The episode begins in Pete's junkyard, where Pete and Butch are playing. Butch lands in mud and gets very stinky, causing Pete to declare bath time for Butch. Butch is scared of bath time, so he runs away. Pete is forced to call the Happy Helpers for help in catching Butch for his bath.
Butch runs to the park, where his stench attracts fleas and he begins itching. Minnie, Daisy, and Pete find Butch and discover his fleas. Minnie attempts to distract Butch with a song while Pete sneaks up behind him to scrub him, but he runs away. The scene then cuts to Mickey's house, where Mickey and Pluto receive a package containing a toy for Pluto that Mickey ordered. Butch hides in the treehouse, and Mickey calls Pete and the Happy Helpers over. Pete tries to catch Butch but he runs away again. To make matters worse, Pluto is revealed to have accidentally caught Butch's fleas.
The scene cuts to Goofy's house, where Goofy is performing a magic trick for Donald. Butch arrives and is cornered at the pier near Goofy's house, but not before accidentally giving fleas to Donald and his skunk Little Stinker. Pete makes Butch see what he has done, and the bulldog finally agrees to take a bath. When everyone arrives back at the junkyard, Minnie, Daisy, and Pete sing a song to Butch to calm his fears about bath time, with Pluto, Donald, and Little Stinker bathing with him. Butch is finally rid of fleas. The episode ends with Daisy freaking out as a flea lands on her beak, with Cuckoo-Loca chasing after her with the bath equipment.
This is the final episode in the series made in 2020.
It also replaced the episode "Lifeguard Helpers".
This features Daisy's fear of spiders and fleas.
This is also the final episode in the series aired on Disney Channel. The rest of Season 3 continued to air on the Disney Jr. channel.