Kategorie:Militärperson (England)
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Hier stehen alle englischen Militärpersonen seit dem Einmarsch der Angelsachsen bis zur Vereinigung mit Schottland 1701.
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- Marschall (England) (42 S)
Einträge in der Kategorie „Militärperson (England)“
Folgende 200 Einträge sind in dieser Kategorie, von 347 insgesamt.
(vorherige Seite) (nächste Seite)A
- Alexander Abernethy
- Amalrich VII. von Montfort
- Edmund Andros
- John Armstrong (General)
- Thomas Armstrong (Offizier)
- John Arundel, 1. Baron Arundel
- Andrew de Astley, 1. Baron Astley
- Nicholas de Astley, 2. Baron Astley
- Hugh de Audley, 1. Earl of Gloucester
- James Audley († 1369)
- Aymer de Valence, 2. Earl of Pembroke
- Frederik Johan van Baer
- Baldwin Wake (Adliger, † um 1282)
- Alexander de Balliol
- Ralph Basset (Adliger, um 1220)
- Ralph Basset (Adliger, vor 1230)
- Ralph Basset, 3. Baron Basset of Drayton
- Johann Jakob Baumann (General)
- Stephen Bauzan
- John de Beauchamp, 1. Baron Beauchamp de Warwick
- Thomas de Beauchamp, 11. Earl of Warwick
- Edmund Beaufort, 3. Duke of Somerset
- Edmund Beaufort, 1. Duke of Somerset
- Henry Beaufort, 2. Duke of Somerset
- Thomas Beaufort, 1. Duke of Exeter
- Thomas Beaufort, Count of Perche
- William Beaumont, 2. Viscount Beaumont
- Karl Friedrich von Beckwith
- Gerardus Beekman
- Antony Bek (Patriarch)
- John Benbow
- Johann Wilhelm Bentinck, 1. Earl of Portland
- John Berkeley, 1. Baron Berkeley of Stratton
- Peregrine Bertie, 13. Baron Willoughby de Eresby
- Robert Blake (Admiral)
- Nathaniel Blakiston
- Nehemiah Blakiston
- Robert Blouet
- Charles Blount, 1. Earl of Devonshire
- Charles Blount, 5. Baron Mountjoy
- William Blount († 1471)
- William Blount, 4. Baron Mountjoy
- John de Bonvillars
- John Botetourt, 1. Baron Botetourt
- Henry Bourchier, 1. Earl of Essex
- William Bourchier, 1. Count of Eu
- Robert Bowes (Richter)
- Charles Brandon (Politiker)
- William Brandon (Bannerträger)
- Philip de Braose (Militär)
- John Braye, 2. Baron Braye
- Anthony Brockholls
- Anthony Browne, 1. Viscount Montagu
- Edmund Brydges, 2. Baron Chandos
- Peter Buckton
- Bartholomew de Burghersh, 2. Baron Burghersh
- Nicholas Burnell, 1. Baron Burnell
- William Burnet (Politiker, 1688)
- James Butler, 1. Duke of Ormonde
- Thomas Button
- George Byng, 1. Viscount Torrington
- John Byron, 1. Baron Byron
- Charles Calvert, 3. Baron Baltimore
- Nicholas Cantilupe, 3. Baron Cantilupe
- Arthur Capell, 1. Baron Capell of Hadham
- Edmund Carew
- George Carew (Admiral)
- George Carew, 1. Earl of Totnes
- Peter Carew
- Thomas Carew (Militär)
- William Carey (Höfling)
- Anthony Cary, 5. Viscount Falkland
- William Cavendish, 1. Duke of Devonshire
- William Cavendish, 1. Duke of Newcastle
- Charles Cecil, Viscount Cranborne
- Edward Cecil, 1. Viscount Wimbledon
- Arthur Champernowne
- John Chandos
- Thomas Chaucer
- Arthur Chichester, 1. Baron Chichester
- Robert Chichester
- George Clifford, 3. Earl of Cumberland
- Henry Clifford, 10. Baron de Clifford
- John Clifford, 7. Baron de Clifford
- Roger de Clifford (um 1243–1282)
- Roger de Clifford, 2. Baron de Clifford
- John de Cobham, 2. Baron Cobham
- Reginald de Cobham, 1. Baron Cobham
- John Comyn, 7. Earl of Buchan
- William Conyers, 1. Baron Conyers
- John Coode
- Thomas Haller Cooper
- Lionel Copley
- Hugh Courtenay († 1348)
- Hugh de Cressingham
- John Croker
- Ralph de Cromwell, 1. Baron Cromwell
- Ralph Cromwell, 3. Baron Cromwell
- John Cutts, 1. Baron Cutts
- Ralph Dacre, 1. Baron Dacre
- Thomas Dagworth, 1. Baron Dagworth
- Thomas Dale (Gouverneur)
- Philip Darcy, 4. Baron Darcy de Knayth
- John de Havering
- Robert Devereux, 3. Earl of Essex
- Walter Devereux, 1. Earl of Essex
- George Digby, 2. Earl of Bristol
- George Dixon (Seefahrer)
- Thomas Doughty (Seefahrer)
- Francis Drake
- Thomas Fairfax, 3. Lord Fairfax of Cameron
- John Fastolf
- John Felton (Militär)
- John Fenwick
- Edmund Ferrers, 6. Baron Ferrers of Chartley
- Heneage Finch, 5. Earl of Winchilsea
- Fulk Fitz Warin, 1. Baron FitzWarine
- Fulk Fitz Warin, 2. Baron FitzWarine
- Brian Fitzalan, 1. Baron Fitzalan
- Richard FitzAlan, 11. Earl of Arundel
- Thomas Fitzalan, 12. Earl of Arundel
- Henry FitzRoy, 1. Duke of Grafton
- Richard Fitz-Simon
- Benjamin Fletcher
- Benson Railton Metcalf Freeman
- Friedrich von Schomberg
- Julius Heinrich von Friesen
- Peter Bastard von Geldern
- John Gell
- Gerald of Windsor
- Godert de Ginkell, 1. Earl of Athlone
- Girolamo da Treviso
- Leofwine Godwinson
- Ralph de Gorges, 1. Baron Gorges
- Richard Grenville
- Robert Greville, 2. Baron Brooke
- John Grey de Ruthyn
- John Grey of Groby
- Henry de Grey (Adliger, † 1308)
- John Grey (Adliger, † 1392)
- John Grey (Ritter)
- John Grey, 1. Baron Grey of Rotherfield
- John Grey, Graf von Tancarville
- Richard de Grey (Adliger, † 1335)
- Richard Grey, 1. Baron Grey of Codnor
- Thomas Grey, 15. Baron Grey de Wilton
- William Grey, 13. Baron Grey de Wilton
- Henry of Grosmont, 1. Duke of Lancaster
- Guichard d’Angle
- Anthony Hamilton (Militär)
- Andrew Harclay, 1. Earl of Carlisle
- Thomas Harrington
- William Harrington
- Thomas Harrison (General, 1606)
- John Hart (Gouverneur)
- Edward Hastings, 1. Baron Hastings of Loughborough
- John Hastings, 1. Baron Hastings
- John Hastings, 2. Earl of Pembroke
- Lawrence Hastings, 1. Earl of Pembroke
- John Hawkins (Seefahrer)
- Richard Hawkins (Seefahrer)
- James Hay, 2. Earl of Carlisle
- Heinrich von Nassau-Ouwerkerk
- Heinrich (Solms-Braunfels)
- Henry de Montfort
- Henry FitzHenry
- John Hepburn
- Arthur Herbert, 1. Earl of Torrington
- Edward Herbert, 3. Baron Herbert of Chirbury
- William Herbert, 1. Earl of Pembroke (1501–1570)
- Robert de Holand, 1. Baron Holand
- Otho Holland
- Thomas Holland, 2. Earl of Kent
- Thomas Holland, 1. Earl of Kent
- Robert Holmes (Admiral)
- Thomas Hoo, 1. Baron Hoo
- Ralph Hopton, 1. Baron Hopton
- Charles Howard, 1. Earl of Nottingham
- Edmund Howard
- Thomas Howard, 1. Earl of Suffolk
- Robert Hunter (Gouverneur)
- John Hutchinson (Politiker, 1615)