"Heaven's Light" is a song from Disney's 1996 animated feature The Hunchback of Notre Dame. The song is sung by the film's protagonist, Quasimodo. The song was intended to contrast the following song "Hellfire", which was a song that was sung by Claude Frollo moments later concerning his lust, and not love, for Esmeralda. A reprise appears later on, in which Quasimodo is heartbroken about Esmeralda's love for Phoebus.
So many times out there
I've watched a happy pair
Of lovers walking in the night
They had a kind of glow around them
It almost looked like Heaven's light
I knew I'd never know
That warm and loving glow
Though I might wish with all my might
No face as hideous as my face
Was ever meant for Heaven's light
But suddenly an angel has smiled at me
And kissed my cheek without a trace of fright
I dare to dream that she
Might even care for me
And as I ring these bells tonight
My cold, dark tower seems so bright
I swear it must be Heaven's light
So many times out there
I've watched a happy pair
Of lovers walking in the night
They're nothing but ordinary
They had a kind of glow around them
It almost looked like Heaven's light
A guy like you is special
I knew I'd never know
That warm and loving glow
Though I might wish with all my might
No face as hideous as my face
Was ever meant for Heaven's light
But suddenly an angel has smiled at me
And kissed my cheek without a trace of fright
I dare to dream that she
Might even care for me
And as I ring these bells tonight
My cold, dark tower seems so bright
I swear it must be Heaven's light