Dot is a main character featured in the 2021 Disney animated short Us Again.
Dot is an African-American woman who lives with her husband Art. When her husband felt grumpy that he didn't want to dance with the other people on the street, Dot felt sad that her husband refused to leave his apartment. However, after Art became spontaneous after he started dancing in the rain like the other people and remembered the moment he and his wife did when they were young, Dot became happy that her husband participated with the other people. Throughout her relationship with her husband, the two began to dance across New York; however, when the rain passed through and Art and her husband to revert to their elderly selves, the two look into each other's eyes and wordlessly acknowledge their love for one another, just as Art and Dot proceeded to dance together, though not as vibrantly as before.
Us Again[]
Dot is first seen approaching her husband Art in his apartment grumpily watching TV, encouraging him to get to dance like the people outside, much to Art feeling pragmatic, just as his wife feels sad about this. Art then looks at a picture of his memory when he and his wife were younger when they were dancing and later felt spontaneous like the other people just as he dances through a rainy night.
Art leaves his apartment and rushes happily greets various pedestrians passing by during a raining night, just as he finds his wife Dot who has turned younger. Dot and her husband Art spontaneously dance across New York City and just before they are about to kiss, they suddenly turn to their elderly selves and it is found out that if they stay dry, their young selves revert to their elderly selves if they are not in the rain. Dot and her husband continue to dance during a rainy night while trying to avoid getting dry and as they spontaneously enjoy their moments during a rainy night, they arrive at a fair as Art attempts to kiss him. However, the rain passes through, causing Dot to revert to her elderly self. Art later sees his wife Dot sitting on a bench at the boardwalk just before they hug each other. During their relationship, Art and Dot begin to dance with each other on the boardwalk happily dance with each other while a rain puddle below them shows a reflection of Art and Dot in their younger selves dancing with each other.
Other appearances[]
Dot and her husband Art are briefly seen in Once Upon a Studio, waiting in line in the Walt Disney Animation Studios lobby for the group photo. They then join in the group photo during the end of the short with various other Disney characters outside the Walt Disney Animation Studios.
- Dot and Art are seen visiting Litwak's Arcade from Wreck-It Ralph during the closing credits of Us Again.