"Spyglass" is a song featured in the Disney Jr. series, Jake and the Never Land Pirates. The song is sung by Sharky and Bones.
I spy
Keep a lookout now, mateys!
And don't forget your spyglass.
Keep an eye out for your mateys
And sharply watch below
When stormy blows the sea
Cause your crew is counting on you
To guide them safely home
The lookout mate you be
With my spyglass I can spy
With my weather eye with the flash of my spyglass
I can see
Two hundreds league away
I can help us navigate
Across the Never Sea my spyglass spies for me
I spy a crooked Hook with me weather eye.
But Jolly Roger's settin' sail so mateys look alive.
I spy the tail of a whale swimming off the bow.
The big beluga says ahoy by splashing all around.