Saw was born on the planet Onderon. He and his sister, Steela lead a resistance movement against the Confederacy of Independent Systems to free their homeworld Onderon during the Clone Wars. Although he later adopted brutal methods, Saw later adopted Jyn Erso.
Expert Hand-To-Hand Combatant: Saw is extremely skilled in unarmed combat.
Expert Marksman: Saw is extremely skilled in utilizing various blasters ranging from blaster pistols to blaster rifles.
Saw makes his live-action debut in the Star Wars Anthology film Rogue One. He first appears to help save a young Jyn Erso after her father Galen was taken to the Empire to help construct the Death Star. Somewhere after, he was severely wounded and became partially mad. He based himself on Jedha, causing trouble for the Empire who were transporting Kyber crystals from the planet to construct the Death Star.
He interrogates the Imperial defector Bodhi Rook, suspecting him of lying and subjects him to torture from a bor gullet. After Jyn, Cassian, Baze, and Chirrut are taken to his base, he tells Jyn and shows her a message from her father about a flaw on the Death Star. Later, when the Death Star fired at Jedha, Saw let himself die without even trying to flee, ripping out his oxygen tube to ensure his death.
Saw was a rebel on the planet Onderon, that fell under the sway of the Separatists after the rightful king Ramsis Dendup was dethroned by Sanjay Rash who sold his planet to Dooku in exchange for the Onderon throne.
Saw, his sister Steela, and their friend Lux Bonteri formed a ragtag group of rebels. But their inexperience led them to petition the Jedi Order for help. Due to circumstances, the Jedi Council couldn't "officially" aid the Onderon rebels since their "king" had allied their planet with the Separatists. Saw and Lux argued their king wasn't the rightful king and a traitor, so the Jedi decided to instead send Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, and Captain Rex to train the Onderon Rebels to be able to fight and liberate their planet themselves.
After receiving training and some real fighting experience, the Onderon Rebels moved their operations into the capitol, where they began their work in fighting against the Separatist battle droids patrolling the streets, gaining the support of the civilians, and dealing blow after blow to the false king's rule.
To Saw's disappointment, his sister Steela was elected leader of the Onderon Rebels over him, but he quickly accepted it and gladly followed her lead. But when King Dendup was announced to be publicly executed, Saw snuck into the palace in an attempt to free Dendup, only to be captured himself. He was interrogated first by a Super-Tactical Command Droid, Kyloni, before the Onderon General tried to sway Saw to surrender his allies but Saw refused, declaring himself a patriot and supporter of the true king, which caused the General to realize he was on the wrong side.
When the execution began, the Rebels struck in an attempt to save Dendup and Saw and were almost captured, only for the General to switch to their side and aid them and Dendup in their escape.
The Battle Droids soon descended upon the Rebels' secret base in the wilds, but thanks to a transaction between Anakin and Hondo Ohnaka, they gained new weapons to destroy the Separatists' newest war machines. During the battle, Saw shot one of these war machines down, which caused it to crash near Dendup, Steela, Ahsoka, and Lux.
Ahsoka managed to save King Dendup but as she used the Force to try and save Steela, the war-machine shot her shoulder, only grazing her, but made her lose concentration, and Steela fell to her death.
Saw blamed himself for shooting the machine down and causing his sister's death, and even after Onderon was liberated and Steela's bravery and sacrifice were honored at her funeral Saw mourned for his sister and appeared unable to forgive himself.
Saw was mentioned by Agent Kallus that he was involved with taking down a band of rebels lead by Saw. He appears in the third season episode "Ghosts of Geonosis".
He reappeared later in the fourth season episode "In the Name of the Rebellion", by which point his methods have become worse than even the Empire's and he has developed a reputation as a borderline terrorist, leading the wider Rebellion to refuse to associate with him. Receiving an angry message from Saw, Rebellion leader Mon Mothma has grown to dislike Saw just as much as the Empire, believing that his obsession with violence only makes the Empire believe they are right about the rebels being the true villains.
When the Clone Wars ended and Chancellor Palpatine declared himself emperor, forming the Galactic Empire, Saw and the people of Onderon began to rebel against the Empire. This caught the attention Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin who ordered Clone Fore 99 to deal with Saw's faction as a test of the clone's loyalty. However, upon seeing that Saw's group contained innocent civilians, namely children, the clones refused to execute them. When Saw met with the clones, he gave the squad's leader, Hunter to pick a side before leaving with his militia.
After Saw's death in Rogue One, remnants of Saw's Partisans gather allies like Saw's old friend Lux to hit targets and the pirate Lassa Rhayme help smuggle weapons and food for them. Due to Saw's aggressive stance against the Empire, Lux instead joined the Rebel Alliance, but remain in contact with Saw and help guide the remaining Partisans, as the code name The Mentor, to direct their aggression to the Empire while having less civil casualties. However their subgroup the Dreamers had members from Inferno Squad and Lux was shot by their leader Iden Versio, but Del Meeko noted her blaster was set to stun.
As time passed, Saw became more brutal and paranoid in his methods, to the point where the Rebellion distrusted and resented him just as much as they did the Empire because they believed he was giving them a bad name.
Saw shares some similarities with Darth Vader both had robotic legs and breathing apparatus. However, Saw is the leader of a faction in the Rebel Alliance while Vader is second-in-command of the Galactic Empire.
Ironically, Vader was the one who trained Saw Gerrera to fighting the Empire.
Saw is the first Star Wars animated character to get a live-action appearance, the second being Bo-Katan Kryze, the third being Ahsoka Tano, the fourth being Cad Bane, and the fifth being Garazeb Orrelios.