Kategorie:Politiker (17. Jahrhundert)
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Einträge in der Kategorie „Politiker (17. Jahrhundert)“
Folgende 200 Einträge sind in dieser Kategorie, von 521 insgesamt.
(vorherige Seite) (nächste Seite)A
- Francis Bacon
- Robert Ball (Politiker)
- Wilhelm II. von Bayern
- Samuel von Behr
- Jacob Bender von Bienenthal
- Christoph Bender von Bienenthal
- Johann Wilhelm Bentinck, 1. Earl of Portland
- Joseph Bergaigne
- George Berkeley, 1. Earl of Berkeley
- John Berkeley, 1. Baron Berkeley of Stratton
- William Berkeley, 4. Baron Berkeley of Stratton
- Peregrine Bertie, 13. Baron Willoughby de Eresby
- Robert Bertie, 1. Duke of Ancaster and Kesteven
- Johann Jacob von Bertram
- Georg Wilhelm Bidembach von Treuenfels
- Nils Turesson Bielke
- Henry Billingsley
- Nehemiah Blakiston
- William Blathwayt
- Johann Bleyer
- Charles Blount, 1. Earl of Devonshire
- Martin von Böckel
- Georg Bodecker
- Cornelis Abrahamsz. Boom
- Statius Borcholten
- Jacob Boreel
- William Boswell
- Charles Boyle, 3. Earl of Cork
- Simon Bradstreet
- Heinrich Christian von den Brincken
- Anthony Brockholls
- William Bromley
- William Brouncker, 2. Viscount Brouncker
- Edward Bruce, 1. Lord Kinloss
- Robert Bruce, 1. Earl of Ailesbury
- William Bruce (Architekt)
- James Brydges, 1. Duke of Chandos
- Václav Budovec z Budova
- Henry Bulkeley
- Peter von Buschmann
- James Butler, 2. Duke of Ormonde
- John Byron, 1. Baron Byron
- William Byron, 4. Baron Byron
- Julius Caesar (Richter)
- Cæcilius Calvert, 2. Baron Baltimore
- Charles Calvert, 3. Baron Baltimore
- George Calvert, 1. Baron Baltimore
- Phillip Calvert
- Ludwig Camerarius
- Archibald Campbell, 1. Marquess of Argyll
- Archibald Campbell, 9. Earl of Argyll
- John Campbell, 1. Earl of Loudoun
- Arthur Capell, 1. Baron Capell of Hadham
- Kaspar Cappleri de Sulewicz
- Francis Carew (Politiker, 1602)
- Francis Carew (Politiker, um 1598)
- George Carew, 1. Earl of Totnes
- John Carew, 3. Baronet
- Richard Carew, 1. Baronet
- George Carey (Politiker, um 1541)
- George Carey, 2. Baron Hunsdon
- John Carnegie, 1. Earl of Northesk
- Robert Carr, 1. Earl of Somerset
- Anthony Cary, 5. Viscount Falkland
- Henry Cary, 4. Viscount Falkland
- William Caulfeild, 2. Viscount Charlemont
- Charles Cavendish (Mathematiker)
- Henry Cavendish (Politiker)
- William Cavendish, 1. Duke of Devonshire
- William Cavendish, 1. Duke of Newcastle
- William Cavendish, 2. Duke of Devonshire
- Charles Cecil, Viscount Cranborne
- David Cecil, 3. Earl of Exeter
- John Cecil, 4. Earl of Exeter
- John Cecil, 5. Earl of Exeter
- Robert Cecil, 1. Earl of Salisbury
- Thomas Cecil, 1. Earl of Exeter
- William Cecil, 2. Earl of Exeter
- Hugh Cholmondeley, 1. Earl of Cholmondeley
- John Churchill, 1. Duke of Marlborough
- William Clarke (Politiker)
- George Clifford, 3. Earl of Cumberland
- John Cochrane, 2. Earl of Dundonald
- William Cochrane, 1. Earl of Dundonald
- Edward Coke
- Jean-Baptiste Colbert
- Anthony Colve
- Spencer Compton, 1. Earl of Wilmington
- Concino Concini
- John Coode
- Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1. Earl of Shaftesbury
- Anthony Ashley Cooper, 2. Earl of Shaftesbury
- Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3. Earl of Shaftesbury
- Richard Coote, 1. Earl of Bellomont
- Godfrey Copley
- Thomas Coteel
- Robert Bruce Cotton
- William Cowper, 1. Earl Cowper
- Matthew Cradock
- Andreas Cramer (Politiker, † 1679)
- Nicholas Crisp
- Henry Cromwell
- Oliver Cromwell
- Richard Cromwell
- John Cutler (Händler)
- Claus Daa
- James Dalrymple, 1. Viscount of Stair
- Eberhard von Danckelman
- Danckelmansches Siebengestirn
- Magnus Gabriel De la Gardie
- Edward Denny, 1. Earl of Norwich
- Simonds D’Ewes
- George Digby, 2. Earl of Bristol
- Thomas Dongan, 2. Earl of Limerick
- Archibald Douglas, 1. Earl of Ormond
- Archibald Douglas, 1. Earl of Forfar
- George Douglas, 1. Earl of Dunbarton
- James Douglas, 2. Duke of Queensberry
- James Douglas, 2. Marquess of Douglas
- James Douglas, 5. Earl of Buchan
- Robert Douglas, 1. Viscount of Belhaven
- William Douglas, 1. Duke of Queensberry
- William Douglas, 1. Earl of March
- William Douglas, 1. Marquess of Douglas
- William Douglas, 6. Earl of Morton
- William Douglas, 7. Earl of Morton
- William Douglas, 10. Earl of Angus
- William Douglas-Hamilton, Duke of Hamilton
- George Downing
- Theophilus Eaton
- Thomas Egerton, 1. Viscount Brackley
- Franz Carl Egloff (Ratsherr)
- Johann Elsener von Löwenstern
- Charles Erskine, 1. Baronet (of Alva)
- Charles Erskine, 22. Earl of Mar
- David Erskine, 9. Earl of Buchan
- Henry Erskine, 3. Lord Cardross
- James Erskine, 6. Earl of Buchan
- James Erskine, 7. Earl of Buchan
- John Erskine, 19. Earl of Mar
- John Erskine, 20. Earl of Mar
- John Erskine, 21. Earl of Mar
- John Erskine, 23. Earl of Mar
- William Erskine, 8. Earl of Buchan
- Jean D’Espagnet
- Thomas Fairfax, 3. Lord Fairfax of Cameron
- John Fenwick
- Íñigo Melchor Fernández de Velasco
- Reinhold Johan von Fersen
- William Fiennes, 1. Viscount Saye and Sele
- Heneage Finch (Politiker, 1580)
- Heneage Finch, 1. Earl of Aylesford
- James Fitzjames, 1. Duke of Berwick
- Jacob Heinrich von Flemming
- Andrew Fletcher (Politiker)
- Benjamin Fletcher
- Melchior von Fölckersam
- Franz Förster (Politiker, 1580)
- Karl Förster (Politiker)
- Simon Fraser, 11. Lord Lovat
- Paul von Fuchs
- Friedrich von Fürstenberg (Landdrost)
- Kaspar von Fürstenberg
- Leonora Galigaï
- Nicolaus von Gersdorf
- Ove Gjedde
- Jacob Marquard von Glauburg
- Lucas Norbert Gleixner von Rosenbrunn
- Francis Godolphin of Godolphin
- Francis Godolphin, 2. Earl of Godolphin
- Sidney Godolphin (Dichter)
- Sidney Godolphin, 1. Earl of Godolphin
- Jean-François Paul de Gondi
- Charles Gordon, 1. Earl of Aboyne
- George Gordon, 15. Earl of Sutherland
- John Gordon, 1. Viscount Melgum
- Martinus Goris
- Georg Heinrich von Görtz
- James Graham, 1. Marquess of Montrose
- John Graham, 1. Viscount of Dundee
- Thomas Greene (Gouverneur)
- Nicolaus Greiff
- Johann Christoph von Greiffen
- Fulke Greville, 1. Baron Brooke
- Robert Greville, 2. Baron Brooke
- Anthony Grey, 11. Earl of Kent
- Henry Grey, 10. Earl of Kent
- Johann Luzi Gugelberg von Moos
- Gaspar de Guzmán, Conde de Olivares
- Rowland Gwynne