"Bedazzled!" is the one hundred and thirty-first episode of Doc McStuffins. It premiered on February 22, 2020 and is the twelfth episode in the fifth season.
Stuffy is having his photos taken by Hallie, and Wildlife Will does the same to her. Will thanks her and Stuffy, as he wanted to get the photos done before he went off on his next walkabout. He'll look for a place to take the cover photo for the book, which has information about every unique treasure known to McStuffinsville and beyond. Only Wildlife Will knows who the cover toy will be, but the others don't, as it's a surprise. Lambie then arrives just as Wildlife Will leaves and Hallie is tasked to the book safe. Stuffy tells Lambie everything, including him and Hallie being put in The Most Unique Animals of McStuffinsville. Lambie states that's nice, but Wildlife Will didn't ask Lambie to be in the book.
Doc arrives and tells everyone that there is a tough case into the E.R., and everyone heads there. Patient Dart came in this morning, and Stuffy notices something different about her. Dart states she lost her unicorn horn, but she doesn't know how she did so. Without a horn, Dart is just a horse, like Lambie is just a lamb. Doc states that if the horn is found fast enough, she can reattach it. Dart likes the sound of it. Dart was getting her picture taken over by the arcade when she last saw her horn, as she was getting put in the book by Wildlife Will, just like Stuffy and Hallie. Doc and her toys then begin their search for the horn.
During the search, they come across something bedazzling, and the Duchess of Dazzle appears. Lambie goes along with her and is impressed by what she sees. Doc and the other toys soon follow and introduce themselves to the Duchess. Lambie was wondering if the Duchess of Dazzle was like everyone else, and she tells her to bedazzle herself, or bring the bling. The Duchess states that it's key that one be dazzling to never just be one of the crowd again. She also mentions everything that is bling, and that it's all about what's on the outside. Hallie is unsure, as it is what's in the inside that counts. Lambie states that what the Duchess means is a little bling can make one stand out and be special.
Doc tells the Duchess where the golden unicorn horn is, and Hallie finds it herself. The Duchess doesn't need it, as she has a million other things that make her unique. The stuff the Duchess has is bedazzling. Doc and her toys decide to put the horn back on Dart while the Duchess states that the horn is something to be admired. Lambie wants to feel more special and stand out in front of a crowd, but the Duchess can't help her. However, when Lambie mentions Wildlife Will, the Duchess knows him and Lambie states how he excludes her in the book of unique toys in McStuffinsville.
The Duchess tells Lambie where the Jewel Tree of the Jungle might be, and Lambie doesn't. The Duchess recaps Lambie not feeling special, and what kids really want. So, she decided to be the shiniest toy in the world so that she couldn't be ignored. Lambie and the Duchess decide to help each other when Lambie joins Doc and her toys for Dart. Doc tells her that she will stay where she is while the glue dries, but the reattachment was successful. Dart thanks Doc for the help, as the horn does make her feel special. Lambie tells Dart that she pus the "unique" in "unicorn", and gives her cuddles.
Hallie then tells Doc about a new patient, which is revealed to be the Duchess. She isn't feeling well, as she is running low on power. Doc then gives her a checkup, and notices that she seems to be missing the pep in her step. She needs a boost to her power, one that only comes from pretty things, who make her who she is. Stuffy tells the Duchess to lie down, and Chilly does so. Doc can't see how the gems on the Duchess' back work, as she is not familiar with that kind of toy. The Duchess is sure it is a power problem. Doc decides to check The Big Book of Boo-Boos while the Duchess wishes jewels could grow on trees, like the Jewel Tree of the Jungle. Lambie shows a picture of it, and the Duchess begins a new plan to get the jewel to restore her power. If someone gets the jewel, the Duchess will make that person dazzling unique, like Lambie, who is excited about it. Although it is deeper in the jungle then they've ever gone before, Doc and her toys decide to go on the journey. Lambie also shows the map to the jewel, one that was suggested by Wildlife Will.
The trek will go through dangerous parts of the castle, and the Duchess decides to go on a dazzling wheelchair. Doc tells her to not overdo it, but the Duchess tells Doc that she can't have her take this on for her alone, as she can treat her as soon as the gem is found. Stuffy decides to push the wheelchair. During the journey, Stuffy assumes that trekking through the jungle is hard, as it is because of so much luggage for the Duchess' jewel collection, which she brings with her everywhere. It's important that the Duchess still looks good everywhere, and Lambie can't wait to look the same way. After Lambie motivates everyone, they continue their jungle quest to save the Duchess.
They then come upon an overgrown path, and Chilly is sure he's reading the map correctly. However, he is actually holding a connect-the-dots puzzle. Doc states that they are officially lost. This shocks the Duchess, who is running out of time. Doc states that they will find their way out, although they don't know where they are. Doc then sees Sally the giraffe, who greets everyone. Doc tells her about everyone being lost. Sally decides to help out by seeing over all the trees.
Sally walks through the trees while carrying the Duchess with Doc and her toys following. With everyone out of the trees, Doc thanks Sally for the help. Sally wishes them good luck before leaving. Later, they come across a river and Doc scouts it out. Stuffy and Hallie notice the ground turning to mud. Chilly is stuck, as well as the Duchess' wheelchair. Stuffy tries to free it to no avail. Stuffy, Chilly, and Hallie free it together, but the Duchess falls off and into the mud. She blames them for not knowing how to take care of beautiful things. The Duchess states there was a burst of adrenaline, and falls due to her loss of energy. The toys carry her to the wheelchair. Lambie wonders how the Duchess can be dazzling when she is made that dirty. Doc knows what to do: the Squirt-Ephants squirt the mud off of the Duchess, who now feels better than ever. Doc thanks them for that, and the Duchess looks bedazzling, like Lambie hopes to be one day. Everyone then continues their journey to the gem.
Before they take a raft across the rough river, Stuffy states he isn't afraid of water flowing fast into the darkest, deepest parts of the jungle where they could get lost forever. Chilly is scared, and Lambie decides to go home. However, without bling, she's just any old generic toy, and when a toy comes and is flashier than her, she will get left behind with no one to love her. This motivates Lambie, and the Duchess puts a gem on her, and she likes it. After Stuffy plugs a leak in the raft called the S.S. McStuffins, everyone continues their journey to the gem. The raft has a caboose with the Duchess' luggage. The Duchess decides to keep her things close to her.
Hallie decides to ride in the back while the others stay with the luggage. Things are going great until Hallie's raft gets untied with the other. Hallie warns them, and they get separated. Doc then sees Wendell the crocodile and tells her that Hallie needs help. Wendell grabs the rope attached to Hallie's dinghy and uses it to avoid the rocks and other crocodiles. Hallie uses a rope from a zebra named Zeke who was following her to avoid the waterfall. Hallie then makes it back to shore, and Doc thanks Zeke and Wendell for saving Hallie. Meanwhile, the Duchess gives Hallie another gem to bedazzle her. Hallie decides to ride with everyone the rest of the way.
Later, they go up a mountain and find the jewel. The Duchess states that it's a jewel bush and a jewel stick when she sees a jewel tree. The Duchess vows to bedazzle Lambie with such fierceness when she has her gem. Lambie is really more interested in making sure the Duchess is okay. Wink and two other pandas come to see the tree, which can wow anyone. When the tree makes one happy, the tree is happy, and when that happens, the pandas' bellies glow. The Duchess must have the jewel.
Wink states that that it's everyone's tree. Doc introduces the pandas to her and her friends. The pandas live here with the other Precious Pandas in their village. The main jewel on the tree is what the pandas love. It gives them all their energy and helps their bellies glow, which makes them go. The tree's roots spread under the entire village and keeps everything moving. So, it's like the pandas are a part of the tree and the tree is a part of them.
The Duchess then starts feeling weak and Doc tells Wink about it. The pandas then take everyone to their village while the Duchess tells Lambie that if she can find the jewel, she'll feel better in no time. The Duchess wonders what sort of village could a bunch of pandas could have possibly built in the middle of the jungle. Everyone arrives at the village of the Precious Pandas. The pandas are the cutest, and a panda will let everyone know there are guests. Doc apologizes to the Duchess for the jewel belonging to the pandas, and she will find another source of energy if the Duchess returns to the hospital. However, the Duchess refuses to do so.
Doc states that when she became a toy doctor, she took a Hippocratic oath and promised to do no harm. She has a feeling that the tree is more important to the pandas than anyone else. Although the Duchess wants the jewel now, darkness is coming, and Doc and her toys decide to stay in the village. At first, Chilly is scared, but he feels better when Doc mentions the village as the least scary place there is. Everyone likes it there, unlike the Duchess.
It is night, and the pandas state they like meeting new friends, just like Doc. They notice Lambie's sparkle, as it's what makes her special. Lambie mentions the Duchess bedazzling her. The thing that makes the pandas special is their lovie light show. Stuffy decides to tell Wildlife Will about it so that the pandas could be put in the book of unique toys. The thing is, the pandas can't read. Lambie decides to get a better bedazzling while the pandas do their glow show.
Lambie then returns to the Duchess, who is only getting worse. She is sure Doc will fix her when she returns to the hospital. Since Lambie could use a lift, as well, the Duchess decides to bedazzle Lambie as soon as she gets her power back, even for a moment. Lambie states that borrowing the jewel for tonight doesn't seem so bad. Lambie wants to feel special, and the Duchess will borrow the jewel and put it right back. Since it's high in the tree and the Duchess is weak, Lambie pushes her there and goes in the tree to push the jewel to the Duchess. However, since that happened, the pandas' village shuts down, as do the pandas themselves. Lambie regrets the decision and decides to put it back before telling everyone how sorry she is. Although a special toy never apologizes, a good toy like Lambie always does.
The Duchess gets up out of her wheelchair, revealing that she never needed the gem for energy, only power. She thinks the gem might be the biggest in the whole world. The Duchess refuses to put the gem back in the tree, and Lambie calls for help. Hallie realizes what's going on, and Lambie tells her what happened. Hallie states the only thing they can do is to make it right and put the jewel back where it belongs. The Duchess runs away with the jewel.
Doc notices why she couldn't find anything wrong with the Duchess, and Lambie states why she helped the Duchess. Doc tells Lambie that she is special, even without the dazzle. Lambie states that when she took the jewel, she put her needs before everyone else's, and she will never do that again. Although the pandas are losing their glow, Doc and her toys will get the jewel back. To find the Duchess, there are a lot of jungle friends. Doc tells them about a Duchess on the loose and a jewel needing to be returned to the pandas. The animals will blow their whistle if they find the Duchess, and Doc and her toys will all come running.
Stuffy and Chilly tell parrots where the Duchess is, and they lead the way. Later, monkeys snatch pictures of the Duchess and they head to where she is. Hallie and Doc bump into each other and stick to each other the rest of the way. The parrot finds the Duchess and Lambie chases her into a cave. The Duchess refuses to give the jewel to Lambie, as it makes her the Duchess of Dazzle. Lambie then tells Doc and her toys that she found the Duchess. Doc and her toys then arrive, and she states that Lambie is a lot more than just a little lamb, as she is a special a toy as she knows. Lambie and Doc reunite, and Lambie tells Doc about Wildlife Will not putting her into the book of unique toys and not having a unicorn horn, which is why she doesn't feel special. Hallie tells Lambie that she is special no matter what, and she doesn't need to be bedazzled for it.
Lambie then takes off the gems and states that it's not what one looks like on the outside, it's who that person is in the inside that counts. The Duchess states there is something more important to her than pretty jewels and gems: herself. The Duchess then throws the jewel, but her path gets blocked off by elephants. Meanwhile, Lambie tries to get the jewel, as she was the one who caused the mess. Lambie gets the jewel, but she loses her balance, and Doc rescues her. They then fall off and Doc grabs onto a ledge. All the other toys, led by Sir Kirby, come to the rescue, as they're all there for Lambie. The rock breaks away and Doc falls off just as the toys rescue her. However, Hallie falls off with the jewel but gets rescued, as well.
Lambie thanks everyone for the help, and she will be loved, for she is one of a kind and the best kind. Wildlife Will wanted it to be a surprise, but he was planning to ask Lambie to be the cover toy for his book. He reveals that he got the shot. The Duchess states the toys love her, as she's special to them, even though she doesn't have any bling. Lambie realizes that the only bling one needs is in the inside. She recaps how she thought she would shine brighter with some dazzle and bling, but it doesn't mean anything as she shines with cuddles and a smile.
The Duchess states she never had a kid; one wanted her at the toy store until she saw a shinier version of her. She said it was special, so she dropped the Duchess, who got shoved under the shelf where she stayed, unnoticed, until she came to McStuffinsville. She swore to herself she'd never be overlooked again. The other toys understand the feeling and are sorry that happened to her. Now, the Duchess has the very best kid. The pandas' town still needs to be saved, and the Duchess decides to come along and put the jewel back in the tree. Afterwards, the pandas' village gets turned back to normal, restoring the pandas' glow and energy. They then do the dance with Doc and all of the toys. The Duchess states that helping the pandas felt bedazzling. Lambie states that helping toys feels beautiful, and she has an idea for how the Duchess can make lots of toys feel good: lots of dazzle gets placed all over McStuffinsville. Although no one needs to be dazzled, it is good fun, and the Duchess loves making toys feel good, as it makes her feel good as well. Doc and her toys then get their picture taken while saying "Bedazzled!" and the picture ends up on the cover of the book.
- Laya DeLeon Hayes as Dottie McStuffins
- Robbie Rist as Stuffy
- Loretta Devine as Hallie
- Lara Jill Miller as Lambie
- Jess Harnell as Chilly
- Martha Plimpton as The Duchess
- Rob Paulsen as Sir Kirby
- Adam Croasdell as Wildlife Will
- Ben Lepley as Clean Dean
- Catherine Cavadini as Dart
- Marieve Herington as Starstruck Sally/Wink
- Laraine Newman as Southwest Sal/Professor Hootsburgh
- Brandy Bond as Zeke
- Dee Bradley Baker as Parrots
- Mick Wingert as Wendell Von Croc
- Everything Bling
- Time for Your Check Up
- Jungle Quest
- Shine
- Diagnosis:
- Toys that debut in this episode: Duchess of Bedazzle
- This is a forty eight minute episode like some other episodes.
- This is Doc's last time singing the "Time for Your Checkup" song.
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