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Inhumans was a Marvel Studios movie, based on The Inhumans comic stories. It was announced on August 12, 2014, with Vin Diesel teasing he may play a character, rumored to be Black Bolt. It was scheduled to be released on July 3, 2019, but it was removed from the Marvel Studios release schedule.


In March 2011, it was revealed through trade report that Marvel Entertainment was developing Inhumans. In November 2012, Stan Lee reported that the film is in development. In August 2014, it was reported that the development was moving forward. By October 2015, Cole was no longer involved with the film and any potential drafts that he may have written would not be used. In April 2016, the film was taken off of Marvel's 2019 release schedule, though it is not considered cancelled.


See Also[]

v - e - d
Inhumans logo
Crystal Amaquelin • Medusa Amaquelin • Black Bolt • Gorgon • Karnak • Maximus the Mad • Triton
See Also
Inhumans (film) • Don't Bring Me Down • Inhumans