"Mickey's Mousekedoer" officially called "The Mousekedoer Song" is a song Mickey Mouse sings to get some Mouseketools he and his friends need for an adventure or a problem to solve in the beginning of every episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
Season 1[]
Mouseke hey
Mouseke hi
Mouseke ho
Mouseke ready
Mouseke set
Here we go
You're a thinkin' and a solvin' work-it-througher
Mouseke me
Mouseke you
Mouseke me
Mouseke you
Mousketools, Mousketools, Mousketools!
Here are your Mousketools!
(Lists Mousketools)
And the Mystery Mousketool.
That's a surprise tool that can help us later.
Look! It's Toodles! Hiya, Toodles!
(laughs) Gosh, hey there! Toodles is gonna bring us our Mouseketools when we need 'em!
Season 2-4[]
Mouseke hey
Mouseke hi
Mouseke ho
Mouseke ready
Mouseke set
Here we go
You're a thinkin' and a solvin' work-it-througher
Mouseke me
Mouseke you
Mouseke me
Mouseke you
Oh Toodles, it's time to get to it
Show us the mouseketools to help us do it!
Mousketools, Mousketools, Mousketools!
Here are your Mousketools!
(Lists Mousketools)
And the Mystery Mousketool.
That's a surprise tool that can help us later.
Toodles has the tools, the mouseketools!
So when we need 'em, Toodles will bring 'em!
He's here for meedles and youdles (laughs)
And all we have to say is "Oh Toodles!"
All we have to say is "Oh Toodles!"
Mickey's Monster Musical[]
Monster me, monster you, monster boo,
Boodles will bring us our mouseketools!
Get ready for our monster mouseketools!
Monster me, monster you, monster boo,
Just call Boodles for a mouseketools!
Now let's see our mouseketools!
Behold, we have…
(Lists Mousketools)
And the Mystery Mousketool.
That's a surprise tool that can help us later.
Just call Boodles for a mouseketool,
Cause she's got the monster mouseketools!
- In Mickey's Treasure Hunt, Minnie and Daisy can be seen doing the Hot Dog dance.
- In the version used from Season 2 onward, when Mickey says "meedles and youdles", he meant "me and you", but tried to rhyme with Toodles. The version used is also longer than the Season 1 version.