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(music charts) – module for the template group about music charts and certifications
Functions for templates
Bearbeiten- charttablehead
- generates chart table head (Template:Charttabelle)
- charttablerow
- generates chart table rows (Template:Charteintrag)
- chartstatistics
- generates three-line chart statistics either as part of a chart table or as table on its own (Template:Chartauswertung)
- xcharttablehead
- generates x-mas chart table head (Template:Weihnachtscharttabelle)
- xcharttablerow
- generates x-mas chart table rows (Template:Weihnachtscharteintrag)
- chartposhead
- generates head of chart positions table (Template:Chartplatzierungen)
- chartposrow
- generates rows of chart positions table (Template:Charts, usecase 2)
- chartinfobox
- generates chart infobox (Template:Infobox Chartplatzierungen)
- chartinfoboxentry
- generates the entry templates for chart infobox (Template:Album, Template:Single, Template:EP and Template:DVD)
- chartinfoboxrow
- generates chart infobox rows (Template:Charts, usecase 1)
- chartrows
- calls either function chartposrow or function chartinfoboxrow (distinction: presence of parameter Q)
- certificationtable
- generates certification table head (Template:AfM-Tabelle)
- certificationtablerow
- generates certification table rows (Template:AfM, usecase 1)
- certification
- generates formatted inline certification info (Template:AfM, usecase 2)
- certifications
- calls either function certification or function certificationtablerow (distinction: parameter 1 containing certification or country shortcut)
- no1table
- generates head of no. 1 hits table (Template:Nummer-eins-Hits)
- no1tablerow
- generates rows of no. 1 hits table (Template:Nummer-eins-Hits Zeile)
- yearendrow
- generates rows for two-column year-end charts in no. 1 hits table (Template:Jahreshitparaden Zeile)
- yearendrowhalf
- generates rows for one-column year-end charts in no. 1 hits table (Template:Jahreshitparade Zeile)
- inlinecerticon
- generates formatted inline certification (Template:Schallplatte)
Functions for other Lua modules
Bearbeiten- Depending Templates:
- {{Charttabelle}}, {{Charteintrag}}, {{Chartauswertung}}
- {{Weihnachtscharttabelle}}, {{Weihnachtscharteintrag}}
- {{Chartplatzierungen}}, {{Charts}}
- {{Infobox Chartplatzierungen}}
- {{AfM-Tabelle}}, {{AfM}}
- {{Schallplatte}}
- {{Nummer-eins-Hits}}, {{Nummer-eins-Hits Zeile}}, {{Jahreshitparaden Zeile}}, {{Jahreshitparade Zeile}}