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Walter is a humanoid Muppet, who is the main protagonist of the 2011 feature film The Muppets and one of the main characters in its 2014 sequel Muppets Most Wanted. He is sweet, slightly naïve, lacking self-confidence, and is a huge Muppet fan. With his human brother, Gary (played by Jason Segel), Walter sets out to reunite the Muppets in order to save the Muppet Studios from destruction.


Official Description[]

With his Kermit T-shirt and watch, Walter is a devoted fan of the Muppets. The lifelong resident of Smalltown, USA, dreams of meeting his heroes one day, and feels that — just maybe — he belongs with them. So, when brother Gary and his girlfriend Mary plan a trip to Los Angeles, Walter joins them with hopes of realizing his dream once and for all.
The role marks the big-screen debut for Walter, and one seemingly written for him. "I play Walter, the world's biggest Muppet fan," says the star, "which is a real coincidence, since I happen to be the world's biggest Muppet fan and my name is Walter. It's like I was made to play this part."
Walter finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time — or is it the right time? — when he overhears evil oil baron Tex Richman discussing a plot to destroy Muppet Studios. With the help of Gary and Mary, it's Walter who sets the plan in motion to reunite the Muppets and save the studio. His pure-hearted enthusiasm for all things Muppets just might save more than the studio, too.


Walter was named after the first puppet Jason Segel ever owned. In an interview at the World Premiere, Walter claims he was swimming laps at the Beverly Hills Hilton when a talent scout discovered him for the role (he was the only person he could find who was 18 inches tall).

Disney paid Walter roughly the same amount as 67 movie tickets. In a 2012 interview with Talk Nerdy, Walter revealed that his last name is Blagojevich (no known relation to Rod Blagojevich). However, he is known simply as "Walter" with the Screen Actors Guild.

The script only specified that Walter had the look of 'an old dishrag' and wore a blue suit. Puppet Heap Workshop president Paul Andrejco drew 14 possible Walters and later 25 different combinations of color and fabric textures.

In an interview with Film Journal International, director James Bobin spoke on Walter's design:

We based Walter's design on the same one they used for Kermit—he's basically a hand puppet with a more advanced mouth. That design gives the puppeteer's hand maximum freedom of movement, so with the smallest amount of finger change, he or she can create a huge range of expressions. With a few flicks of his left finger, Peter can make Walter look incredibly different all the time and because the camera is close enough in, you swear you can hear this puppet thinking and that conveys the emotion of the movie.
―James Bobin

Six puppeteers were considered for the role of Walter during an audition process, but it ended up going to Peter Linz.



The Muppets[]

Walter was born to a family in Smalltown, USA. He is unique in the family, as he is the only one that is a puppet. He has a strong bond with his brother Gary. Due to his "condition", he has been shunned his whole life (and he can't grow any taller either). He then discovered The Muppet Show, which gave him hope in life. He stated that he was their "Number one fan." He even dressed up in a Kermit costume for Halloween, but no matter how much the ridicule, he still had hope at the end of the day, all because of the Muppets. He eventually developed the desire to join the group, as revealed in his nightmare.

After almost twenty years have passed, Walter and Gary are still living together in the house they grew up in. They go on a vacation with Gary's girlfriend Mary (who is hoping for Gary to ask her hand in marriage) to Los Angeles to tour the Muppet Studios, where Walter finds out that Tex Richman has plans to tear down the studio to drill for oil once the Muppets fail to produce the ten million dollars needed to re-purchase the property. Walter tells Gary and Mary of this discovery and they set out to find Kermit the Frog to warn him of Tex's evil plan. Kermit decides that the only way they could earn enough money is to perform a telethon show. After Kermit brings back most of the Muppets together, the telethon proves to be a bigger success than they had expected. Walter takes the stage for the last act and wins the audience over with his whistling skills. Even though they fail to meet the ten million dollar goal, they still gain massive popularity and Tex Richman lets the Muppets keep their studio and name after suffering a head injury from a bowling ball accidentally thrown by Gonzo. Walter is asked personally by Kermit to join the Muppets, which he accepts. Following this, Walter said farewell to his brother and stayed in Los Angeles when Gary and Mary returned to Smalltown.

Muppets Most Wanted[]

Though still a major character in the 2014 sequel to The Muppets, Walter plays a smaller role than he did in the previous film as the only one aside from Animal who knew Kermit was acting weird when Constantine replaced him. While Fozzie also notices Constantine's similarities with Kermit, Walter discovers that Dominic Badguy has been giving away tickets and bribing critics to ensure a packed house and rave reviews for their show. Walter and Fozzie are then attacked by Constantine for their discoveries, but Animal fends him off and all three escape to rescue Kermit. During the performance, Dominic steals a locket from the bank and Constantine proposes to Miss Piggy onstage; Piggy accepts, and the pair plan a wedding ceremony to be held at the Tower of London in London, where the Crown Jewels are kept. The rest of the Muppets, including Miss Piggy, feel that there is something off, but cannot place it.


The Disney Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Walter.

External links[]

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Television shows: The MuppetsMuppet BabiesMuppets NowThe Muppets Mayhem

Television specials: The Muppets at Walt Disney WorldStudio DC: Almost LiveA Muppets Christmas: Letters to SantaGood Luck CharlieMuppets Haunted Mansion
Movies: The Muppet MovieThe Great Muppet CaperThe Muppets Take ManhattanThe Muppet Christmas CarolMuppet Treasure IslandMuppets From SpaceThe Muppets' Wizard of OzThe MuppetsMuppets Most WantedMuppet ManJim Henson Idea Man
Video Games: My Muppets ShowAnimal DrummerTap Tap MuppetsDisney Emoji BlitzDisney Heroes: Battle ModeDisney Magic KingdomsDisney Speedstorm
Albums: The Muppet Christmas Carol Story AlbumThe Muppet Christmas Carol soundtrackMuppet Treasure Island soundtrackBest of the MuppetsA Green and Red ChristmasA Muppets Christmas: Letters to Santa soundtrackMuppets: The Green AlbumThe Muppets soundtrackMuppets Most Wanted soundtrackMuppets Most Wanted scoreLondon Music Works Perform Music From The MuppetsDisney Junior Music: Muppet BabiesMuppets Haunted Mansion soundtrackThe Muppets Mayhem soundtrack
Cancelled projects: America's Next MuppetMuppets Live Another Day

Disney Parks
Muppets CourtyardMidship Detective AgencyMuppet*Vision 3DRock 'n' Roller Coaster Starring the Electric Mayhem

Entertainment: Here Come the MuppetsHollywood's Pretty WomanMuppet Mobile LabMuppets on Location: Days of Swine and RosesThe Muppets Present… Great Moments in American History
Restaurants: PizzeRizzoThe Great Gonzo's Pandemonium Pizza ParlorRegal Eagle Smokehouse
Shops: Stage 1 Company Store
Parades: Disney Stars and Motor Cars Parade
Christmas: Disney Holidays in Hollywood

Muppets: Kermit the FrogMiss PiggyFozzie BearGonzoAnimalRizzo the RatPepe the King PrawnStatler and WaldorfDr. Bunsen HoneydewBeakerScooterBean BunnyDr. TeethFloyd PepperJaniceZootRowlf the DogRobin the FrogThe Swedish ChefSam the EagleSweetumsBobo the BearPopsUncle DeadlyCamillaWaldo C. GraphicCliffordThogLew ZealandLink HogthrobBeauregardJohnny FiamaSal MinellaAngeloWalter80's RobotThe MoopetsConstantineDeniseChipBig Mean CarlThe Ghost of Christmas PastThe Ghost of Christmas PresentThe Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come

Humans: Dorothy GaleClaireSanta ClausFrank MeanyBeaker's GirlfriendGaryMaryTex RichmanVeronica MartinHobo JoeMargeReceptionistDominic BadguyNadyaJean Pierre NapoleonBeckyHolly and Carl
The Muppet Christmas Carol: Ebenezer Scrooge
Muppet Treasure Island: Jim HawkinsBilly BonesMrs. BluveridgeLong John SilverPolly Lobster
The Muppets' Wizard of Oz: Dorothy Gale

HispaniolaThe Electric Mayhem Bus
The Muppet TheaterMuppet StudiosSmalltown, USA
The Muppet Movie: The Rainbow Connection • Movin' Right Along • Never Before, Never Again • I Hope That Somethin' Better Comes Along • Can You Picture That? • I'm Going To Go Back There Someday • America • Finale: The Magic Store

The Great Muppet Caper: Hey A Movie! • Happiness Hotel • Steppin' Out With A Star • Night Life • The First Time It Happens • Couldn't We Ride • Miss Piggy's Fantasy ("Miss Piggy") • The Great Muppet Caper (The Heist/The Muppet Fight Song/Muppets to the Rescue) • Finale: Hey A Movie! • Reprise: The First Time It Happens
The Muppets Take Manhattan: Together Again • You Can't Take No For An Answer • Saying Goodbye • Rat Scat (Something Cookin') • I'm Gonna Always Love You • Right Where I Belong • Somebody's Getting Married • Waiting For The Wedding • He'll Make Me Happy • The Ceremony • Closing Medley (Final Credits)
The Muppet Christmas Carol: ScroogeRoom in Your HeartGood King WenceslasOne More Sleep 'til ChristmasMarley and MarleyChairman of the BoardFozziwig's PartyWhen Love is GoneIt Feels Like ChristmasChristmas ScatBless Us AllThankful HeartWhen Love Is Found
Muppet Treasure Island: Treasure IslandShiver My TimbersSomething BetterSailing for AdventureCabin FeverA Professional PirateBoom ShakalakaLove Led Us HereLove PowerLove Led Us Here
Muppet Treasure Island (Sing-Alongs): There Was an Old PirateI'm a RockReal PirateLet the Good Shine Out
The Muppets' Wizard of Oz: KansasWhen I'm With YouNap TimeThe Witch Is in the HouseCalling All MunchkinsGood Life
A Muppets Christmas: Letters to Santa: Delivering ChristmasIt's All About HeartI Wish I Could Be Santa ClausMy Best Christmas Yet
The Muppets: The Muppet Show ThemeLife's a Happy SongPictures in My HeadMe and Julio Down by the SchoolyardWe Built This CityMe PartyLet's Talk About MeMan or MuppetForget YouThe Whistling Caruso
Muppets Most Wanted: The Muppet Show ThemeWe're Doing a SequelI'm Number OneThe Big HouseI'll Get You What You Want (Cockatoo in Malibu)Interrogation SongSomething So RightWorking in the Coal MineTogether AgainMoves Like JaggerMacarena
Muppet Babies: Muppet Babies Theme
Muppets Haunted Mansion: Rest in PeaceLife HereafterTie the Knot TangoDancing in the Moonlight

See also
The Muppets