng'en ISBN 978-4-7816-0459-6 October 2010
MD070 The Antichrist Friedrich Nietzsche ISBN 978-4-7816-0469-5 November 2010
MD071 Black Death Hall Murders Mushitaro Oguri ISBN 978-4-7816-0470-1 November 2010
MD072 Old Testament Various ISBN 978-4-7816-0471-8 December 2010
MD073 New Testament Various ISBN 978-4-7816-0472-5
ISBN 978-4-7816-8627-1 (new edition)
December 2010
October 2020
MD074 The Book of Tea Okakura Kakuzō ISBN 978-4-7816-0522-7 January 2011
MD075 Commentarii de Bello Gallico Julius Caesar ISBN 978-4-7816-0523-4 January 2011
MD076 Hyakunin Isshu Various ISBN 978-4-7816-0533-3
ISBN 978-4-7816-0604-0 (new edition)
February 2011
April 2011 (new edition)
MD077 The Pillow Book Sei Shōnagon ISBN 978-4-7816-0534-0 February 2011
MD078 Analytical psychology and Psychology of the Unconscious Carl Gustav Jung ISBN 978-4-7816-0547-0 March 2011
MD079 Tsurezuregusa Yoshida Kenkō ISBN 978-4-7816-0548-7 March 2011
MD080 The Social Contract Jean-Jacques Rousseau ISBN 978-4-7816-0578-4 April 2011
MD081 Hamlet William Shakespeare ISBN 978-4-7816-0579-1 April 2011
MD082 Discourse on the Method René Descartes ISBN 978-4-7816-0593-7 May 2011
MD083 Records of Three Kingdoms Chen Shou ISBN 978-4-7816-0594-4 May 2011
MD084 The Narrow Road to the Deep North Matsuo Bashō ISBN 978-4-7816-0605-7 June 2011
MD085 The Lady of the Camellias Alexandre Dumas ISBN 978-4-7816-0606-4 June 2011
MD086 Alain on Happiness Alain ISBN 978-4-7816-0607-1 July 2011
MD087 On Liberty John Stuart Mill ISBN 978-4-7816-0608-8 July 2011
MD088 Yotsuya Kaidan Unknown ISBN 978-4-7816-0633-0 August 2011
MD089 Critique of Pure Reason Immanuel Kant ISBN 978-4-7816-0634-7 August 2011
MD090 Book of the Dead Unknown ISBN 978-4-7816-0635-4 September 2011
MD091 On War Carl von Clausewitz ISBN 978-4-7816-0636-1 September 2011
MD092 Notes from Underground Fyodor Dostoyevsky ISBN 978-4-7816-0668-2 October 2011
MD093 Resurrection Leo Tolstoy ISBN 978-4-7816-0669-9 October 2011
MD094 Iliad and Odyssey Homer ISBN 978-4-7816-0670-5 November 2011
MD095 Fathers and Sons Ivan Turgenev ISBN 978-4-7816-0671-2 November 2011
MD096 Paradise Lost John Milton ISBN 978-4-7816-0689-7 December 2011
MD097 The Wealth of Nations Adam Smith ISBN 978-4-7816-0690-3 December 2011
MD098 The Structure of "Iki" Kuki Shūzō ISBN 978-4-7816-0693-4 January 2012
MD099 The Chrysanthemum and the Sword Ruth Benedict ISBN 978-4-7816-0694-1 January 2012
MD100 Nineteen Eighty-Four George Orwell ISBN 978-4-7816-0726-9 February 2012
MD101 A Woman's Life Guy de Maupassant ISBN 978-4-7816-0727-6 February 2012
MD102 Constitution of Japan Various ISBN 978-4-7816-0744-3 March 2012
MD103 The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci ISBN 978-4-7816-0745-0 March 2012
MD104 Kaitai Shinsho Sugita Genpaku ISBN 978-4-7816-0746-7 April 2012
MD105 Tao Te Ching Laozi ISBN 978-4-7816-0747-4 April 2012
MD106 Anna Karenina Leon Tolstoy ISBN 978-4-7816-0768-9 May 2012
MD107 A Young Girl's Inferno Yumeno Kyūsaku ISBN 978-4-7816-0769-6 May 2012
MD108 History of Japan Luís Fróis ISBN 978-4-7816-0784-9 June 2012
MD109 Meditations Marcus Aurelius ISBN 978-4-7816-0785-6 June 2012
MD110 The Tale of the Heike Unknown ISBN 978-4-7816-0786-3 July 2012
MD111 Emile, or On Education Jean-Jacques Rousseau ISBN 978-4-7816-0787-0 July 2012
MD112 Ten Nights of Dreams Natsume Sōseki ISBN 978-4-7816-0820-4 August 2012
MD113 Tsugaru Osamu Dazai ISBN 978-4-7816-0821-1 August 2012
MD114 Autobiography of Heinrich Schliemann Heinrich Schliemann ISBN 978-4-7816-0831-0 September 2012
MD115 Two Years' Vacation Jules Verne ISBN 978-4-7816-0832-7 September 2012
MD116 "Lemon" Motojirō Kajii ISBN 978-4-7816-0849-5 October 2012
MD117 Futon Katai Tayama ISBN 978-4-7816-0850-1 November 2012
MD118 Yoake-mae Tōson Shimazaki ISBN 978-4-7816-0851-8 December 2012
MD119 Man'yōshū Unknown ISBN 978-4-7816-0852-5 January 2013
MD120 Beneath the Wheel Hermann Hesse ISBN 978-4-7816-0923-2 February 2013
MD121 Science as a Vocation and Politics as a Vocation Max Weber ISBN 978-4-7816-0924-9 March 2013
MD122 Apology Plato ISBN 978-4-7816-0956-0 April 2013
MD123 A Season in Hell Arthur Rimbaud ISBN 978-4-7816-0957-7 May 2013
MD124 The Count of Monte Cristo Alexandre Dumas ISBN 978-4-7816-0959-1 June 2013
MD125 The Sayings and Doings of Napoleon Unknown ISBN 978-4-7816-0958-4 July 2013
MD126 The Legends of Tono Kunio Yanagita ISBN 978-4-7816-0960-7 August 2013
MD127 Risshō Ankoku Ron Nichiren ISBN 978-4-7816-1071-9 October 2013
MD128 Records of the Grand Historian Sima Qian ISBN 978-4-7816-1096-2 December 2013
MD129 An Inquiry into the Good Kitaro Nishida ISBN 978-4-7816-1121-1 February 2014
MD130 Theory of relativity Albert Einstein ISBN 978-4-7816-1147-1 April 2014
MD131 A Study in Scarlet Arthur Conan Doyle ISBN 978-4-7816-1234-8 July 2014
MD132 "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" Edgar Allan Poe ISBN 978-4-7816-1257-7 October 2014
MD133 Quran Unknown ISBN 978-4-7816-1269-0 February 2015
MD134 The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money John Maynard Keynes ISBN 978-4-7816-1338-3 June 2015
MD135 "Datsu-A Ron" Fukuzawa Yukichi ISBN 978-4-7816-1354-3 September 2015
MD136 Chijin no Ai Jun'ichirō Tanizaki ISBN 978-4-7816-1390-1 January 2016
MD137 Botchan Natsume Sōseki ISBN 978-4-7816-1463-2 August 2016
MD138 Caigentan Hong Zicheng ISBN 978-4-7816-1513-4 February 2017
MD139 Meisaku Koten Rakugo: Shibahama, Shinigami, Jugemu Hoka Unknown ISBN 978-4-7816-1577-6 August 2017

Kyōyō o Hirogeru Manga de Yomu Meicho (2015, East Press)

Number Title Original author/editor ISBN Publication date
MM1 Theory of relativity Albert Einstein ISBN 978-4-7816-1319-2 April 2015
MM2 An Encouragement of Learning Fukuzawa Yukichi ISBN 978-4-7816-1320-8 April 2015
MM3 The Origin of Species Charles Darwin ISBN 978-4-7816-1328-4 June 2015
MM4 Das Kapital Karl Marx ISBN 978-4-7816-1329-1 June 2015

Manga de Dokuha Junior Series (2023, Gakken)

Number Title Original author/editor ISBN Publication date
1 Kanikōsen Takiji Kobayashi ISBN 978-4-05-205752-6 September 2023
2 Night on the Galactic Railroad Kenji Miyazawa ISBN 978-4-05-205777-9 September 2023
3 Journey to the West ISBN 978-4-05-205794-6 October 2023
4 Kokoro Natsume Sōseki ISBN 978-4-05-205795-3 October 2023
5 The Tale of Genji Murasaki Shikibu ISBN 978-4-05-205862-2 December 2023
6 A Christmas Carol Charles John Huffam Dickens ISBN 978-4-05-205861-5 December 2023


  1. ^ a b c d Ishikawa, Tomoya (30 September 2009). "Manga 'Mein Kampf' gives Hitler a new audience". Asahi Shimbun. Archived from the original on 2 October 2009. Retrieved 14 October 2009.
  2. ^ "Novels under manga cover: Convenience stores go literary". Yomiuri Shimbun. July 25, 2008. Archived from the original on 2 August 2008. Retrieved October 14, 2009.
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  5. ^ a b Lewis, Leo (18 November 2008). "Karl Marx goes manga in a Kapital comic strip". The Times. Archived from the original on May 11, 2009. Retrieved 14 October 2009.
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  10. ^ "JManga Adds Seiuchiroh Todono's Eleven Soul Manga". Anime News Network. 15 November 2012. Retrieved 22 March 2015.
  11. ^ "Creator > Variety Art Works". JManga. Archived from the original on 13 May 2013. Retrieved 18 December 2013.
  12. ^ "One Peace Books to Re-release Crayon Shin-chan Manga in U.S." Anime News Network. 11 April 2012. Retrieved December 18, 2013.
  13. ^ "Capital in Manga!". Red Quill Books. Retrieved 22 March 2015.
  14. ^ Andreu, Sergio (22 March 2015). "El nuevo cómic hace suyo y remoza los géneros narrativos convencionales". La Vanguardia. Retrieved 22 March 2015.
  15. ^ "Así habló Zaratustra" (in Spanish). Herder Editorial. Retrieved 22 March 2015.
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