"Our Pack" is a song sung by Whyatt, Wynter and Willa in the Zombies: Re-Animated Series episode "The Hunter Games" as they fight against Harley without their wolf powers working together as a pack.
Willa: Always get back up
Doesn’t matter if we fall
Come together as a pack
Stick together
Through it, through it, through it all
We’re a team
We don’t nerve break apart
We’re a crew
We’re connected
And that’s where the power starts
I got you
You got me too
We are a squad
Unbreakable now
You see this family
Is what makes us unbreakable
Willa, Wynter and Whyatt: Our pack
Our pack
Yeah, we’ve always been and we’ll be there for each other
Our pack, Our pack
Better together
Yes, there’s strength in some numbers
All: This is where we belong
Yeah, we’ve all came this far
Don’t mess
Our pack, our pack
Our pack, our pack