Heavy Water
Joined 27 May 2020
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I write and review. I usually write synthesis, frequently about US politics, but have written a few OR pieces.
Also, some of my articles have been translated and published on other Wikinews editions:
- August 11, 2022: Explosions kill four in Laurel, Nebraska, translated into Polish as Cztery osoby zginęły w eksplozjach w Laurel, with some information added.
- October 16, 2022: United Nations denounces Russian annexation of Ukrainian territories, translated into Polish as ONZ potępia rosyjską aneksję terytoriów ukraińskich.
- January 2, 2023: "National treasure": Former Brazilian footballer Pelé dies at age 82, translated into Chinese as 足球史冊的傳奇:球王貝利逝世,享年82歲, with the title changed.
- January 5, 2023: France to be first nation to donate Western armored vehicles to Ukraine, translated into Ukrainian as Франція першою надасть Україні західну бронетехніку.
- January 6, 2023: 118th United States Congress convenes; House of Representatives adjourns without electing Speaker for first time in 100 years, see next.
- January 8, 2023: Kevin McCarthy elected US House Speaker on 15th ballot, combined with the previous and translated into Chinese as 眾議院百年來首次未能選出新任議長:經15輪投票後 共和黨麥卡錫當選, with some information added.
- February 1, 2023: "A commonsense proposal": Wikinews interviews Michelle Tilley, Campaign Director for Yes on 820, OR, translated into Chinese as 一個常識性的提議:維基新聞採訪奧克拉荷馬州的大麻合法化倡議活動總監.
- April 21, 2023: Paris judge acquits Airbus, Air France of involuntary manslaughter in 2009 crash that killed 228, translated into Spanish as Una jueza de París absuelve a Airbus y Air France de homicidio involuntario en accidente de 2009 que mató a 228 personas.
- April 27, 2023: 'Let's finish this job': US President Joe Biden announces 2024 reelection bid, translated into Hungarian as Joe Biden bejelentette indulását a 2024-es amerikai elnökválasztáson.