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Rebecca "Becky" Detweiler[3]is T.J. Detweiler's older sister and a supporting character in Recess: School's Out.


Becky is tall, slender, and has medium brown hair that goes down to a little bit past her chin. She usually wears a pink sweater, jeans, and sneakers.


Becky is T.J.'s sarcastic older sister. While she's nice to her friends and parents, she can also be mean and rude to her little brother and his friends. While Becky finds T.J. an annoyance, deep down, she cares about him.

In Recess: School's Out, T.J. makes her drive across the state multiple times to pick up and drop off his friends from their camps for them to help him with his plan, or else he'll post her diary on the internet. Once T.J. is captured, the rest of the Recess Gang tries to get her to help him, with her refusing. She finally decides to help them once Mikey tells her that she needs to save T.J. because he's her little brother and needs her. She then drives the gang to pick up their campmates, as she is impressed by her brother's actions, and she helps out in the battle against the villains. After the fight, T.J. thanks her for the help and gives back her diary, as she tells him that maybe he's not such a bad little brother after all.

Despite her mending her ways with T.J. at the end of Recess: School's Out, she goes back to being mean and rude to him and his friends in Recess: Taking the Fifth Grade. However, this might be due to keeping up appearances.

Throughout the series, she worked as a fry cook at Floppy Burger.


According to Recess: School's Out, Becky's dating one of her workmates, Jimmy. He's never seen interacting with her in the movie, but she writes about him in her diary, and she has his picture up in her room.


  • Becky is the only sibling of a member of the Recess Gang to be female, as Spinelli and Vince have brothers, while the rest don't have any siblings.
  • In "The Great Jungle Gym Standoff", T.J. mentions having an older brother, who never appears in the series. It's hinted that during production, 'he' was changed to a 'she,' making him Becky.
  • In the Italian dub, she's 20 years old and named Maggie.
  • Becky was born either in 1980 or 1982.
  • Becky has three friends who didn't appear in the movies: Melissa, Sally, and Natalie. Melissa was mentioned in the first movie when Becky is talking to her on the phone, and Sally and Natalie are mentioned in her diary entries on the former Recess: School's Out page on Disney.com.
  • She may possibly be somewhat afraid of Spinelli since in the movie while she was driving her brother's friends in the Floppy Burger van to pick up some other kids; she got annoyed with Mikey for eating out of some ketchup and mustard bottles plus made a comment to him about it, right before Spinelli snapped at her and shouted "Quit your gabbing and step on it; we need reinforcement!", which made Becky keep shut up with a nervous look as she continued driving.



v - e - d
Recess (Videography) • Recess: School's Out (Soundtrack) • Recess: All Growed Down • Recess: Taking the Fifth Grade • Recess: Miracle on Third Street • "Lax" (Lilo & Stitch: The Series crossover episode) • "Codename: Electric Haircut" (Fillmore! crossover episode)
T.J. Detweiler • Vince LaSalle • Ashley Spinelli • Mikey Blumberg • Gretchen Grundler • Gus Griswald • Captain Bradley • Cornchip Girl • The Kindergartners • The Diggers • Hustler Kid • Erwin Lawson • Miss Grotke • Muriel Finster • Becky Detweiler • Dr. Phillium Benedict • Menlo • Brock • Peter Prickly • Kojak • Miss Salamone • Butch • Ashley Armbruster • Ashley Boulet • Ashley Quinlan • Ashley Tomassian • Fenwick • Brandon the Singer • Gelman • King Bob • Chucko • Jocko • Randall Weems • King Freddie II • Cheay • Spencer • The Megans • The Brittanys • The Tylers • Bob and Flo Spinelli
Season One: "The Break In/The New Kid" • "The Experiment/The Great Jungle Gym Standoff" • "Jinxed/Officer Mikey" • "First Name Ashley/To Finster with Love" • "King Gus/Big Brother Chad" • "My Fair Gretchen/Speedy, We Hardly Knew Ye" • "I Will Kick No More Forever/The Kid Came Back" • "The Pest/The Legend of Big Kid" • "The Box/The Trial" • "Teacher's Lounge/Randall's Reform" • "Rainy Days/The Great Can Drive" • "The Voice/Kids in the Mist" • "Parents' Night/Swing on Thru to the Other Side"

Season Two: "The Break-up/The Hypnotist" • "Mama's Girl/Outcast Ashley" • "The Game/The Lost Ball" • "Gus' Last Stand/Operation Field Trip" • "The Challenge/Wild Child" • "The Substitute/Gretchen and the Secret of Yo" • "The Girl Was Trouble/Copycat Kid" • "Operation Stuart/Pharaoh Bob" • "The Story of Whomps/Weekend at Muriel's" • "Economics of Recess/Omega Kids" • "Yes, Mikey, Santa Does Shave" • "Bad Hair Day/Dance Lessons" • "Principal for a Day/The Beauty Contest"
Season Three: "One Stayed Clean/A Genius Among Us" • "Dodgeball City/A Career to Remember" • "Kindergarten Derby/The Bet" • "Space Cadet/Stand Up Randall" • "The Shiner/Lord of the Nerds" • "That Stinking Feeling/My Funny Valentines" • "The Barnaby Boys/Buried Treasure" • "The Library Kid/The Ratings Game"
Season Four: "The First Picture Show/The Big Prank" • "Hustler's Apprentice/The Spy Who Came in from the Playground" • "Gus' Fortune/Rumor Mill" • "Recess is Cancelled/Tattletale Heart" • "The Madness of King Bob/Call Me Guy" • "Prickly is Leaving/Randall's Friends" • "The Biggest Trouble Ever/The Rules" • "Gus and Misdemeanors/A Science Fair to Remember" • "Mikey's Pants/Here Comes Mr. Perfect" • "Good Luck Charm/Diggers Split Up" • "Schoolworld/Bachelor Gus" • "The Dude/Partners in Crime" • "The Candidates/This Brain for Hire" • "Spinelli's Masterpiece/Nobody Doesn't Like T.J." • "A Great State Fair/The A.V. Kid" • "Yope from Norway/Bonky Fever" • "Don't Ask Me/The Secret Life of Grotke" • "The Fuss Over Finster/Soccer Boy" • "Fort Tender/Germ Warfare" • "More Like Gretchen/Prince Randall" • "Me No Know/Good Ole T.J." • "Chez Vince/Tucked in Mikey" • "Old Folks Home/Some Friend"
Season Five: "The Coolest Heatwave Ever/No Strings Attached" • "Beyond a Reasonable Scout/The C Note" • "The Army Navy Game/Big Ol' Mikey" • "The Principals of Golf/All the Principal's Men" • "Lawson and his Crew"
Season Six: "Terrifying Tales of Recess" • "Kurst the Not So Bad/League of Randalls" • "Mundy, Mundy/Lost Leader"

Third Street School • Old Rusty • Fifth and Sixth Grader Club • Ashley's Clubhouse • King's Jungle Gym
We Shall Not Be Moved • Born to Be Wild • Green Tambourine • Dancing in the Street