BearbeitenLast updated on Mon, 13 Jan 2025 18:00:36 +0000. Regenerate this table or edit the query.
Title | Page ID | Namespace | Size (bytes) | Last change | incoming_links |
Byzantinisches Reich | 585 | 0 | 108463 | 20241023132240 | 6800 |
Konstantinopel | 8390 | 0 | 45931 | 20241107172152 | 5148 |
Spätantike | 70665 | 0 | 422277 | 20250102163540 | 4000 |
Georg | 85043 | 0 | 48817 | 20241202185622 | 2846 |
Nikolaus von Myra | 79742 | 0 | 60532 | 20241225182555 | 2832 |
Martin von Tours | 12639 | 0 | 28923 | 20241225183109 | 2720 |
Germanen | 8205 | 0 | 122109 | 20241217191200 | 2341 |
Augustinus von Hippo | 9204 | 0 | 109482 | 20250112141800 | 1949 |
Katharina von Alexandrien | 40011 | 0 | 19692 | 20241119080748 | 1901 |
Sassanidenreich | 59452 | 0 | 151279 | 20241227180856 | 1636 |
Völkerwanderung | 12582 | 0 | 226500 | 20241216140304 | 1634 |
Konstantin der Große | 27131 | 0 | 160308 | 20241215153534 | 1546 |
Ravenna | 19239 | 0 | 39468 | 20240829132117 | 1502 |
Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde | 1254823 | 0 | 12845 | 20241121134027 | 1438 |
Hieronymus | 32208 | 0 | 80310 | 20250113122315 | 1340 |
Justinian I. | 11884 | 0 | 86283 | 20241231194159 | 1337 |
Diokletian | 4432346 | 0 | 35954 | 20241003140458 | 1177 |
Goten | 15141 | 0 | 72464 | 20250108071216 | 1173 |
Florian von Lorch | 145241 | 0 | 13918 | 20241209192554 | 1064 |
Westgotenreich | 151571 | 0 | 45588 | 20241013145137 | 1017 |
Islamische Expansion | 117911 | 0 | 83483 | 20241105164448 | 1003 |
Margareta von Antiochia | 210626 | 0 | 9791 | 20250104102248 | 933 |
Benedikt von Nursia | 54975 | 0 | 21303 | 20241116095737 | 913 |
Leonhard von Limoges | 712551 | 0 | 8010 | 20241206200258 | 908 |
Gregor der Große | 1915649 | 0 | 33011 | 20250104154940 | 906 |
Westgoten | 15191 | 0 | 119 | 20240624202406 | 897 |
Hunnen | 16637 | 0 | 63402 | 20241106212623 | 875 |
Ambrosius von Mailand | 41362 | 0 | 27427 | 20241123173727 | 847 |
Antonius der Große | 126878 | 0 | 28368 | 20241210140346 | 837 |
Eusebius von Caesarea | 47923 | 0 | 18215 | 20250109060531 | 830 |
Constanța | 22827 | 0 | 21528 | 20241119160622 | 830 |
Awaren | 41097 | 0 | 77363 | 20250112195149 | 807 |
Weströmisches Reich | 75294 | 0 | 62083 | 20241023153442 | 785 |
Gallorömische Kultur | 744480 | 0 | 8594 | 20240520094857 | 775 |
Veit | 206232 | 0 | 11988 | 20241229185227 | 773 |
Philosophie der Antike | 1429 | 0 | 31386 | 20240831063523 | 760 |
Wendelin | 74057 | 0 | 46546 | 20241208133317 | 707 |
Zoroastrismus | 67511 | 0 | 73624 | 20241215123203 | 647 |
Parther | 5319781 | 0 | 23676 | 20241227164750 | 623 |
Mauritius | 37991 | 0 | 21533 | 20241229091619 | 613 |
Burgunden | 25423 | 0 | 20090 | 20241211123723 | 571 |
Pandekten | 79535 | 0 | 19734 | 20241129234147 | 566 |
Magister militum | 141017 | 0 | 138418 | 20250111175921 | 565 |
Theodosius I. | 33481 | 0 | 54642 | 20241008162227 | 559 |
Blasius von Sebaste | 80938 | 0 | 8012 | 20241219104206 | 545 |
Julian | 13419 | 0 | 83536 | 20250102174233 | 537 |
Attila | 25118 | 0 | 85168 | 20250112093714 | 521 |
Arianismus | 12596 | 0 | 33111 | 20241224014232 | 513 |
Ammianus Marcellinus | 115894 | 0 | 78029 | 20241017201544 | 512 |
Helena | 38034 | 0 | 22134 | 20241225110804 | 501 |
Chlodwig I. | 22251 | 0 | 31458 | 20241221015844 | 498 |
Hagia Sophia | 62929 | 0 | 106797 | 20241102215900 | 487 |
Gens | 281819 | 0 | 7080 | 20220110140941 | 485 |
Theoderich der Große | 82404 | 0 | 31110 | 20241227193940 | 474 |
The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire | 1690963 | 0 | 10514 | 20240207075923 | 471 |
Gregor von Tours | 34799 | 0 | 36457 | 20241224203422 | 469 |
Ursula von Köln | 550871 | 0 | 18381 | 20240612071628 | 469 |
Liste der Sassanidenherrscher | 587027 | 0 | 9459 | 20230414090431 | 467 |
Gnosis | 51843 | 0 | 34594 | 20241226071927 | 458 |
Dux | 939673 | 0 | 22728 | 20250105044214 | 445 |
Isidor von Sevilla | 31301 | 0 | 19371 | 20240715194445 | 441 |
Christusmonogramm | 200705 | 0 | 8696 | 20241205092151 | 439 |
Prokopios von Caesarea | 115875 | 0 | 29663 | 20241116115956 | 432 |
Osrhoene | 657763 | 0 | 7335 | 20241024131918 | 430 |
Dionysius von Paris | 289914 | 0 | 7776 | 20240803212737 | 415 |
Constantius II. | 53214 | 0 | 50386 | 20241203062127 | 413 |
Valentinian I. | 38452 | 0 | 16014 | 20241021191917 | 410 |
Historia Augusta | 315139 | 0 | 59686 | 20240626154833 | 391 |
Regula Benedicti | 207640 | 0 | 10801 | 20241202213504 | 386 |
Herakleios | 109567 | 0 | 52600 | 20240724213845 | 384 |
Johannes Chrysostomos | 77981 | 0 | 33295 | 20241213111908 | 381 |
Pankratius | 30722 | 0 | 6863 | 20241125162621 | 367 |
Solidus | 11408 | 0 | 26665 | 20241204084916 | 358 |
Erstes Konzil von Nicäa | 12598 | 0 | 38626 | 20250102222610 | 357 |
Römisch-Persische Kriege | 1806970 | 0 | 159218 | 20240815201016 | 350 |
Lucia von Syrakus | 179129 | 0 | 11993 | 20241209094446 | 347 |
Theodosius II. | 121343 | 0 | 27844 | 20250101184212 | 333 |
Stephanos von Byzanz | 418880 | 0 | 6133 | 20240708192620 | 333 |
Constantine | 384753 | 0 | 28916 | 20241216121024 | 330 |
Boethius | 51907 | 0 | 120321 | 20241209232256 | 327 |
Kathedrale von Saint-Denis | 849901 | 0 | 82125 | 20241120234847 | 326 |
Manichäismus | 3191 | 0 | 36576 | 20241023142742 | 319 |
Basilius der Große | 24264 | 0 | 109176 | 20241130164752 | 317 |
Athanasius der Große | 47554 | 0 | 23406 | 20241201190722 | 316 |
Patrick von Irland | 16144 | 0 | 14324 | 20250107090514 | 303 |
Konzil von Chalcedon | 81273 | 0 | 17846 | 20250102222253 | 302 |
Kök-Türken | 33703 | 0 | 45163 | 20241225132800 | 297 |
St. Helena | 4596256 | 0 | 38426 | 20241124202914 | 296 |
Thüringer | 21694 | 0 | 18855 | 20241223190937 | 294 |
Mittelpersische Sprache | 1149684 | 0 | 17091 | 20231219163219 | 293 |
Notitia dignitatum | 129201 | 0 | 41504 | 20241204015938 | 291 |
Nibelungensage | 26873 | 0 | 45480 | 20241016131705 | 288 |
Flavius Honorius | 1734974 | 0 | 17180 | 20240825174241 | 279 |
Odoaker | 89048 | 0 | 18409 | 20241215175214 | 278 |
Beowulf | 70589 | 0 | 27222 | 20241215132750 | 277 |
Proklos | 449523 | 0 | 167611 | 20240827204903 | 272 |
Nestorianismus | 95246 | 0 | 14090 | 20250108091329 | 269 |
-ing | 1189352 | 0 | 14543 | 20240601172520 | 266 |
Orosius | 347418 | 0 | 38690 | 20241026100648 | 265 |
Burgus | 134624 | 0 | 14309 | 20250108145145 | 261 |
Corpus iuris civilis | 146134 | 0 | 39876 | 20241108170838 | 261 |
Benediktinerabtei St. Matthias | 219795 | 0 | 31803 | 20241102225355 | 259 |
Patricius | 57777 | 0 | 3627 | 20220701155405 | 258 |
Valens | 64186 | 0 | 9801 | 20220105114540 | 253 |
Columban von Luxeuil | 971 | 0 | 19175 | 20241026200418 | 252 |
Cassiodor | 179921 | 0 | 22889 | 20240824104824 | 250 |
Irenäus von Lyon | 48577 | 0 | 15040 | 20241204154148 | 250 |
Jordanes | 58101 | 0 | 11886 | 20240531001551 | 249 |
Chosrau II. | 117220 | 0 | 22733 | 20241017223516 | 246 |
Silvester I. | 15750 | 0 | 15370 | 20241231205638 | 245 |
Damnatio memoriae | 93505 | 0 | 18814 | 20241230150902 | 243 |
Zosimos | 132065 | 0 | 14188 | 20240310133223 | 242 |
Belisar | 62997 | 0 | 12768 | 20241026131015 | 240 |
Valentinian III. | 162571 | 0 | 17107 | 20241107134752 | 236 |
Völkerwanderungszeit | 260565 | 0 | 2314 | 20230927114713 | 235 |
Cyriacus | 256162 | 0 | 8535 | 20240521170735 | 235 |
Gregor von Nazianz | 26927 | 0 | 21708 | 20241201155945 | 234 |
Anastasios I. | 227094 | 0 | 22076 | 20231218184828 | 234 |
Gratian | 53217 | 0 | 13727 | 20241026001249 | 230 |
Leo der Große | 56464 | 0 | 14663 | 20241120164801 | 227 |
Chosrau I. | 117160 | 0 | 24915 | 20250101223904 | 225 |
Alarich I. | 172844 | 0 | 19067 | 20241215180839 | 225 |
Remigius von Reims | 368732 | 0 | 7560 | 20241115115050 | 222 |
Liste der römischen Provinzen ab Diokletian | 333374 | 0 | 19043 | 20241016134557 | 220 |
Dorothea | 459902 | 0 | 4041 | 20230713053400 | 216 |
Eutropius | 745586 | 0 | 13357 | 20240702132733 | 213 |
Limitanei | 394922 | 0 | 28487 | 20240928193836 | 211 |
Maurikios | 223447 | 0 | 20754 | 20240920143726 | 209 |
Monophysitismus | 27467 | 0 | 18356 | 20241023223031 | 208 |
Byzacena | 2537445 | 0 | 2279 | 20240723114228 | 206 |
Thebaische Legion | 37993 | 0 | 22001 | 20240912033935 | 202 |
Abtei Saint-Germain-des-Prés | 513354 | 0 | 15738 | 20241229205926 | 201 |
Schapur II. | 189516 | 0 | 14833 | 20240918092643 | 199 |
Geiserich | 105810 | 0 | 15023 | 20240427132940 | 196 |
Nonnos von Panopolis | 1546049 | 0 | 2879 | 20250112212522 | 194 |
Schapur I. | 145984 | 0 | 15374 | 20240419184017 | 193 |
Foederaten | 210178 | 0 | 18885 | 20240923181905 | 193 |
Chlothar I. | 144113 | 0 | 10725 | 20241021131703 | 191 |
Xiongnu | 67466 | 0 | 42051 | 20241106202308 | 189 |
Codex Theodosianus | 372663 | 0 | 13233 | 20241211112018 | 189 |
Rodungsname | 1581639 | 0 | 7382 | 20240909093532 | 188 |
Arcadius | 198 | 0 | 11771 | 20240823235100 | 187 |
De civitate Dei | 135323 | 0 | 8096 | 20250104115734 | 187 |
Codex Iustinianus | 136887 | 0 | 12511 | 20250113152057 | 185 |
Nicäno-Konstantinopolitanum | 12576 | 0 | 19062 | 20250104175350 | 185 |
Pantaleon | 182025 | 0 | 12008 | 20241209161047 | 184 |
Zenon | 311723 | 0 | 15874 | 20250109225452 | 181 |
Constantius I. | 94028 | 0 | 16716 | 20250103115152 | 181 |
Gregor von Nyssa | 75873 | 0 | 36297 | 20241116133225 | 179 |
Konstantinbasilika | 30554 | 0 | 60347 | 20241120163853 | 178 |
Evangelium | 10676 | 0 | 27663 | 20241225132559 | 177 |
Katharinenkloster | 58064 | 0 | 104311 | 20241212204713 | 177 |
Linzgau | 281343 | 0 | 9458 | 20241119132814 | 177 |
Untergang des Römischen Reiches | 295886 | 0 | 49215 | 20250107114441 | 175 |
Flavius Aëtius | 70494 | 0 | 23044 | 20250107170359 | 174 |
-heim | 2471249 | 0 | 7120 | 20241123131631 | 174 |
Lactantius | 211103 | 0 | 13072 | 20240825234704 | 174 |
Columban von Iona | 40930 | 0 | 6704 | 20241201203334 | 173 |
Vinzenz von Valencia | 625534 | 0 | 5765 | 20240205130826 | 173 |
Konzil von Ephesos | 118216 | 0 | 10511 | 20250102222404 | 172 |
Donau-Iller-Rhein-Limes | 390840 | 0 | 35804 | 20250113152352 | 170 |
Gotenkrieg | 2290966 | 0 | 20419 | 20240919170757 | 169 |
Stilicho | 89323 | 0 | 32837 | 20250103202402 | 169 |
Afra von Augsburg | 202558 | 0 | 13061 | 20241120094109 | 169 |
Reichsteilung von 395 | 2783786 | 0 | 13290 | 20241011200405 | 169 |
Kreuzauffindung | 1502951 | 0 | 9793 | 20201012182334 | 168 |
Konstantinische Wende | 520251 | 0 | 10590 | 20241213135138 | 168 |
Ostgotenreich | 1417755 | 0 | 10194 | 20241204215151 | 167 |
Römische Tetrarchie | 58443 | 0 | 28145 | 20240928152038 | 166 |
Apologet | 150023 | 0 | 5783 | 20240509141558 | 166 |
Scholastika von Nursia | 211462 | 0 | 3758 | 20240502104129 | 164 |
Licinius | 170041 | 0 | 10513 | 20240622213721 | 163 |
Ausonius | 111387 | 0 | 13344 | 20240901213407 | 162 |
Maxentius | 90058 | 0 | 24708 | 20241129204416 | 162 |
Aurelius Victor | 360325 | 0 | 11367 | 20240919203944 | 159 |
Dionysiaka | 2494017 | 0 | 47194 | 20250112212327 | 158 |
Lachmiden | 405654 | 0 | 14211 | 20241027072400 | 157 |
Galerius | 141634 | 0 | 12906 | 20240802125222 | 157 |
Severin von Noricum | 230008 | 0 | 15699 | 20240403195302 | 157 |
Venantius Fortunatus | 107155 | 0 | 11582 | 20241225004001 | 156 |
Skulpturensammlung und Museum für Byzantinische Kunst | 1873695 | 0 | 33849 | 20241006231235 | 155 |
Constans | 162046 | 0 | 15124 | 20231229142929 | 153 |
Comitatenses | 394955 | 0 | 40309 | 20241002065650 | 150 |
Macrobius Ambrosius Theodosius | 347305 | 0 | 64508 | 20250106154257 | 150 |
Hilarius von Poitiers | 197964 | 0 | 8405 | 20241115121237 | 147 |
Barbaricum | 3177237 | 0 | 6333 | 20240621224724 | 146 |
Indienhandel | 10530496 | 0 | 57380 | 20250104025614 | 145 |
Landnahme der Slawen auf dem Balkan | 1964347 | 0 | 18788 | 20240810162426 | 144 |
Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita | 59025 | 0 | 27039 | 20241208093230 | 144 |
Leo I. | 155578 | 0 | 13858 | 20240615215413 | 142 |
Liborius | 83382 | 0 | 12806 | 20241222150112 | 140 |
Römische Quartalschrift für Christliche Altertumskunde und Kirchengeschichte | 8541339 | 0 | 5690 | 20241223100420 | 138 |
Sol | 101239 | 0 | 33235 | 20241225233655 | 137 |
Childebert I. | 152343 | 0 | 5155 | 20240610124616 | 134 |
Magnus Maximus | 155547 | 0 | 7709 | 20241225200200 | 134 |
Zeche Vereinigte Constantin der Große | 513793 | 0 | 56184 | 20240915162230 | 133 |
Antitrinitarier | 386624 | 0 | 24941 | 20241118191655 | 132 |
Valentinian II. | 148888 | 0 | 13729 | 20240814005351 | 132 |
Johannes Malalas | 564599 | 0 | 12996 | 20240727190043 | 130 |
Demetrios von Thessaloniki | 2330867 | 0 | 5043 | 20241126212407 | 130 |
Quartu Sant’Elena | 2370543 | 0 | 4185 | 20241130184414 | 129 |
Dietrich von Bern | 82419 | 0 | 74134 | 20241116111859 | 129 |
Theodoret | 468841 | 0 | 6649 | 20240514091030 | 129 |
Brigida von Kildare | 429466 | 0 | 8589 | 20241207134219 | 128 |
Kyrill von Alexandria | 395696 | 0 | 16284 | 20241202074335 | 128 |
Totila | 340892 | 0 | 30367 | 20241102181908 | 126 |
Æthelberht | 196958 | 0 | 13562 | 20240623204930 | 126 |
Nisibis | 690293 | 0 | 8592 | 20240423062315 | 126 |
Bekenntnis von Nicäa | 56877 | 0 | 9970 | 20241015172416 | 125 |
Libanios | 171326 | 0 | 17432 | 20240903141036 | 125 |
Codex Sinaiticus | 10858 | 0 | 137196 | 20240921224402 | 125 |
Wiener Dioskurides | 3398750 | 0 | 23795 | 20241205090057 | 125 |
Justin I. | 169666 | 0 | 10338 | 20230916180252 | 124 |
Erstes Konzil von Konstantinopel | 51280 | 0 | 12557 | 20250102222510 | 124 |
Höhensiedlung Burg in Schwarzenbach | 4772133 | 0 | 11435 | 20240731205249 | 124 |
Justin II. | 208304 | 0 | 20894 | 20240916204223 | 124 |
Frühchristliche Baukunst | 9763938 | 0 | 37306 | 20240917151412 | 123 |
Kataphrakt | 58163 | 0 | 149451 | 20240928165819 | 122 |
Claudian | 71088 | 0 | 10503 | 20240805000540 | 119 |
Sidonius Apollinaris | 179116 | 0 | 21713 | 20240812224317 | 118 |
Ardaschir I. | 148811 | 0 | 15623 | 20250106175825 | 118 |
Legionslager Brigetio | 4436971 | 0 | 71302 | 20250111174820 | 117 |
Cambodunum | 4718138 | 0 | 32480 | 20241111202604 | 117 |
Hildebrandslied | 20415 | 0 | 34055 | 20241217092113 | 116 |
Damasus I. | 56402 | 0 | 7675 | 20241003152726 | 116 |
Persis | 268039 | 0 | 8205 | 20250107162554 | 116 |
Prudentius | 596869 | 0 | 15585 | 20240514214652 | 116 |
Guntram I. | 261644 | 0 | 9218 | 20240918110212 | 116 |
Simplikios | 682167 | 0 | 101052 | 20240907161553 | 115 |
Ende der Antike | 1742064 | 0 | 63211 | 20250113122528 | 114 |
Childerich I. | 52319 | 0 | 47947 | 20241223190308 | 114 |
Konstantin II. | 162019 | 0 | 6361 | 20241206184959 | 113 |
Sozomenos | 889114 | 0 | 4770 | 20240218015427 | 113 |
Servatius von Tongern | 25886 | 0 | 5839 | 20231204101704 | 113 |
Institutiones Iustiniani | 9669594 | 0 | 22907 | 20250113155636 | 112 |
Maternus | 167198 | 0 | 7716 | 20250112083811 | 112 |
San Vitale | 882745 | 0 | 48589 | 20241219093635 | 112 |
San Costantino Albanese | 7184123 | 0 | 4081 | 20241027151806 | 111 |
Theodosianische Mauer | 409111 | 0 | 31206 | 20241019122139 | 111 |
Exarchat von Ravenna | 3549816 | 0 | 14656 | 20250106220258 | 111 |
Ephräm der Syrer | 193471 | 0 | 20931 | 20241119185411 | 111 |
Postumus | 164278 | 0 | 8698 | 20240910180822 | 110 |
Kastell Eining | 1028645 | 0 | 32519 | 20241104164834 | 110 |
Zenon von Verona | 790376 | 0 | 6882 | 20240518125658 | 110 |
Konstantinsbogen | 523469 | 0 | 16989 | 20250103113052 | 108 |
Hermes Trismegistos | 87531 | 0 | 13142 | 20240614174356 | 108 |
Phokas | 227713 | 0 | 23826 | 20241208110248 | 107 |
Hephthaliten | 60328 | 0 | 31493 | 20241114125434 | 106 |
Sokrates Scholastikos | 568238 | 0 | 7728 | 20240918093605 | 106 |
Alboin | 68204 | 0 | 28389 | 20241121170031 | 106 |
Theuderich I. | 52330 | 0 | 6446 | 20241021131759 | 106 |
Schlacht von Adrianopel | 195162 | 0 | 15370 | 20240505153816 | 105 |
Quintus Aurelius Symmachus | 360488 | 0 | 53521 | 20240901090158 | 104 |
Maurus Servius Honoratus | 366133 | 0 | 16575 | 20241007162344 | 104 |
Trdat III. | 679201 | 0 | 5297 | 20230414151056 | 103 |
Großer Palast | 799351 | 0 | 10380 | 20240108180746 | 103 |
Kavadh I. | 553644 | 0 | 7601 | 20240211150714 | 103 |
Pelagianismus | 199131 | 0 | 16245 | 20241207094304 | 102 |
Martianus Capella | 179896 | 0 | 19052 | 20240612185801 | 102 |
Alban von Mainz | 661394 | 0 | 5165 | 20240427084320 | 102 |
Magister officiorum | 682330 | 0 | 3841 | 20240813204421 | 102 |
Gregor der Erleuchter | 2592282 | 0 | 8986 | 20230901163544 | 102 |
Kaiserthermen | 246371 | 0 | 37823 | 20241127082341 | 101 |
Magnentius | 162700 | 0 | 6888 | 20240701143502 | 101 |
Heldendichtung | 264812 | 0 | 15454 | 20240715200310 | 100 |
Narses | 117179 | 0 | 6584 | 20241231171033 | 100 |
Kirchengeschichte | 7374963 | 0 | 10451 | 20241202192542 | 100 |
Romulus Augustulus | 83046 | 0 | 9724 | 20231231163815 | 99 |
Donatismus | 57567 | 0 | 8925 | 20241222124817 | 99 |
Confessiones | 22301 | 0 | 22012 | 20241207153302 | 98 |
Germanus von Auxerre | 211003 | 0 | 4948 | 20240919144538 | 97 |
Alarich II. | 186661 | 0 | 5099 | 20241228155305 | 97 |
Genoveva von Paris | 65780 | 0 | 4423 | 20210716091301 | 97 |
Alexius von Edessa | 650447 | 0 | 10287 | 20231006011740 | 96 |
Johannes und Paulus | 6251172 | 0 | 7856 | 20240626134910 | 96 |
Decurio | 8884723 | 0 | 5531 | 20240708124218 | 96 |
Apahida | 661824 | 0 | 7465 | 20241005034409 | 95 |
Gundobad | 471075 | 0 | 21478 | 20240328170126 | 94 |
Glauberg | 452346 | 0 | 16291 | 20240607205027 | 94 |
Arianischer Streit | 47969 | 0 | 24699 | 20231119174534 | 94 |
Dünsberg | 724361 | 0 | 14351 | 20241130095406 | 94 |
Zweites Konzil von Konstantinopel | 51281 | 0 | 11233 | 20250102222718 | 93 |
Rheinübergang von 406 | 3499891 | 0 | 17756 | 20241231184703 | 93 |
Ricimer | 164407 | 0 | 17056 | 20241220224537 | 92 |
Alexandrinische Schule | 104873 | 0 | 18769 | 20250111183812 | 92 |
Fridolin von Säckingen | 209400 | 0 | 7463 | 20241118092236 | 92 |
Kanones-Sammlung | 12249981 | 0 | 32886 | 20241026050011 | 91 |
Brendan der Reisende | 38427 | 0 | 17783 | 20250112155712 | 91 |
Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum | 1185143 | 0 | 4370 | 20241223173042 | 91 |
Johannes Cassianus | 292763 | 0 | 11994 | 20250104101421 | 91 |
Mirian III. | 4502125 | 0 | 8983 | 20241227221355 | 91 |
Monika von Tagaste | 549271 | 0 | 9268 | 20241201232624 | 91 |
Agathias | 443634 | 0 | 15355 | 20240918000241 | 90 |
Aelius Donatus | 394526 | 0 | 6697 | 20241102212414 | 90 |
Galla Placidia | 162106 | 0 | 26765 | 20240817110136 | 90 |
Markian | 137145 | 0 | 14986 | 20241231225216 | 90 |
Nestorius | 127223 | 0 | 19176 | 20230213211009 | 89 |
Rufinus von Aquileia | 400441 | 0 | 5032 | 20240701205920 | 89 |
Anthemius | 163908 | 0 | 16365 | 20240907123519 | 89 |
Eusebischer Kanon | 4371459 | 0 | 7087 | 20240520153838 | 89 |
Theudebert I. | 160386 | 0 | 12328 | 20241230175015 | 89 |
Follis | 1064036 | 0 | 9248 | 20240918085638 | 88 |
Jovian | 53216 | 0 | 10994 | 20240824193345 | 88 |
Kriemhild | 1066662 | 0 | 3989 | 20240123130415 | 88 |
Flavius Vegetius Renatus | 1162475 | 0 | 14985 | 20241206082009 | 87 |
Vigilius | 61145 | 0 | 5834 | 20230816093506 | 87 |
Priskos | 203753 | 0 | 11969 | 20250102055851 | 87 |
Theodora I. | 4810801 | 0 | 12096 | 20240514124709 | 87 |
Damaskios | 682182 | 0 | 17504 | 20240708203613 | 87 |
Justinianische Pest | 1057689 | 0 | 50371 | 20241114125510 | 87 |
Paulus von Theben | 186207 | 0 | 6116 | 20240227213814 | 86 |
Thebais | 3838092 | 0 | 1719 | 20230910114804 | 86 |
Leovigild | 483717 | 0 | 15281 | 20240128001714 | 86 |
Iranische Hunnen | 8926935 | 0 | 26916 | 20241229202845 | 86 |
Monotheletismus | 41867 | 0 | 3658 | 20231229141927 | 86 |
Moses von Choren | 1211280 | 0 | 12201 | 20241117180046 | 86 |
Thidrekssaga | 402214 | 0 | 166394 | 20250103210438 | 86 |
Verena | 793006 | 0 | 21408 | 20250112140038 | 86 |
Schlacht an der Milvischen Brücke | 200698 | 0 | 12010 | 20241213135344 | 85 |
Johannes Stobaios | 1849078 | 0 | 4866 | 20230221171458 | 85 |
Januarius | 696349 | 0 | 7932 | 20231029191023 | 85 |
Arius | 75261 | 0 | 10835 | 20230913143038 | 84 |
Breviarium ab urbe condita | 11250459 | 0 | 38957 | 20240613152333 | 84 |
Severin von Köln | 319412 | 0 | 6332 | 20230914123859 | 83 |
Theodor von Sitten | 1922905 | 0 | 10982 | 20240905130958 | 83 |
Naqsch-e Rostam | 978108 | 0 | 13809 | 20250109181119 | 83 |
Yazdegerd III. | 588187 | 0 | 12766 | 20250107120422 | 83 |
Tote Städte | 4939427 | 0 | 41810 | 20250103135000 | 83 |
Chronicon Paschale | 1841681 | 0 | 4115 | 20220217024227 | 83 |
Dux Britanniarum | 3575544 | 0 | 85101 | 20241214202133 | 83 |
Donatus von Arezzo | 8784647 | 0 | 14316 | 20241018173602 | 83 |
Wulfila | 61820 | 0 | 23966 | 20240626152635 | 82 |
Syagrius | 90545 | 0 | 16355 | 20241206175249 | 81 |
Mailänder Vereinbarung | 41732 | 0 | 9469 | 20240516094042 | 81 |
Burgus Ahegg | 5454249 | 0 | 12088 | 20250110151529 | 81 |
Brictius von Tours | 579816 | 0 | 6809 | 20230818071351 | 81 |
Kudrun | 492243 | 0 | 21437 | 20250103151010 | 80 |
Römische Reichskirche | 86561 | 0 | 5486 | 20241223081220 | 80 |
Mani | 612113 | 0 | 47533 | 20250112140202 | 80 |
Pappos | 70011 | 0 | 6672 | 20250106113126 | 80 |
Hypatia | 116067 | 0 | 55311 | 20241212085544 | 79 |
Epiphanios von Salamis | 1109558 | 0 | 8061 | 20240403185355 | 79 |
Eurich | 103504 | 0 | 5062 | 20231031004014 | 79 |
Priscian | 375201 | 0 | 15696 | 20241104174829 | 79 |
Gereon von Köln | 598561 | 0 | 11199 | 20240905154643 | 79 |
Dioecesis | 6134457 | 0 | 4581 | 20220702215046 | 79 |
Saint-Hélen | 6156446 | 0 | 2211 | 20230401170251 | 79 |
Schlacht von Zülpich | 374247 | 0 | 18103 | 20241211124938 | 79 |
Schlacht auf den Katalaunischen Feldern | 31039 | 0 | 29703 | 20241015173405 | 79 |
Majorian | 3285 | 0 | 42506 | 20240930234509 | 79 |
Vigilius von Trient | 1078851 | 0 | 10792 | 20250111152751 | 79 |
Chronograph von 354 | 2097484 | 0 | 9319 | 20240424191947 | 79 |
Gelasius I. | 42243 | 0 | 14383 | 20241019105657 | 78 |
Wacho | 638064 | 0 | 8869 | 20241104093740 | 78 |
Carausius | 94020 | 0 | 16724 | 20241016204156 | 78 |
Plünderung Roms | 5640537 | 0 | 58446 | 20231114065006 | 78 |
Singidunum | 323927 | 0 | 17989 | 20250111180038 | 78 |
Constantius III. | 162675 | 0 | 12562 | 20240902083912 | 77 |
Epitome de Caesaribus | 1440392 | 0 | 4686 | 20231005175700 | 76 |
Eunapios von Sardes | 685293 | 0 | 35072 | 20240902112214 | 76 |
Wieland der Schmied | 26930 | 0 | 17698 | 20240820105036 | 76 |
Theophylaktos Simokates | 682135 | 0 | 11791 | 20241008183444 | 76 |
Symmachus | 37763 | 0 | 2940 | 20230929102444 | 76 |
Codex Alexandrinus | 1430130 | 0 | 89477 | 20241118123305 | 75 |
Dionysius Exiguus | 8756 | 0 | 10301 | 20241130135455 | 75 |
Pseudo-Apuleius | 8425278 | 0 | 29297 | 20241105192737 | 74 |
Balkanfeldzüge des Maurikios | 1884832 | 0 | 40835 | 20240719211641 | 74 |
Quiricus und Julitta | 4853522 | 0 | 4416 | 20240814194716 | 74 |
Chrodechild | 367555 | 0 | 7243 | 20241212172111 | 73 |
Tiberios I. | 262063 | 0 | 12085 | 20240807145508 | 73 |
Innozenz I. | 32893 | 0 | 3974 | 20230928084415 | 73 |
Narseh | 793484 | 0 | 9888 | 20230718162925 | 73 |
Medardus von Noyon | 1131554 | 0 | 5445 | 20241021131728 | 72 |
Theodor Tiro | 1152482 | 0 | 17296 | 20240705181210 | 72 |
Victor von Mailand | 8230258 | 0 | 11183 | 20230823162501 | 72 |
Valentin von Rätien | 297543 | 0 | 4265 | 20240408085117 | 72 |
Getica | 1662542 | 0 | 11461 | 20241106212612 | 72 |
Seleukeia-Ktesiphon | 117933 | 0 | 14142 | 20240817072230 | 72 |
Nazarius | 317053 | 0 | 10341 | 20240706150103 | 71 |
Bahram V. | 1032466 | 0 | 12644 | 20241227172346 | 71 |
St. Helena Parish | 1089952 | 0 | 8147 | 20240916175334 | 71 |
Caelius Mons | 4923393 | 0 | 32306 | 20240905124845 | 71 |
Julius Nepos | 83146 | 0 | 5694 | 20241004162129 | 71 |
Wüstenväter | 1657145 | 0 | 12493 | 20240802145127 | 70 |
Philostorgios | 1630039 | 0 | 9015 | 20231021205016 | 70 |
Kastell Intercisa | 6922043 | 0 | 117702 | 20250111164823 | 70 |
Maxentiusbasilika | 330165 | 0 | 6809 | 20240920133911 | 70 |
Kleinkastell Weltenburg-Frauenberg | 4975777 | 0 | 17292 | 20241106192405 | 69 |
Mesrop Maschtoz | 427832 | 0 | 4648 | 20230601101405 | 69 |
Eugenius | 204598 | 0 | 15887 | 20240901184403 | 68 |
Johannes von Antiochia | 2406701 | 0 | 7001 | 20241205142857 | 68 |
Kassian | 2293913 | 0 | 3796 | 20241130152130 | 68 |
Theodor von Mopsuestia | 643073 | 0 | 17456 | 20241109140438 | 68 |
Theoderich I. | 109561 | 0 | 14490 | 20230930103145 | 68 |
Gelbe Burg | 6400285 | 0 | 6153 | 20240328160226 | 68 |
Peroz I. | 696701 | 0 | 7446 | 20240428193523 | 68 |
Exarchat | 140980 | 0 | 2746 | 20221003020107 | 67 |
Paulinus von Nola | 394870 | 0 | 9757 | 20241117223955 | 67 |
Themistios | 317123 | 0 | 75043 | 20241203165238 | 66 |
Avitus | 201 | 0 | 15113 | 20240929134839 | 66 |
Maximin von Trier | 498075 | 0 | 4357 | 20240410151025 | 66 |
Tacht-e Suleiman | 1983881 | 0 | 8065 | 20240919141001 | 66 |
Excubitores | 5823909 | 0 | 5022 | 20240908103115 | 66 |
Maurus | 3218842 | 0 | 4282 | 20220923191452 | 66 |
Scheibenfibel | 1271135 | 0 | 3214 | 20230320120615 | 65 |
Kastell Deutz | 4388200 | 0 | 15792 | 20241221021511 | 65 |
Sant’Apollinare in Classe | 1647574 | 0 | 12399 | 20240329001516 | 65 |
Euagrios Scholastikos | 682196 | 0 | 7756 | 20241213111724 | 65 |
Primicerius | 3804354 | 0 | 3034 | 20230407205241 | 65 |
Scholae palatinae | 8173308 | 0 | 5652 | 20240610223405 | 65 |
Restauratio imperii | 115403 | 0 | 4075 | 20250101173712 | 64 |
Dreikapitelstreit | 561043 | 0 | 6333 | 20240829184400 | 64 |
Sant’Apollinare Nuovo | 1647509 | 0 | 11937 | 20241030145633 | 64 |
Chora-Kirche | 377330 | 0 | 14580 | 20250104162750 | 63 |
Oreibasios | 889603 | 0 | 8153 | 20240628033801 | 63 |
Völsunga saga | 1177768 | 0 | 3614 | 20240713132407 | 63 |
Der Trost der Philosophie | 948673 | 0 | 32413 | 20240226152625 | 63 |
Gildas | 167506 | 0 | 10127 | 20240407090308 | 63 |
Abtei Lérins | 6867258 | 0 | 13703 | 20240612152959 | 63 |
Saturninus von Toulouse | 5809118 | 0 | 6782 | 20240518085157 | 63 |
Constantius Gallus | 472122 | 0 | 21522 | 20241205001831 | 63 |
Vir illustris | 2619062 | 0 | 3623 | 20240817075817 | 63 |
Siricius | 42239 | 0 | 3821 | 20230525195554 | 62 |
Ghassaniden | 405646 | 0 | 8593 | 20240319163238 | 61 |
Montanismus | 249993 | 0 | 12315 | 20240803074405 | 61 |
Baian | 1915130 | 0 | 5213 | 20210113054353 | 61 |
Caesarius von Arles | 2292804 | 0 | 5116 | 20210913191631 | 61 |
Prosper Tiro von Aquitanien | 2175436 | 0 | 6857 | 20241117132312 | 61 |
Konstantinische Schenkung | 39127 | 0 | 16600 | 20241224155321 | 61 |
Hausen | 2753769 | 0 | 10182 | 20240411194220 | 61 |
Kastell Burghöfe | 8511076 | 0 | 12736 | 20240904201228 | 61 |
Paulos von Aigina | 1003383 | 0 | 9129 | 20240627200411 | 60 |
Bücherverluste in der Spätantike | 2325166 | 0 | 118449 | 20241215132010 | 60 |
Hydatius von Aquae Flaviae | 2005096 | 0 | 5623 | 20210927124548 | 60 |
Odilia von Köln | 7061369 | 0 | 8253 | 20240726104549 | 60 |
Olympiodoros von Theben | 469635 | 0 | 19971 | 20240730082933 | 60 |
Schlacht von Vouillé | 210199 | 0 | 9223 | 20241106212613 | 60 |
Witichis | 682598 | 0 | 3415 | 20241106212610 | 60 |
Coelestin I. | 36195 | 0 | 3814 | 20220910221734 | 60 |
Heliodoros | 775989 | 0 | 7552 | 20241203044545 | 59 |
Viktor von Xanten | 805068 | 0 | 17278 | 20240418074537 | 59 |
Theoderich II. | 186606 | 0 | 17629 | 20231009182716 | 59 |
Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks konungs | 1945703 | 0 | 5987 | 20240317200820 | 59 |
Rouran | 68738 | 0 | 10389 | 20241122140829 | 58 |
Gundioch | 640286 | 0 | 4780 | 20240625181510 | 58 |
Chlodomer | 157127 | 0 | 5993 | 20221129062026 | 58 |
Dux Pannoniae Primae et Norici Ripensis | 3824085 | 0 | 32761 | 20240930115311 | 58 |
Hunerich | 321270 | 0 | 6495 | 20210202014137 | 58 |
Siliqua | 1223852 | 0 | 2473 | 20250104134355 | 57 |
Ella Asbeha | 2422344 | 0 | 4819 | 20240328011134 | 57 |
Ermanarich | 91488 | 0 | 13276 | 20241215175220 | 57 |
Aspar | 396218 | 0 | 9014 | 20241103185145 | 57 |
Byzantinische Herrschaft im Maghreb | 12144148 | 0 | 124801 | 20241224084024 | 57 |
Veldidena | 619839 | 0 | 36091 | 20241125093934 | 57 |
Johannes Philoponos | 2673222 | 0 | 20450 | 20240917180511 | 57 |
Simplicius | 42242 | 0 | 2367 | 20230927114928 | 57 |
Kyrill von Jerusalem | 151959 | 0 | 6722 | 20240315205924 | 56 |
Sulpicius Severus | 370060 | 0 | 3885 | 20240705055357 | 56 |
König Laurins Rosengarten | 864231 | 0 | 15555 | 20250101125347 | 56 |
Gallorömischer Senatsadel | 9394579 | 0 | 9770 | 20241213125351 | 56 |
Yazdegerd I. | 696728 | 0 | 6738 | 20240112122540 | 56 |
Tremissis | 1390560 | 0 | 6572 | 20250104131757 | 56 |
Pelagius | 1188833 | 0 | 9744 | 20240916183309 | 56 |
Chlodio | 34526 | 0 | 6938 | 20241223201314 | 56 |
Kathedrale von Etschmiadsin | 6085428 | 0 | 20933 | 20241205180648 | 55 |
Thrasamund | 1109882 | 0 | 4399 | 20201101164200 | 55 |
Aelia Pulcheria | 253181 | 0 | 7311 | 20241231224816 | 55 |
Philomena von Rom | 1127059 | 0 | 6081 | 20241225072503 | 55 |
Tetricus I. | 164025 | 0 | 4424 | 20240302064550 | 55 |
Mausoleum des Theoderich | 1649724 | 0 | 39818 | 20250103120111 | 55 |
Lüleburgaz | 665805 | 0 | 3823 | 20230911200804 | 55 |
Sebeos | 1759305 | 0 | 12098 | 20240228131303 | 55 |
Doketismus | 50284 | 0 | 14784 | 20231225203826 | 54 |
Priscillian | 369092 | 0 | 14362 | 20240924112319 | 54 |
Nino | 779221 | 0 | 9462 | 20240729134327 | 54 |
Yazdegerd II. | 1188851 | 0 | 5803 | 20240913165301 | 54 |
Argentovaria | 7320924 | 0 | 35427 | 20250103122732 | 54 |
Authari | 757891 | 0 | 12821 | 20240621142708 | 54 |
Aegidius | 164440 | 0 | 11395 | 20240830162731 | 54 |
Symeon Stylites der Ältere | 232668 | 0 | 11197 | 20201224112213 | 54 |
Alberich | 259812 | 0 | 2695 | 20230313114714 | 54 |
Comes Africae | 6437096 | 0 | 27524 | 20240930220340 | 54 |
Liberius | 56376 | 0 | 4015 | 20231019153937 | 53 |
Palatiolum | 5733577 | 0 | 7035 | 20221217093716 | 53 |
Eusebius von Vercelli | 3007613 | 0 | 5054 | 20221112161000 | 53 |
Maxima Sequanorum | 1615419 | 0 | 4762 | 20241017152616 | 53 |
Konzil von Serdica | 4332735 | 0 | 5828 | 20240923100811 | 53 |
Synesios von Kyrene | 171346 | 0 | 121094 | 20250111202358 | 53 |
Sizabulos | 7566633 | 0 | 5881 | 20220718184241 | 53 |
Britannia secunda | 1565558 | 0 | 1045 | 20240612210930 | 52 |
Eugippius | 275181 | 0 | 4087 | 20240626181534 | 52 |
Aelia Eudocia | 887794 | 0 | 6419 | 20240809224327 | 52 |
St-Sernin | 2175356 | 0 | 13150 | 20240507141451 | 52 |
Mosella | 6659386 | 0 | 7452 | 20240613001931 | 52 |
Clibanarius | 58175 | 0 | 23780 | 20241230234312 | 52 |
Athaulf | 175927 | 0 | 5585 | 20230113093423 | 52 |
Zirkusparteien | 579192 | 0 | 10200 | 20240312130317 | 52 |
St-Victor | 2372209 | 0 | 14237 | 20240610081235 | 52 |
Wesensgleichheit | 313236 | 0 | 5859 | 20240812082830 | 52 |
Arnobius der Ältere | 725600 | 0 | 4096 | 20241212172450 | 51 |
Liste der Kastelle des Donau-Iller-Rhein-Limes | 7755559 | 0 | 16370 | 20250109144157 | 51 |
Johannes Lydos | 1564296 | 0 | 5358 | 20240720235923 | 51 |
Dux Valeriae ripensis | 10437784 | 0 | 24234 | 20241224144720 | 51 |
David von Menevia | 195152 | 0 | 6991 | 20241207123514 | 51 |
Sigibert von Köln | 453622 | 0 | 2183 | 20211027085316 | 51 |
Arbogast der Ältere | 365749 | 0 | 7817 | 20250103043732 | 51 |
Konstantinische Dynastie | 656107 | 0 | 21904 | 20240904145909 | 51 |
Wulfilabibel | 70481 | 0 | 7820 | 20241008094026 | 51 |
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire | 5443716 | 0 | 7860 | 20231002110730 | 51 |
Petronius Maximus | 163175 | 0 | 6790 | 20240828214523 | 50 |
Persarmenien | 1809010 | 0 | 4831 | 20240424071721 | 50 |
Kaiservilla von Konz | 1366292 | 0 | 3332 | 20240908092425 | 50 |
Menander Protektor | 682149 | 0 | 7713 | 20250104200359 | 50 |
Maurizio Galbaio | 2494577 | 0 | 54819 | 20241214174423 | 49 |
Bahram II. | 1036686 | 0 | 6247 | 20240109181214 | 49 |
Crispus | 177292 | 0 | 8645 | 20241008042409 | 49 |
Nika-Aufstand | 222833 | 0 | 17927 | 20250113134116 | 49 |
Schlacht am Río Guadalete | 784831 | 0 | 9536 | 20241114195823 | 49 |
Gastalde | 247462 | 0 | 1469 | 20221213194127 | 49 |
Theodahad | 486177 | 0 | 4534 | 20241205205305 | 49 |
Kastell Dunabogdány | 5216239 | 0 | 25987 | 20231101104742 | 49 |
Plünderung Roms | 5671419 | 0 | 6768 | 20220918163652 | 49 |
Hilarius | 42241 | 0 | 3146 | 20230928110809 | 49 |
Isaurier | 316385 | 0 | 4467 | 20241104200405 | 49 |
Justina von Padua | 4286804 | 0 | 2876 | 20240420180203 | 49 |
Syrianos | 3323029 | 0 | 14997 | 20240708220722 | 49 |
Nea-Kirche | 3934989 | 0 | 4021 | 20241221013608 | 49 |
Audoin | 755733 | 0 | 8286 | 20241017102637 | 48 |
Hormisdas | 42245 | 0 | 4112 | 20230929102541 | 48 |
Schurmak-Kultur | 3208105 | 0 | 3416 | 20230704110532 | 48 |
Waltharius | 1114202 | 0 | 11552 | 20240427062847 | 48 |
Comes litoris Saxonici per Britanniam | 3528361 | 0 | 36238 | 20241109224824 | 48 |
Chrocus | 305430 | 0 | 3885 | 20240622133959 | 48 |
Pachomios | 170516 | 0 | 11219 | 20241004190129 | 47 |
Burgus Dunakeszi | 5634618 | 0 | 21911 | 20241128171248 | 47 |
Athalarich | 486311 | 0 | 3051 | 20220605162413 | 47 |
Theophilos von Alexandria | 697408 | 0 | 9509 | 20240104074212 | 47 |
Burgus Finningen | 4565456 | 0 | 7748 | 20241108142052 | 47 |
Olympiodoros der Jüngere | 2556677 | 0 | 49179 | 20240717153107 | 47 |
Indiktion | 2424 | 0 | 9362 | 20230109174605 | 47 |
Urban von Langres | 979364 | 0 | 2123 | 20240403183006 | 47 |
Hormizd IV. | 688829 | 0 | 8373 | 20240428193802 | 47 |
Virius Nicomachus Flavianus | 612726 | 0 | 24909 | 20241209235245 | 47 |
Burgus Verőcemaros-Dunamező | 5528577 | 0 | 21022 | 20240406115633 | 47 |
Burgus Leányfalu | 5518945 | 0 | 18305 | 20231101123043 | 47 |
Alchon | 8926913 | 0 | 11505 | 20210929105225 | 47 |
Ammonios Hermeiou | 3574449 | 0 | 49700 | 20240708200654 | 47 |
Chnodomar | 295721 | 0 | 5261 | 20240622134316 | 46 |
Novellae | 9669961 | 0 | 19392 | 20241105201331 | 46 |
Amalasuntha | 485414 | 0 | 5635 | 20211018050341 | 46 |
Onophrios der Große | 1817600 | 0 | 7907 | 20231107223903 | 46 |
Avitus von Vienne | 637985 | 0 | 8485 | 20240527130707 | 46 |
Hormizd I. | 150113 | 0 | 3740 | 20230911182252 | 46 |
Codex Vaticanus Graecus 1209 | 11003 | 0 | 30001 | 20240705011925 | 46 |
Ermenrich | 976284 | 0 | 2110 | 20231124205825 | 46 |
Apostelkirche | 2612076 | 0 | 22698 | 20241129134742 | 46 |
Flavius Theodosius | 463831 | 0 | 4383 | 20240318063659 | 46 |
Severus von Ravenna | 1241245 | 0 | 9637 | 20241103183522 | 46 |
Kathedrale von Aix-en-Provence | 4023277 | 0 | 11451 | 20240922083258 | 46 |
Kastell Visegrád-Sibrik | 5180818 | 0 | 27925 | 20241116190107 | 45 |
Tardu | 9710145 | 0 | 8973 | 20241112214550 | 45 |
Victorinus | 164198 | 0 | 3618 | 20240416145758 | 45 |
Schlacht von Argentoratum | 445161 | 0 | 10132 | 20240903133841 | 45 |
Marius von Avenches | 1027290 | 0 | 3568 | 20240115092639 | 45 |
Apostolische Konstitutionen | 3430807 | 0 | 4143 | 20241112192320 | 45 |
Kastell Matrica | 6336466 | 0 | 66382 | 20241005174754 | 45 |
Hagia Irene | 2520278 | 0 | 5396 | 20240710131619 | 45 |
Makrian | 281334 | 0 | 2573 | 20240622230452 | 45 |
Basiliskos | 471727 | 0 | 5683 | 20250109164714 | 45 |
Marcellinus Comes | 695889 | 0 | 6846 | 20241116180045 | 45 |
Burgus Untersaal | 8342636 | 0 | 21657 | 20250104121021 | 45 |
Heerkönig | 8625109 | 0 | 9188 | 20220826211108 | 45 |
Praeparatio evangelica | 5379566 | 0 | 8039 | 20231023084248 | 45 |
Exarchat von Karthago | 2412277 | 0 | 173 | 20240603161137 | 45 |
Vadomar | 285670 | 0 | 4666 | 20240622124330 | 45 |
Pelagius II. | 61729 | 0 | 18549 | 20241221163749 | 45 |
Kastell Alisca | 6924583 | 0 | 26304 | 20241007210035 | 44 |
Kleinkastell Visegrád-Gizellamajor | 5612946 | 0 | 31303 | 20240112070947 | 44 |
Martial von Limoges | 3520568 | 0 | 3670 | 20240913074701 | 44 |
Burgus Budakalász-Luppa csárda | 5591598 | 0 | 33463 | 20240114060553 | 44 |
Germanus von Paris | 211022 | 0 | 3690 | 20241021131709 | 44 |
Kleinkastelle von Neuburg | 8330467 | 0 | 47706 | 20241230054530 | 44 |
Ursus von Solothurn | 1055725 | 0 | 2908 | 20250102004534 | 44 |
Dioecesis Orientis | 9965185 | 0 | 3497 | 20240808222916 | 44 |
Contra Aquincum | 5543360 | 0 | 25665 | 20241206211600 | 44 |
Dux Mogontiacensis | 6115000 | 0 | 21222 | 20240808073901 | 44 |
The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity | 10276914 | 0 | 3808 | 20221129141525 | 44 |
Felix II. | 148227 | 0 | 5536 | 20241121171816 | 44 |
Luzius von Chur | 3126382 | 0 | 3687 | 20240613194933 | 44 |
Kleinkastell Alkofen | 8368542 | 0 | 11765 | 20240910180045 | 44 |
Anonymus Valesianus | 2262131 | 0 | 9214 | 20240218181512 | 43 |
Castra ad Herculem | 4426707 | 0 | 22684 | 20231208182854 | 43 |
Burgus Szigetmonostor-Horány | 5622345 | 0 | 23050 | 20231202110421 | 43 |
Dara-Anastasiupolis | 1273736 | 0 | 6255 | 20231029234845 | 43 |
Rando | 305418 | 0 | 1658 | 20240622231039 | 43 |
Karpen | 2222530 | 0 | 7332 | 20250106161542 | 43 |
Helenabrunn | 6064637 | 0 | 20444 | 20240522063505 | 43 |
Kleine Hagia Sophia | 2482864 | 0 | 10738 | 20240223141700 | 43 |
Itinerarium Burdigalense | 1587935 | 0 | 4844 | 20240929175112 | 43 |
Lex Romana Visigothorum | 921422 | 0 | 11560 | 20241211204233 | 43 |
Kastell Lussonium | 6873591 | 0 | 51094 | 20240902184928 | 42 |
Burgus contra Florentiam | 5740389 | 0 | 32685 | 20231030175739 | 42 |
Athanagild | 483208 | 0 | 4556 | 20201022214718 | 42 |
Nobatia | 1135053 | 0 | 2256 | 20241218101721 | 42 |
Akakios von Konstantinopel | 426453 | 0 | 4994 | 20240310142751 | 42 |
Kastron | 2383523 | 0 | 7280 | 20221201153901 | 42 |
Kathedrale von Troyes | 8924147 | 0 | 9834 | 20240608072725 | 42 |
Kastell Ad Statuas | 6540914 | 0 | 16609 | 20231107171254 | 42 |
Gunderich | 1109763 | 0 | 3027 | 20240617181126 | 42 |
Burgus Mösendorf | 13245608 | 0 | 29244 | 20241219132427 | 42 |
Burgus Tahitótfalu-Balhavár | 5526003 | 0 | 16903 | 20231107165652 | 42 |
Gundomad | 290308 | 0 | 2948 | 20240622225446 | 42 |
Belagerung von Konstantinopel | 1840478 | 0 | 25832 | 20231103182037 | 42 |
Gibuld | 295788 | 0 | 2786 | 20240622230947 | 42 |
Turan | 2978147 | 0 | 11434 | 20240915092704 | 42 |
Raetia secunda | 3899969 | 0 | 14087 | 20240612223637 | 42 |
Kastell Vetus Salina | 5775213 | 0 | 61813 | 20241028201623 | 42 |
Modestus | 2425097 | 0 | 3464 | 20240517130432 | 42 |
Anastasia von Sirmium | 1144660 | 0 | 5506 | 20240730112818 | 42 |
Adrian von Nikomedien | 833693 | 0 | 8914 | 20241010171905 | 41 |
Placidus von Subiaco | 8302765 | 0 | 3789 | 20241130154950 | 41 |
Hilderich | 635966 | 0 | 7521 | 20240625101902 | 41 |
Godegisel | 369243 | 0 | 3084 | 20230406023646 | 41 |
Kastell Almásfüzitő | 7029041 | 0 | 46534 | 20240424074049 | 41 |
Ezana | 269533 | 0 | 3747 | 20241110223556 | 41 |
Kleine und fragmentarische Historiker der Spätantike | 9559333 | 0 | 7573 | 20240304222658 | 41 |
Burgus Szob | 5599536 | 0 | 36731 | 20231109120638 | 41 |
Maria von Ägypten | 3452954 | 0 | 10040 | 20240816032021 | 41 |
Gorippus | 682119 | 0 | 8799 | 20241210165159 | 41 |
Hacksilber | 1012531 | 0 | 4085 | 20241221151153 | 41 |
Kastell Esztergom-Hideglelőskereszt | 5501254 | 0 | 17040 | 20231031102457 | 41 |
Chiliarch | 628346 | 0 | 1727 | 20190830133202 | 41 |
Kastell Annamatia | 6418534 | 0 | 61159 | 20231031112807 | 40 |
Vinzenz von Lérins | 158103 | 0 | 15869 | 20240910220749 | 40 |
Frigeridus | 5705656 | 0 | 15543 | 20240618171642 | 40 |
Petros Patrikios | 682344 | 0 | 7330 | 20240813171411 | 40 |
Agenarich | 285448 | 0 | 1846 | 20240622152343 | 40 |
Auflösung der römischen Tetrarchie | 2185611 | 0 | 48973 | 20240703063956 | 40 |
Eusebius von Nikomedia | 51577 | 0 | 8329 | 20240310055535 | 40 |
Sixtus III. | 42240 | 0 | 2300 | 20230906185356 | 40 |
Kastell Tolna | 6203423 | 0 | 15703 | 20231030182031 | 40 |
Bleda | 282732 | 0 | 2703 | 20240718214719 | 40 |
Schlacht von Edessa | 5546271 | 0 | 6737 | 20231129212758 | 40 |
Fides von Agen | 7876779 | 0 | 11919 | 20240825165103 | 40 |
Origo gentis | 2898428 | 0 | 7926 | 20240120180536 | 40 |
Dromedarii | 12085231 | 0 | 45518 | 20241220180728 | 40 |
Palladius | 357352 | 0 | 2984 | 20240314115145 | 40 |
Theodor Stratelates | 5490929 | 0 | 1945 | 20241209173329 | 40 |
Bagauden | 393971 | 0 | 9875 | 20241014202631 | 40 |
Hortar | 290546 | 0 | 2440 | 20240622225222 | 40 |
Priarius | 191685 | 0 | 1653 | 20240622230823 | 40 |
Schlacht bei Dara | 774318 | 0 | 5618 | 20210720122933 | 40 |
Dares Phrygius | 620908 | 0 | 4517 | 20240712154633 | 40 |
Vandalenkrieg | 3860397 | 0 | 2713 | 20240227194425 | 39 |
Terwingen | 723981 | 0 | 4295 | 20240626161452 | 39 |
Allectus | 202621 | 0 | 11946 | 20240713211534 | 39 |
Burgus Szentendre-Dera | 5592159 | 0 | 10702 | 20240901155322 | 39 |
Theon von Alexandria | 665097 | 0 | 3394 | 20240708180743 | 39 |
Bonifatius I. | 34894 | 0 | 3765 | 20241221164204 | 39 |
Auctor | 1531160 | 0 | 19108 | 20220301213154 | 39 |
Germania prima | 3426295 | 0 | 2623 | 20240612214221 | 39 |
Dux tractus Armoricani et Nervicani | 4111546 | 0 | 16566 | 20240929083428 | 39 |
Julius I. | 42263 | 0 | 4073 | 20201227134111 | 39 |
Franz Joseph Dölger-Institut | 1242003 | 0 | 4661 | 20240426213816 | 39 |
Marcellus I. | 42260 | 0 | 3755 | 20231022194439 | 39 |
Nonius Marcellus | 2123497 | 0 | 3925 | 20241212025601 | 39 |
Sabas | 3079085 | 0 | 6167 | 20240214162635 | 39 |
Agapitus I. | 42249 | 0 | 4179 | 20230822024845 | 39 |
Bahram Tschobin | 688805 | 0 | 7821 | 20230718113311 | 39 |
Gelimer | 223232 | 0 | 5067 | 20231111205534 | 39 |
Dux Raetiae primae et secundae | 3958589 | 0 | 23147 | 20240410134611 | 39 |
Konstantin III. | 162802 | 0 | 18439 | 20240310210729 | 39 |
Consistorium | 12859155 | 0 | 10935 | 20240313141045 | 38 |
Achatius von Byzanz | 6303446 | 0 | 3689 | 20230816004003 | 38 |
Euphemia von Chalkedon | 1510954 | 0 | 5600 | 20240615133416 | 38 |
Völkerwanderungszeitliche Höhensiedlung | 2366916 | 0 | 10880 | 20240805124715 | 38 |
Licinia Eudoxia | 887799 | 0 | 6372 | 20240526110121 | 38 |
Theodosianische Dynastie | 396237 | 0 | 4230 | 20210519200339 | 38 |
Vithicab | 316430 | 0 | 3347 | 20240622131248 | 38 |
Widsith | 1008527 | 0 | 4358 | 20240528153356 | 38 |
Spyridon | 1017201 | 0 | 5503 | 20241208054337 | 38 |
Schlacht von Busta Gallorum | 401707 | 0 | 6180 | 20240623151642 | 38 |
Mederich | 1058428 | 0 | 1638 | 20240622141529 | 38 |
Journal of Late Antiquity | 4725756 | 0 | 4214 | 20241224033305 | 38 |
Codex Gregorianus | 9577275 | 0 | 22243 | 20241216172911 | 38 |
Faroald I. | 5292892 | 0 | 4361 | 20210803022603 | 38 |
Transaquincum | 5550120 | 0 | 20288 | 20240827133318 | 38 |
Constantina | 1621192 | 0 | 17186 | 20241205024825 | 38 |
Ur | 285641 | 0 | 1457 | 20240622230110 | 38 |
Taq-e Bostan | 3406495 | 0 | 13020 | 20241128111334 | 38 |
Olybrius | 163202 | 0 | 3964 | 20240914102910 | 38 |
Spania | 10244925 | 0 | 11569 | 20241031090302 | 38 |
Procopius | 204592 | 0 | 4217 | 20230307130600 | 38 |
Benignus von Dijon | 5539810 | 0 | 3273 | 20220205153237 | 38 |
Schlacht am Frigidus | 745519 | 0 | 15602 | 20240906221726 | 38 |
Anastasius I. | 32918 | 0 | 2966 | 20230928083836 | 38 |
Comes Britanniarum | 3564504 | 0 | 20587 | 20240929081438 | 38 |
Konzil von Arles | 2204916 | 0 | 2384 | 20240218223356 | 38 |
Didymus der Blinde | 400468 | 0 | 3123 | 20240504180515 | 37 |
Johannes Klimakos | 3172761 | 0 | 15368 | 20230827170357 | 37 |
Kastell Crumerum | 7317568 | 0 | 22078 | 20231209230439 | 37 |
Firuzabad | 3839820 | 0 | 7736 | 20241025212602 | 37 |
Konstantin III. | 312175 | 0 | 4461 | 20220520194233 | 37 |
Marcellus Empiricus | 2150884 | 0 | 5996 | 20240718163514 | 37 |
Dietrichepik | 816966 | 0 | 5529 | 20220411125731 | 37 |
Isaak der Große | 1269491 | 0 | 9422 | 20241117180335 | 37 |
Sententiae Receptae | 9613687 | 0 | 15684 | 20241227161347 | 37 |
Cassius und Florentius | 2030583 | 0 | 9405 | 20240216085408 | 37 |
Ursicinus | 285658 | 0 | 1794 | 20240622225907 | 37 |
Comes Illyrici | 4300437 | 0 | 17976 | 20241214145742 | 37 |
Euagrios Pontikos | 107344 | 0 | 7022 | 20230116024008 | 37 |
Thorsberger Moor | 2846810 | 0 | 23528 | 20240718103306 | 37 |
Burgus Visegrád-Lepence | 9442408 | 0 | 34150 | 20241214145754 | 37 |
Schlacht bei Ninive | 228459 | 0 | 6139 | 20241014180440 | 37 |
In hoc signo vinces | 2406991 | 0 | 2679 | 20241213140548 | 37 |
Suomar | 290541 | 0 | 1876 | 20240825101421 | 37 |
Vestralp | 285661 | 0 | 1719 | 20240622144025 | 37 |
Kleinkastell Kisoroszi | 5606452 | 0 | 18559 | 20231106180258 | 37 |
Gundischapur | 1559940 | 0 | 4415 | 20230115195808 | 37 |
Körnerpark | 390799 | 0 | 6937 | 20240902133508 | 37 |
Kastell Mohács-Kölked | 5822927 | 0 | 31637 | 20241112214555 | 37 |
Alexander von Alexandria | 573090 | 0 | 4179 | 20241007064254 | 37 |
Castor von Karden | 1296625 | 0 | 8140 | 20241111133006 | 37 |
Dux provinciae Sequanicae | 8890323 | 0 | 12745 | 20240808215917 | 37 |
Jesse | 9856974 | 0 | 2503 | 20231127215348 | 36 |
Mungo | 830871 | 0 | 3563 | 20240729112838 | 36 |
Crescentia | 2424758 | 0 | 2481 | 20231205104729 | 36 |
Burgus Bölcske | 6552587 | 0 | 23212 | 20250111164944 | 36 |
Eutychios von Konstantinopel | 8775828 | 0 | 3898 | 20240618145801 | 36 |
Burgus Szentendre-Hunka | 5522978 | 0 | 11418 | 20240528193245 | 36 |
Valens-Aquädukt | 441699 | 0 | 2285 | 20241120164933 | 36 |
Severus von Antiochia | 1154067 | 0 | 4707 | 20241119011650 | 36 |
Gorgonius von Rom | 462847 | 0 | 3990 | 20240403172102 | 36 |
Hermenegild | 462754 | 0 | 6758 | 20241218122810 | 36 |
Kastell Göd-Bócsaújtelep | 5662090 | 0 | 27166 | 20240612224947 | 36 |
Herminafried | 183043 | 0 | 5712 | 20241021131715 | 36 |
Codex Argenteus | 108481 | 0 | 8537 | 20241105201157 | 36 |
Alban von England | 660151 | 0 | 5178 | 20210826063236 | 36 |
Labarum | 322513 | 0 | 2947 | 20230107015509 | 36 |
Aëtios von Amida | 2781045 | 0 | 6592 | 20240628032114 | 36 |
Hariobaud | 285646 | 0 | 1548 | 20240622230737 | 36 |
Akademie von Gundischapur | 1197906 | 0 | 5552 | 20240518094250 | 36 |
Aelia Eudoxia | 887789 | 0 | 5216 | 20240904075446 | 36 |
Novempopulana | 3498596 | 0 | 2058 | 20240612205112 | 36 |
Johannes von Ephesos | 1124531 | 0 | 6639 | 20250103015348 | 36 |
Schahrbaraz | 589830 | 0 | 9484 | 20240728083742 | 36 |
Hilarion von Gaza | 143340 | 0 | 6992 | 20240619071050 | 35 |
Byzantinische Herrschaft in Ägypten | 360427 | 0 | 7764 | 20250111180508 | 35 |
Libius Severus | 163962 | 0 | 5726 | 20240803125736 | 35 |
Universität von Konstantinopel | 1340082 | 0 | 4574 | 20240703090157 | 35 |
Carl Schmidt | 7136543 | 0 | 10944 | 20240129211920 | 35 |
Istachr | 576894 | 0 | 4626 | 20221106133706 | 35 |
Burgus Pilismarót-Malompatak | 7443464 | 0 | 12446 | 20231208182937 | 35 |
Goar | 90775 | 0 | 9171 | 20240103131621 | 35 |
Teriolis | 7831327 | 0 | 28853 | 20230128083444 | 35 |
Schlacht von Callinicum | 7033416 | 0 | 9140 | 20221231091152 | 35 |
Johannes I. | 42246 | 0 | 4220 | 20230925232419 | 35 |
Kavadh II. | 397310 | 0 | 7191 | 20241014180952 | 35 |
Johannes IV. | 4797262 | 0 | 6324 | 20240410154611 | 35 |
Kastell Esztergom | 6600395 | 0 | 18087 | 20241002194312 | 35 |
Faustus von Byzanz | 6659091 | 0 | 4797 | 20230814163631 | 35 |
Enmannsche Kaisergeschichte | 1441931 | 0 | 16593 | 20230710230143 | 35 |
Kirchengeschichte | 1465941 | 0 | 3955 | 20210708155642 | 35 |
Thiudimir | 1727102 | 0 | 2807 | 20221230120828 | 34 |
Quaestor sacri palatii | 1742647 | 0 | 3628 | 20230728122611 | 34 |
Schlacht am Mons Lactarius | 400438 | 0 | 7488 | 20231207200407 | 34 |
Honoratus von Arles | 2141651 | 0 | 2861 | 20240404035253 | 34 |
Sergios und Bakchos | 1670454 | 0 | 6527 | 20241228210931 | 34 |
Bischapur | 2432071 | 0 | 6997 | 20231117133645 | 34 |
Ingenuinus | 622648 | 0 | 4456 | 20231205165528 | 34 |
Schlacht bei Tricamarum | 2906279 | 0 | 6060 | 20231215093837 | 34 |
Zosimus | 33284 | 0 | 2156 | 20230928110636 | 34 |
Johannes | 64185 | 0 | 7630 | 20240802030502 | 34 |
Paulinus von Trier | 2172769 | 0 | 3656 | 20220912235803 | 34 |
Vierzig Märtyrer von Sebaste | 1328811 | 0 | 11592 | 20241123104611 | 34 |
Cambidanum | 7443343 | 0 | 15340 | 20240621143902 | 34 |
Schlacht am Nedao | 774290 | 0 | 4049 | 20220222172951 | 34 |
Gallikanischer Ritus | 8332281 | 0 | 7837 | 20240203172955 | 34 |
Julius Constantius | 559732 | 0 | 6446 | 20240701195955 | 34 |
Bürgle | 5026803 | 0 | 9349 | 20240916120557 | 34 |
Gaius Marius Victorinus | 1339275 | 0 | 6301 | 20240717074222 | 33 |
Alexander von Tralleis | 1360084 | 0 | 7879 | 20240628031927 | 33 |
Valamir | 4610272 | 0 | 3219 | 20240103163057 | 33 |
Eroberung von Jerusalem | 8855532 | 0 | 4206 | 20240502193003 | 33 |
Dioecesis Galliae | 9975818 | 0 | 4038 | 20240802162215 | 33 |
Anten | 62342 | 0 | 7982 | 20200129092021 | 33 |
Kidariten | 242166 | 0 | 6103 | 20211001140500 | 33 |
Morde nach dem Tod Konstantins des Großen | 585811 | 0 | 7493 | 20230812084926 | 33 |
Augustamnica | 9695945 | 0 | 6629 | 20240612204508 | 33 |
Praepositus sacri cubiculi | 12880983 | 0 | 4055 | 20231117144240 | 33 |
Burgus Bač-Bács | 6782830 | 0 | 18145 | 20231102080919 | 33 |
Everigisil | 717394 | 0 | 5578 | 20240310132532 | 33 |
Eucherius von Lyon | 3590884 | 0 | 4410 | 20240215191446 | 33 |
Kastell Szentendre | 5565076 | 0 | 39755 | 20240906142724 | 33 |
Kastell Tokod | 6566886 | 0 | 44777 | 20241214145801 | 33 |
Schirin | 165709 | 0 | 8728 | 20240408110347 | 33 |
Codex Bezae | 2509536 | 0 | 4566 | 20241120184813 | 33 |
Burgus Neuwied-Engers | 7514703 | 0 | 11933 | 20250105202713 | 33 |
Romanus von Condat | 227856 | 0 | 3915 | 20240222090314 | 33 |
Archäologische Landschaft der Sassaniden in der Region Fars | 10583879 | 0 | 10920 | 20231025164819 | 32 |
Eucharius | 875394 | 0 | 3047 | 20250103030117 | 32 |
Orestes | 1252393 | 0 | 3986 | 20240409141924 | 32 |
Zeugitana | 4424722 | 0 | 1144 | 20240612203643 | 32 |
Konstantin der Große | 11261676 | 0 | 8155 | 20240312105520 | 32 |
Antiochenische Schule | 104077 | 0 | 4608 | 20241220003802 | 32 |
Märtyrer der heiligen Bücher | 7468632 | 0 | 24682 | 20241115113643 | 32 |
Eutropios | 745580 | 0 | 9536 | 20240702141533 | 32 |
Jüngeres Hildebrandslied | 1314271 | 0 | 1819 | 20240317202648 | 32 |
Teja | 102625 | 0 | 3396 | 20250101160611 | 32 |
Makarios der Ägypter | 1658048 | 0 | 7478 | 20241123073602 | 32 |
Marzban | 4105394 | 0 | 2442 | 20230125175128 | 32 |
Jovinus | 204604 | 0 | 5985 | 20240201181029 | 32 |
Pelagius I. | 61726 | 0 | 12775 | 20241221163922 | 32 |
Decretum Gelasianum | 2987304 | 0 | 20557 | 20241229151249 | 32 |
Burgus Esztergom-Szentgyörgymező 1 | 8871967 | 0 | 25030 | 20231107162312 | 32 |
Lentienser | 195599 | 0 | 4670 | 20240610141555 | 32 |
Leo II. | 92163 | 0 | 2530 | 20231019181757 | 32 |
Schlacht von al-Qādisīya | 799450 | 0 | 5909 | 20240904144024 | 32 |
Nabor | 548517 | 0 | 5486 | 20230121153455 | 32 |
Rabenschlacht | 190719 | 0 | 4476 | 20241014002736 | 32 |
Salzburggau | 4161482 | 0 | 5827 | 20220808111127 | 32 |
Kastell Mursa | 6853858 | 0 | 31284 | 20220511211348 | 32 |
Codex Hermogenianus | 9610143 | 0 | 11743 | 20241128100140 | 32 |
Dioecesis Thraciarum | 9966546 | 0 | 3233 | 20240816043936 | 32 |
Alexander von Bergamo | 3959239 | 0 | 3272 | 20220314183725 | 32 |
Petrus Chrysologus | 350040 | 0 | 3230 | 20210109174831 | 32 |
Priskos | 1849844 | 0 | 6088 | 20231103183523 | 32 |
Dux Pannoniae secundae ripariensis et Saviae | 10434239 | 0 | 17416 | 20241219100741 | 31 |
Caelius Aurelianus | 7451598 | 0 | 5814 | 20240628033144 | 31 |
Schlacht bei Mursa | 1498298 | 0 | 5921 | 20230227230614 | 31 |
Johannes II. | 42248 | 0 | 2145 | 20230606211354 | 31 |
Frieden von 363 | 1727271 | 0 | 9382 | 20230903141550 | 31 |
Silverius | 61094 | 0 | 3882 | 20241109154354 | 31 |
Malchus von Philadelphia | 2843846 | 0 | 9993 | 20240310144153 | 31 |
Johannes III. | 42250 | 0 | 5572 | 20241201164116 | 31 |
Comes tractus Argentoratensis | 8846587 | 0 | 11125 | 20230831093217 | 31 |
Flavius Hypatius | 1256983 | 0 | 5283 | 20241017210811 | 31 |
Dioskoros I. von Alexandria | 1269918 | 0 | 2766 | 20230412231345 | 31 |
Aper | 5055313 | 0 | 6371 | 20231228232832 | 31 |
Vettius Agorius Praetextatus | 1449910 | 0 | 5649 | 20250108192654 | 31 |
Burgus Dunakömlőd | 6078536 | 0 | 32583 | 20240505155403 | 31 |
Juliana von Nikomedia | 715289 | 0 | 5361 | 20241207184253 | 31 |
Britannia prima | 1565569 | 0 | 2583 | 20240612211546 | 31 |
Flavianus von Konstantinopel | 7949899 | 0 | 5501 | 20230912203214 | 31 |
Schlacht von Mesiche | 4404841 | 0 | 9305 | 20240419183934 | 31 |
Dux provinciae Tripolitanae | 10482481 | 0 | 17513 | 20240918154955 | 31 |
Clavis Historicorum Antiquitatis Posterioris | 11341956 | 0 | 5155 | 20240131161858 | 31 |
Ebioniten | 519379 | 0 | 9527 | 20241231102308 | 30 |
Fausta | 177271 | 0 | 8490 | 20241117154516 | 30 |
Quintus Aurelius Memmius Symmachus | 725489 | 0 | 10470 | 20240919141051 | 30 |
Vir clarissimus | 8313923 | 0 | 4599 | 20240202023122 | 30 |
Streit um den Victoriaaltar | 1065750 | 0 | 20497 | 20241029155245 | 30 |
Theudis | 752660 | 0 | 2787 | 20240126120355 | 30 |
Flavius Dalmatius | 566085 | 0 | 7816 | 20240701184804 | 30 |
Bonifatius II. | 107725 | 0 | 2516 | 20231223031608 | 30 |
Urien | 6264731 | 0 | 3970 | 20230823160334 | 30 |
Burgus Őcsény-Soványtelek | 9011288 | 0 | 18111 | 20231109091650 | 30 |
Schapur III. | 564535 | 0 | 4209 | 20240828102908 | 30 |
Germania secunda | 3063573 | 0 | 1575 | 20240612214001 | 30 |
Ibas von Edessa | 656055 | 0 | 9477 | 20241201093124 | 30 |
Reich von Soissons | 9332268 | 0 | 14832 | 20241017134546 | 30 |
Chilperich II. | 636892 | 0 | 2888 | 20221229230702 | 30 |
Julianus von Brioude | 4976981 | 0 | 6389 | 20230505173954 | 30 |
Comes Italiae | 8899420 | 0 | 101755 | 20241010110329 | 30 |
Paula von Rom | 5582333 | 0 | 4552 | 20220921205933 | 30 |
Felix III. | 56497 | 0 | 3006 | 20241211140022 | 30 |
Toleranzedikt des Galerius | 171948 | 0 | 5883 | 20241213135027 | 30 |
Mamertus | 179173 | 0 | 2340 | 20230523165548 | 30 |
Rechiar | 3024659 | 0 | 7692 | 20241206145053 | 30 |
Synode von Elvira | 290973 | 0 | 9179 | 20241003102250 | 30 |
Hagios Demetrios | 5980737 | 0 | 7869 | 20240409111508 | 29 |
Ossius von Córdoba | 250118 | 0 | 22186 | 20220505183226 | 29 |
Comes Hispaniarum | 10525332 | 0 | 33102 | 20241023095200 | 29 |
Coel | 6278406 | 0 | 6193 | 20240303083933 | 29 |
Spahbod | 4108053 | 0 | 4344 | 20230128005603 | 29 |
Dioecesis Asiana | 9965232 | 0 | 2787 | 20231125111248 | 29 |
Magnus Felix Ennodius | 1333526 | 0 | 11758 | 20240219112257 | 29 |
Eutyches | 2945879 | 0 | 2446 | 20250101171750 | 29 |
Calcidius | 1357267 | 0 | 72260 | 20240916223657 | 29 |
Burgus Máriakálnok-Országúti-dűlő | 8285411 | 0 | 9384 | 20231101102429 | 29 |
Hen Ogledd | 3039614 | 0 | 1651 | 20240829144940 | 29 |
Dux Belgicae secundae | 4233473 | 0 | 18879 | 20241012120119 | 29 |
Epiphanios von Konstantinopel | 714552 | 0 | 2231 | 20220618144902 | 29 |
Gunthamund | 915800 | 0 | 3737 | 20240908163428 | 29 |
Comes Tingitaniae | 10492704 | 0 | 11805 | 20240921075310 | 29 |
Palladios | 353059 | 0 | 4189 | 20250112221101 | 29 |
Laurentius | 164791 | 0 | 2836 | 20230315202213 | 29 |
Arschak II. | 7060811 | 0 | 3840 | 20240711094304 | 29 |
Eunomius | 878663 | 0 | 5328 | 20241203024521 | 28 |
Sedulius | 4093445 | 0 | 2950 | 20240807090846 | 28 |
Marinus | 5925233 | 0 | 3439 | 20241217201216 | 28 |
Burgus Hatvan-Gombospuszta | 9162509 | 0 | 29184 | 20240612225023 | 28 |
Epiphanius von Pavia | 1102842 | 0 | 4539 | 20230406015329 | 28 |
Aemilianus von Cogolla | 2502526 | 0 | 3448 | 20220120154547 | 28 |
Chioniten | 222003 | 0 | 6958 | 20230901212040 | 28 |
Oranna | 1682053 | 0 | 11417 | 20241031212349 | 28 |
Mazdakiten | 694039 | 0 | 10374 | 20241001101943 | 28 |
Fabius Claudius Gordianus Fulgentius | 2240535 | 0 | 2817 | 20210708131908 | 28 |
Bonifatius | 509009 | 0 | 4126 | 20250107165353 | 28 |
Tat | 383418 | 0 | 3993 | 20231006130402 | 28 |
Menas | 8794311 | 0 | 2405 | 20241016113059 | 28 |
Fulgentius von Ruspe | 2175271 | 0 | 12157 | 20211224104125 | 28 |
Anastasius II. | 42244 | 0 | 2387 | 20230925095449 | 28 |
Schlacht bei Ad Decimum | 774341 | 0 | 4688 | 20240620055947 | 28 |
Germanus | 897329 | 0 | 5179 | 20240111080610 | 28 |
Byzantinisches und Christliches Museum | 5597437 | 0 | 2022 | 20241123121148 | 28 |
Priscus Attalus | 204599 | 0 | 3191 | 20240812222953 | 28 |
Semipelagianismus | 1109694 | 0 | 8266 | 20240518213924 | 28 |
Dietrichs Flucht | 1538831 | 0 | 10356 | 20240419060853 | 28 |
Radagaisus | 779949 | 0 | 2540 | 20250103202622 | 28 |
Iulius Firmicus Maternus | 2248146 | 0 | 5310 | 20240708190830 | 28 |
Victor von Solothurn | 4597398 | 0 | 16382 | 20240803090415 | 28 |
Kastell Dunaszekcső | 6880305 | 0 | 24608 | 20240615234222 | 28 |
Palaestina salutaris | 2743663 | 0 | 919 | 20230509114416 | 28 |
Lukian von Antiochia | 56279 | 0 | 10178 | 20220107232229 | 28 |
Sulpicius Alexander | 2844450 | 0 | 5171 | 20241114223434 | 28 |
Victor von Vita | 1449221 | 0 | 3866 | 20240823220637 | 27 |
Felix von Afrika | 2797820 | 0 | 3039 | 20220825071915 | 27 |
Navis lusoria | 684563 | 0 | 7097 | 20240627040825 | 27 |
Erstes Türk-Kaganat | 11066007 | 0 | 33908 | 20241117113902 | 27 |
Ninian von Whithorn | 9075422 | 0 | 4982 | 20240923184830 | 27 |
Onomastikon der biblischen Ortsnamen | 12854887 | 0 | 17580 | 20241104172345 | 27 |
Rufus Festus | 785422 | 0 | 3709 | 20231213164420 | 27 |
Carthaginiensis | 3116180 | 0 | 2486 | 20240612225302 | 27 |
Apollinaris von Laodicea | 214034 | 0 | 5357 | 20210827064415 | 27 |
Bahram I. | 151216 | 0 | 4299 | 20240829141108 | 27 |
Dioecesis Africae | 9974868 | 0 | 2607 | 20231113192040 | 27 |
Ambrosius Aurelianus | 162962 | 0 | 8469 | 20240114111038 | 27 |
Dux Germaniae primae | 8889607 | 0 | 7264 | 20241109163635 | 27 |
Johannes von Nikiu | 1660606 | 0 | 4127 | 20240902135513 | 27 |
Zacharias von Mytilene | 3183887 | 0 | 5967 | 20231030172911 | 27 |
Ewiger Frieden | 2656928 | 0 | 6675 | 20250113150726 | 27 |
Vedast | 1901383 | 0 | 2729 | 20230425164529 | 27 |
Bonifatius von Tarsus | 31113 | 0 | 2877 | 20230511181817 | 27 |
Euthymius von Melitene | 3371069 | 0 | 6155 | 20241023075006 | 27 |
Julian und Basilissa | 1738804 | 0 | 4400 | 20240204044546 | 27 |
Sakralkönigtum | 862832 | 0 | 24751 | 20240421085539 | 27 |
Pessimum der Völkerwanderungszeit | 4831750 | 0 | 37951 | 20241015164513 | 27 |
Schlacht von Avarayr | 4903829 | 0 | 6482 | 20230124145933 | 27 |
Salvian von Marseille | 1549311 | 0 | 6465 | 20230728163150 | 27 |
Miltiades | 47826 | 0 | 3613 | 20220528190621 | 27 |
Schlacht bei Argentovaria | 444959 | 0 | 3665 | 20240903135656 | 27 |
Byzantinischer Senat | 6527798 | 0 | 19811 | 20240824143856 | 27 |
Apophthegmata Patrum | 1648157 | 0 | 3468 | 20250112204244 | 26 |
Kloster Arkadi | 1137855 | 0 | 6113 | 20240218170605 | 26 |
Athanarich | 110507 | 0 | 6105 | 20240612064213 | 26 |
Dioecesis Pontica | 9965195 | 0 | 2514 | 20240703144336 | 26 |
Erdbeben vor Kreta 365 | 4258169 | 0 | 17177 | 20240908181351 | 26 |
Vulgarrecht | 372816 | 0 | 9991 | 20201228151342 | 26 |
Dioecesis Italiae | 9983906 | 0 | 2978 | 20200519182122 | 26 |
Lupus von Troyes | 7734735 | 0 | 6962 | 20221209091855 | 26 |
Anthemios von Tralleis | 882463 | 0 | 3187 | 20240711184418 | 26 |
Petronius von Bologna | 4315572 | 0 | 5149 | 20241008130625 | 26 |
Mime | 4968398 | 0 | 2927 | 20240504155403 | 26 |
Ferrutius | 3668480 | 0 | 4186 | 20230511104511 | 26 |
Amandus von Straßburg | 2870805 | 0 | 2308 | 20210826111302 | 26 |
Kutriguren | 6874014 | 0 | 6160 | 20230912004647 | 26 |
Julianus von Le Mans | 2015020 | 0 | 1989 | 20240426125353 | 26 |
Schlacht von Mons Badonicus | 196970 | 0 | 12173 | 20240303161051 | 26 |
Iustiniana Prima | 812216 | 0 | 15979 | 20231129074302 | 26 |
Leander von Sevilla | 461663 | 0 | 3078 | 20240903104616 | 26 |
Chilperich I. | 2960837 | 0 | 2883 | 20230406004624 | 26 |
Wittich | 1310057 | 0 | 5073 | 20240130190412 | 26 |
Eusebius | 40799 | 0 | 2415 | 20230928081217 | 26 |
Kathedrale von Marseille | 6992107 | 0 | 11397 | 20240516222443 | 26 |
Onoguren | 7572320 | 0 | 5244 | 20210901001530 | 26 |
Dioecesis Aegypti | 9976051 | 0 | 4740 | 20210529120306 | 26 |
Rufinus | 727646 | 0 | 4612 | 20240813171755 | 26 |
Konzil von Ephesos | 570919 | 0 | 3623 | 20241231222746 | 26 |
Eckenlied | 1886683 | 0 | 4240 | 20231208174453 | 26 |
Sassanidische Kunst | 2425474 | 0 | 20823 | 20231117133644 | 25 |
Gainas | 1536761 | 0 | 5301 | 20220701154436 | 25 |
Vitalian | 3074312 | 0 | 4118 | 20240807115302 | 25 |
Guengalaenus | 10849811 | 0 | 2513 | 20231005103639 | 25 |
Raetia prima | 10098050 | 0 | 6975 | 20240612222516 | 25 |
Helenenfriedhof | 10476401 | 0 | 10474 | 20241230215739 | 25 |
Illus | 3370645 | 0 | 3782 | 20240902114616 | 25 |
Burg Zähringen | 764258 | 0 | 6933 | 20230425112318 | 25 |
Zwiebelknopffibel | 2984742 | 0 | 3202 | 20240305044345 | 25 |
Ariadne | 4880610 | 0 | 3540 | 20241103203204 | 25 |
Miro | 2152180 | 0 | 1708 | 20210612103128 | 25 |
Isidor von Milet | 1363470 | 0 | 2181 | 20240911131718 | 25 |
Comes sacrarum largitionum | 12881095 | 0 | 11049 | 20240508232121 | 25 |
Hierokles von Alexandria | 1216385 | 0 | 9989 | 20241221024051 | 25 |
Meletius von Antiochien | 1081352 | 0 | 7837 | 20241005081153 | 25 |
Lucifer von Calaris | 155956 | 0 | 3828 | 20231119180720 | 25 |
Kartir | 698558 | 0 | 5563 | 20240515193009 | 25 |
Dux et praeses provinciae Mauritaniae et Caesariensis | 10516301 | 0 | 10956 | 20240808081145 | 25 |
Romanos Melodos | 1681288 | 0 | 6477 | 20250112221534 | 25 |
Schlacht am Casilinus | 3853373 | 0 | 8525 | 20220605184018 | 25 |
Kastell Iža-Leányvár | 6679508 | 0 | 55871 | 20241230133620 | 25 |
Houbirg | 357567 | 0 | 5838 | 20241209073538 | 25 |
Marcellinus | 42259 | 0 | 3523 | 20230927142949 | 25 |
Kastell Teutoburgium | 6754729 | 0 | 27457 | 20241014211452 | 25 |
Rabenschlacht | 2805911 | 0 | 5826 | 20230416194329 | 25 |
Schlacht von Abrittus | 204606 | 0 | 5052 | 20241106212615 | 25 |
Philokalie | 1664372 | 0 | 4104 | 20230720145742 | 25 |
Adelphus | 2272283 | 0 | 8353 | 20231121192620 | 25 |
Codex Euricianus | 452784 | 0 | 6756 | 20241202114103 | 25 |
Silvanus | 584468 | 0 | 5701 | 20231101031233 | 25 |
Jakob von Sarug | 1836313 | 0 | 8822 | 20250103014731 | 25 |
Burgus Hörbranz | 13331116 | 0 | 17881 | 20250107114523 | 24 |
Johannes von Biclaro | 4175482 | 0 | 4345 | 20240807150407 | 24 |
St. Helena und Andreas | 4428640 | 0 | 7075 | 20241005122805 | 24 |
Richomer | 10223195 | 0 | 12537 | 20241220055458 | 24 |
Maximianus von Ravenna | 2704725 | 0 | 4984 | 20241124134717 | 24 |
Aureus | 1044217 | 0 | 7492 | 20241101174731 | 24 |
Bauto | 210057 | 0 | 2729 | 20241107184854 | 24 |
Schlacht an der Unstrut | 7256842 | 0 | 11022 | 20250109153223 | 24 |
Seeschlacht von Sena Gallica | 7033917 | 0 | 6026 | 20241024001008 | 24 |
Königreich der Sueben | 8315595 | 0 | 79152 | 20250107175917 | 24 |
Belagerung von Petra | 12498472 | 0 | 6873 | 20240813120810 | 24 |
Haemimontus | 4853186 | 0 | 2151 | 20240612215809 | 24 |
Stephanos von Alexandria | 1701859 | 0 | 7430 | 20240709182014 | 24 |
Strategikon des Maurikios | 1849773 | 0 | 6107 | 20250112202627 | 24 |
Flavius Sosipater Charisius | 783021 | 0 | 2751 | 20240819192948 | 24 |
Walthari | 755743 | 0 | 2681 | 20241122172252 | 24 |
Pammakaristos-Kirche | 2546923 | 0 | 5860 | 20241224074020 | 24 |
Gennadios I. | 2306480 | 0 | 4104 | 20201023012413 | 24 |
Eran | 10252368 | 0 | 10128 | 20240629053039 | 24 |
Marinos von Neapolis | 1809178 | 0 | 9790 | 20241007161451 | 24 |
Valerius von Trier | 3458796 | 0 | 1743 | 20240109155332 | 24 |
Hannibalianus | 579531 | 0 | 5231 | 20241206185050 | 24 |
Gododdin | 316301 | 0 | 6366 | 20220520061238 | 24 |
Mosaicarum et Romanarum legum collatio | 2996989 | 0 | 11995 | 20250113153116 | 24 |
Rechtsschule von Beirut | 1340233 | 0 | 5469 | 20241225213947 | 24 |
Gennadius von Marseille | 368781 | 0 | 9815 | 20240313135134 | 24 |
Maximos von Ephesos | 1723787 | 0 | 21617 | 20240904211059 | 23 |
Prokopios von Gaza | 751195 | 0 | 4599 | 20240715231532 | 23 |
Dioecesis Britanniae | 9975800 | 0 | 3546 | 20210620171633 | 23 |
Priorat Saint-Avit-Sénieur | 3721835 | 0 | 23271 | 20221015220614 | 23 |
Schlacht bei Melitene | 774347 | 0 | 5477 | 20220120080838 | 23 |
Areobindus | 3398414 | 0 | 4802 | 20240727215156 | 23 |
Ursicinus | 556800 | 0 | 9678 | 20230829143848 | 23 |
Liste der Exarchen von Italien | 505131 | 0 | 2227 | 20200416065626 | 23 |
Gotenkrieg | 3879046 | 0 | 6839 | 20231031023654 | 23 |
Bucellarius | 2992777 | 0 | 7021 | 20241012202509 | 23 |
Cleph | 756786 | 0 | 10669 | 20241217102052 | 23 |
Justin | 897390 | 0 | 3492 | 20240807125243 | 23 |
Herakleios der Ältere | 1022677 | 0 | 2802 | 20220818171415 | 23 |
Cordula | 651416 | 0 | 3359 | 20240518113345 | 23 |
Komentiolos | 1885029 | 0 | 4592 | 20220508222134 | 23 |
Hellenisten | 643939 | 0 | 5441 | 20240421142210 | 23 |
Rutilius Claudius Namatianus | 346236 | 0 | 18173 | 20241003150241 | 23 |
Eudocia | 887806 | 0 | 3663 | 20241222123943 | 23 |
Rechila | 2152198 | 0 | 1475 | 20220309214943 | 23 |
Paulus | 4655503 | 0 | 6777 | 20240729211556 | 23 |
Kastell Campona | 6453878 | 0 | 37135 | 20241018161720 | 23 |
Kastell Ad Militare | 6773878 | 0 | 28047 | 20240718070446 | 23 |
Firmus | 1390509 | 0 | 2030 | 20240618170539 | 23 |
Dioecesis Septem Provinciarum | 9975836 | 0 | 2199 | 20210327193650 | 23 |
Dioecesis Hispaniae | 9979737 | 0 | 2331 | 20190926133355 | 23 |
Martina | 2396689 | 0 | 3800 | 20240117025744 | 23 |
Yerebatan-Zisterne | 438909 | 0 | 4350 | 20230709172010 | 23 |
Atlilied | 26877 | 0 | 14549 | 20230930174405 | 23 |
Ikonen-Museum | 8199135 | 0 | 7754 | 20250109131734 | 23 |
Dacia ripensis | 2103557 | 0 | 945 | 20240612220119 | 23 |
Aëtios von Antiochia | 1974969 | 0 | 7905 | 20241210210112 | 23 |
Hierokles | 5859836 | 0 | 2379 | 20240708185114 | 23 |
Belagerung von Amida | 4941758 | 0 | 11262 | 20241031170036 | 23 |
Konsulardiptychon | 10473696 | 0 | 9354 | 20241005203932 | 23 |
Konzil von Laodicea | 2580760 | 0 | 10273 | 20241204172117 | 23 |
Desiderius von Langres | 6259492 | 0 | 4317 | 20240312075811 | 23 |
Bahram IV. | 1188797 | 0 | 4081 | 20240530123714 | 23 |
Flavius Felix | 886465 | 0 | 3474 | 20240802034209 | 23 |
Pothinus | 4282976 | 0 | 4489 | 20220219201023 | 23 |
Anastasius der Perser | 2184857 | 0 | 5809 | 20240514153118 | 23 |
Ophiten | 134607 | 0 | 4464 | 20230505064126 | 23 |
Schlacht von Camlann | 210271 | 0 | 2542 | 20230926161947 | 23 |
Josua Stylites | 1771346 | 0 | 2658 | 20241015214926 | 22 |
Visigoten | 172843 | 0 | 86 | 20240624202229 | 22 |
Messalianer | 583065 | 0 | 3925 | 20241202222249 | 22 |
Johannes Scholastikos | 12320161 | 0 | 2312 | 20241114093618 | 22 |
Schlacht von Placentia | 1083543 | 0 | 2507 | 20230829190738 | 22 |
Heraclianus | 938403 | 0 | 3083 | 20240702193500 | 22 |
Paulus I. von Aquileia | 5134922 | 0 | 4379 | 20240807071450 | 22 |
Laelianus | 164352 | 0 | 2625 | 20170220160119 | 22 |
Mansuetus | 5007277 | 0 | 2263 | 20210713192404 | 22 |
Paulus Silentiarius | 4000946 | 0 | 4579 | 20240621232214 | 22 |
Albin von Angers | 8994461 | 0 | 3855 | 20230420103816 | 22 |
Belagerung von Petra | 12500421 | 0 | 2980 | 20240826200952 | 22 |
Justa Grata Honoria | 949918 | 0 | 3229 | 20240914142318 | 22 |
Schenute von Atripe | 2020334 | 0 | 7828 | 20230908191010 | 22 |
Sabinus von Assisi | 6792364 | 0 | 8178 | 20240516081922 | 22 |
Flavia Maximiana Theodora | 4870052 | 0 | 5442 | 20230711022517 | 22 |
Alpharts Tod | 2774189 | 0 | 4114 | 20240711133758 | 22 |
Horapollon | 1093741 | 0 | 13034 | 20241207030124 | 22 |
Schlacht am Lacus Benacus | 1083446 | 0 | 2524 | 20221019113703 | 22 |
Melania die Jüngere | 3184788 | 0 | 11920 | 20240318042558 | 22 |
Johanneskirche | 4325644 | 0 | 12648 | 20240823191727 | 22 |
Kolonat | 220461 | 0 | 15077 | 20241217154957 | 22 |
Dioecesis Daciae | 9984118 | 0 | 2745 | 20240612220917 | 22 |
Goldemar | 2803237 | 0 | 3090 | 20250112104934 | 22 |
Arbogast der Jüngere | 365751 | 0 | 5024 | 20241123201311 | 22 |
Flavius Merobaudes | 823687 | 0 | 3586 | 20240702115124 | 22 |
Licinianus Licinius | 1981832 | 0 | 3327 | 20240701171303 | 22 |
Candidus | 1811021 | 0 | 4490 | 20230228172843 | 22 |
Biterolf und Dietleib | 2806307 | 0 | 23875 | 20240619141349 | 22 |
Marcus | 42262 | 0 | 2173 | 20240616202706 | 22 |
Restituta von Afrika | 8064870 | 0 | 11002 | 20240807201617 | 22 |
Hilarius von Arles | 2141064 | 0 | 2786 | 20240802120446 | 22 |
Verina | 471742 | 0 | 2010 | 20241030121920 | 22 |
Ardaschir II. | 1301682 | 0 | 5398 | 20240604193753 | 22 |
Mons Brisiacus | 7975847 | 0 | 28836 | 20250108201829 | 22 |
Romuliana | 3575735 | 0 | 8900 | 20240804180156 | 22 |
Psychomachia | 1414850 | 0 | 54030 | 20241121141601 | 22 |
St-Trophime | 5043119 | 0 | 14337 | 20240720133024 | 22 |
Plutarch von Athen | 1216418 | 0 | 15320 | 20240708212802 | 22 |
Dioecesis Moesiae | 9966558 | 0 | 2163 | 20210322170229 | 22 |
Res Gestae Divi Saporis | 10415543 | 0 | 9390 | 20241123170022 | 22 |
Schlacht von Mucellium | 7033384 | 0 | 3163 | 20230321005026 | 22 |
Schlacht bei Nehawand | 799713 | 0 | 5636 | 20231101192430 | 22 |
Marcomer | 3129299 | 0 | 5723 | 20241111164819 | 22 |
Y Gododdin | 589427 | 0 | 3633 | 20230401124941 | 21 |
Theodotion | 8875091 | 0 | 5641 | 20230430201426 | 21 |
Remismund | 6335128 | 0 | 11017 | 20240515064034 | 21 |
Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus | 2845171 | 0 | 8553 | 20241015162954 | 21 |
Dioecesis Italiae Annonariae | 9983923 | 0 | 3179 | 20180413154710 | 21 |
Decentius | 3392800 | 0 | 3728 | 20240619042711 | 21 |
Boran von Persien | 1034606 | 0 | 4538 | 20240619190517 | 21 |
Eutokios | 6214637 | 0 | 15902 | 20241102110147 | 21 |
Kastell Arbon | 5725206 | 0 | 41390 | 20241019130603 | 21 |
Noricum ripense | 7435825 | 0 | 2298 | 20240612221201 | 21 |
Honorius von Amiens | 4264235 | 0 | 4499 | 20230109155004 | 21 |
Henotikon | 727195 | 0 | 2495 | 20220422142244 | 21 |
Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus | 1430175 | 0 | 40872 | 20241214105712 | 21 |
Simplicius | 1140242 | 0 | 4923 | 20250111223825 | 21 |
Tribonianus | 322662 | 0 | 2833 | 20250113132152 | 21 |
Hormizd II. | 1036772 | 0 | 3536 | 20240610153142 | 21 |
Martin von Braga | 2542291 | 0 | 4149 | 20241127133840 | 21 |
Corentin von Quimper | 10858991 | 0 | 2575 | 20241122111533 | 21 |
Pusinna | 1983103 | 0 | 6721 | 20230913124656 | 21 |
Enkratiten | 819840 | 0 | 5406 | 20210124185030 | 21 |
Jakob von Nisibis | 6621750 | 0 | 3648 | 20221206094048 | 21 |
Georg von Pisidien | 1841514 | 0 | 3984 | 20250113172534 | 21 |
Rostam Farrochzād | 1769164 | 0 | 9119 | 20240715212013 | 21 |
Silberschatz von Kaiseraugst | 2737838 | 0 | 18750 | 20241013100927 | 21 |
Kastell Cornacum | 6795507 | 0 | 29892 | 20240813135540 | 21 |
Sidonius | 465958 | 0 | 4424 | 20221216165203 | 21 |
Libya superior | 6343796 | 0 | 2369 | 20240612211800 | 21 |
Julia von Korsika | 3501535 | 0 | 2747 | 20220216184452 | 21 |
Dioecesis Macedoniae | 9984128 | 0 | 2649 | 20220701194124 | 21 |
Schlacht bei Pavia | 1083578 | 0 | 1521 | 20240903135001 | 21 |
Frumentius | 786461 | 0 | 4977 | 20241120163628 | 21 |
Ciarán von Clonmacnoise | 8270402 | 0 | 4147 | 20240405073233 | 21 |
Gratus von Aosta | 11487449 | 0 | 3603 | 20220823230749 | 21 |
Wallia | 186632 | 0 | 4604 | 20201022214555 | 21 |
Fritigern | 195141 | 0 | 4488 | 20240624173743 | 21 |
Dioecesis Pannoniae | 9967716 | 0 | 2311 | 20211210165408 | 21 |
Schule von Nisibis | 1331753 | 0 | 7226 | 20230207211731 | 21 |
Makrina die Jüngere | 1181520 | 0 | 6664 | 20231119084813 | 21 |
Eusebia | 1705125 | 0 | 34968 | 20250109152521 | 21 |
Glycerius | 163210 | 0 | 4228 | 20231010194049 | 21 |
Ardaschir III. | 799342 | 0 | 3298 | 20240603181058 | 20 |
Baptisterium der Arianer | 1663367 | 0 | 4770 | 20240708221751 | 20 |
Eustathios von Epiphaneia | 1705682 | 0 | 7256 | 20210919215308 | 20 |
Sainte-Geneviève | 1571710 | 0 | 5826 | 20241008155909 | 20 |
Ansanus | 10661544 | 0 | 7451 | 20240603145211 | 20 |
Rhydderch Hael | 6301896 | 0 | 4607 | 20240708131819 | 20 |
Gerontius | 372230 | 0 | 5217 | 20231110025700 | 20 |
Fragmenta Vaticana | 9582282 | 0 | 14770 | 20241210074821 | 20 |
Chrysogonus von Aquileia | 8799109 | 0 | 5439 | 20240908174032 | 20 |
Timotheos I. | 8798536 | 0 | 1984 | 20211101152950 | 20 |
Nerses I. der Große | 6200207 | 0 | 27483 | 20230814172346 | 20 |
Schlacht bei Solicinium | 1083829 | 0 | 5881 | 20240903135403 | 20 |
Runder Berg | 609420 | 0 | 6302 | 20231007143452 | 20 |
Rosamunde | 5088689 | 0 | 9475 | 20231005183956 | 20 |
Aelia Flaccilla | 1064019 | 0 | 7683 | 20241226190124 | 20 |
Finnian von Clonard | 7514495 | 0 | 8672 | 20241008232837 | 20 |
Dalmatius | 566124 | 0 | 7180 | 20240919021331 | 20 |
Metzer Epitome | 3635121 | 0 | 3076 | 20230819181354 | 20 |
Liberius | 1659975 | 0 | 8904 | 20240806203352 | 20 |
Justus und Pastor | 8342543 | 0 | 3541 | 20230323180149 | 20 |
Maron von Beit | 730674 | 0 | 2842 | 20241218083224 | 20 |
Theodorus Priscianus | 8410592 | 0 | 7256 | 20240719193108 | 20 |
Schlacht von Faventia | 7042828 | 0 | 1730 | 20230909163918 | 20 |
Flavius Longinus | 3397947 | 0 | 4210 | 20240806224959 | 20 |
Moses der Äthiopier | 7145896 | 0 | 21743 | 20241130105835 | 20 |
Jakob Baradai | 716774 | 0 | 3355 | 20241119183051 | 20 |
Justinian | 897267 | 0 | 2725 | 20220818171448 | 20 |
Sant’Elena al Calvario | 8837061 | 0 | 26764 | 20241002095341 | 20 |
Eudoxius von Antiochia | 574324 | 0 | 5711 | 20241210194242 | 20 |
Optatus von Mileve | 1152888 | 0 | 3946 | 20211016055259 | 20 |
Vergilius Vaticanus | 4680812 | 0 | 77060 | 20241119145022 | 20 |
Justus von Triest | 1007487 | 0 | 2439 | 20230123071701 | 20 |
Theoderich Strabo | 762317 | 0 | 3834 | 20201206152448 | 20 |
Taq-e Kisra | 6408794 | 0 | 10093 | 20231122110617 | 19 |
Quartodezimaner | 2985980 | 0 | 8807 | 20240512180509 | 19 |
Nezak | 4509397 | 0 | 6771 | 20210919151435 | 19 |
Petros I. | 1480431 | 0 | 3047 | 20240528193611 | 19 |
Scythia Minor | 6905771 | 0 | 2496 | 20230509114256 | 19 |
Vetranio | 665417 | 0 | 4985 | 20230625151823 | 19 |
Rua | 1015064 | 0 | 8623 | 20240808080340 | 19 |
Vinzenz von Agen | 3620381 | 0 | 2039 | 20230515103322 | 19 |
Schlacht von Maranga | 1636261 | 0 | 3770 | 20240813150804 | 19 |
Hunulf | 4041558 | 0 | 6816 | 20240525144114 | 19 |
Kloster Saint-Marcel | 3859327 | 0 | 12830 | 20240914095504 | 19 |
Flavia Iulia Constantia | 2158074 | 0 | 6061 | 20240427224205 | 19 |
Musée de la Cour d’Or | 12348271 | 0 | 3351 | 20240704121441 | 19 |
Ingbert | 220762 | 0 | 2659 | 20231009141801 | 19 |
Schlacht bei Fano | 1097683 | 0 | 1435 | 20240903134935 | 19 |
Felix II. | 148283 | 0 | 4918 | 20221213193316 | 19 |
Markian der Jüngere | 3396323 | 0 | 5337 | 20240806222329 | 19 |
Nestorianische Stele | 4459394 | 0 | 8542 | 20250105065055 | 19 |
Goëtie | 6950663 | 0 | 6619 | 20240919043131 | 19 |
Dioecesis Italiae Suburbicariae | 9983930 | 0 | 3141 | 20200519182208 | 19 |
Diomedes Grammaticus | 783056 | 0 | 2520 | 20240819192531 | 19 |
Victorinus von Poetovio | 4736322 | 0 | 4151 | 20240430193923 | 19 |
Schlacht an der Brücke | 4850127 | 0 | 3881 | 20230523144158 | 19 |
Germanenmission | 1991729 | 0 | 4060 | 20241214103325 | 19 |
Anicia Iuliana | 1256905 | 0 | 5183 | 20240916200822 | 19 |
Sophia | 4506646 | 0 | 4248 | 20250109154741 | 19 |
Belagerung von Verona | 7685898 | 0 | 2771 | 20190717152844 | 19 |
Kastell Vemania | 5489616 | 0 | 22370 | 20240916130202 | 19 |
Arsenius der Große | 1657970 | 0 | 2481 | 20201002165011 | 19 |
Sextus Petronius Probus | 2644085 | 0 | 5395 | 20240701222038 | 19 |
Thorismund | 186611 | 0 | 4542 | 20220531085306 | 19 |
Gaudentius von Brescia | 4968576 | 0 | 4349 | 20231103183331 | 19 |
Yeghishe Vardapet | 6779095 | 0 | 10698 | 20230826161034 | 19 |
Marcellus von Paris | 1741351 | 0 | 8075 | 20240808115114 | 18 |
Maximus | 286726 | 0 | 2883 | 20231124015830 | 18 |
Eulalius | 126741 | 0 | 1700 | 20240922150301 | 18 |
Schlacht von Babosis und Zerboule | 8887946 | 0 | 4313 | 20220605104934 | 18 |
Stotzas | 1018443 | 0 | 2642 | 20220321202453 | 18 |
Iunius Bassus Theotecnius | 3942001 | 0 | 3072 | 20240812230735 | 18 |
Nicasius von Reims | 10405036 | 0 | 2604 | 20240725123421 | 18 |
Leobinus von Chartres | 5896387 | 0 | 5042 | 20211011185809 | 18 |
Abu Hutana | 11471276 | 0 | 13789 | 20241019204313 | 18 |
Dengizich | 1435533 | 0 | 2734 | 20240911222955 | 18 |
Marina von Bithynien | 2056390 | 0 | 1853 | 20241027103309 | 18 |
Schlacht von Vindonissa | 1083690 | 0 | 2323 | 20180915125325 | 18 |
Diospontus | 3886895 | 0 | 1365 | 20240612210119 | 18 |
Belagerung von Senonae | 6174404 | 0 | 3331 | 20220630214340 | 18 |
Nemesios von Emesa | 702058 | 0 | 21083 | 20240909112629 | 18 |
Benedikt I. | 42251 | 0 | 4041 | 20230925131900 | 18 |
Flavia Caesariensis | 1565540 | 0 | 2600 | 20240612210802 | 18 |
Johannes II. | 3610907 | 0 | 1872 | 20220721191009 | 18 |
Adventus | 1346304 | 0 | 6085 | 20230718143543 | 18 |
Asclepiodotus | 308289 | 0 | 3482 | 20240701154303 | 18 |
Placidia | 4456990 | 0 | 4571 | 20220318105033 | 18 |
Leges Visigothorum | 921449 | 0 | 10431 | 20220818053948 | 18 |
Peter von Sebaste | 1200398 | 0 | 1978 | 20231028175436 | 18 |
Himerios | 815121 | 0 | 2952 | 20240715224519 | 18 |
Turxanthos | 9710100 | 0 | 6655 | 20241112214547 | 18 |
De Trinitate | 3126059 | 0 | 2417 | 20230723201739 | 18 |
Synode von Orange | 270559 | 0 | 2233 | 20241023065034 | 18 |
Maximus von Turin | 8395159 | 0 | 6237 | 20241127111907 | 18 |
Kastell Horbourg | 8024154 | 0 | 28980 | 20241029154003 | 18 |
Petros III. Mongos | 1545406 | 0 | 3794 | 20250108225942 | 18 |
Victor | 1726869 | 0 | 5683 | 20240721003111 | 18 |
Dominat | 52808 | 0 | 7728 | 20240202014008 | 18 |
Samson von Dol | 13164004 | 0 | 3219 | 20240921131436 | 18 |
Zosimos aus Panopolis | 761976 | 0 | 34369 | 20240426210951 | 18 |
Kastell Szekszárd | 6198209 | 0 | 15494 | 20241007210029 | 18 |
Gratian | 2454738 | 0 | 2753 | 20210313104436 | 18 |
Hildebad | 487153 | 0 | 1791 | 20180802115003 | 18 |
Schahrazor | 3917501 | 0 | 5927 | 20240804141752 | 18 |
Belagerung von Neapel | 7684296 | 0 | 3337 | 20240728091929 | 18 |
Schlacht von Satala | 7033584 | 0 | 6334 | 20220118200409 | 18 |
Sunno | 3259862 | 0 | 3876 | 20160518125145 | 18 |
Heldenalter | 372334 | 0 | 3108 | 20230321140252 | 18 |
Schlacht von Mammes und Bourgaon | 8381681 | 0 | 5807 | 20241224083908 | 18 |
Acacius von Caesarea | 1081474 | 0 | 3508 | 20241203022100 | 18 |
Signalstationen in Yorkshire | 13258837 | 0 | 76322 | 20250111200721 | 18 |
Felix und Adauctus | 7901356 | 0 | 2729 | 20220809154045 | 18 |
Eustathius von Sebaste | 1082045 | 0 | 3408 | 20210919215404 | 18 |
Helias von Aquileia | 10824003 | 0 | 21106 | 20240524115807 | 18 |
Gesalech | 368647 | 0 | 4503 | 20230308111702 | 17 |
Philoxenos von Mabbug | 1056133 | 0 | 3835 | 20211018060049 | 17 |
Hermeias von Alexandria | 3340892 | 0 | 9415 | 20240902132336 | 17 |
Abteikirche Mozac | 4063806 | 0 | 98708 | 20241130150433 | 17 |
Euphemios | 8875932 | 0 | 2620 | 20210310192846 | 17 |
David | 5876042 | 0 | 35606 | 20240708201652 | 17 |
Konzil von Mailand | 198212 | 0 | 3889 | 20240716002743 | 17 |
Sethianer | 902785 | 0 | 4813 | 20240831085819 | 17 |
Amalaberga | 1485811 | 0 | 3526 | 20241021131624 | 17 |
Vita Antonii | 2270437 | 0 | 5567 | 20221001120259 | 17 |
Agritius | 2549115 | 0 | 2757 | 20240521170833 | 17 |
Masties | 4815721 | 0 | 6033 | 20240830140126 | 17 |
Valerianus | 4284162 | 0 | 2129 | 20211102215806 | 17 |
Burgstall Blindham | 11813458 | 0 | 3154 | 20230803092408 | 17 |
Germanus | 3398682 | 0 | 3743 | 20231103181222 | 17 |
Isidor | 1016199 | 0 | 6971 | 20240902113543 | 17 |
Schlacht bei Cartagena | 10490411 | 0 | 9873 | 20240630085854 | 17 |
Petros | 1851565 | 0 | 2375 | 20210929222946 | 17 |
Ambrosiaster | 10930311 | 0 | 4130 | 20231014143456 | 17 |
Juvenal von Jerusalem | 8262838 | 0 | 3785 | 20220723192537 | 17 |
Kunimund | 5066568 | 0 | 3258 | 20240721205245 | 17 |
Tschahar Taq | 7703615 | 0 | 2852 | 20230927111058 | 17 |
Oliva von Palermo | 5627695 | 0 | 3737 | 20231206141521 | 17 |
Johannes Athalarich | 4506473 | 0 | 5587 | 20241225072033 | 17 |
Judas Cyriacus | 589538 | 0 | 4522 | 20241010101119 | 17 |
Phokas-Säule | 725813 | 0 | 4409 | 20241008162913 | 17 |
Basilius von Ancyra | 1975039 | 0 | 5436 | 20241203065403 | 17 |
Sammlung von Beschlüssen ökumenischer Konzilien | 12232170 | 0 | 19865 | 20241111211438 | 17 |
Schlacht bei Straßburg | 5602606 | 0 | 4697 | 20210912060122 | 17 |
Theodosios | 2954797 | 0 | 6759 | 20241123085816 | 17 |
Secundus von Trient | 3126964 | 0 | 6372 | 20241224191646 | 17 |
Flavius Pompeius | 5372478 | 0 | 3400 | 20240807092917 | 17 |
Kölner Mani-Kodex | 533606 | 0 | 4107 | 20231224070008 | 17 |
Schlacht von Reims | 1083782 | 0 | 1868 | 20240123171330 | 17 |
Ildico | 159329 | 0 | 4465 | 20230728154151 | 17 |
Frediano von Lucca | 593561 | 0 | 2032 | 20190709152958 | 17 |
Bucinobanten | 198690 | 0 | 2836 | 20240719135327 | 17 |
Lucius Domitius Domitianus | 1013427 | 0 | 2693 | 20240721153018 | 17 |
Parthische Adelsfamilien | 9721408 | 0 | 2890 | 20240605120716 | 17 |
Narcissus von Girona | 4701451 | 0 | 10274 | 20241031121911 | 17 |
Zandaqa | 13092612 | 0 | 20849 | 20241122230440 | 17 |
Valentinos | 4104569 | 0 | 6703 | 20240919112622 | 17 |
Constans II. | 3393216 | 0 | 3977 | 20240130031402 | 17 |
Nikolait | 355649 | 0 | 4091 | 20240702081436 | 17 |
Argenteus | 1607455 | 0 | 1675 | 20240426112529 | 17 |
Agiulf | 7819438 | 0 | 7883 | 20241223190634 | 17 |
Helenamausoleum | 4797080 | 0 | 10443 | 20230604135954 | 17 |
Maxima Caesariensis | 1565580 | 0 | 2848 | 20240612211423 | 17 |
Anthemius | 3971460 | 0 | 5123 | 20240813165143 | 17 |
Theophaneia | 7096466 | 0 | 1410 | 20210425092649 | 17 |
Dux Daciae ripensis | 10561156 | 0 | 28983 | 20240808075654 | 17 |
Balasch | 1301802 | 0 | 3428 | 20240601131226 | 17 |
Ketzertaufstreit | 2078151 | 0 | 8513 | 20230314103329 | 17 |
Valentia | 3479789 | 0 | 2448 | 20240612211134 | 17 |
Blossius Aemilius Dracontius | 3001000 | 0 | 4603 | 20240617181542 | 17 |
Mattium | 2373531 | 0 | 10877 | 20230924143101 | 17 |
Filastrius von Brescia | 1152959 | 0 | 3173 | 20240626130559 | 17 |
Exuperantius | 2475883 | 0 | 15118 | 20241101154051 | 17 |
Saturninius Secundus Salutius | 2042301 | 0 | 4921 | 20231107231908 | 17 |
Kuschano-Sassaniden | 5889852 | 0 | 8812 | 20220717120222 | 17 |
Makarios I. | 107882 | 0 | 3047 | 20220720195250 | 16 |
Flavia Serena | 479971 | 0 | 4989 | 20240318012945 | 16 |
Photinus von Sirmium | 4275426 | 0 | 3997 | 20241221135805 | 16 |
Mallobaudes | 4391560 | 0 | 7590 | 20240617215650 | 16 |
Marcus Aurelius Marius | 164205 | 0 | 2039 | 20201017093151 | 16 |
Gelasios von Kyzikos | 2895024 | 0 | 2965 | 20241210223228 | 16 |
Kastell Ad Novas | 6821774 | 0 | 26909 | 20241024120421 | 16 |
Marcellus von Ancyra | 3643882 | 0 | 5270 | 20230225043755 | 16 |
Kontorniaten | 2252421 | 0 | 3036 | 20240821073913 | 16 |
Eustathios von Antiochia | 810621 | 0 | 10207 | 20250103142523 | 16 |
Faustinus | 1703566 | 0 | 2892 | 20200415113349 | 16 |
Ardarich | 446205 | 0 | 1850 | 20151014182429 | 16 |
Paulinus von Antiochien | 1082259 | 0 | 1887 | 20230308181616 | 16 |
Artemii Passio | 1683524 | 0 | 5971 | 20241204220923 | 16 |
Chlodoald | 1861137 | 0 | 1988 | 20241216215206 | 16 |
Aredius von Limoges | 4746178 | 0 | 4525 | 20210827070620 | 16 |
Aidesios | 2535423 | 0 | 7779 | 20240708210503 | 16 |
Caesarius von Nazianz | 64549 | 0 | 3568 | 20241202222905 | 16 |
Theophanes von Byzanz | 3197637 | 0 | 2656 | 20240830142904 | 16 |
Patricius | 3395785 | 0 | 5094 | 20240806220231 | 16 |
Iovinus | 9651450 | 0 | 3856 | 20240702113058 | 16 |
Severus von Aquileia | 13072429 | 0 | 10762 | 20240424171203 | 16 |
Kastron Mefaa | 11507926 | 0 | 60635 | 20241206205243 | 16 |
Rhinokopia | 4268886 | 0 | 3138 | 20250113142716 | 16 |
Utiguren | 5058572 | 0 | 2556 | 20220207205432 | 16 |
Nonnosus | 2128038 | 0 | 7197 | 20241229131301 | 16 |
Turisind | 5066306 | 0 | 10179 | 20240301131921 | 16 |
Schlacht von Autun | 774330 | 0 | 1782 | 20231017194954 | 16 |
Comes rerum privatarum | 12881049 | 0 | 5059 | 20231119180556 | 16 |
Mihirakula | 8930162 | 0 | 10747 | 20210919151646 | 16 |
Aneirin | 202701 | 0 | 4849 | 20220519144555 | 16 |
Altava | 4061111 | 0 | 6745 | 20240219114839 | 16 |
Marcus | 2953381 | 0 | 4768 | 20211013073946 | 16 |
Drei Kappadokier | 164784 | 0 | 1332 | 20240928085251 | 16 |
Aphrahat | 564923 | 0 | 4653 | 20240819174038 | 16 |
Helena | 1623500 | 0 | 6927 | 20210718193545 | 16 |
Arbitio | 3453011 | 0 | 20445 | 20240702102309 | 16 |
Schlacht von Chrysopolis | 6194887 | 0 | 3779 | 20240918222603 | 16 |
Kastell Cuccium | 6766556 | 0 | 26749 | 20241102233458 | 16 |
Authenticum | 9602860 | 0 | 9230 | 20240907223642 | 16 |
Edekon | 3301270 | 0 | 5659 | 20240525151810 | 16 |
Rabbula von Edessa | 1175550 | 0 | 5114 | 20250103011200 | 16 |
Nicomachus Flavianus der Jüngere | 13213308 | 0 | 37337 | 20241230144934 | 16 |
Marcellinus | 1223129 | 0 | 9267 | 20240908132237 | 16 |
Symeon Stylites der Jüngere | 10368220 | 0 | 4008 | 20240602010737 | 16 |
Oberleiser Berg | 7994774 | 0 | 14532 | 20241007185819 | 16 |
Apostelakten | 9428545 | 0 | 5316 | 20230228034213 | 16 |
Tetricus II. | 164029 | 0 | 2846 | 20240512133603 | 16 |
Geminianus | 5563600 | 0 | 3877 | 20211222011751 | 16 |
Medicina Plinii | 7591259 | 0 | 8693 | 20240719191953 | 16 |
Theonest | 5275425 | 0 | 5961 | 20211221132351 | 16 |
Nereus und Achilleus | 2564180 | 0 | 10206 | 20241225131826 | 16 |
Sigismund von Burgund | 637959 | 0 | 7051 | 20230630053053 | 16 |
Fortunatus von Todi | 1527182 | 0 | 6159 | 20210922073525 | 15 |
Olympias von Konstantinopel | 676936 | 0 | 7263 | 20240621223233 | 15 |
Lukan von Säben | 6788684 | 0 | 13517 | 20241014080156 | 15 |
Daniel Stylites | 231406 | 0 | 1723 | 20190709155658 | 15 |
Cunctos populos | 54644 | 0 | 15979 | 20241213135520 | 15 |
Zenobius von Florenz | 3466496 | 0 | 4251 | 20240220155526 | 15 |
Schlacht bei Solachon | 2999782 | 0 | 3998 | 20220120090205 | 15 |
Schlacht bei Verona | 774239 | 0 | 1926 | 20220208075121 | 15 |
Elias von Jerusalem | 8875031 | 0 | 4330 | 20241207141447 | 15 |
Aquitania secunda | 3501354 | 0 | 1955 | 20240619181603 | 15 |
St. Maria Ablass | 2221318 | 0 | 11841 | 20240617125054 | 15 |
Caelestius | 271482 | 0 | 3014 | 20230326160205 | 15 |
Flavius Timasius | 12841332 | 0 | 10621 | 20240830094020 | 15 |
Codex Washingtonianus | 4187705 | 0 | 3913 | 20240916124030 | 15 |
De medicamentis | 7680843 | 0 | 13340 | 20240926200111 | 15 |
Domitianus | 171206 | 0 | 3065 | 20231114163328 | 15 |
Gaius Ceionius Rufius Volusianus | 2627878 | 0 | 3038 | 20240812225800 | 15 |
Gregor von Nazianz der Ältere | 64511 | 0 | 2164 | 20230829105042 | 15 |
Ewin | 5112393 | 0 | 8012 | 20240706083426 | 15 |
Fravitta | 2027654 | 0 | 2750 | 20240702170722 | 15 |
Flavius Hannibalianus | 579035 | 0 | 1846 | 20230527121145 | 15 |
Mangup | 4695699 | 0 | 5437 | 20241018150627 | 15 |
Ninfa | 5629058 | 0 | 3835 | 20210202184953 | 15 |
Epirus nova | 3313410 | 0 | 1973 | 20240612214943 | 15 |
Massaker von Thessaloniki | 745458 | 0 | 3791 | 20240613164801 | 15 |
Kastell Ad Flexum | 8288373 | 0 | 18577 | 20231031184342 | 15 |
Proklos von Konstantinopel | 7956359 | 0 | 5483 | 20211019205136 | 15 |
Magnus von Karrhai | 2255613 | 0 | 2624 | 20221010034111 | 15 |
Bibianus von Saintes | 8124567 | 0 | 3473 | 20240709190546 | 15 |
Reginsmál | 7312201 | 0 | 2116 | 20200318081715 | 15 |
Eutharich | 2344979 | 0 | 3165 | 20240807115051 | 15 |
Hesychios von Milet | 3171036 | 0 | 4476 | 20240823150322 | 15 |
Nevitta | 1720818 | 0 | 3056 | 20240722125110 | 15 |
Dux Moesiae primae | 10534633 | 0 | 18186 | 20240903150137 | 15 |
St. Helena | 12382241 | 0 | 3217 | 20240121165627 | 15 |
Gennobaudes | 3259579 | 0 | 3033 | 20240622125130 | 15 |
Potentinus | 6070017 | 0 | 2014 | 20241001173153 | 15 |
Valentinianus Galates | 3501619 | 0 | 4680 | 20240702114049 | 15 |
Justina | 4064179 | 0 | 3860 | 20211222144112 | 15 |
Peroz von Persien | 1271688 | 0 | 5257 | 20230517162125 | 15 |
Schlacht von Brumath | 6138438 | 0 | 3118 | 20150409233123 | 15 |
Flavius Anicius Hermogenianus Olybrius | 2643499 | 0 | 3110 | 20241212102139 | 15 |
Johannes von Epiphaneia | 3173634 | 0 | 4357 | 20230905172019 | 15 |
Caprasius von Agen | 11006250 | 0 | 2877 | 20230829064734 | 15 |
Völundarkviða | 1559798 | 0 | 1305 | 20220329122818 | 15 |
Konzil von Orléans | 8896457 | 0 | 3031 | 20221129062102 | 15 |
Heilige Ampulle | 5883532 | 0 | 7494 | 20240404193259 | 15 |
Guntarith | 4693144 | 0 | 3173 | 20240809202000 | 15 |
Regula fidei | 441181 | 0 | 4931 | 20240803123221 | 15 |
Amphilochius von Ikonium | 1878598 | 0 | 5298 | 20240708175830 | 15 |
St.-Helena-Kapelle | 6434084 | 0 | 2749 | 20211209134103 | 15 |
Theophilos der Inder | 1549836 | 0 | 3747 | 20230820223344 | 15 |
Tārichāne | 5627224 | 0 | 10640 | 20211023145834 | 15 |
Tomus ad Flavianum | 7946742 | 0 | 3901 | 20230328152109 | 15 |
Furius Dionysius Filocalus | 2015659 | 0 | 2981 | 20210425125242 | 15 |
Notitia Galliarum | 11610619 | 0 | 2905 | 20220904133206 | 15 |
Johannes II. Kappadokes | 4535913 | 0 | 2480 | 20210929065309 | 15 |
Genesius von Arles | 5142049 | 0 | 2866 | 20240908174151 | 15 |
Valentinianische Dynastie | 64189 | 0 | 1775 | 20230926172217 | 15 |
Aidán von Ferns | 6726812 | 0 | 14952 | 20240907221720 | 15 |
Privatus von Mende | 9413902 | 0 | 3381 | 20231008160731 | 15 |
Flavius Merobaudes | 823712 | 0 | 2370 | 20231207174549 | 15 |
Lubentius | 503186 | 0 | 3435 | 20241121062054 | 15 |
Theoderich von Reims | 2090240 | 0 | 1891 | 20241206100343 | 14 |
Goswintha | 7750433 | 0 | 2057 | 20211219080540 | 14 |
Irene von Thessaloniki | 7015255 | 0 | 2499 | 20240216100144 | 14 |
Mardanschah | 12247489 | 0 | 3893 | 20240316162434 | 14 |
Arator | 1065141 | 0 | 3855 | 20240922084412 | 14 |
Dorotheos von Gaza | 5538702 | 0 | 9315 | 20240615132455 | 14 |
Aristainetos | 1709830 | 0 | 2442 | 20231209125825 | 14 |
Collectio Dionysiana | 12259640 | 0 | 8410 | 20241111211120 | 14 |
Nektarius von Konstantinopel | 8953664 | 0 | 2166 | 20211015174722 | 14 |
Aurelius Achilleus | 3389749 | 0 | 2407 | 20240620132939 | 14 |
Origo gentis Romanae | 1586871 | 0 | 5316 | 20241213230708 | 14 |
Dux Moesiae secundae | 10669586 | 0 | 20671 | 20240808074932 | 14 |
Chronik von Seert | 2238617 | 0 | 4826 | 20230708112429 | 14 |
Julian ben Sabar | 3744165 | 0 | 5352 | 20231002111029 | 14 |
Claudianus Mamertus | 9963831 | 0 | 3340 | 20240627221619 | 14 |
Priskianos Lydos | 5577340 | 0 | 14276 | 20240716150228 | 14 |
Lupicinus von Condat | 2396008 | 0 | 1750 | 20221004191240 | 14 |
Hunaland | 9157353 | 0 | 19389 | 20240819044609 | 14 |
Palladius | 747274 | 0 | 2126 | 20231109205941 | 14 |
Aurelius von Riditio | 3451061 | 0 | 7750 | 20241216041732 | 14 |
Aurelius von Karthago | 450557 | 0 | 2204 | 20230823071618 | 14 |
St-Austremoine | 5473447 | 0 | 91873 | 20241201081213 | 14 |
Pusei | 7576757 | 0 | 15906 | 20231005183341 | 14 |
Galla | 6380917 | 0 | 3412 | 20240905175921 | 14 |
Veranus von Cavaillon | 10229472 | 0 | 2648 | 20240625114708 | 14 |
Dritte Synode von Karthago | 841744 | 0 | 3099 | 20220721124505 | 14 |
Sankt Helena | 5579318 | 0 | 5014 | 20231118181520 | 14 |
Hippiatrica | 4197807 | 0 | 4765 | 20240627190946 | 14 |
Ellac | 3302318 | 0 | 4023 | 20241101174458 | 14 |
Amalafrid | 1485830 | 0 | 2702 | 20241021131630 | 14 |
Arcadia | 9707090 | 0 | 3166 | 20240612204842 | 14 |
Domitius Alexander | 204590 | 0 | 4314 | 20240606132013 | 14 |
Maxentiusvilla | 2642845 | 0 | 3763 | 20240331085425 | 14 |
Epitome Iuliani | 9708464 | 0 | 7911 | 20240827161720 | 14 |
Sangariusbrücke | 3713722 | 0 | 12762 | 20240719135654 | 14 |
Asklepios von Tralleis | 5540398 | 0 | 8584 | 20240711180851 | 14 |
Schahin | 2770999 | 0 | 5051 | 20230511191352 | 14 |
Eliphius von Rampillon | 1825778 | 0 | 4414 | 20240405120445 | 14 |
Anonymus post Dionem | 1810428 | 0 | 2741 | 20190419023448 | 14 |
Ruricius von Limoges | 9393561 | 0 | 4093 | 20230803195739 | 14 |
Erarich | 452700 | 0 | 2440 | 20240619124953 | 14 |
Pirenne-These | 310831 | 0 | 17314 | 20240202021025 | 14 |
De viris illustribus urbis Romae | 9913705 | 0 | 6464 | 20241213164920 | 14 |
Praevalitana | 2600438 | 0 | 1932 | 20240612220728 | 14 |
Dagalaifus | 1718966 | 0 | 3680 | 20240702112457 | 14 |
Leoquelle | 4446689 | 0 | 7548 | 20220622150340 | 14 |
Liuva I. | 756515 | 0 | 1538 | 20211012073433 | 14 |
Turibius von Astorga | 8872958 | 0 | 4296 | 20230726173030 | 14 |
Eustochium | 4569936 | 0 | 6959 | 20241224123054 | 14 |
Chronica Gallica | 2730769 | 0 | 3444 | 20230721104539 | 14 |
Matasuentha | 849297 | 0 | 3727 | 20250109152925 | 14 |
Allobichus | 12880351 | 0 | 9236 | 20240201175407 | 14 |
Sittas | 682540 | 0 | 2070 | 20220818170923 | 14 |
Johannes Mystakon | 2117589 | 0 | 4091 | 20230509153028 | 14 |
Edobich | 7432587 | 0 | 3679 | 20240908053213 | 14 |
Anianus von Orléans | 2665199 | 0 | 3529 | 20230704190849 | 14 |
Viktor von Marseille | 2892301 | 0 | 4575 | 20241016144438 | 14 |
Referendarius | 12777368 | 0 | 7831 | 20240614063754 | 14 |
Flavius Ablabius | 1220680 | 0 | 4091 | 20240701184447 | 14 |
Ragnachar | 2360725 | 0 | 4313 | 20240610123733 | 14 |
Chloderich | 1012774 | 0 | 8939 | 20230514161820 | 14 |
Arnobius der Jüngere | 9036545 | 0 | 4214 | 20230614092607 | 14 |
Fabiola von Rom | 800042 | 0 | 3275 | 20221227222942 | 14 |
Kolossalstatue Konstantins des Großen | 2503459 | 0 | 7023 | 20241230210733 | 14 |
Meletios von Lykopolis | 1081415 | 0 | 1967 | 20230524001917 | 14 |
Candidus | 3209963 | 0 | 3824 | 20240310141523 | 13 |
Rufius Petronius Nicomachus Cethegus | 1152386 | 0 | 1828 | 20240813171929 | 13 |
Philipp von Side | 478423 | 0 | 2863 | 20241210220145 | 13 |
Cyrus und Johannes | 7947702 | 0 | 4968 | 20240707154343 | 13 |
Toramana | 8930331 | 0 | 5706 | 20241114195037 | 13 |
Patriarchalkathedrale von Bukarest | 7153553 | 0 | 2823 | 20220508073143 | 13 |
Valerius Romulus | 2651091 | 0 | 2925 | 20240701155548 | 13 |
Eugendus | 2788126 | 0 | 1838 | 20200127090153 | 13 |
Finnsburg-Fragment | 7941901 | 0 | 15014 | 20240715063251 | 13 |
Faustus von Riez | 7943250 | 0 | 3686 | 20211101114240 | 13 |
De libero arbitrio | 5735341 | 0 | 3094 | 20241102204728 | 13 |
Schatz von Mildenhall | 2351078 | 0 | 8905 | 20241230004532 | 13 |
Synode von Tyros | 3643945 | 0 | 1925 | 20241003102216 | 13 |
Eusebios | 4467709 | 0 | 3868 | 20240304153241 | 13 |
Noviomagus Treverorum | 9852022 | 0 | 12445 | 20231015221928 | 13 |
Ceionius Rufius Albinus | 6174119 | 0 | 3705 | 20240812230437 | 13 |
Flavius Castinus | 2612025 | 0 | 3421 | 20240816195633 | 13 |
Eutropia | 4883634 | 0 | 2250 | 20210517141105 | 13 |
Anastasia | 2259958 | 0 | 1902 | 20230527121357 | 13 |
Rugiland | 1708739 | 0 | 1857 | 20240626120347 | 13 |
Spätrömischer Kammhelm | 160598 | 0 | 15071 | 20240912133728 | 13 |
Paianios | 11427895 | 0 | 31886 | 20241210225330 | 13 |
Helenakirche | 5311093 | 0 | 3242 | 20241211071606 | 13 |
Burzoe | 1728711 | 0 | 2961 | 20231104134855 | 13 |
Nepotianus | 559614 | 0 | 3952 | 20231009230527 | 13 |
Hormizd III. | 1150864 | 0 | 2030 | 20240804210213 | 13 |
Llywarch Hen | 6977848 | 0 | 2855 | 20210109172053 | 13 |
Kolluthos | 4000849 | 0 | 1975 | 20240226151208 | 13 |
Chrysaphios | 13334775 | 0 | 14952 | 20250105221338 | 13 |
Helenopolis | 1617049 | 0 | 2003 | 20210219225139 | 13 |
Sigerich | 640525 | 0 | 1699 | 20240402174741 | 13 |
Commonitorium | 9143964 | 0 | 7117 | 20250112211528 | 13 |
Donatian von Reims | 6844717 | 0 | 2919 | 20240228095236 | 13 |
Galeria Valeria | 5908278 | 0 | 4760 | 20230822151329 | 13 |
Galerius-Palast | 13177810 | 0 | 10773 | 20240825090609 | 13 |
Priskos | 4498135 | 0 | 6357 | 20240708215005 | 13 |
Gabriel von Schiggar | 1851193 | 0 | 3218 | 20230814163956 | 13 |
Schlacht bei Faesulae | 774273 | 0 | 2317 | 20250104203512 | 13 |
Ursinus | 164004 | 0 | 2567 | 20240415141959 | 13 |
Husik I. | 6129924 | 0 | 10547 | 20230814163858 | 13 |
Iulius Valerius Polemius | 3681727 | 0 | 5328 | 20241010074850 | 13 |
Sant’Elena | 1219055 | 0 | 4195 | 20240207203947 | 13 |
Konstantinsthermen | 6725363 | 0 | 7582 | 20241204135547 | 13 |
Barbatio | 6442948 | 0 | 8985 | 20240907175206 | 13 |
Kathedrale von Brentwood | 7298209 | 0 | 7314 | 20240915133608 | 13 |
Schlacht bei Cibalae | 8058531 | 0 | 6194 | 20220604112609 | 13 |
Breisgauer | 198699 | 0 | 2233 | 20240617202019 | 13 |
Calocaerus | 1390745 | 0 | 3166 | 20231001195210 | 13 |
Hormizd V. | 1034682 | 0 | 3288 | 20240428193954 | 13 |
Flughafen Niš | 1792593 | 0 | 3580 | 20240321210703 | 13 |
Ferreolus von Vienne | 4990670 | 0 | 3911 | 20241224122806 | 13 |
Secundus von Victimulum | 10090673 | 0 | 3265 | 20230504193847 | 13 |
Basolus von Verzy | 3083858 | 0 | 2343 | 20240808124702 | 13 |
Babai der Große | 1363784 | 0 | 8485 | 20240513110548 | 13 |
Dehqan | 7824003 | 0 | 4775 | 20220608161625 | 13 |
Schlacht von Adrianopel | 4541122 | 0 | 5281 | 20240912200100 | 13 |
Flavius Eutolmius Tatianus | 2543218 | 0 | 5486 | 20240702135024 | 13 |
Elias | 5970995 | 0 | 14900 | 20240708200933 | 13 |
Anatolios von Konstantinopel | 2306275 | 0 | 2997 | 20211219111246 | 13 |
Varronian | 3501569 | 0 | 1963 | 20240702112047 | 13 |
Chariton der Bekenner | 4783560 | 0 | 3612 | 20240314050930 | 13 |
Aniran | 5180503 | 0 | 6804 | 20240105122902 | 13 |
Azarmidocht | 1034736 | 0 | 3986 | 20240528205853 | 13 |
Johannes der Kappadokier | 682631 | 0 | 4235 | 20240807125946 | 13 |
Centenionalis | 289426 | 0 | 1231 | 20240621212504 | 13 |
Eusebius | 1729829 | 0 | 3230 | 20240702070002 | 13 |
Gregor von Langres | 9395666 | 0 | 2747 | 20211024224105 | 13 |
Chronik | 10130327 | 0 | 3690 | 20240817081653 | 12 |
Flavius Anicius Probinus | 2643500 | 0 | 2268 | 20240702140943 | 12 |
Hagia Sophia | 8820701 | 0 | 4376 | 20230721141541 | 12 |
Lupicinus | 8358113 | 0 | 1879 | 20240703054859 | 12 |
Lea von Rom | 918883 | 0 | 2904 | 20230322005424 | 12 |
Schlacht bei Soissons | 774298 | 0 | 3854 | 20210324100203 | 12 |
Julian von Tarsus | 1738865 | 0 | 9110 | 20250112100907 | 12 |
Nicetius | 4896259 | 0 | 3151 | 20241212134501 | 12 |
Aquitania prima | 3501322 | 0 | 2152 | 20240619181541 | 12 |
Asaph | 2041805 | 0 | 2191 | 20241026151340 | 12 |
St. Helena | 10961723 | 0 | 7244 | 20220910041504 | 12 |
Taifalen | 756287 | 0 | 6514 | 20240625183025 | 12 |
Maternus von Mailand | 11964129 | 0 | 4002 | 20241209155315 | 12 |
Eumenius | 1979320 | 0 | 3599 | 20240708193733 | 12 |
St. Helena | 7028607 | 0 | 1840 | 20211209134525 | 12 |
Praxagoras von Athen | 2263206 | 0 | 8439 | 20240310134754 | 12 |
Jason BeDuhn | 7268873 | 0 | 8341 | 20240202185113 | 12 |
Konstantinssäule | 7772113 | 0 | 11286 | 20241224071809 | 12 |
Zwölf Apostel von Irland | 3950262 | 0 | 4560 | 20240522084516 | 12 |
Alexander von Konstantinopel | 570298 | 0 | 2871 | 20230311081516 | 12 |
Sabinus von Piacenza | 6792365 | 0 | 5127 | 20230324110738 | 12 |
Publilius Optatianus Porfyrius | 1280697 | 0 | 3583 | 20241215163116 | 12 |
Petrusstab | 5929485 | 0 | 12457 | 20240415103557 | 12 |
Reisberg | 5047026 | 0 | 5345 | 20240303231510 | 12 |
Agilo | 6793983 | 0 | 6276 | 20201014204142 | 12 |
Candidianus | 1568129 | 0 | 5192 | 20221209023549 | 12 |
Annianus von Alexandria | 11240755 | 0 | 7737 | 20240810212157 | 12 |
Romanus | 2883626 | 0 | 3195 | 20240604141342 | 12 |
Elkesaiten | 533371 | 0 | 3910 | 20230726064651 | 12 |
Miliarense | 2824865 | 0 | 1647 | 20211128070540 | 12 |
Vartanes I. | 6124737 | 0 | 12100 | 20220702072548 | 12 |
Isidor von Pelusium | 1738634 | 0 | 3795 | 20210928092642 | 12 |
Anthimus | 2253569 | 0 | 5013 | 20241122050910 | 12 |
Agrippinus | 9393668 | 0 | 2252 | 20220818171309 | 12 |
Faustus von Mileve | 1142897 | 0 | 2815 | 20210921072951 | 12 |
Edictum Theoderici | 1614028 | 0 | 5440 | 20230823161128 | 12 |
St. Konstantin bei Völs | 2772149 | 0 | 4250 | 20241110072430 | 12 |
Chosrau IV. | 1301866 | 0 | 1901 | 20240622114652 | 12 |
Maruthas | 2094210 | 0 | 1739 | 20240908122412 | 12 |
Goar | 2309426 | 0 | 4273 | 20241124141011 | 12 |
Anastasios I. von Antiochien | 1490948 | 0 | 2610 | 20221229152731 | 12 |
Schlacht an der Bolia | 6128260 | 0 | 9332 | 20230325185746 | 12 |
Valerius von Saragossa | 4192912 | 0 | 3395 | 20240716121351 | 12 |
Flavius Mallius Theodorus | 2610853 | 0 | 2679 | 20240819190239 | 12 |
Zamasp | 1301829 | 0 | 2323 | 20240816151716 | 12 |
Agape | 281698 | 0 | 2668 | 20220118123440 | 12 |
Isaac de Beausobre | 4245594 | 0 | 3336 | 20240508202227 | 12 |
Arcadius von Caesarea | 8343876 | 0 | 3244 | 20210827070140 | 12 |
Claudius Mamertinus | 2404664 | 0 | 3710 | 20240702110045 | 12 |
Arethas der Lahme | 405650 | 0 | 2333 | 20230308135147 | 12 |
St-Julien | 3999466 | 0 | 118706 | 20240331154752 | 12 |
Schlacht bei Pollentia | 774197 | 0 | 2822 | 20220903005256 | 12 |
Ischo-Jab III. | 7285827 | 0 | 4765 | 20210615160647 | 12 |
Palladius | 3393707 | 0 | 3249 | 20230528113701 | 12 |
Aphthonios | 6922635 | 0 | 4444 | 20240715220410 | 12 |
Sosipatra | 4500569 | 0 | 6376 | 20240902111909 | 12 |
Noricum mediterraneum | 10561416 | 0 | 3097 | 20240612221425 | 12 |
Julianus von Eclanum | 1107946 | 0 | 9309 | 20240723130116 | 12 |
Abrunculus | 7567787 | 0 | 3990 | 20231204220404 | 11 |
Gregor von Elvira | 155873 | 0 | 1257 | 20210923201604 | 11 |
Valentina | 1460780 | 0 | 1888 | 20160718044807 | 11 |
Schlacht bei Vézeronce | 639674 | 0 | 2395 | 20241128181245 | 11 |
Simon bar Sabbae | 838070 | 0 | 2800 | 20240721161711 | 11 |
Flavius Astyrius | 12910464 | 0 | 2337 | 20240702202017 | 11 |
Dioskur | 164809 | 0 | 2319 | 20231208124321 | 11 |
Yazdin | 1852557 | 0 | 3745 | 20230814164204 | 11 |
Radegunde von Thüringen | 12484 | 0 | 14770 | 20241120181351 | 11 |
Godigisel | 1109568 | 0 | 2469 | 20240617180811 | 11 |
Cotton-Genesis | 9444714 | 0 | 3862 | 20240916124050 | 11 |
Ruhegebet | 2148742 | 0 | 4184 | 20240902071137 | 11 |
Achillas von Alexandria | 2945319 | 0 | 3373 | 20241112202458 | 11 |
Lucius Aradius Valerius Proculus | 4895232 | 0 | 2291 | 20240906223501 | 11 |
Dexippos | 312949 | 0 | 8163 | 20240717153716 | 11 |
Jamblichus | 7569285 | 0 | 3675 | 20230102060340 | 11 |
Komentiolos | 5619064 | 0 | 2722 | 20240624041257 | 11 |
Barsauma von Nisibis | 716216 | 0 | 3788 | 20241119183037 | 11 |
Steinkiste von Anderlingen | 5797891 | 0 | 13271 | 20230703152029 | 11 |
Bistum Riez | 6662113 | 0 | 1847 | 20230529210322 | 11 |
Ruricius Pompeianus | 2595248 | 0 | 2255 | 20231107231641 | 11 |
Rhetorios | 12956755 | 0 | 7399 | 20240116233310 | 11 |
Victoria | 5379743 | 0 | 2630 | 20230126071318 | 11 |
Peregrinus von Auxerre | 8529042 | 0 | 2548 | 20231006154629 | 11 |
Cromatius | 5245476 | 0 | 1328 | 20230405141600 | 11 |
Areobindus | 13172600 | 0 | 5754 | 20240817081933 | 11 |
Melania die Ältere | 8959759 | 0 | 2953 | 20241130175737 | 11 |
Valerius Valens | 1481033 | 0 | 2569 | 20230528111248 | 11 |
Sklavinen | 8994952 | 0 | 2355 | 20240708195001 | 11 |
Agnellus von Neapel | 3426181 | 0 | 1678 | 20230502161759 | 11 |
Leopardus | 8781663 | 0 | 4214 | 20231216155813 | 11 |
Theodoros von Asine | 5594816 | 0 | 12981 | 20240717153907 | 11 |
Liste bekannter Forscher zur antiken Philosophie | 5986996 | 0 | 304364 | 20250105183212 | 11 |
Marcellinus | 2609847 | 0 | 2336 | 20240813172159 | 11 |
Agericus von Verdun | 11563815 | 0 | 5433 | 20211216070322 | 11 |
Bahram III. | 1036704 | 0 | 2893 | 20240530123639 | 11 |
Audofleda | 364644 | 0 | 3001 | 20241223190605 | 11 |
Metrophanes von Konstantinopel | 570182 | 0 | 2681 | 20211015074010 | 11 |
Capitatio-Iugatio | 682353 | 0 | 3061 | 20230918053508 | 11 |
Syrus von Pavia | 4301554 | 0 | 3479 | 20241223204650 | 11 |
Schlacht bei Naissus | 1083523 | 0 | 5558 | 20221227214514 | 11 |
Zoilus von Córdoba | 10716335 | 0 | 3813 | 20211106192009 | 11 |
Brendan von Birr | 5450597 | 0 | 1523 | 20240812162752 | 11 |
St. Helena | 9651351 | 0 | 3167 | 20241123094328 | 11 |
Eznik von Kolb | 678175 | 0 | 2627 | 20210919220201 | 11 |
Hephaistion von Theben | 13016283 | 0 | 5545 | 20240310162913 | 11 |
Felix von Trier | 5436793 | 0 | 2454 | 20220603114335 | 11 |
Polyeuktoskirche | 5772293 | 0 | 8156 | 20240223222703 | 11 |
Justus von Lyon | 10292625 | 0 | 3567 | 20230713005920 | 11 |
Markulf | 7693538 | 0 | 6834 | 20211013171552 | 11 |
Thomas I. | 8808348 | 0 | 1407 | 20221229163547 | 11 |
Johannes Hesychastes | 3081312 | 0 | 2286 | 20180903162231 | 11 |
Lizier von Couserans | 7941765 | 0 | 2905 | 20240411174041 | 11 |
Vahan | 8221366 | 0 | 6030 | 20231001203952 | 11 |
Konzil von Tours | 5894777 | 0 | 2790 | 20191222192520 | 11 |
Vulcacius Rufinus | 7590514 | 0 | 4364 | 20240701215045 | 11 |
Georg von Kappadokien | 442129 | 0 | 3823 | 20241005100342 | 11 |
Schule von Edessa | 1331718 | 0 | 1994 | 20230922163149 | 11 |
Gerebernus | 1320219 | 0 | 6234 | 20231002135947 | 11 |
Misopogon | 3014551 | 0 | 10795 | 20240715225607 | 11 |
Paphnutius von Ägypten | 3307323 | 0 | 5752 | 20230529081043 | 11 |
Donatus Carthaginiensis | 11424175 | 0 | 5778 | 20240514154022 | 11 |
Helche | 372327 | 0 | 2452 | 20240818140509 | 11 |
Abban von Magheranoidhe | 3522017 | 0 | 2248 | 20230915162826 | 11 |
Lantbert von Lyon | 3880697 | 0 | 2759 | 20231121093911 | 11 |
Paulus von Narbonne | 5809223 | 0 | 2779 | 20211030100551 | 11 |
Joannes I. Talaia | 1552549 | 0 | 4569 | 20241016085922 | 11 |
Hormizd | 10286069 | 0 | 3319 | 20230718153753 | 11 |
Theophilus von Adana | 13287692 | 0 | 10949 | 20241229232118 | 11 |
Tyrfing | 1234260 | 0 | 7969 | 20240508151318 | 11 |
Helenenstift | 1690535 | 0 | 3930 | 20231204220432 | 11 |
Eusebius | 1835361 | 0 | 2404 | 20240702104317 | 11 |
Bibiana | 4016086 | 0 | 3252 | 20241125150141 | 11 |
Devota | 1497061 | 0 | 1809 | 20241031002037 | 11 |
Lactantius Placidus | 2271065 | 0 | 2301 | 20240623215713 | 11 |
Gregorius Maurus | 11510045 | 0 | 23696 | 20241105111506 | 11 |
Hypatius | 2062295 | 0 | 6433 | 20240922195702 | 11 |
Diodoros von Tarsos | 1363964 | 0 | 1995 | 20241205132824 | 11 |
Leges novellae | 9656100 | 0 | 6921 | 20231008094548 | 11 |
Sarvestan | 6314423 | 0 | 3017 | 20230106102213 | 11 |
Agonistiker | 54909 | 0 | 6541 | 20240202061729 | 11 |
Paulus Aurelianus | 1594923 | 0 | 3670 | 20241123142108 | 11 |
Synode von Agde | 5370945 | 0 | 5234 | 20241107073632 | 11 |
Victorius von Aquitanien | 2482608 | 0 | 4379 | 20240711182123 | 11 |
Monulphus | 7676870 | 0 | 3394 | 20210422002019 | 11 |
Satyrus von Mailand | 10911015 | 0 | 6051 | 20240421150447 | 11 |
Adeodatus | 1130203 | 0 | 2746 | 20210709103306 | 11 |
Armatus | 3404017 | 0 | 8310 | 20240806223319 | 11 |
Justasas | 3976146 | 0 | 3401 | 20180921074058 | 11 |
Innocentius | 3668588 | 0 | 2682 | 20210928072258 | 11 |
Pneumatomachen | 4376830 | 0 | 1568 | 20240126095906 | 11 |
Hunimund | 976277 | 0 | 5493 | 20220305201152 | 11 |
Flavius Saturninus | 2647632 | 0 | 3167 | 20240702130107 | 11 |
Tribunus et notarius | 12625790 | 0 | 4768 | 20240117164309 | 11 |
Bassianus | 3390280 | 0 | 2085 | 20230528113514 | 11 |
Albia Domnica | 4535951 | 0 | 3737 | 20201209125059 | 11 |
Constantia | 1867895 | 0 | 3893 | 20240610171022 | 11 |
Porphyrios von Gaza | 12858207 | 0 | 26859 | 20240301094357 | 11 |
Aphthartodoketismus | 5037204 | 0 | 3925 | 20240423230122 | 10 |
Longinus von Cardala | 5407981 | 0 | 3684 | 20240813183944 | 10 |
Chorikios von Gaza | 6056387 | 0 | 2848 | 20240715221411 | 10 |
Maclovius von Aleth | 3717139 | 0 | 6007 | 20241015200722 | 10 |
Praetextatus von Rouen | 8987055 | 0 | 2202 | 20240713160415 | 10 |
Ithacius | 1495744 | 0 | 2518 | 20201228063410 | 10 |
Paulinus von Mailand | 7923535 | 0 | 2030 | 20211017063347 | 10 |
Flavius Gallicanus | 6250074 | 0 | 5146 | 20241205024958 | 10 |
Heuneburg | 12367767 | 0 | 19175 | 20240115135044 | 10 |
Sant’Elena fuori Porta Prenestina | 6771104 | 0 | 2527 | 20241208225935 | 10 |
Eusebios von Myndos | 4484844 | 0 | 5527 | 20231210125032 | 10 |
Martinianus | 1481267 | 0 | 2293 | 20241012185411 | 10 |
Eusebios von Emesa | 124280 | 0 | 4758 | 20240807081731 | 10 |
Flavius Albinus iunior | 9872478 | 0 | 5716 | 20240806201032 | 10 |
Fritigil | 8410816 | 0 | 2414 | 20240704120406 | 10 |
Gento | 2022350 | 0 | 1951 | 20241116095154 | 10 |
Ibar von Beggerin | 6742195 | 0 | 14689 | 20240907221741 | 10 |
Zemarchos | 2548825 | 0 | 4751 | 20210917180044 | 10 |
Elen Luyddawg | 6888652 | 0 | 3114 | 20210714070156 | 10 |
Tibatto | 8214036 | 0 | 2627 | 20240202031035 | 10 |
Filialkirche Baden-St. Helena | 8330687 | 0 | 10233 | 20240619041614 | 10 |
Pacian von Barcelona | 7117554 | 0 | 3179 | 20230823233941 | 10 |
Severian von Gabala | 2476566 | 0 | 4245 | 20241125154700 | 10 |
Schlacht am Mons Seleucus | 6227503 | 0 | 2838 | 20220630214223 | 10 |
Wettenburg | 4812556 | 0 | 4075 | 20240713094230 | 10 |
Bahram von Persien | 4968409 | 0 | 2561 | 20240903161158 | 10 |
Claudius Postumus Dardanus | 8988541 | 0 | 10608 | 20240130085946 | 10 |
Hermogenian | 8326186 | 0 | 4503 | 20231108002228 | 10 |
Victor von Tunnuna | 4177372 | 0 | 4666 | 20240930115543 | 10 |
Basena von Thüringen | 556613 | 0 | 3002 | 20241223190500 | 10 |
Diokletians Edikt gegen die Manichäer | 10004670 | 0 | 10573 | 20241026075749 | 10 |
Paramonos | 12289235 | 0 | 4169 | 20240913091717 | 10 |
Sophienkirche | 5125367 | 0 | 4780 | 20241008135247 | 10 |
Tudy | 10876135 | 0 | 2354 | 20230124100821 | 10 |
Mallosus | 2906397 | 0 | 4432 | 20240618173355 | 10 |
De beata vita | 98648 | 0 | 5681 | 20230522133323 | 10 |
Seeschlacht bei Kallipolis | 4547421 | 0 | 3823 | 20170317172334 | 10 |
Christodoros | 6530906 | 0 | 4128 | 20250113173504 | 10 |
Herculanus von Perugia | 2291907 | 0 | 1931 | 20210924161545 | 10 |
Timotheos III. Salophakiolos | 1550833 | 0 | 1808 | 20241005101017 | 10 |
Obelisk des Theodosius | 10262116 | 0 | 45186 | 20241224071940 | 10 |
Martin von Vertou | 7862590 | 0 | 2654 | 20211013173700 | 10 |
Sententiae Syriacae | 4626312 | 0 | 19104 | 20241022075658 | 10 |
Flaccitheus | 4942256 | 0 | 3086 | 20230502210652 | 10 |
De doctrina christiana | 7711772 | 0 | 1845 | 20240412190927 | 10 |
Kyriakos | 3374000 | 0 | 1553 | 20200422181304 | 10 |
Ammon | 1080899 | 0 | 3045 | 20201001084951 | 10 |
Euagrios von Antiochia | 236596 | 0 | 1910 | 20240914170117 | 10 |
Palladas | 4293174 | 0 | 8943 | 20240715204441 | 10 |
Marcellus | 4284125 | 0 | 2243 | 20211013072932 | 10 |
Vindicianus | 8262443 | 0 | 10613 | 20240719194743 | 10 |
Synode von Karthago | 9505244 | 0 | 1656 | 20220729235815 | 10 |
Uldin | 2027846 | 0 | 3450 | 20240721094350 | 10 |
Basiliskos der Jüngere | 3396203 | 0 | 2518 | 20241230071900 | 10 |
Liste der Vertreter und Rezipienten des Platonismus | 4867922 | 0 | 14624 | 20240711174730 | 10 |
Ephoros der Jüngere | 4336398 | 0 | 3777 | 20240304153223 | 10 |
Kastell Ad Mures | 7659124 | 0 | 25374 | 20241013210057 | 10 |
Victorinus II. | 3442932 | 0 | 1640 | 20211102223029 | 10 |
Nikokles | 1795953 | 0 | 1806 | 20240708200006 | 10 |
Berach | 2724842 | 0 | 1230 | 20240713060038 | 10 |
Eugenios | 12290219 | 0 | 2737 | 20240913092505 | 10 |
Arnegisclus | 8998203 | 0 | 3844 | 20241215070050 | 10 |
Maurilius von Angers | 1787480 | 0 | 2531 | 20240829155015 | 10 |
Domitianus | 3331300 | 0 | 5678 | 20241205010512 | 10 |
Manlius Boethius | 2054904 | 0 | 2973 | 20240708202414 | 10 |
Eutychianos | 2255718 | 0 | 1673 | 20221010033227 | 10 |
Julius von Novara | 8970413 | 0 | 2100 | 20210929083212 | 10 |
Gerasimos | 3078559 | 0 | 3186 | 20241216102740 | 10 |
Amalafrida | 1485905 | 0 | 3058 | 20211108115021 | 10 |
Konzil von Arles | 198169 | 0 | 5438 | 20220912234741 | 10 |
Tiberios | 3578704 | 0 | 2379 | 20230528115353 | 10 |
Anonymus Guidi | 3355442 | 0 | 4672 | 20231016185430 | 10 |
Epitome Gai | 9621584 | 0 | 6423 | 20250112100139 | 10 |
Firmin der Jüngere von Amiens | 2508486 | 0 | 1823 | 20240827115031 | 10 |
Panodorus von Alexandrien | 4919989 | 0 | 6313 | 20240711185614 | 10 |
Euphrates | 453839 | 0 | 2711 | 20230118202043 | 10 |
Narsai von Nisibis | 716218 | 0 | 4372 | 20230614204226 | 10 |
Johannes Troglita | 1018513 | 0 | 3249 | 20241030135501 | 10 |
Eusebius von Nantes | 3263932 | 0 | 6256 | 20240304154421 | 10 |
Flavius Theodorus | 2375015 | 0 | 2770 | 20240819184214 | 10 |
Petrus Fullo | 7906732 | 0 | 2009 | 20201202051751 | 10 |
Marcus | 3396110 | 0 | 1734 | 20230528114408 | 10 |
Exuperius von Toulouse | 6961398 | 0 | 3015 | 20211216140145 | 10 |
Donatus von Evorea | 8344410 | 0 | 4928 | 20240411212454 | 10 |
Feletheus | 5046927 | 0 | 6924 | 20230612193241 | 10 |
Nicetas von Remesiana | 8559099 | 0 | 4589 | 20220823133921 | 10 |
Rufus von Metz | 2274264 | 0 | 4249 | 20230815122353 | 10 |
Antonina | 676409 | 0 | 2428 | 20250109153546 | 10 |
Johannes | 7033562 | 0 | 5078 | 20230321004928 | 10 |
Leocadia | 7337938 | 0 | 4011 | 20230822204536 | 10 |
Aaron von Caerleon | 2532189 | 0 | 2144 | 20240515165100 | 10 |
Transformation of the Roman World | 2936581 | 0 | 2093 | 20181228072714 | 10 |
Tolosanisches Reich | 4964049 | 0 | 177 | 20250110131246 | 10 |
Flavius Iulius Catervius | 11194980 | 0 | 3665 | 20210421163659 | 9 |
Anthimos I. | 8794419 | 0 | 2167 | 20210218171835 | 9 |
Andwari | 998496 | 0 | 9044 | 20210426115204 | 9 |
Bissula | 9243560 | 0 | 2258 | 20240812130905 | 9 |
Seuso-Schatz | 3756325 | 0 | 18170 | 20230109005548 | 9 |
Ernak | 3421316 | 0 | 1662 | 20201205133603 | 9 |
Sassan | 1262340 | 0 | 2738 | 20241207103315 | 9 |
Codex Borgianus | 4170422 | 0 | 5429 | 20240916123901 | 9 |
Mihr-Narseh | 3420829 | 0 | 2532 | 20240410133108 | 9 |
Chronik von Arbela | 2355635 | 0 | 4757 | 20211123092740 | 9 |
Menander Rhetor | 1021978 | 0 | 3392 | 20240715225804 | 9 |
Mareades | 1483012 | 0 | 9298 | 20171213194547 | 9 |
Flavius Agapitus | 2372972 | 0 | 2428 | 20240807114833 | 9 |
Possidius von Calama | 2102234 | 0 | 2497 | 20220511103620 | 9 |
Oda von Amay | 9518659 | 0 | 6143 | 20231205022713 | 9 |
Theodosius-Missorium | 7145710 | 0 | 21954 | 20241102091327 | 9 |
Gatianus von Tours | 2096797 | 0 | 3427 | 20240725132538 | 9 |
Marcellus | 1697062 | 0 | 2259 | 20240503203156 | 9 |
Sisinnius I. von Konstantinopel | 10871865 | 0 | 2027 | 20200330073405 | 9 |
Acarius | 1201719 | 0 | 2828 | 20170615090447 | 9 |
Athenagoras | 12292713 | 0 | 3119 | 20240913092153 | 9 |
Paikuli-Inschrift | 7903275 | 0 | 9545 | 20230513133110 | 9 |
Messius Phoebus Severus | 3788856 | 0 | 2781 | 20240813064055 | 9 |
Dorotheos von Tyros | 8509359 | 0 | 2714 | 20210919074040 | 9 |
Mahndorfer Gräberfeld | 8155249 | 0 | 4661 | 20210403172312 | 9 |
Cerbonius | 1407748 | 0 | 3720 | 20130330214921 | 9 |
Atticus von Konstantinopel | 10871835 | 0 | 4464 | 20230413151942 | 9 |
Basilius | 8215366 | 0 | 5508 | 20240202032050 | 9 |
Gaugerich von Cambrai | 9959730 | 0 | 3628 | 20241225160812 | 9 |
Apa Bane | 2204987 | 0 | 1531 | 20151024231331 | 9 |
Euzoius von Antiochia | 11114186 | 0 | 3951 | 20240807185123 | 9 |
Prisca | 7088483 | 0 | 6014 | 20230821155054 | 9 |
Salustios | 5769560 | 0 | 24401 | 20241229211356 | 9 |
Aristakes I. | 6120343 | 0 | 7333 | 20240618153303 | 9 |
Euphronius von Autun | 9395620 | 0 | 1796 | 20211023172043 | 9 |
Pantalus | 894908 | 0 | 2823 | 20220120084043 | 9 |
Parthenius | 12765761 | 0 | 5077 | 20240813194930 | 9 |
Kunigunde von Rapperswil | 3529681 | 0 | 3658 | 20210721215853 | 9 |
Thrakische Dynastie | 3099229 | 0 | 1092 | 20231219181631 | 9 |
Flavius Gaudentius | 12812266 | 0 | 4280 | 20250107140638 | 9 |
Castor von Apt | 6003117 | 0 | 1487 | 20211104153637 | 9 |
Domitian von Maastricht | 7679877 | 0 | 2585 | 20230327121553 | 9 |
Marcellus | 1937147 | 0 | 3141 | 20230903141121 | 9 |
Deiniol | 397263 | 0 | 1794 | 20171122145943 | 9 |
Thais | 4085774 | 0 | 2563 | 20190517203023 | 9 |
Oktar | 2914089 | 0 | 2178 | 20210330181333 | 9 |
Exuperius von Bayeux | 11051119 | 0 | 2094 | 20230519141203 | 9 |
Pammachius | 5577869 | 0 | 3263 | 20220122112205 | 9 |
Flavius Turcius Rufius Apronianus Asterius | 4454808 | 0 | 3734 | 20241129144615 | 9 |
Finnian von Movilla | 12835922 | 0 | 4775 | 20231016155446 | 9 |
Maximianus | 6967816 | 0 | 56843 | 20241004232659 | 9 |
Trocundes | 4192696 | 0 | 1847 | 20240807111838 | 9 |
Physica Plinii | 7637595 | 0 | 7046 | 20240627204435 | 9 |
St. Helena | 12937692 | 0 | 4037 | 20240731212326 | 9 |
Nonnos von Edessa | 3168178 | 0 | 1317 | 20231007205058 | 9 |
Eutychios | 12295571 | 0 | 3078 | 20240913093025 | 9 |
Paygospan | 12530620 | 0 | 4244 | 20240830113649 | 9 |
Anonymus von 379 | 13019060 | 0 | 5467 | 20240829171322 | 9 |
Herrschereinladung | 13133144 | 0 | 10610 | 20240822110529 | 9 |
Honestiores | 8888696 | 0 | 5339 | 20240202021752 | 9 |
Patricius | 4061175 | 0 | 3634 | 20240813182705 | 9 |
Valentinus | 4049075 | 0 | 1500 | 20130404010434 | 9 |
Caesaromagus | 3195605 | 0 | 2165 | 20210305034729 | 9 |
Stotzas der Jüngere | 5107705 | 0 | 2157 | 20220318180017 | 9 |
Masuna | 7554353 | 0 | 2831 | 20230923190904 | 9 |
Tiberianus | 5599274 | 0 | 11173 | 20240627210717 | 9 |
Agens in rebus | 12628759 | 0 | 14115 | 20230704063911 | 9 |
Egil | 1367638 | 0 | 9034 | 20241113114949 | 9 |
Gwenhael | 10851214 | 0 | 2047 | 20211101100529 | 9 |
St. Helena | 6432942 | 0 | 3804 | 20240207203414 | 9 |
Aukirche | 3031556 | 0 | 2353 | 20240420135937 | 9 |
Sebastianus | 3393470 | 0 | 2586 | 20190701063203 | 9 |
Antoninus von Pamiers | 10499181 | 0 | 3149 | 20221229215757 | 9 |
Anastasiusmauer | 3873438 | 0 | 16916 | 20240613043200 | 9 |
Balamir | 816734 | 0 | 5978 | 20230525114947 | 9 |
Gildo | 3010904 | 0 | 9240 | 20241014100011 | 9 |
Schlacht von Thyatira | 8233675 | 0 | 1605 | 20230419180146 | 9 |
Johannes Cottistis | 4845871 | 0 | 3668 | 20240614102024 | 9 |
Eustathios | 4492547 | 0 | 8836 | 20240627210417 | 9 |
Gomoarius | 9243583 | 0 | 3140 | 20231113170916 | 9 |
Gaius Iunius Tiberianus | 2148222 | 0 | 1928 | 20240813103920 | 9 |
Mihr-Mihroe | 11883393 | 0 | 8385 | 20240813115104 | 9 |
Friede von Nisibis | 4062702 | 0 | 6160 | 20221129143951 | 9 |
Barberini-Diptychon | 4957226 | 0 | 9452 | 20240912222843 | 9 |
Sopatros von Apameia | 4689959 | 0 | 8008 | 20240708215630 | 9 |
Caecina Decius Maximus Basilius | 9872416 | 0 | 2385 | 20240806205334 | 9 |
Montius Magnus | 1798064 | 0 | 14036 | 20241205025222 | 9 |
Dioskoros von Aphrodito | 1078721 | 0 | 4077 | 20241221022409 | 9 |
Sulpicius I. von Bourges | 8568941 | 0 | 2835 | 20211029073200 | 9 |
Isaak von Dalmatien | 547877 | 0 | 2947 | 20220830005545 | 9 |
Metrodoros | 5127182 | 0 | 7325 | 20240627220900 | 9 |
Alypius | 9720883 | 0 | 7613 | 20240830225038 | 9 |
Bārbad | 3934009 | 0 | 4199 | 20250101230131 | 9 |
Schlacht bei Poetovio | 8234130 | 0 | 2874 | 20231007223708 | 9 |
Helikonios von Byzanz | 5681489 | 0 | 2462 | 20210924151152 | 9 |
Kastell Aying | 10302162 | 0 | 12868 | 20241111162122 | 9 |
Patrikios | 12293749 | 0 | 2988 | 20240913092902 | 9 |
Markus von Arethusa | 2290694 | 0 | 2516 | 20241203073725 | 9 |
Rhetorenedikt | 447925 | 0 | 9695 | 20241213135625 | 9 |
Cybard von Angoulême | 8078892 | 0 | 3323 | 20240717204342 | 9 |
Euphronius von Tours | 9395591 | 0 | 1841 | 20211023222322 | 9 |
Chrysanthios von Sardes | 4479445 | 0 | 6792 | 20240708205146 | 9 |
Mediana | 3695587 | 0 | 2696 | 20240623175941 | 9 |
Julian von Emesa | 1738747 | 0 | 3942 | 20240724191033 | 9 |
Vogelfibel | 1893584 | 0 | 2385 | 20240803203644 | 9 |
Digestensystem | 12782866 | 0 | 8263 | 20241211203729 | 9 |
Maximianskathedra | 6180138 | 0 | 13894 | 20241214171353 | 9 |
Fulgentius Ferrandus | 12309997 | 0 | 1333 | 20241112160450 | 9 |
Irenaeus von Sirmium | 5825821 | 0 | 3793 | 20240817083148 | 9 |
Arusianus Messius | 2643636 | 0 | 1821 | 20191210133610 | 9 |
Elteriš | 11063132 | 0 | 3400 | 20230325122209 | 9 |
Electus | 1144402 | 0 | 1787 | 20220516042756 | 9 |
Probus | 2343296 | 0 | 1181 | 20230825225246 | 9 |
Exuperius | 1147424 | 0 | 2076 | 20221020193935 | 9 |
Rhazates | 1844932 | 0 | 2742 | 20130330233919 | 9 |
Gorgonios | 12293740 | 0 | 3218 | 20240913092731 | 9 |
Flavius Severianus | 4662289 | 0 | 3164 | 20220626200834 | 9 |
Tugdual von Tréguier | 7777969 | 0 | 3780 | 20240718145102 | 9 |
St. Helena | 9630003 | 0 | 4712 | 20230717155821 | 9 |
Valentin von Viterbo | 4305517 | 0 | 1627 | 20241124135119 | 9 |
Eusebius | 2135961 | 0 | 3530 | 20231107202637 | 9 |
Canones Apostolorum | 12264054 | 0 | 2707 | 20241209212909 | 9 |
Akakios von Melitene | 2674707 | 0 | 2865 | 20240726152210 | 8 |
Schatzfund von Vindelev | 11911300 | 0 | 39348 | 20241228222856 | 8 |
Leucius Charinus | 8288427 | 0 | 5428 | 20240614043623 | 8 |
Hortasios | 12287819 | 0 | 4628 | 20240913091442 | 8 |
Tzath | 9434983 | 0 | 1538 | 20180128081007 | 8 |
Schatz von Velp | 10569891 | 0 | 5942 | 20240813235423 | 8 |
Markianos von Heraklea Pontike | 9020355 | 0 | 2602 | 20240708185318 | 8 |
Makarios Magnes | 2168299 | 0 | 4658 | 20220824101538 | 8 |
Gregor von Spoleto | 8316735 | 0 | 4269 | 20240312101551 | 8 |
Collectio Avellana | 12219011 | 0 | 9112 | 20241111211741 | 8 |
Inportunus | 2271401 | 0 | 2336 | 20240806201625 | 8 |
Stylian | 3987752 | 0 | 3159 | 20170802093607 | 8 |
Sallustius Bonosus | 4360449 | 0 | 5163 | 20240701222206 | 8 |
Alamannen-Museum Vörstetten | 4733961 | 0 | 3204 | 20250102142323 | 8 |
Hermon | 2343952 | 0 | 1491 | 20240417122546 | 8 |
Parabolani | 7263558 | 0 | 6847 | 20240202061059 | 8 |
Tyconius | 3853500 | 0 | 3298 | 20220319112742 | 8 |
Itinerarium Alexandri | 3675717 | 0 | 2728 | 20210708134639 | 8 |
Honoratus von Mailand | 12978385 | 0 | 2612 | 20240203171735 | 8 |
Corpus Aurelianum | 1586876 | 0 | 2531 | 20241213164326 | 8 |
Heilige Woche in Jerusalem | 10246815 | 0 | 28284 | 20201111184546 | 8 |
Abundantius | 6153765 | 0 | 4770 | 20240702135711 | 8 |
Eutropia | 11782216 | 0 | 5257 | 20241013180644 | 8 |
Gutþiuda | 9715376 | 0 | 2294 | 20240625191635 | 8 |
Euphemia | 2133902 | 0 | 1322 | 20210716060435 | 8 |
Pelagonius | 2615393 | 0 | 3550 | 20240627192336 | 8 |
Weh Antiok Chosrau | 12516463 | 0 | 3996 | 20230125185456 | 8 |
Dorotheos | 8155509 | 0 | 5971 | 20241211085209 | 8 |
Victricius von Rouen | 3185380 | 0 | 3549 | 20240806105645 | 8 |
Kyraniden | 4180628 | 0 | 3639 | 20240830150554 | 8 |
Pfarrkirche Nußdorf | 3806810 | 0 | 12895 | 20230711225141 | 8 |
Sergios von Resaina | 10672135 | 0 | 3787 | 20230131023800 | 8 |
Luxorius | 752674 | 0 | 3107 | 20240922061350 | 8 |
Arsacius von Tarsus | 10871839 | 0 | 1603 | 20210827084129 | 8 |
Maximianus von Konstantinopel | 10871780 | 0 | 1599 | 20211014055811 | 8 |
Apollinarianismus | 3523497 | 0 | 3427 | 20241221141311 | 8 |
Titus Flavius Postumius Titianus | 9026875 | 0 | 2892 | 20240812225648 | 8 |
Vibius Sequester | 7338865 | 0 | 1828 | 20240819194810 | 8 |
Petrus der Iberer | 10497089 | 0 | 5305 | 20240819174537 | 8 |
Hesychios | 3451063 | 0 | 2410 | 20210927065249 | 8 |
Schlacht von Verona | 4549698 | 0 | 4521 | 20210616141413 | 8 |
Reverianus von Autun | 11232361 | 0 | 2774 | 20240425161317 | 8 |
Cassius Felix | 7348211 | 0 | 7407 | 20240627191617 | 8 |
Romanus | 3396034 | 0 | 2836 | 20240817085725 | 8 |
Maximos I. von Konstantinopel | 8849442 | 0 | 2816 | 20230512222743 | 8 |
Euthalius | 9832659 | 0 | 4669 | 20230527235338 | 8 |
Liudhard | 6365503 | 0 | 5562 | 20241006231805 | 8 |
Agnes von Poitiers | 8276338 | 0 | 2389 | 20241021131618 | 8 |
Benedicta von Origny | 3162734 | 0 | 4911 | 20241129202455 | 8 |
Justinianische Dynastie | 756473 | 0 | 3655 | 20240219212508 | 8 |
Codex Vaticanus Graecus 2061 | 4310734 | 0 | 4089 | 20240916124008 | 8 |
Chosrau III. | 1035838 | 0 | 2702 | 20240621172524 | 8 |
Vinitharius | 8999521 | 0 | 3234 | 20231008010945 | 8 |
Commodian | 3863143 | 0 | 2441 | 20220522102600 | 8 |
Dukus Horant | 2194612 | 0 | 3794 | 20240614134353 | 8 |
Charaton | 2914133 | 0 | 4248 | 20240730081446 | 8 |
Sara die Einsiedlerin | 1185280 | 0 | 2507 | 20240730153421 | 8 |
Sabas der Gote | 7341439 | 0 | 5233 | 20240630180741 | 8 |
Grellan | 2670157 | 0 | 5530 | 20220914170308 | 8 |
Fergus | 1307746 | 0 | 3218 | 20230106115109 | 8 |
Tyrannion | 2343781 | 0 | 1373 | 20220612130435 | 8 |
Wuzurg-Framadar | 10813522 | 0 | 3370 | 20240613184229 | 8 |
Manichäische Schrift | 12858045 | 0 | 2219 | 20231030153119 | 8 |
Hungersnot in Antiochia 362–363 | 2444795 | 0 | 3761 | 20241204223605 | 8 |
Sabinianus | 3717962 | 0 | 5437 | 20230705000130 | 8 |
St. Helena | 12080964 | 0 | 2920 | 20240731212325 | 8 |
Suavegotta | 8931519 | 0 | 2529 | 20201206174840 | 8 |
Chararich | 1959679 | 0 | 2374 | 20210516120356 | 8 |
Iakob Zurtaweli | 351857 | 0 | 2709 | 20250112213653 | 8 |
Anicius Faustus Albinus Basilius | 2051295 | 0 | 2474 | 20240807115719 | 8 |
Byzantinisches Reich unter der Leoniden-Dynastie | 12791986 | 0 | 9268 | 20241231204510 | 8 |
Ursus von Aosta | 11413398 | 0 | 7458 | 20240524145724 | 8 |
Verreiterung | 9477665 | 0 | 13788 | 20240623210046 | 8 |
Consultatio veteris cuiusdam iurisconsulti | 9654402 | 0 | 7085 | 20241211204124 | 8 |
Domentiolos | 4898696 | 0 | 2387 | 20200418040218 | 8 |
Theodorus | 3971036 | 0 | 2239 | 20211029223617 | 8 |
Zisterzienserinnenabtei Löwenbrücken | 9742521 | 0 | 2894 | 20240713062319 | 8 |
Bubulcus | 5235045 | 0 | 3285 | 20230325165015 | 8 |
Innocentia | 3401495 | 0 | 1857 | 20220318163201 | 8 |
Athenodorus | 5425755 | 0 | 3291 | 20240614102334 | 8 |
Synode von Rom | 1595002 | 0 | 3859 | 20241221140855 | 8 |
Nazarius | 2641124 | 0 | 3844 | 20240715220742 | 8 |
Museum für byzantinische Kultur Thessaloniki | 10069589 | 0 | 27397 | 20250112045911 | 8 |
Kallistion | 12908235 | 0 | 8857 | 20240618172612 | 8 |
Xena | 660326 | 0 | 2242 | 20240910172740 | 8 |
Grumbates | 10287438 | 0 | 4363 | 20240601223451 | 8 |
Carentinus | 573710 | 0 | 2031 | 20220108170011 | 8 |
Johannes | 12602807 | 0 | 3924 | 20240423085309 | 8 |
Butherich | 479955 | 0 | 1822 | 20240628133115 | 8 |
Aba I. | 8572360 | 0 | 9532 | 20241113091436 | 8 |
Flavius Anthemius Isidorus | 4931718 | 0 | 1738 | 20240702221731 | 8 |
Ebrauc | 8821103 | 0 | 152 | 20150502145652 | 8 |
Faustina | 1867095 | 0 | 2508 | 20201104215344 | 8 |
Kuh-e Khwaja | 1568285 | 0 | 3450 | 20240831085337 | 8 |
Cautinus | 5002827 | 0 | 3438 | 20210311165220 | 8 |
Lucius Aurelius Avianius Symmachus | 2890603 | 0 | 2770 | 20240830200303 | 8 |
Kirche am Magdalensberg | 6893902 | 0 | 8553 | 20240203162705 | 8 |
Cynon fab Clydno | 6831878 | 0 | 2866 | 20211027193712 | 8 |
Markellinos | 10126490 | 0 | 6277 | 20231108023048 | 8 |
Paulinus von Pella | 6435296 | 0 | 5140 | 20231206013306 | 8 |
Cucuphas | 9007773 | 0 | 4261 | 20241226101226 | 8 |
Glycerius | 7448997 | 0 | 1940 | 20240203092610 | 8 |
Aprunculus | 4978677 | 0 | 3075 | 20211229084653 | 8 |
St. Helena | 8160320 | 0 | 7193 | 20240725075541 | 8 |
Amantius von Rodez | 12544975 | 0 | 2525 | 20230205155508 | 8 |
Asterius von Amaseia | 6194230 | 0 | 2835 | 20241023160753 | 8 |
Leontius von Trier | 7566588 | 0 | 2825 | 20220603114224 | 8 |
Schlacht bei Satala | 1828661 | 0 | 9176 | 20230607163353 | 8 |
Maiorina | 5344446 | 0 | 3194 | 20240621212439 | 8 |
Fravitas | 8799378 | 0 | 3232 | 20170807152302 | 8 |
Zabergan | 10583959 | 0 | 4035 | 20200128102204 | 8 |
Synode von Saragossa | 2317108 | 0 | 2218 | 20230617113731 | 8 |
Aemilia Materna Thermantia | 2097919 | 0 | 2421 | 20240317155727 | 8 |
Paulinus von Périgueux | 11199893 | 0 | 1300 | 20210708133222 | 8 |
Syrisch-Römisches Rechtsbuch | 4339816 | 0 | 18455 | 20231228115749 | 8 |
Flavius Zeno | 6690840 | 0 | 3064 | 20250101155604 | 8 |
Bonosus von Trier | 5430515 | 0 | 2198 | 20231110110536 | 8 |
Tiberius Claudius Donatus | 6617570 | 0 | 2259 | 20240819193135 | 8 |
Huiyuan | 10360873 | 0 | 6017 | 20240926160142 | 8 |
Nannienus | 3261331 | 0 | 3182 | 20231101025844 | 8 |
Erdbeben von Antiochia 526 | 5067271 | 0 | 1874 | 20240908181544 | 8 |
Epiphanios Scholastikos | 1109704 | 0 | 2031 | 20231003192708 | 8 |
Terentius | 5707543 | 0 | 12372 | 20241214145739 | 8 |
Britto von Trier | 5430600 | 0 | 2110 | 20210913161029 | 8 |
Purpurevangeliar | 9450916 | 0 | 4340 | 20240916124255 | 8 |
Täufersekte | 3520704 | 0 | 5338 | 20231226222813 | 8 |
Cassius Dio | 3825229 | 0 | 1471 | 20240812225521 | 8 |
Nonna | 12658217 | 0 | 3963 | 20241220164208 | 8 |
Aaron | 9592987 | 0 | 3176 | 20241230174836 | 8 |
Briocus von Saint-Brieuc | 13167994 | 0 | 3388 | 20240728204841 | 8 |
Appius Nicomachus Dexter | 13203545 | 0 | 11636 | 20241117230822 | 8 |
Florus von Lodève | 12728568 | 0 | 1922 | 20230707195955 | 8 |
Fragmente von Autun | 9712475 | 0 | 11638 | 20241216163638 | 8 |
Pseudo-Titus-Brief | 8134990 | 0 | 13138 | 20250113114726 | 8 |
Zotikos | 12291680 | 0 | 3540 | 20240913092334 | 8 |
Stephanos | 1364756 | 0 | 5245 | 20240627201021 | 7 |
Palladius von Saintes | 9394243 | 0 | 3062 | 20240704122825 | 7 |
Flavius Severinus | 9868873 | 0 | 5004 | 20240729205225 | 7 |
Nikita | 6294319 | 0 | 1927 | 20240626152247 | 7 |
Naqsch-e Radschab | 4473612 | 0 | 1704 | 20230419195403 | 7 |
Codex Guelferbytanus B | 4165958 | 0 | 4872 | 20240916124205 | 7 |
Hexagramma | 11967687 | 0 | 9780 | 20240823155422 | 7 |
Chione von Thessaloniki | 1370833 | 0 | 1263 | 20210715084008 | 7 |
Eustathius von Mzcheta | 6307150 | 0 | 2951 | 20210919215354 | 7 |
Olympias von Armenien | 12571021 | 0 | 12557 | 20240621222026 | 7 |
Arvandus | 3395379 | 0 | 2742 | 20240223081727 | 7 |
Ulpianus | 810859 | 0 | 2487 | 20240716203929 | 7 |
Cyrillus von Trier | 7569768 | 0 | 2736 | 20210914041659 | 7 |
Hermogenians Iuris epitomae | 9579528 | 0 | 7956 | 20241211204733 | 7 |
Abantus | 6144862 | 0 | 3219 | 20240618185808 | 7 |
Auspicius | 7125493 | 0 | 4482 | 20241128162552 | 7 |
Derafsch-e Kaviani | 7024992 | 0 | 4762 | 20231230062335 | 7 |
Petros II. von Alexandria | 13238114 | 0 | 5252 | 20241229232153 | 7 |
Iringlied | 1564539 | 0 | 11212 | 20241031105057 | 7 |
Acacius von Beröa | 1828436 | 0 | 1513 | 20210823044558 | 7 |
Marcellina von Mailand | 4582648 | 0 | 3721 | 20230821161524 | 7 |
Dioscurides Neapolitanus | 6012467 | 0 | 5132 | 20240703001647 | 7 |
Abdas von Susa | 3001652 | 0 | 3052 | 20210823043309 | 7 |
Martyrium der Heiligen Schuschanik | 351866 | 0 | 2520 | 20250112213529 | 7 |
Konzil von Seleukia | 2094257 | 0 | 1411 | 20241003102129 | 7 |
Pirrus | 4046807 | 0 | 1283 | 20180120235321 | 7 |
Tel Shalem | 11052632 | 0 | 15204 | 20241006194057 | 7 |
Waldere | 3128126 | 0 | 33964 | 20240706145529 | 7 |
Agathangelos | 681022 | 0 | 3569 | 20230814164718 | 7 |
Schlacht bei Orléans | 11470051 | 0 | 5492 | 20230814195308 | 7 |
Aspasius von Melun | 1091647 | 0 | 1389 | 20210827090900 | 7 |
Symmachianische Fälschungen | 7548384 | 0 | 5420 | 20241003101633 | 7 |
Annalen von Angers | 11488249 | 0 | 5176 | 20220212162125 | 7 |
Artabanes | 6905228 | 0 | 15785 | 20240405080922 | 7 |
Codex Bobiensis | 9457242 | 0 | 4365 | 20240831144317 | 7 |
Domitius Modestus | 8358829 | 0 | 3240 | 20240702115003 | 7 |
Frau von Oßmannstedt | 4529025 | 0 | 8584 | 20241107073113 | 7 |
Leontius von Byzanz | 4673713 | 0 | 2216 | 20240921010247 | 7 |
Depotfund von Hoxne | 7981142 | 0 | 23802 | 20231015173452 | 7 |
Aconia Fabia Paulina | 13060906 | 0 | 40496 | 20241217195425 | 7 |
Vithimiris | 8999580 | 0 | 2008 | 20201230160902 | 7 |
Remistus | 8791403 | 0 | 1533 | 20190828165633 | 7 |
Mauricius von Trier | 7571376 | 0 | 2022 | 20220603114252 | 7 |
Nummius Aemilianus Dexter | 12789815 | 0 | 3241 | 20240814151013 | 7 |
Serapion von Thmuis | 3012350 | 0 | 1680 | 20231110102305 | 7 |
Deoteria | 7692112 | 0 | 3369 | 20240617130827 | 7 |
Severinus von Paris | 2518898 | 0 | 4164 | 20221218200944 | 7 |
Severinus iunior | 9871318 | 0 | 2072 | 20240729205547 | 7 |
Konzil von Konstantinopel | 2317194 | 0 | 2016 | 20241003101855 | 7 |
Johannes III. | 8876196 | 0 | 1701 | 20241207141511 | 7 |
Kolossal-Statue Schapurs I. | 4978835 | 0 | 10098 | 20240826173919 | 7 |
Palast Theoderichs | 6746082 | 0 | 4238 | 20240312191805 | 7 |
Maximinus von Aix | 4307676 | 0 | 1705 | 20211014060553 | 7 |
Anagastes | 8998136 | 0 | 5886 | 20240911230949 | 7 |
Peter von Rates | 4301705 | 0 | 3047 | 20240629151003 | 7 |
Telemachus | 10491217 | 0 | 4354 | 20230703165128 | 7 |
Nepotianus | 13114276 | 0 | 4496 | 20240824000041 | 7 |
Felix I. von Metz | 12317188 | 0 | 3119 | 20230821121531 | 7 |
Schlacht um Rajasthan | 9378828 | 0 | 22821 | 20241114094613 | 7 |
Orestes | 11622138 | 0 | 7744 | 20241005073952 | 7 |
Victorius | 4976094 | 0 | 3729 | 20210418120136 | 7 |
Serenus von Antinoupolis | 7012465 | 0 | 3977 | 20240711182934 | 7 |
Aelianus | 3442661 | 0 | 1501 | 20170915140637 | 7 |
Amandus | 3390172 | 0 | 2967 | 20240202033218 | 7 |
Flavius Avienus iunior | 9874871 | 0 | 2013 | 20240806202019 | 7 |
Achatius Klimax | 3158234 | 0 | 1210 | 20210709103143 | 7 |
Seleukos von Emesa | 12829739 | 0 | 7596 | 20240302223408 | 7 |
Makrina die Ältere | 6425095 | 0 | 2326 | 20230501130400 | 7 |
Decius Paulinus | 2052089 | 0 | 1623 | 20240708194436 | 7 |
Capsula eburnea | 12172253 | 0 | 14586 | 20240224011754 | 7 |
Theodoros Anagnostes | 1081093 | 0 | 2041 | 20241114070754 | 7 |
Evurtius von Orléans | 12612045 | 0 | 2292 | 20230330065557 | 7 |
Constantius von Lyon | 3167305 | 0 | 1708 | 20230524142547 | 7 |
Apphianus | 9054432 | 0 | 2431 | 20241221172630 | 7 |
Scicius | 12280956 | 0 | 2607 | 20220620142625 | 7 |
Arsacius | 5720741 | 0 | 2054 | 20241118231827 | 7 |
Laudus | 8341426 | 0 | 1880 | 20220517183549 | 7 |
Angantyr | 1230180 | 0 | 5180 | 20240212155024 | 7 |
Rodulf | 750349 | 0 | 2748 | 20241118153800 | 7 |
Turiner Institutionenglosse | 9682592 | 0 | 13103 | 20240907223835 | 7 |
Helenenkapelle | 3795490 | 0 | 5046 | 20241028154411 | 7 |
Silinga | 13285963 | 0 | 2981 | 20241122165907 | 7 |
Andragathius | 12791312 | 0 | 6659 | 20240419151718 | 7 |
Domninos von Larisa | 5491580 | 0 | 9736 | 20240905120019 | 7 |
Paulos I. von Konstantinopel | 8783305 | 0 | 3104 | 20211017064346 | 7 |
Cyprian | 9872558 | 0 | 5904 | 20240905192246 | 7 |
Paternus von Vannes | 13165648 | 0 | 3224 | 20240722160834 | 7 |
Maternus Cynegius | 2841963 | 0 | 2013 | 20241223160942 | 7 |
Abaskiron | 8205769 | 0 | 5745 | 20240429231615 | 7 |
Giso | 12659257 | 0 | 2772 | 20241004063830 | 7 |
Fibicius | 7596029 | 0 | 2446 | 20230728101228 | 7 |
Konstantinausstellung in Trier | 2639310 | 0 | 3062 | 20230428062959 | 7 |
Symeon Salos | 9511056 | 0 | 13239 | 20221221201917 | 7 |
Felix I. von Treviso | 12714180 | 0 | 9719 | 20240807082424 | 7 |
St. Helena | 10610739 | 0 | 3542 | 20230821133613 | 7 |
Bibelmajuskel | 6874013 | 0 | 2340 | 20241222022704 | 7 |
Collectio Quesnelliana | 12295689 | 0 | 8490 | 20241112121029 | 7 |
Mauia | 4831793 | 0 | 9065 | 20240721174318 | 7 |
Ferreolus von Uzès | 9975026 | 0 | 2703 | 20221229214701 | 7 |
Baudilius von Nîmes | 4854860 | 0 | 4411 | 20241216082909 | 7 |
Firminus von Uzès | 9976045 | 0 | 2589 | 20221229214708 | 7 |
Anthemiolus | 8583068 | 0 | 1828 | 20241203194118 | 7 |
Tetricus von Langres | 9395940 | 0 | 1832 | 20221201124941 | 7 |
De vera religione | 274347 | 0 | 6651 | 20210330131643 | 7 |
Caesonius Bassus | 3543487 | 0 | 1429 | 20240701170421 | 7 |
Lazarus | 746077 | 0 | 2472 | 20230327104859 | 7 |
Qapagan | 11063147 | 0 | 2596 | 20230325121829 | 7 |
Aelia Marciana Euphemia | 2133577 | 0 | 1225 | 20230906174422 | 7 |
Flavius Apion II. | 2993376 | 0 | 1657 | 20240809201812 | 7 |
Irene von Rom | 7015725 | 0 | 1904 | 20240326110038 | 7 |
Orientius von Auch | 5738385 | 0 | 4908 | 20231021125238 | 7 |
Sveta Jelena | 4873180 | 0 | 3593 | 20221211092008 | 7 |
Binnenkastell Ságvár | 8204099 | 0 | 42656 | 20240908170603 | 7 |
De morbis acutis et chronicis | 7493504 | 0 | 7581 | 20240628033536 | 7 |
Constantius von Lauriacum | 2628086 | 0 | 1765 | 20210914035257 | 7 |
Maximus | 9038816 | 0 | 4828 | 20220603111236 | 7 |
Respendial | 4943374 | 0 | 5121 | 20220130104213 | 7 |
Schlacht von Mardia | 8058805 | 0 | 4362 | 20231124174212 | 7 |
Cathedral of Saint Helena | 10682932 | 0 | 6249 | 20230305170121 | 7 |
Euphrasius von Poreč | 10027032 | 0 | 1747 | 20210919214611 | 7 |
Onasimos | 7755677 | 0 | 3564 | 20240304153057 | 7 |
Maximus von Saragossa | 11354558 | 0 | 3457 | 20221211132855 | 7 |
Severus von Trier | 7571580 | 0 | 3571 | 20220603114204 | 7 |
Vigilius von Thapsus | 1081700 | 0 | 3626 | 20211103055345 | 7 |
Paulus Catena | 5478246 | 0 | 5022 | 20241127011230 | 7 |
Nikolaus von Myra | 9069459 | 0 | 3350 | 20240715230109 | 7 |
Germanus von Girona | 12280984 | 0 | 2624 | 20230928080857 | 7 |
Koriun | 11476008 | 0 | 3296 | 20221118193545 | 7 |
Apionen | 2993013 | 0 | 4571 | 20241012204558 | 7 |
Basilika des Konstantin | 6248662 | 0 | 4174 | 20241120163538 | 7 |
Gaiso | 5712502 | 0 | 2898 | 20240702100729 | 7 |
Magnerich von Trier | 6680465 | 0 | 5375 | 20240601075933 | 7 |
Engratia von Saragossa | 10573352 | 0 | 3234 | 20210716051535 | 7 |
Marcellus | 3395184 | 0 | 2162 | 20240312122031 | 7 |
Yared | 10937576 | 0 | 7409 | 20221217104254 | 7 |
Patroclus von Bourges | 8796470 | 0 | 1777 | 20211017062655 | 7 |
Synode von Antiochia | 9836469 | 0 | 1355 | 20240716002250 | 7 |
Pfarrkirche Langenlebarn | 13153849 | 0 | 4047 | 20240731211003 | 7 |
Aradius Rufinus | 4920504 | 0 | 2598 | 20240812225618 | 7 |
Marcella von Rom | 3345028 | 0 | 15292 | 20240515192240 | 7 |
Hesperius | 12775470 | 0 | 2014 | 20230812084224 | 7 |
Agapetos | 1562433 | 0 | 3574 | 20250110214030 | 7 |
Dionysius von Augsburg | 8807374 | 0 | 5028 | 20240406095931 | 7 |
Santa Helena de Rodes | 7792508 | 0 | 3839 | 20230317215453 | 6 |
Domninos | 12622888 | 0 | 7235 | 20240727221829 | 6 |
Laurian | 10787282 | 0 | 4374 | 20241220022137 | 6 |
Peroz II. | 10233959 | 0 | 1886 | 20231227161727 | 6 |
Langobardentheorie des Zimbrischen | 4111465 | 0 | 10045 | 20240818143739 | 6 |
Vettius Rufinus | 5803676 | 0 | 2880 | 20240812230240 | 6 |
Schlacht von Blarathon | 7199332 | 0 | 3998 | 20220120090328 | 6 |
Achilleus | 5348208 | 0 | 504 | 20200814114342 | 6 |
Volusianus von Tours | 12531704 | 0 | 2890 | 20241130154011 | 6 |
De magistro | 5645664 | 0 | 21449 | 20240924233836 | 6 |
Pepouza | 2429398 | 0 | 8844 | 20240915113357 | 6 |
Evangelisch-reformierte Kirche Langenholzhausen | 6909912 | 0 | 3890 | 20240930105026 | 6 |
Synode von Gangra | 2137696 | 0 | 1610 | 20220102154438 | 6 |
Droctulft | 10958451 | 0 | 10818 | 20240708204611 | 6 |
Flavius Caecina Decius Basilius | 3534325 | 0 | 1186 | 20240806205546 | 6 |
St. Helena | 13307782 | 0 | 2191 | 20241214144540 | 6 |
Marcus Magrius Bassus | 3543458 | 0 | 1214 | 20240701170528 | 6 |
Batimodus-Grabstein | 8875155 | 0 | 6336 | 20230214142732 | 6 |
Basileios von Seleukeia | 9560622 | 0 | 2038 | 20241104153854 | 6 |
Medicina antiqua | 9956594 | 0 | 3293 | 20240627203815 | 6 |
Pontius | 1591432 | 0 | 1994 | 20220427211720 | 6 |
St Helen’s | 7731259 | 0 | 3037 | 20220924183004 | 6 |
Collectio Sanblasiana | 13081031 | 0 | 8864 | 20241213231011 | 6 |
Goldschatz von Dortmund | 10571867 | 0 | 1983 | 20241023103139 | 6 |
Protasius von Mailand | 548668 | 0 | 1372 | 20230209084901 | 6 |
Piatus von Seclin | 11237241 | 0 | 3210 | 20220811082223 | 6 |
Emerita | 6234019 | 0 | 2448 | 20240201105045 | 6 |
Ursicinus von Ravenna | 5010324 | 0 | 3308 | 20211102160830 | 6 |
Ellebichus | 12854697 | 0 | 3614 | 20240701113633 | 6 |
Verecundus | 2528372 | 0 | 1534 | 20220426062619 | 6 |
Anicius Faustus | 9746141 | 0 | 2722 | 20240701154447 | 6 |
Euagrios von Konstantinopel | 8844171 | 0 | 1891 | 20210919212750 | 6 |
Aemilius Magnus Arborius | 7305703 | 0 | 3480 | 20240916221331 | 6 |
Trophimus von Arles | 1769446 | 0 | 3230 | 20240613131751 | 6 |
Rusticus von Treviso | 12718638 | 0 | 4371 | 20240524120947 | 6 |
Sigisvultus | 12811222 | 0 | 2822 | 20240802032417 | 6 |
Constitutiones Sirmondianae | 9622615 | 0 | 5514 | 20240826132833 | 6 |
Sarus | 1752186 | 0 | 4376 | 20250103202424 | 6 |
Maternian | 5977768 | 0 | 2415 | 20220810101351 | 6 |
De Ordine | 7563354 | 0 | 11785 | 20241226091919 | 6 |
Agroecius | 12179629 | 0 | 2445 | 20230414191403 | 6 |
Sallustius von Jerusalem | 8875865 | 0 | 1947 | 20241207141404 | 6 |
Severinus von Agaunum | 6303547 | 0 | 3482 | 20211027081119 | 6 |
Donatus | 7736791 | 0 | 3311 | 20240730082501 | 6 |
Ostrogotho | 7777316 | 0 | 3401 | 20240629155512 | 6 |
Ursinus von Konstanz | 7446277 | 0 | 2749 | 20230203102710 | 6 |
Severus Sanctus Endelechius | 6035564 | 0 | 1601 | 20240816210032 | 6 |
Marcellianus | 5709917 | 0 | 9005 | 20240618173439 | 6 |
Papyrus 10 | 4263321 | 0 | 3347 | 20240719020902 | 6 |
Bemarchios | 818786 | 0 | 2135 | 20240708174609 | 6 |
St. Helena | 10194559 | 0 | 5231 | 20231117075305 | 6 |
Hunno | 4407875 | 0 | 1062 | 20190121210535 | 6 |
Collectio Vetus Gallica | 12592765 | 0 | 2352 | 20241213233214 | 6 |
Patroclus von Arles | 12297636 | 0 | 2509 | 20221015044017 | 6 |
Papyrus 19 | 4444292 | 0 | 5756 | 20240705014515 | 6 |
Poimen | 2549525 | 0 | 2680 | 20210218161341 | 6 |
Ephysius von Cagliari | 3382792 | 0 | 2180 | 20240328160124 | 6 |
Luboszyce-Kultur | 8528975 | 0 | 1784 | 20231019154009 | 6 |
Auxentius von Mopsuestia | 655040 | 0 | 1616 | 20210827094227 | 6 |
Malarich | 12600424 | 0 | 3534 | 20231101001301 | 6 |
Mochonna | 6443136 | 0 | 2615 | 20240415190428 | 6 |
Aedesius | 10069097 | 0 | 2530 | 20230527232951 | 6 |
Auxentius von Dorostorum | 6090570 | 0 | 2507 | 20210827094208 | 6 |
Modestus | 8826600 | 0 | 983 | 20220603113851 | 6 |
Charietto | 12722155 | 0 | 3303 | 20240510084700 | 6 |
Ioannes Tzibos | 12495777 | 0 | 2772 | 20231018070413 | 6 |
Nereus | 4297422 | 0 | 502 | 20200814114051 | 6 |
Minervina | 2487566 | 0 | 5309 | 20240908173339 | 6 |
Konzil von Alexandria | 4311875 | 0 | 262 | 20171220162003 | 6 |
Basilius der Ältere und Emmelia | 12658604 | 0 | 2910 | 20231127192902 | 6 |
Maʿna | 11227708 | 0 | 11157 | 20220516002924 | 6 |
Litorius | 12811211 | 0 | 2146 | 20240801234227 | 6 |
Theonestos | 3644024 | 0 | 2163 | 20241126135724 | 6 |
Vinidarius | 5561443 | 0 | 2104 | 20250112213022 | 6 |
Fraomar | 311725 | 0 | 1561 | 20240618171309 | 6 |
Thalassius | 3511376 | 0 | 6819 | 20231107222953 | 6 |
Kea von Landkey | 11312107 | 0 | 2538 | 20211101100551 | 6 |
Zeuxippus-Thermen | 10792316 | 0 | 15204 | 20250113175723 | 6 |
Mundzuk | 8905969 | 0 | 2154 | 20210328192044 | 6 |
Mallobaudes | 12868902 | 0 | 3988 | 20240618173318 | 6 |
Cornelia | 6015285 | 0 | 1495 | 20220726235155 | 6 |
Breviarium Hipponense | 12310039 | 0 | 2682 | 20241112102014 | 6 |
Paulinus von Girona | 12281008 | 0 | 2600 | 20230928080835 | 6 |
Quodvultdeus | 5153088 | 0 | 3159 | 20220120110504 | 6 |
Perpetuus von Tours | 4973548 | 0 | 3851 | 20231126203016 | 6 |
Asklepigenia | 11591104 | 0 | 2337 | 20240708213550 | 6 |
Papyrus 35 | 4516864 | 0 | 2295 | 20240705014628 | 6 |
Farnobius | 8497091 | 0 | 9343 | 20240618083005 | 6 |
Mosque Maryam | 2606917 | 0 | 1505 | 20191031203215 | 6 |
Pfarrkirche Rabensburg | 13005022 | 0 | 4075 | 20250113153517 | 6 |
Amandus von Bordeaux | 8334635 | 0 | 1816 | 20221028223944 | 6 |
Leontios von Tripolis | 13302452 | 0 | 11798 | 20241210200504 | 6 |
Sigimund | 8960752 | 0 | 5212 | 20211218192953 | 6 |
Apollinaris | 12975529 | 0 | 7734 | 20240201181110 | 6 |
Felix II. von Treviso | 12719791 | 0 | 6697 | 20240524121042 | 6 |
Juvenal von Narni | 9691203 | 0 | 2411 | 20211206161543 | 6 |
Pfarrkirche Ottendorf an der Rittschein | 8891722 | 0 | 3538 | 20210523113346 | 6 |
Severus von Vienne | 11994325 | 0 | 3915 | 20240824144550 | 6 |
Aratius | 6904766 | 0 | 9473 | 20240805113434 | 6 |
Filialkirche Wieserberg | 7122054 | 0 | 2858 | 20240321030347 | 6 |
Gordius | 7460699 | 0 | 9906 | 20241115133702 | 6 |
Aigulf | 12776850 | 0 | 2568 | 20230816123127 | 6 |
Izadchāst | 5684642 | 0 | 3035 | 20231221121502 | 6 |
Geißkopf | 5872659 | 0 | 4118 | 20221129101427 | 6 |
Narses | 1859877 | 0 | 4561 | 20240228131550 | 6 |
Goldenes Tor | 10820716 | 0 | 9672 | 20231210092758 | 6 |
Justus von Girona | 12280996 | 0 | 2605 | 20230928080846 | 6 |
Das Zauberpferd | 13008576 | 0 | 8778 | 20240416155020 | 6 |
Kirche des heiligen Simon und der heiligen Helena | 3023998 | 0 | 2947 | 20221006141654 | 6 |
Wulfilaich | 12034715 | 0 | 4825 | 20220311132302 | 6 |
Alypios | 2794362 | 0 | 1152 | 20250101230948 | 6 |
Aidesia | 12013749 | 0 | 1871 | 20240711180236 | 6 |
De Coelesti Hierarchia | 8501018 | 0 | 5838 | 20221203221937 | 6 |
Tomus ad Antiochenos | 4291516 | 0 | 47077 | 20241019081016 | 6 |
Kyros von Panopolis | 2101964 | 0 | 4693 | 20250102021636 | 6 |
Salonius | 11846670 | 0 | 2504 | 20230216175632 | 6 |
Soterichos | 3297597 | 0 | 7939 | 20191201190641 | 6 |
Philippikos | 2773909 | 0 | 9147 | 20240614095853 | 6 |
Pfarrkirche Hollern | 11493692 | 0 | 4139 | 20210521044146 | 6 |
Jakob der Notar | 7312610 | 0 | 18337 | 20230104200624 | 6 |
Proterius von Alexandria | 2322426 | 0 | 2006 | 20220614182511 | 6 |
Helerius von Jersey | 1412737 | 0 | 3118 | 20230712210655 | 6 |
Silentiarius | 8886492 | 0 | 4356 | 20240621231651 | 6 |
Vitalius I. | 2344316 | 0 | 1235 | 20241010073841 | 6 |
Goldfund von Cottbus | 10128341 | 0 | 4074 | 20230820064308 | 6 |
Isaak von Genf | 12049329 | 0 | 1668 | 20211230113353 | 6 |
Tydfil | 9386066 | 0 | 1769 | 20230823082346 | 6 |
Vigilantius | 12980700 | 0 | 3603 | 20240203023803 | 6 |
Maximianus von Trier | 7584098 | 0 | 2564 | 20220603113659 | 6 |
Pinianus | 12656733 | 0 | 3946 | 20230812072559 | 6 |
Pischoi | 9183826 | 0 | 7500 | 20240103093400 | 6 |
Sextus Placitus Papyrensis | 12162998 | 0 | 5802 | 20240627202818 | 6 |
Phileas von Thmuis | 9995502 | 0 | 2644 | 20220613173807 | 6 |
Büste des Eutropios | 12893368 | 0 | 8335 | 20241215195853 | 6 |
Synode von Hippo | 12685246 | 0 | 4464 | 20240207110143 | 6 |
Filialkirche St. Helene | 11526855 | 0 | 4025 | 20240115233315 | 6 |
Directa ad decessorem | 12676669 | 0 | 11237 | 20241213232920 | 6 |
Philogelos | 3467262 | 0 | 5381 | 20241217235937 | 6 |
Quintus Flavius Maesius Egnatius Lollianus | 10564924 | 0 | 1554 | 20240906224401 | 6 |
St. Helena | 10684634 | 0 | 11065 | 20240912193844 | 6 |
Baduarius | 7202782 | 0 | 2823 | 20240806204027 | 6 |
Flavius Felicianus | 6268757 | 0 | 2907 | 20240701211733 | 6 |
Diadochus von Photice | 3423267 | 0 | 2116 | 20211127201939 | 6 |
Karnamag-i Ardaschir-i Pabagan | 11454802 | 0 | 2863 | 20241227180429 | 6 |
Julius von Caerleon | 2532232 | 0 | 1000 | 20220307124210 | 6 |
Johann der Zwerg | 9034780 | 0 | 4112 | 20241027113559 | 6 |
Theodorias | 5072682 | 0 | 1985 | 20231117090738 | 6 |
Mundus | 2293691 | 0 | 2357 | 20240221214148 | 5 |
Missorium | 12143868 | 0 | 6369 | 20241102091212 | 5 |
Schatzfund von Großbodungen | 11617333 | 0 | 5152 | 20241221151453 | 5 |
Helenenkapelle | 10278969 | 0 | 6981 | 20240530091955 | 5 |
Isaak von Antiochien | 2793657 | 0 | 2826 | 20240702112703 | 5 |
Zenodotos | 4162020 | 0 | 2944 | 20240708221111 | 5 |
Valerius von Hippo | 11431473 | 0 | 5164 | 20220622200143 | 5 |
Ibn al-Muqaffaʿ | 12872795 | 0 | 2970 | 20240512163838 | 5 |
Gunderich von Trier | 7579794 | 0 | 1281 | 20220603113550 | 5 |
Justinianus Rauricorum | 2802765 | 0 | 2385 | 20210729200552 | 5 |
Karamagara-Brücke | 4516923 | 0 | 7772 | 20190913191240 | 5 |
Onegesios | 8910673 | 0 | 2097 | 20160313114505 | 5 |
Gaudiosus von Neapel | 10492124 | 0 | 2791 | 20220605182058 | 5 |
Kapiton von Lykien | 10916141 | 0 | 5724 | 20221005180106 | 5 |
St. Helena | 5868961 | 0 | 2390 | 20230828172142 | 5 |
Hariulfus | 9545152 | 0 | 4073 | 20240713142755 | 5 |
Pia von Karthago | 4357801 | 0 | 1050 | 20210730054848 | 5 |
Serenus von Sirmium | 10370355 | 0 | 3268 | 20211027080030 | 5 |
Bahār-e Kisra | 7586041 | 0 | 4091 | 20241021100048 | 5 |
Asinio | 2780683 | 0 | 3063 | 20180806185418 | 5 |
Ascum | 6921690 | 0 | 3038 | 20240617215340 | 5 |
Edikt contra Origenem | 230215 | 0 | 946 | 20241213135605 | 5 |
Eugraphius | 6613114 | 0 | 1511 | 20241104180718 | 5 |
Flavius Apion I. | 2993339 | 0 | 2085 | 20240809203142 | 5 |
Flavius Caesarius | 7860343 | 0 | 2836 | 20240813184450 | 5 |
Papyrus 18 | 4420668 | 0 | 4282 | 20240705014500 | 5 |
Carmen contra paganos | 13109959 | 0 | 4190 | 20240621115535 | 5 |
Exuperantius von Cingoli | 9479499 | 0 | 3079 | 20230818094530 | 5 |
Sifredus von Carpentras | 11674100 | 0 | 2686 | 20230205083721 | 5 |
Flavius Maximus | 2572971 | 0 | 2685 | 20240807130944 | 5 |
Flavius Decius | 2611900 | 0 | 1248 | 20240708194304 | 5 |
Flavius Apion III. | 2993408 | 0 | 1295 | 20240809202225 | 5 |
Viccentia | 12033146 | 0 | 4233 | 20240916152254 | 5 |
Eustathianer | 2106251 | 0 | 1186 | 20210124195757 | 5 |
Konferenz von Karthago | 11726052 | 0 | 2540 | 20241003102029 | 5 |
Optatus von Thamugadi | 6176825 | 0 | 2164 | 20220312140910 | 5 |
Agape von Thessaloniki | 1370828 | 0 | 1664 | 20241102163332 | 5 |
Basilika Sant’Elena Imperatrice | 12143926 | 0 | 9789 | 20240731203426 | 5 |
Akatziren | 8912557 | 0 | 2068 | 20240714194245 | 5 |
Hypatios | 6121892 | 0 | 2464 | 20240627171244 | 5 |
Bonitus | 12810419 | 0 | 3523 | 20240618165821 | 5 |
Flavius Peregrinus Saturninus | 10901902 | 0 | 3441 | 20240812231211 | 5 |
Bergnestorianer | 4268390 | 0 | 1238 | 20210112104928 | 5 |
St.-Helena-Straße | 9651305 | 0 | 2940 | 20220224193850 | 5 |
Taurinus von Évreux | 11296579 | 0 | 2969 | 20240803204551 | 5 |
Anicius Olybrius | 11007250 | 0 | 1278 | 20240727004358 | 5 |
Kastell Epfach | 11813528 | 0 | 3834 | 20241106193549 | 5 |
Kloster der Heiligen Konstantin und Helena | 5639685 | 0 | 5677 | 20241109091059 | 5 |
Gaius Caelius Saturninus | 9744175 | 0 | 5528 | 20241118145329 | 5 |
Tabulae Albertini | 11986401 | 0 | 4942 | 20240708183933 | 5 |
Online Coins of the Roman Empire | 11442657 | 0 | 1803 | 20230304205504 | 5 |
Pinnosa | 3366443 | 0 | 4651 | 20221127135454 | 5 |
Aetius-Zisterne | 10792317 | 0 | 6580 | 20240825201257 | 5 |
Efflamm | 11548102 | 0 | 2626 | 20211101100445 | 5 |
Volusianus von Trier | 7972957 | 0 | 2343 | 20220603114001 | 5 |
Agapios | 1748834 | 0 | 6520 | 20240814004040 | 5 |
Corpus canonum Africano-Romanum | 12314894 | 0 | 4973 | 20250112210132 | 5 |
St. Helena | 12512082 | 0 | 4970 | 20240329075901 | 5 |
Akakios von Kaisareia | 11442271 | 0 | 2119 | 20240715231419 | 5 |
Fiesta de las Cruces | 10069065 | 0 | 18183 | 20230720095428 | 5 |
Liste spätantiker Taufpiscinen | 10513276 | 0 | 23542 | 20230715105650 | 5 |
Chronik von Edessa | 6432492 | 0 | 2320 | 20221129141737 | 5 |
Lot-Heiligtum | 9048436 | 0 | 6582 | 20241009200332 | 5 |
Grigoris | 6134453 | 0 | 12342 | 20240610095916 | 5 |
Festung Ohrid | 12577098 | 0 | 13396 | 20240829184253 | 5 |
Kallistratos | 1602331 | 0 | 4099 | 20240715224651 | 5 |
Pfarrkirche Sittersdorf | 12224189 | 0 | 4198 | 20231115090243 | 5 |
Chwaday-Namag | 12871222 | 0 | 3017 | 20231209203656 | 5 |
Anōšazād | 1036267 | 0 | 3296 | 20230511163147 | 5 |
Hormizd I. | 11847296 | 0 | 2208 | 20210709195956 | 5 |
Nidung | 6833810 | 0 | 4018 | 20241227191307 | 5 |
Maurinus von Agen | 11692199 | 0 | 2480 | 20211013194423 | 5 |
Miletus | 8826591 | 0 | 1279 | 20240804204426 | 5 |
Ablabius | 1220810 | 0 | 3163 | 20201021223415 | 5 |
Ruodelo | 2213320 | 0 | 2372 | 20230104062920 | 5 |
Sabinus von Canusium | 12641651 | 0 | 2346 | 20241016135759 | 5 |
Julian | 8479338 | 0 | 3157 | 20230915205700 | 5 |
Flavius Afranius Syagrius | 9005189 | 0 | 12353 | 20240813195321 | 5 |
Chromatius | 3451152 | 0 | 3456 | 20240810083011 | 5 |
Pappolus von Chartres | 12780457 | 0 | 1962 | 20230817112937 | 5 |
Addaeus | 12898841 | 0 | 3890 | 20240101210659 | 5 |
Kathedrale der Heiligen Konstantin und Helena | 11327911 | 0 | 7411 | 20240705042338 | 5 |
Stephanus von Nicäa | 4308418 | 0 | 1791 | 20211029063617 | 5 |
Eusebius von Cremona | 12618789 | 0 | 5745 | 20240406031844 | 5 |
Ecdicius | 2921499 | 0 | 2678 | 20210415152239 | 5 |
Petrock | 13040397 | 0 | 1732 | 20240423065048 | 5 |
Nicetas von Aquileia | 11006411 | 0 | 9807 | 20240524115833 | 5 |
Macedonius von Aquileia | 13148798 | 0 | 5363 | 20240804024455 | 5 |
Irmund von Jülich | 2653607 | 0 | 2643 | 20210928073816 | 5 |
Eriulf | 7736928 | 0 | 1451 | 20230329125333 | 5 |
Claudius Marius Victorius | 13000388 | 0 | 2590 | 20240619083120 | 5 |
Cosmas | 1507276 | 0 | 701 | 20201014051624 | 5 |
Aconius Catullinus Philomatius | 13076302 | 0 | 3576 | 20240924192606 | 5 |
Delphinus von Bordeaux | 10490802 | 0 | 1993 | 20210918061218 | 5 |
Liste oströmischer Provinzen | 660795 | 0 | 2813 | 20240623213620 | 5 |
Papyrus 38 | 4522270 | 0 | 3063 | 20240705014642 | 5 |
Eugenius | 3389880 | 0 | 2073 | 20240809203416 | 5 |
Aemilia Hilaria | 10127140 | 0 | 4914 | 20240916220249 | 5 |
Altsächsische Gräberfelder an der Fallward | 9422327 | 0 | 10465 | 20231109202459 | 5 |
Maxima von Rom | 10675407 | 0 | 2641 | 20230829070907 | 5 |
Vandalenfeldzug von 468 | 7564007 | 0 | 17554 | 20250111114541 | 5 |
Ghewond | 11236277 | 0 | 4905 | 20240910174016 | 5 |
Georgios Kyprios | 9711040 | 0 | 3667 | 20240829065053 | 5 |
Codex Veronensis | 9437895 | 0 | 1566 | 20250105124656 | 5 |
Achvinus | 11625973 | 0 | 2556 | 20241206150920 | 5 |
Pandrosion | 11350007 | 0 | 5735 | 20240708214345 | 5 |
Papyrus 62 | 5093230 | 0 | 4149 | 20240705014758 | 5 |
Krieger von Kemathen | 10103927 | 0 | 9579 | 20240928103026 | 5 |
Briefe des Antonius | 2269862 | 0 | 13996 | 20230610172839 | 5 |
Papyrus 24 | 4483919 | 0 | 3586 | 20240705014528 | 5 |
Valentian | 4588703 | 0 | 1940 | 20220814114405 | 5 |
Papyrus 71 | 5093663 | 0 | 2605 | 20240705014831 | 5 |
Quiricus | 4866425 | 0 | 467 | 20200814143827 | 5 |
Chlodwigplatz | 6823060 | 0 | 1220 | 20240507171109 | 5 |
Cyrilla | 651397 | 0 | 1431 | 20230722212828 | 5 |
Große Mauer von Gorgan | 2919227 | 0 | 3570 | 20230720185946 | 5 |
Alaviv | 7980541 | 0 | 9929 | 20240407035724 | 5 |
Prokulus von Verona | 7496874 | 0 | 2272 | 20220319095724 | 5 |
Concordia canonum | 12261235 | 0 | 3580 | 20241111210730 | 5 |
Missorium des Flavius Ardabur Aspar | 13268812 | 0 | 5038 | 20241209235540 | 5 |
Dimet | 9793157 | 0 | 2775 | 20231012131316 | 5 |
Romilda von Friaul | 13298539 | 0 | 6013 | 20241130231502 | 5 |
Soelos | 12278149 | 0 | 2758 | 20240912221118 | 5 |
St. Helena | 10429380 | 0 | 3135 | 20240831153921 | 5 |
Heraiskos | 13023451 | 0 | 5877 | 20240709063142 | 5 |
Sabinianus | 7435310 | 0 | 3620 | 20240807114126 | 5 |
Codex Freerianus | 4033779 | 0 | 2965 | 20240916124141 | 5 |
Liberatus von Karthago | 7666377 | 0 | 3644 | 20211012063214 | 5 |
Cassius | 13178364 | 0 | 4551 | 20240916231517 | 5 |
Caelestius von Metz | 12316106 | 0 | 3066 | 20230927214330 | 5 |
Nariqala | 733627 | 0 | 3884 | 20240503083127 | 5 |
Aradier | 7580363 | 0 | 1216 | 20240906223116 | 5 |
Abundius | 7365804 | 0 | 2739 | 20231020181715 | 5 |
Königreich Rheged | 4924954 | 0 | 13693 | 20240204094845 | 5 |
Julianus Pomerius | 9036690 | 0 | 6107 | 20240915144610 | 5 |
Parandsem | 11273743 | 0 | 13956 | 20230814113837 | 5 |
Godilas | 6905695 | 0 | 3293 | 20240617213820 | 5 |
Synode von Trier | 6919052 | 0 | 2226 | 20220213081611 | 5 |
Blandina von Lyon | 466091 | 0 | 5384 | 20241117110422 | 5 |
Boetarius | 12781198 | 0 | 2219 | 20231224135812 | 5 |
De musica | 8970868 | 0 | 10987 | 20241223140319 | 5 |
Scholia Sinaitica | 9679233 | 0 | 3791 | 20241212143711 | 5 |
Eusebius | 12879166 | 0 | 3187 | 20240201173659 | 5 |
Vettius Agorius Basilius Mavortius | 2565562 | 0 | 1515 | 20240807091647 | 5 |
Soteris | 1308198 | 0 | 1913 | 20210525170332 | 5 |
Justin | 6905762 | 0 | 1479 | 20210929092111 | 5 |
Laudomar | 8313476 | 0 | 1716 | 20240729193759 | 5 |
Hunne zu Pferde | 9444915 | 0 | 4102 | 20211217051034 | 5 |
Antoninus Messala Vivianus | 9600665 | 0 | 1654 | 20240806221217 | 5 |
Strategika | 2548203 | 0 | 3241 | 20250110221524 | 5 |
Lupicinus | 404404 | 0 | 1677 | 20240809055853 | 4 |
Rufius Postumius Festus | 2275309 | 0 | 2915 | 20171018162643 | 4 |
Mardonios | 9899921 | 0 | 3233 | 20240715225110 | 4 |
Abundius der Sakristan | 11494976 | 0 | 2186 | 20240109125009 | 4 |
Latuin | 10298387 | 0 | 2506 | 20231111210132 | 4 |
Abraham bar Qardahi | 1821609 | 0 | 1171 | 20231001132500 | 4 |
Konon von Bidana | 11314460 | 0 | 5271 | 20241104200937 | 4 |
Tudclyd | 10876944 | 0 | 1882 | 20241126190815 | 4 |
Melinger | 9003654 | 0 | 3020 | 20230304205355 | 4 |
Perikles von Lydien | 5526318 | 0 | 2646 | 20241007160605 | 4 |
Kamee mit Valerian und Schapur I. | 10894735 | 0 | 2854 | 20241030082201 | 4 |
Abra von Poitiers | 11535082 | 0 | 1803 | 20231023085419 | 4 |
Vespa | 9481680 | 0 | 3219 | 20240201073709 | 4 |
Hesychius | 11333667 | 0 | 3158 | 20221211132606 | 4 |
Niemberger Gruppe | 11300411 | 0 | 4638 | 20240318104958 | 4 |
Julianus von Lescar | 10571944 | 0 | 3154 | 20220630210517 | 4 |
Atanakines | 6136781 | 0 | 7932 | 20230619075657 | 4 |
Stephanuskirche | 10376155 | 0 | 15383 | 20231023214112 | 4 |
Iunius Valerius Bellicius | 11120732 | 0 | 4714 | 20240812231427 | 4 |
Falko von Maastricht | 7680563 | 0 | 4033 | 20220429170956 | 4 |
Thermantia | 13032909 | 0 | 3856 | 20240317233800 | 4 |
Sarabaiten | 1534777 | 0 | 8666 | 20241203083545 | 4 |
Trojanus von Saintes | 9954118 | 0 | 2821 | 20241125082511 | 4 |
Euphemia | 4308588 | 0 | 1466 | 20210726102710 | 4 |
Polychronia | 12906895 | 0 | 6012 | 20231221152028 | 4 |
Griphus ternarii numeri | 9287923 | 0 | 7056 | 20240613001816 | 4 |
Muredach | 12185790 | 0 | 2093 | 20220331141949 | 4 |
Damian | 1507316 | 0 | 710 | 20201014055002 | 4 |
Genesius von Lyon | 12108218 | 0 | 5413 | 20220216220459 | 4 |
Flavius Theodorus Georgius Procopius | 5541414 | 0 | 1261 | 20240819184936 | 4 |
Patrozinium | 12061425 | 0 | 12605 | 20240202012956 | 4 |
Innozenz von Mevania | 9726203 | 0 | 1756 | 20210928072406 | 4 |
Archiadas | 5466832 | 0 | 5197 | 20240708213735 | 4 |
Julianus | 8970415 | 0 | 2304 | 20210929082733 | 4 |
Tulul adh-Dhahab | 4507071 | 0 | 13773 | 20231010174437 | 4 |
Schatz von Vinkovci | 10191581 | 0 | 1679 | 20241019072336 | 4 |
Dabheog | 8137518 | 0 | 4247 | 20230205194303 | 4 |
Bergwerk von ar-Radrad | 8611826 | 0 | 9739 | 20240111174151 | 4 |
Papyrus 86 | 5140926 | 0 | 2486 | 20240705014943 | 4 |
Synode von Rom | 2817922 | 0 | 2118 | 20220213073932 | 4 |
Dubhán | 11888190 | 0 | 2639 | 20210816181435 | 4 |
Cento Probae | 1592806 | 0 | 2109 | 20240614100544 | 4 |
Amos | 9106625 | 0 | 1680 | 20241207141540 | 4 |
Daurentios | 9004637 | 0 | 2658 | 20210114104559 | 4 |
Hypatios von Gangra | 9139268 | 0 | 1027 | 20210927144617 | 4 |
Salustios aus Emesa | 1120044 | 0 | 2126 | 20210906173220 | 4 |
Nonnosos | 7949630 | 0 | 2292 | 20230804152655 | 4 |
Markellinos | 10127101 | 0 | 4031 | 20231121172602 | 4 |
Liber Hermetis Trismegisti | 12954433 | 0 | 2384 | 20240301154906 | 4 |
Marus | 7568598 | 0 | 3445 | 20220603114021 | 4 |
Cadfan | 9950814 | 0 | 4035 | 20220724190458 | 4 |
Amantius | 12083487 | 0 | 1998 | 20240914061551 | 4 |
Juventius | 4301479 | 0 | 2691 | 20180913215804 | 4 |
Munderich von Langres | 9003078 | 0 | 2838 | 20220402213715 | 4 |
Abraham von Beth Rabban | 1364004 | 0 | 1597 | 20231004135334 | 4 |
Henana von Adiabene | 1363782 | 0 | 1256 | 20210925124007 | 4 |
Alexandros Psalidios | 3648632 | 0 | 1703 | 20240812195143 | 4 |
Papyrus 6 | 4263300 | 0 | 4968 | 20240705014305 | 4 |
Festung von Pogragja | 12028275 | 0 | 1556 | 20211211183920 | 4 |
Laetus von Micy | 8330639 | 0 | 1498 | 20211004192044 | 4 |
Sapricius | 13185106 | 0 | 1947 | 20240808231517 | 4 |
Mayener Ware | 7121299 | 0 | 10832 | 20221214061710 | 4 |
Paterikon | 5924086 | 0 | 3582 | 20250112203546 | 4 |
Geschichte der Juden in der Spätantike | 1494036 | 0 | 23378 | 20231114175421 | 4 |
Thüringische Drehscheibenkeramik | 8862481 | 0 | 3379 | 20240105140555 | 4 |
Abraham von Kiduna | 3154576 | 0 | 1334 | 20230716102945 | 4 |
Gobnait | 12899501 | 0 | 1711 | 20240109155417 | 4 |
Liste der römischen Heermeister | 3565064 | 0 | 28587 | 20241117192018 | 4 |
Andreas von Samosata | 3685581 | 0 | 2465 | 20210826212625 | 4 |
Marcellinus | 5541309 | 0 | 1301 | 20211114115942 | 4 |
Amon von Toul | 12253628 | 0 | 4346 | 20231014055633 | 4 |
Leoparda | 11681822 | 0 | 3063 | 20240627191839 | 4 |
Olympiodoros der Ältere | 4795758 | 0 | 1087 | 20240708200112 | 4 |
Tarsilla | 2138463 | 0 | 1902 | 20220915150722 | 4 |
Pausylypos | 8123850 | 0 | 3404 | 20240913164840 | 4 |
St.-Helena-Kirche | 13221765 | 0 | 5331 | 20240918062241 | 4 |
Darerca von Irland | 11955211 | 0 | 7033 | 20240703110135 | 4 |
Maiorianus | 13112165 | 0 | 3217 | 20240602103809 | 4 |
Latinus | 9243578 | 0 | 1352 | 20240806104722 | 4 |
St.-Konstantin-und-Helena-Kirche | 6015411 | 0 | 7638 | 20240621071418 | 4 |
Clarus von Nantes | 12559658 | 0 | 2695 | 20230925063954 | 4 |
Numerius Proiectus | 6296341 | 0 | 4334 | 20240901144904 | 4 |
Theodor Askidas | 3127744 | 0 | 1668 | 20190619190817 | 4 |
Leontius | 7205399 | 0 | 2829 | 20240918110700 | 4 |
Guirec | 12733322 | 0 | 4532 | 20240821055124 | 4 |
Sampson von Konstantinopel | 9014148 | 0 | 3895 | 20211025203339 | 4 |
Mauer des Droctulft | 11902761 | 0 | 4729 | 20240708221718 | 4 |
Mondry von Cellettes | 9003213 | 0 | 1735 | 20211015080808 | 4 |
Unzial 0220 | 9579882 | 0 | 4648 | 20240705015445 | 4 |
Gefängnis des Vergessens | 12990857 | 0 | 2626 | 20241006064624 | 4 |
Bessarion der Große | 1056816 | 0 | 2159 | 20210711151931 | 4 |
Codex Vercellensis | 6765374 | 0 | 2799 | 20240705011951 | 4 |
Thalassios | 8607456 | 0 | 2426 | 20191224054551 | 4 |
Xenophon | 12328776 | 0 | 3530 | 20240124074040 | 4 |
Felix von Girona | 12276157 | 0 | 2832 | 20230928081506 | 4 |
Kolonenedikt des Anastasius | 6641853 | 0 | 4751 | 20241229150925 | 4 |
Asklepiodotos von Alexandria | 5469422 | 0 | 13446 | 20240711180638 | 4 |
Dorotheos | 12161111 | 0 | 1148 | 20240912230454 | 4 |
Testamentum porcelli | 3212452 | 0 | 8837 | 20240415190514 | 4 |
Aidesios | 816968 | 0 | 1245 | 20240715215430 | 4 |
Lex Quisquis | 11609168 | 0 | 3464 | 20240328151423 | 4 |
Blaesilla von Rom | 5583293 | 0 | 5874 | 20220302203512 | 4 |
Apiarius von Sicca | 8555968 | 0 | 9470 | 20250102192500 | 4 |
Patiens | 4260201 | 0 | 1663 | 20230815111926 | 4 |
Hegias | 5455227 | 0 | 7165 | 20240708213928 | 4 |
Papyrus 17 | 4420664 | 0 | 2931 | 20240705014445 | 4 |
Sambatius | 12779247 | 0 | 2528 | 20231024072134 | 4 |
Florentius | 12909508 | 0 | 2721 | 20231206005359 | 4 |
Antoninus von Rom | 3410405 | 0 | 3477 | 20241122121324 | 4 |
Synagoga L titulorum | 12321358 | 0 | 3473 | 20241114093556 | 4 |
Urbicius | 9925671 | 0 | 4769 | 20231107211527 | 4 |
Papyrus 51 | 4532724 | 0 | 2927 | 20240705014718 | 4 |
Hermogenes | 10046650 | 0 | 1538 | 20240912215923 | 4 |
Tertullus | 8795296 | 0 | 1629 | 20240702172136 | 4 |
Rufius Gennadius Probus Orestes | 2565475 | 0 | 1732 | 20240807130720 | 4 |
De immortalitate animae | 1899649 | 0 | 2762 | 20210330133041 | 4 |
Papyrus 50 | 4538139 | 0 | 3073 | 20240705014659 | 4 |
Liturgiereform Gregors des Großen | 10777621 | 0 | 10975 | 20231222144847 | 4 |
Religionen der Spätantike | 9891104 | 0 | 27315 | 20230912202635 | 4 |
Jovinian | 5565801 | 0 | 6021 | 20240405031739 | 4 |
Marina Severa | 11228260 | 0 | 7878 | 20211114093509 | 4 |
Veneranda von Gallien | 10732563 | 0 | 14122 | 20241003085132 | 4 |
Machar | 11038198 | 0 | 2066 | 20230219104143 | 4 |
Eroberung von Dura Europos | 11998638 | 0 | 5681 | 20250112101611 | 4 |
Modares | 12851244 | 0 | 5766 | 20250103041554 | 4 |
Daniel bar Maryam | 2238755 | 0 | 1894 | 20241218204334 | 4 |
Domninos | 12722390 | 0 | 4237 | 20240618171221 | 4 |
Carilefus | 9360983 | 0 | 4593 | 20240425202042 | 4 |
Eusebios Scholastikos | 8248632 | 0 | 3297 | 20231108202846 | 4 |
Runenknochen von der Unterweser | 13234500 | 0 | 7059 | 20241003210526 | 4 |
Drugubiten | 9010022 | 0 | 2144 | 20200129093652 | 4 |
Theodor von Chur | 4590131 | 0 | 1009 | 20191128103130 | 4 |
Emerus | 7966629 | 0 | 2263 | 20220603114042 | 4 |
Azarethes | 11269348 | 0 | 2616 | 20200428173335 | 4 |
Theodulf von Trier | 8889083 | 0 | 2627 | 20211029224619 | 4 |
Anatolios | 12618792 | 0 | 2207 | 20230419094909 | 4 |
Mosaikenmuseum | 12937733 | 0 | 4677 | 20240108203605 | 4 |
Firminus von Mende | 9423666 | 0 | 1868 | 20240705143808 | 4 |
Wyllow | 13180580 | 0 | 2139 | 20240920180357 | 4 |
Amargar | 12919834 | 0 | 3905 | 20240918165907 | 4 |
Licinius | 8954399 | 0 | 2654 | 20240409192151 | 4 |
Hundinge | 8179328 | 0 | 13882 | 20240212095324 | 4 |
Bitherid | 9277303 | 0 | 898 | 20240617191803 | 3 |
Ghasar Parpezi | 11456453 | 0 | 6653 | 20230904110043 | 3 |
De definitionibus | 11139675 | 0 | 6090 | 20241001192158 | 3 |
Nemesius von Rom | 10557912 | 0 | 1074 | 20211015174951 | 3 |
Silberplatte von Großbodungen | 11304992 | 0 | 4130 | 20240906185714 | 3 |
Toll-e Sefidak | 4942731 | 0 | 3397 | 20221109180341 | 3 |
Pahla | 12657566 | 0 | 18963 | 20240904144718 | 3 |
Brakteaten von Nebenstedt | 11049212 | 0 | 3775 | 20230820182419 | 3 |
Larissa | 11034551 | 0 | 1504 | 20241111140946 | 3 |
Mailoc | 1481868 | 0 | 1393 | 20160406142421 | 3 |
Titus von Bostra | 13261784 | 0 | 3527 | 20241127165406 | 3 |
Schatz von Traprain Law | 12122022 | 0 | 5747 | 20241230004750 | 3 |
Papyrus Cairo Maspero I 67002 | 6840262 | 0 | 3473 | 20220311204626 | 3 |
Eustadius von Mesmont | 10021741 | 0 | 2723 | 20211101211627 | 3 |
Bictorianus | 12162139 | 0 | 2086 | 20240912220651 | 3 |
Elias | 12278166 | 0 | 1799 | 20240912220933 | 3 |
Fürstengrab vom Ailenberg | 8566900 | 0 | 6545 | 20240719203305 | 3 |
Ammianus | 12890284 | 0 | 1803 | 20240813195036 | 3 |
Marinios | 10046643 | 0 | 1509 | 20240912215842 | 3 |
Saraguren | 9690861 | 0 | 2310 | 20220811065643 | 3 |
Papyrus 56 | 4983541 | 0 | 2647 | 20240916124434 | 3 |
Tümmler | 1411702 | 0 | 5283 | 20241222164123 | 3 |
Leodobodus | 12624544 | 0 | 2453 | 20240912215652 | 3 |
Fausta von Kyzikos | 12542348 | 0 | 4097 | 20230925065650 | 3 |
Arteschtaran-salar | 12530308 | 0 | 1098 | 20230126075324 | 3 |
Bouzes | 6921766 | 0 | 13506 | 20220605162951 | 3 |
Schlacht auf dem Asfeld | 10893410 | 0 | 4495 | 20240315091301 | 3 |
Liste völkerwanderungszeitlicher Höhensiedlungen | 5066008 | 0 | 10541 | 20221209070624 | 3 |
Gnel Arschakuni | 12528142 | 0 | 10831 | 20231121172355 | 3 |
Buch der Himyaren | 5152507 | 0 | 4701 | 20180823154712 | 3 |
Sophia von Minden | 1407077 | 0 | 1359 | 20230516071940 | 3 |
Papyrus 120 | 5094108 | 0 | 2542 | 20240705015142 | 3 |
Romanus von Antiochia | 12770630 | 0 | 3793 | 20230922213123 | 3 |
Iulianus | 4091183 | 0 | 2142 | 20170728144230 | 3 |
Eusebios der Araber | 816957 | 0 | 2464 | 20240717102301 | 3 |
Flavius Eugenius Asellus | 10909311 | 0 | 1819 | 20240812200025 | 3 |
Hydatius von Emerita | 510783 | 0 | 1717 | 20240825135530 | 3 |
Sant’Elena al Calvario | 11494375 | 0 | 277 | 20201017113627 | 3 |
Macedonius | 12891191 | 0 | 1962 | 20231119183932 | 3 |
Comitatus | 12140471 | 0 | 21641 | 20240722170616 | 3 |
Traianus | 1741836 | 0 | 1097 | 20240628142512 | 3 |
Viktor | 12160887 | 0 | 1837 | 20240912221857 | 3 |
Papyrus Chester Beatty VIII | 9503059 | 0 | 2541 | 20240705105439 | 3 |
Galla von Valence | 9400490 | 0 | 2190 | 20240215192129 | 3 |
Fragmente | 1701409 | 0 | 5725 | 20240707145646 | 3 |
Viermännerkommentar | 13146097 | 0 | 1695 | 20240630185311 | 3 |
Anianus von Celeda | 9505308 | 0 | 5418 | 20211127145434 | 3 |
Historia Acephala | 5479693 | 0 | 1903 | 20230813211719 | 3 |
Messalinus | 11300839 | 0 | 4671 | 20240913104153 | 3 |
Papyrus 57 | 4983547 | 0 | 2462 | 20240705014740 | 3 |
Attracta | 11455078 | 0 | 4258 | 20231112102130 | 3 |
Gyrovagen | 4027689 | 0 | 1873 | 20241203082837 | 3 |
Reidersche Tafel | 10120379 | 0 | 11645 | 20240917150106 | 3 |
Kirche der Heiligen Konstantin und Helena | 12184815 | 0 | 4673 | 20240829210559 | 3 |
Iordanes | 12896066 | 0 | 3026 | 20231215155435 | 3 |
Canones Romanorum ad Gallos episcopos | 12676519 | 0 | 9897 | 20241213233134 | 3 |
Bundessöhne | 564891 | 0 | 1700 | 20230729023851 | 3 |
Pascasius | 12090243 | 0 | 1678 | 20240913095921 | 3 |
Peter Aspebet | 12200909 | 0 | 4268 | 20240713222845 | 3 |
Adlerfibel | 12380367 | 0 | 9986 | 20240307153847 | 3 |
Gotensäule | 12632456 | 0 | 4219 | 20240731204931 | 3 |
Dorotheos von Tyros | 8511057 | 0 | 1082 | 20210919074028 | 3 |
Paschasius von Arles | 9485186 | 0 | 4858 | 20231005202859 | 3 |
Jab-Alaha I. | 11518158 | 0 | 4309 | 20240523141446 | 3 |
Ain Silwan | 11366899 | 0 | 18064 | 20230613170651 | 3 |
Papyrus 85 | 5140911 | 0 | 2233 | 20240705014930 | 3 |
Marathaios | 10046638 | 0 | 1518 | 20240912215747 | 3 |
Atharid | 9412118 | 0 | 1001 | 20230726231822 | 3 |
Alexander von Hierapolis | 9845045 | 0 | 2344 | 20230806132702 | 3 |
Schatz von Beilen | 10567698 | 0 | 3334 | 20240813235732 | 3 |
Kartairios | 12639716 | 0 | 3113 | 20240912221624 | 3 |
Achilleus von Spoleto | 12180646 | 0 | 1610 | 20230929230824 | 3 |
Bistum Lyon | 9411494 | 0 | 65 | 20160409142854 | 3 |
Memnon von Ephesus | 12715079 | 0 | 2167 | 20230923065125 | 3 |
Lupianus | 13184116 | 0 | 1822 | 20240807212607 | 3 |
St. Helena | 12777285 | 0 | 1988 | 20240119073030 | 3 |
Brachila | 13107288 | 0 | 2202 | 20240526192105 | 3 |
Ovida | 12844369 | 0 | 3667 | 20240618194908 | 3 |
Salamanos | 12866818 | 0 | 2162 | 20240912222124 | 3 |
Salamanios | 12866828 | 0 | 3700 | 20240912222421 | 3 |
Euethios | 12120608 | 0 | 3526 | 20240913164703 | 3 |
Theodoros von Hermoupolis | 7834443 | 0 | 2492 | 20240819185642 | 3 |
Eleutherus | 8875083 | 0 | 1141 | 20210919200425 | 3 |
Antoninus | 12148237 | 0 | 1329 | 20240913164047 | 3 |
Aba von Kaschkar | 2866104 | 0 | 1589 | 20240512082341 | 3 |
Capreolus von Karthago | 12323654 | 0 | 1571 | 20230927212716 | 3 |
Ahudemmeh | 9659068 | 0 | 2237 | 20200715104229 | 3 |
Theokritos | 3434029 | 0 | 2003 | 20231209145835 | 3 |
Iobius Philippus Ymelcho Valerius | 9867042 | 0 | 1374 | 20240807115514 | 3 |
Makedonios II. | 739049 | 0 | 1647 | 20231119165440 | 3 |
Maximus | 12250426 | 0 | 3219 | 20231218161555 | 3 |
Papyrus 81 | 5133177 | 0 | 2111 | 20240803210623 | 3 |
Theodoros | 12777705 | 0 | 2662 | 20240813154714 | 3 |
Tonovcov grad | 6689045 | 0 | 6442 | 20240601110848 | 3 |
Saturius von Soria | 11000914 | 0 | 2391 | 20211025204025 | 3 |
Primus | 9403783 | 0 | 499 | 20211019202347 | 3 |
Turmschädel von Mannersdorf | 2238782 | 0 | 3237 | 20240731080014 | 3 |
Rhynchinen | 9010324 | 0 | 2462 | 20210712074946 | 3 |
Byzantinisches Hospital | 10795542 | 0 | 3067 | 20231202095100 | 3 |
Papyrus 63 | 5093317 | 0 | 5185 | 20240705014818 | 3 |
Theodosios | 11434266 | 0 | 3410 | 20220115154847 | 3 |
Ziller-Loverdos-Villa | 10401483 | 0 | 4618 | 20241123120411 | 3 |
Papyrus 122 | 4545910 | 0 | 6460 | 20240705015205 | 3 |
Quis dives salvetur | 11064706 | 0 | 5323 | 20210708134755 | 3 |
Artemius von Clermont | 11691290 | 0 | 2726 | 20240213102934 | 3 |
Ardagast | 8994852 | 0 | 1928 | 20200420030537 | 3 |
Landelinus | 11941695 | 0 | 4825 | 20241206150736 | 3 |
Apsyrtos | 5116024 | 0 | 1448 | 20240627190333 | 3 |
Campanianus | 13339465 | 0 | 5008 | 20250108120904 | 3 |
Hilarinus | 6253509 | 0 | 1206 | 20221206114753 | 3 |
Babai | 10668230 | 0 | 2295 | 20230531191136 | 3 |
Kosmas | 12160891 | 0 | 1450 | 20240912222004 | 3 |
Felix von Rom | 7901366 | 0 | 491 | 20210921074530 | 3 |
Paulinus von Tiburnia | 10558024 | 0 | 753 | 20211017063444 | 3 |
Maxo | 11817504 | 0 | 2711 | 20241206151028 | 3 |
Monitor von Orléans | 13254323 | 0 | 3117 | 20241228024720 | 3 |
Nicarete | 5128258 | 0 | 1024 | 20210202172255 | 3 |
Zenodotos | 2671340 | 0 | 843 | 20230609170658 | 3 |
Julitta | 4866426 | 0 | 459 | 20200814143812 | 3 |
Hausgrundrisse von Klein Bünstorf | 5696611 | 0 | 3026 | 20230413120918 | 3 |
Adamantios | 1228379 | 0 | 1844 | 20240627205434 | 3 |
St. Helena | 12804528 | 0 | 2112 | 20230918091402 | 3 |
Papyrus 110 | 5124337 | 0 | 3124 | 20240705015043 | 3 |
Synode von Beth Lapat | 8860166 | 0 | 3431 | 20210707184940 | 3 |
Asaph | 4988321 | 0 | 1050 | 20240729095800 | 3 |
Stephanos | 12949618 | 0 | 3833 | 20240427174624 | 3 |
Defensor civitatis | 8999027 | 0 | 3112 | 20220218120145 | 3 |
Mabuinus | 12084101 | 0 | 1953 | 20240913165256 | 3 |
Oresius | 11528864 | 0 | 2026 | 20201116130915 | 3 |
Minar | 11883220 | 0 | 9485 | 20240310191733 | 3 |
Austremonius von Clermont | 5809255 | 0 | 4306 | 20210827094130 | 3 |
Acta Archelai | 780969 | 0 | 874 | 20240819094846 | 3 |
Misburger Urnengräberfeld | 9535198 | 0 | 3098 | 20231119133139 | 3 |
Ausgewählte Akten Persischer Märtyrer | 8852229 | 0 | 4258 | 20240304163649 | 3 |
Hypatios von Ephesos | 3898284 | 0 | 2232 | 20210927144604 | 3 |
Papyrus 82 | 5133289 | 0 | 2226 | 20240705014906 | 3 |
Lechaion-Basilika | 10496171 | 0 | 8248 | 20230903114346 | 3 |
Photina von Caesarea | 8099106 | 0 | 1924 | 20210730054803 | 3 |
Maximus | 12630355 | 0 | 2387 | 20240913165442 | 3 |
Alexandra von Ägypten | 6348903 | 0 | 1527 | 20231215223123 | 3 |
Addai | 4988363 | 0 | 1050 | 20240729122329 | 3 |
Bistum Arles | 9411547 | 0 | 66 | 20160409151417 | 3 |
Angisciri | 7892355 | 0 | 1782 | 20230322111908 | 3 |
Königreich Ebrauc | 11427345 | 0 | 102 | 20200824050722 | 3 |
Arsakios | 12975422 | 0 | 2676 | 20240313030616 | 3 |
Gwynllyw | 11894842 | 0 | 11777 | 20240905073642 | 3 |
Codex Speculum | 9448044 | 0 | 1593 | 20240916124708 | 3 |
Papyrus 8 | 4263308 | 0 | 2683 | 20240705014349 | 3 |
Nadira | 5042263 | 0 | 2080 | 20241015180116 | 3 |
Kessog | 12900074 | 0 | 1809 | 20240109152942 | 3 |
Sogenannter Palast Theoderichs | 4615258 | 0 | 6093 | 20241119134056 | 3 |
Frabokht | 11518157 | 0 | 6390 | 20211215175309 | 3 |
Opus imperfectum in Matthaeum | 11079370 | 0 | 5222 | 20210708134715 | 3 |
Desiderius | 5461215 | 0 | 1501 | 20220218002844 | 3 |
Gerontius | 8544083 | 0 | 2274 | 20240809224719 | 3 |
Die Heilige Helena an der Schädelstäte | 11494378 | 0 | 305 | 20201014213426 | 3 |
Viatorinus | 12918820 | 0 | 2460 | 20241221021126 | 3 |
Magister pecoris camelorum | 7561933 | 0 | 1478 | 20230420061049 | 2 |
Zerkon | 9428430 | 0 | 2704 | 20241221025846 | 2 |
Nekropole von Arroyo de la Luz | 10873472 | 0 | 2939 | 20230312113935 | 2 |
Krakra von Pernik | 11871935 | 0 | 5267 | 20220710100628 | 2 |
Hymnemodus | 11403349 | 0 | 1741 | 20201029071435 | 2 |
Gregentios | 1987827 | 0 | 3188 | 20240831132139 | 2 |
Aristomachos | 6968839 | 0 | 7622 | 20240812195756 | 2 |
Papyrus 7 | 4263303 | 0 | 2441 | 20240705014331 | 2 |
Codex Sangallensis 1395 | 11367348 | 0 | 5292 | 20241215054242 | 2 |
Krug von Soissons | 8523950 | 0 | 4273 | 20240303151208 | 2 |
Sagudaten | 9021727 | 0 | 1299 | 20210714090519 | 2 |
Siedlungskammer Bliesbruck-Reinheim | 10667350 | 0 | 22287 | 20240510053559 | 2 |
Dagisthaeus | 11311582 | 0 | 2590 | 20240527131904 | 2 |
Regula | 7689714 | 0 | 551 | 20230503102053 | 2 |
Collectio Thessalonicensis | 12314923 | 0 | 3287 | 20241114093835 | 2 |
Papyrus 123 | 4543925 | 0 | 3704 | 20240705015222 | 2 |
De quantitate animae | 11456037 | 0 | 3051 | 20210330132006 | 2 |
Agathonikos von Tarsos | 12181696 | 0 | 2185 | 20241102071414 | 2 |
Eusebios der Syrer | 11661742 | 0 | 3539 | 20240211165830 | 2 |
Adauctus | 7901367 | 0 | 453 | 20200815113038 | 2 |
Helm von Deurne | 10747795 | 0 | 5535 | 20240512063910 | 2 |
Breviatio canonum | 12310023 | 0 | 3045 | 20241112102141 | 2 |
Silberbarren von Dierstorf | 11019239 | 0 | 3458 | 20220806104429 | 2 |
Aba | 11311701 | 0 | 1286 | 20200529121955 | 2 |
Ferderuchus | 9395998 | 0 | 458 | 20220226112057 | 2 |
Papyrus 88 | 5144299 | 0 | 1835 | 20240705014957 | 2 |
Andreas | 12167619 | 0 | 2156 | 20240912220536 | 2 |
Talmudisches Dorf Katzrin | 10626690 | 0 | 5492 | 20241027182019 | 2 |
Olibrius | 11850618 | 0 | 1814 | 20240916215500 | 2 |
Fintenkapelle | 11298415 | 0 | 2431 | 20240320153803 | 2 |
Gerontios | 11453186 | 0 | 1310 | 20240913090759 | 2 |
Anysia von Thessaloniki | 12343054 | 0 | 16492 | 20240511205758 | 2 |
Papyrus 112 | 5127438 | 0 | 3141 | 20240916124621 | 2 |
Papyrus 14 | 4416595 | 0 | 2875 | 20240916124309 | 2 |
Papagei von Antiochia | 12126438 | 0 | 3960 | 20220216221843 | 2 |
Papyrus Palau-Ribes 163 | 9542078 | 0 | 1991 | 20240705015319 | 2 |
Ilar | 9835555 | 0 | 10216 | 20231229214445 | 2 |
Basich | 3530556 | 0 | 708 | 20130331012211 | 2 |
Esquilin-Schatz | 7053661 | 0 | 24921 | 20231116211821 | 2 |
Sant’Elena al Calvario | 11494377 | 0 | 278 | 20201014213337 | 2 |
Menulphus | 8808737 | 0 | 4218 | 20210725083221 | 2 |
Ezeriten | 1900118 | 0 | 1898 | 20230304205639 | 2 |
Barsanuphius von Palästina | 12451743 | 0 | 3444 | 20240102213359 | 2 |
Westliche Ausgrabungsstätte Kos | 11134274 | 0 | 6471 | 20240924171604 | 2 |
Königreich Gododdin | 11427155 | 0 | 53 | 20200820131021 | 2 |
Schatzfund von Isola Rizza | 12944394 | 0 | 13499 | 20240117191811 | 2 |
Abraham | 4988334 | 0 | 1031 | 20240913085903 | 2 |
Syncletica von Alexandria | 11104262 | 0 | 3363 | 20240324163217 | 2 |
Felix | 7689715 | 0 | 497 | 20210921074304 | 2 |
Canones Hippolyti | 12695435 | 0 | 2611 | 20241214030058 | 2 |
Babwahi | 10566158 | 0 | 4702 | 20241119184523 | 2 |
Thrasarich | 9388106 | 0 | 452 | 20231125141554 | 2 |
Rothesteus | 11421961 | 0 | 2092 | 20241106212614 | 2 |
Zenodotos | 2671341 | 0 | 994 | 20230609170836 | 2 |
Virginia von Poitu | 664958 | 0 | 1049 | 20210819122210 | 2 |
Papyrus 54 | 4983531 | 0 | 3039 | 20240916124342 | 2 |
Toletanisches Glaubensbekenntnis | 8339942 | 0 | 1899 | 20231011192300 | 2 |
Agricola | 9505275 | 0 | 1718 | 20210225164741 | 2 |
Hervé | 12777337 | 0 | 25675 | 20240703110150 | 2 |
Laudes Domini | 8365147 | 0 | 1124 | 20220218212603 | 2 |
Johannes der Kalybit | 8344192 | 0 | 2583 | 20170808173929 | 2 |
Campanianus | 13338276 | 0 | 3871 | 20250104004041 | 2 |
Niemberger Fibel | 12128737 | 0 | 2768 | 20240318104813 | 2 |
Liste von byzantinischen Festungen und sonstigen Bauwerken im Maghreb | 12144073 | 0 | 25748 | 20240528214429 | 2 |
Instructionum libri duo | 10731492 | 0 | 8705 | 20250112214723 | 2 |
Poemenius | 13000663 | 0 | 1926 | 20240618170300 | 2 |
Chlodwig-Stele | 7709415 | 0 | 1566 | 20240305182530 | 2 |
Gräberfeld von Niemberg | 11300677 | 0 | 2810 | 20240318104759 | 2 |
Eusthonus | 8875085 | 0 | 1138 | 20210725163824 | 2 |
Marcian | 8876215 | 0 | 1029 | 20220725191420 | 2 |
Sarab-e Qandil-Relief | 9652294 | 0 | 4030 | 20240305203908 | 2 |
Decisiones quinquaginta | 12217853 | 0 | 5735 | 20241212202321 | 2 |
Gemellus | 12341025 | 0 | 2594 | 20240814003344 | 2 |
Valesianer | 4467165 | 0 | 2563 | 20210724110938 | 2 |
Feier der Geburt Jesu in Bethlehem | 10594547 | 0 | 19289 | 20241129082716 | 2 |
Helenus | 12628076 | 0 | 2232 | 20240913165156 | 2 |
Papyrus 93 | 5125426 | 0 | 2056 | 20240916124507 | 2 |
Germanus von Man | 13224482 | 0 | 1792 | 20240921085910 | 2 |
Papyrus 105 | 5124327 | 0 | 2733 | 20240916124607 | 2 |
Ababa | 7723994 | 0 | 1045 | 20171012055002 | 2 |
Letztes Orakel von Delphi | 3339884 | 0 | 26101 | 20231219185331 | 2 |
Collectio Wirceburgensis | 13165176 | 0 | 1391 | 20250112205443 | 2 |
Aukta von Köln | 3413856 | 0 | 798 | 20210721205353 | 2 |
Auf den Ufern | 12767169 | 0 | 8910 | 20231212144352 | 2 |
Count Belisarius | 5751036 | 0 | 3567 | 20200922184211 | 2 |
Wildeber | 1313605 | 0 | 1256 | 20200616135027 | 2 |
Lange Hecke | 9891197 | 0 | 27524 | 20230617150950 | 2 |
Hildutus von Wales | 13225904 | 0 | 2203 | 20240922094703 | 2 |
Papyrus 125 | 12881760 | 0 | 10372 | 20240705015238 | 2 |
Wingurich | 11683156 | 0 | 1858 | 20210307224309 | 2 |
Collectio Frisingensis I | 13165174 | 0 | 1649 | 20250112204850 | 2 |
Schatz von Karthago | 10530555 | 0 | 6059 | 20220415163945 | 2 |
Maximus | 2213271 | 0 | 2153 | 20211014061417 | 2 |
Seeschlacht bei Kap Bon | 7045478 | 0 | 5079 | 20240716135809 | 2 |
Papyrus 25 | 4485625 | 0 | 2718 | 20240705014611 | 2 |
Liste byzantinischer Museen | 10299450 | 0 | 1132 | 20240112105425 | 2 |
Portianus | 8816351 | 0 | 1920 | 20181110113458 | 2 |
Hierakas | 3068058 | 0 | 1918 | 20220307124054 | 2 |
Gräberfeld von Zethlingen | 11301578 | 0 | 8998 | 20250110031927 | 2 |
Ablabius Illustrios | 1220761 | 0 | 1482 | 20220411123251 | 2 |
Fastida | 9388103 | 0 | 455 | 20220909213905 | 2 |
Eucheria | 12934587 | 0 | 3288 | 20231230164215 | 2 |
Theosebios | 11783827 | 0 | 3770 | 20240708221555 | 2 |
Ilisos-Basilika | 10499523 | 0 | 6408 | 20221206192220 | 2 |
Paianios | 12703017 | 0 | 1434 | 20240812195000 | 2 |
Parthenios von Lampsakos | 8583948 | 0 | 5021 | 20240216085843 | 2 |
Tyrannos | 7335824 | 0 | 1004 | 20240715231239 | 2 |
Collectio LX titulorum | 12316999 | 0 | 6773 | 20241114093641 | 1 |
Gordianus | 8827711 | 0 | 602 | 20200815173306 | 1 |
Schatz von Thetford | 12782509 | 0 | 3630 | 20241230004622 | 1 |
Aspbed | 11608812 | 0 | 2223 | 20240806144524 | 1 |
Hunnenschlachtlied | 7747244 | 0 | 227 | 20170524033548 | 1 |
Schatz von Echt | 11617479 | 0 | 3417 | 20230716131031 | 1 |
Töpperkapelle | 10766795 | 0 | 333 | 20231001090351 | 1 |
Gallische Kirche | 9411389 | 0 | 109 | 20230414174619 | 1 |
Sant’Elena al Calvario | 11494386 | 0 | 247 | 20201014213709 | 1 |
Miracula Sancti Demetrii | 9009874 | 0 | 2999 | 20250111005012 | 1 |
Sant’Elena al Calvario | 11494389 | 0 | 244 | 20201014213813 | 1 |
Kritonianos | 12285983 | 0 | 3326 | 20240913105431 | 1 |
Papyrus 117 | 5127344 | 0 | 1968 | 20240705015115 | 1 |
Sant’Elena al Calvario | 12102435 | 0 | 244 | 20220128091129 | 1 |
Bandian | 12888577 | 0 | 3496 | 20240801102730 | 1 |
Liste der Teilnehmer des Konzils von Nicäa | 11792947 | 0 | 23006 | 20210527160111 | 1 |
Gepidenreich | 8794504 | 0 | 157 | 20240626125310 | 1 |
Sant’Elena al Calvario | 11494385 | 0 | 243 | 20201014213648 | 1 |
P. Antinoopolis 13 | 9575623 | 0 | 1255 | 20240620160743 | 1 |
Rugierreich | 8795928 | 0 | 158 | 20240626115759 | 1 |
Heilige-Konstantin-und-Helena-Kirche | 6971118 | 0 | 3244 | 20240818032047 | 1 |
Rag-i-Bibi | 6655716 | 0 | 2608 | 20221209184924 | 1 |
Merw-Vase | 10789916 | 0 | 2525 | 20220423081924 | 1 |
Sant’Elena al Calvario | 11494387 | 0 | 246 | 20201014213732 | 1 |
Papyrus Hauniensis de legatis et fideicommissis | 13315640 | 0 | 7390 | 20241221094752 | 1 |
Adaeratio | 1238190 | 0 | 2662 | 20240202014754 | 1 |
Spätrömischer Schatz von Canterbury | 3403404 | 0 | 3173 | 20240123220808 | 1 |
Glutpfanne von Hamrånge | 6561142 | 0 | 2260 | 20240721092316 | 1 |
Schlacht am Sarus | 7199580 | 0 | 2194 | 20220107062411 | 1 |
Festung von Zatriq | 12032234 | 0 | 2546 | 20211212214811 | 1 |
Aloger | 1680192 | 0 | 1270 | 20210311170334 | 1 |
Fragmentum de iure fisci | 12622008 | 0 | 2519 | 20230418215135 | 1 |
AqBurkitt | 11279456 | 0 | 2904 | 20241203122829 | 1 |
Die Heilige Helena auf dem Schedelberg | 11494379 | 0 | 264 | 20201014213511 | 1 |
Kirche Hll. Kaiser Konstantin und Kaiserin Helena | 11663584 | 0 | 5980 | 20231210152110 | 1 |
Lex Iunia Petronia | 12217942 | 0 | 1571 | 20241003141033 | 1 |
Festung von Vuçak | 12031780 | 0 | 2399 | 20240704042513 | 1 |
Kastell von Cërmjan | 12032205 | 0 | 3185 | 20211212223140 | 1 |
Weißserbien | 11070148 | 0 | 21187 | 20230212142819 | 1 |
Bischofskirche von Priene | 12894379 | 0 | 4566 | 20231202113000 | 1 |
Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 6 | 9575371 | 0 | 1115 | 20220901073115 | 1 |
Sant’Elena al Calvario | 11494383 | 0 | 247 | 20201014213626 | 1 |
Eunomianer | 3414364 | 0 | 113 | 20150415143436 | 1 |
Barachos | 10238833 | 0 | 1548 | 20241221012921 | 1 |
Liste der Werke des Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum | 9925504 | 0 | 18384 | 20240619104929 | 1 |
Fundstelle Prellenkirchen | 8100995 | 0 | 8513 | 20220926201105 | 1 |
Protasius | 11966633 | 0 | 529 | 20211208074438 | 1 |
Gräberfeld bei Gammertingen | 9819640 | 0 | 394 | 20200403111636 | 1 |
Sant’Elena al Calvario | 11494382 | 0 | 219 | 20201014213604 | 1 |
Papyrus 89 | 5144308 | 0 | 2047 | 20240705015015 | 1 |
Konstantin-und-Helena-Kirche | 6017280 | 0 | 802 | 20210219214143 | 1 |
Zweites Konzil von Dvin | 11426153 | 0 | 8448 | 20240220212618 | 1 |
Papyrus 94 | 5125459 | 0 | 2304 | 20240916124528 | 1 |
Festung Veletin | 12033264 | 0 | 2544 | 20231123085158 | 1 |
Festung von Kasterc | 12031088 | 0 | 1724 | 20211211184442 | 1 |
Sant’Elena al Calvario | 11494381 | 0 | 246 | 20201014213541 | 1 |
Grab der Pauta | 12952553 | 0 | 11934 | 20240202081028 | 1 |
Poematium Medicum | 10633185 | 0 | 5053 | 20240627204945 | 1 |
Silberschatz von Trier | 10533817 | 0 | 9705 | 20220204180318 | 1 |
Gräberfeld von Mödling | 7483626 | 0 | 3385 | 20241221152500 | 1 |
Sarkophage | 10181233 | 0 | 1126 | 20220205152436 | 1 |
Collectio Corbeiensis | 12295888 | 0 | 4815 | 20241112120921 | 1 |
Schlacht von Martyropolis | 7042846 | 0 | 3235 | 20220120090613 | 1 |
Thraustila | 9388105 | 0 | 92 | 20160321101108 | 1 |
Altercatio Ecclesiae et Synagogae | 5420602 | 0 | 3680 | 20191203053401 | 1 |
Literatur der Spätantike | 5765124 | 0 | 185 | 20210708134451 | 1 |
Konstantin-und-Helena-Kirche | 6017261 | 0 | 113 | 20190904070722 | 1 |
Königreich Elmet | 11427139 | 0 | 133 | 20200824050811 | 1 |
Papyrus 126 | 12882715 | 0 | 1574 | 20240705015253 | 1 |
Basilissa | 5659878 | 0 | 419 | 20200814145315 | 1 |
Epimachus | 8827712 | 0 | 608 | 20200815173323 | 1 |
Bischof | 2105895 | 14 | 40 | 20150320132001 | 0 |
Christlicher Geistlicher | 8766372 | 14 | 57 | 20150320134957 | 0 |
Oströmische Provinz | 12666273 | 14 | 621 | 20240612203937 | 0 |
Orientalisch-orthodoxer Theologe | 8857941 | 14 | 103 | 20150602071951 | 0 |
Justinian I. | 4839411 | 14 | 218 | 20240229120702 | 0 |
Burgundenreich | 8790782 | 0 | 168 | 20240626173604 | 0 |
Vandale | 4609185 | 14 | 194 | 20201022213130 | 0 |
Gotenkriege | 7723866 | 14 | 99 | 20240614105115 | 0 |
Gobekly-depe | 6657881 | 0 | 2549 | 20230830162740 | 0 |
Prätorianerpräfekt | 12877291 | 14 | 414 | 20240627213720 | 0 |
Schlacht | 5751943 | 14 | 93 | 20220208162524 | 0 |
Theodosius I. | 7987366 | 14 | 187 | 20210228142903 | 0 |
Bischof | 2105860 | 14 | 40 | 20150320131954 | 0 |
Vandalenkrieg | 11339040 | 0 | 185 | 20210708134821 | 0 |
Rouran-Khaganat | 13150263 | 0 | 136 | 20240703225702 | 0 |
Hen Ogledd | 8407594 | 14 | 189 | 20220410155939 | 0 |
Hunnen | 1312455 | 14 | 104 | 20240811205804 | 0 |
Wüstenvater | 8765993 | 14 | 176 | 20160706234040 | 0 |
Terwingen | 7624871 | 14 | 153 | 20240811210015 | 0 |
Orientalisch-orthodoxer Bischof | 2260618 | 14 | 64 | 20150601123105 | 0 |
Befestigungsanlage | 7589948 | 14 | 126 | 20231204213715 | 0 |
Nestorianismus | 8769515 | 14 | 199 | 20160714221231 | 0 |
Sant’Elena al Calvario | 11494388 | 0 | 244 | 20201014213751 | 0 |
Christlicher Theologe | 8768796 | 14 | 54 | 20150322131716 | 0 |
Historien | 11319945 | 0 | 239 | 20210708155010 | 0 |
St. Helena als Namensgeber | 9651841 | 14 | 99 | 20161109084526 | 0 |
Römische Befestigungsanlage | 6830349 | 14 | 150 | 20231204170812 | 0 |
Vandalenreich | 8794439 | 0 | 199 | 20240625191543 | 0 |
Person | 12874200 | 14 | 146 | 20231127143624 | 0 |
Königreich Ystrad clud | 11427440 | 0 | 107 | 20200819105803 | 0 |
Terwinge | 7727487 | 14 | 42 | 20130615200848 | 0 |
Prunkgräber von Apahida | 8794675 | 0 | 302 | 20200403111440 | 0 |
Person der Spätantike | 5013192 | 14 | 68 | 20240806110349 | 0 |
Sassanidenreich | 5259770 | 14 | 170 | 20220415183659 | 0 |
Maratocupreni | 7105853 | 0 | 2614 | 20200518134952 | 0 |
Geisel | 9280900 | 14 | 87 | 20221129170641 | 0 |
Spätantike Ethnie | 11138062 | 14 | 136 | 20240811210148 | 0 |
Reich des Odoaker | 8797055 | 0 | 104 | 20200523211924 | 0 |
Römischer Konsul | 13145097 | 14 | 214 | 20240628145845 | 0 |
Iranische Hunnen | 8927037 | 14 | 329 | 20200129165913 | 0 |
König | 5992225 | 14 | 161 | 20241130095320 | 0 |
Skire | 7724697 | 14 | 82 | 20201022215657 | 0 |
Konzil von Köln | 12958310 | 0 | 5430 | 20240121121818 | 0 |
Militärperson | 7724339 | 14 | 86 | 20240622124856 | 0 |
Philosophie der Spätantike | 1033933 | 14 | 85 | 20100327161647 | 0 |
Sântana-de-Mureș-Kultur | 11420256 | 0 | 266 | 20200813165609 | 0 |
Rhetoriker der Spätantike | 13154892 | 14 | 134 | 20240708184039 | 0 |
Schlacht der Römisch-Persischen Kriege | 5558791 | 14 | 119 | 20170329201801 | 0 |
Völkerwanderungszeit | 7573861 | 14 | 336 | 20240813233658 | 0 |
Philosoph | 13144472 | 14 | 112 | 20240708190459 | 0 |
Sozialgeschichte | 12979452 | 14 | 163 | 20240204192339 | 0 |
Praefectus urbi | 13188211 | 14 | 581 | 20240812194642 | 0 |
Alane | 7733551 | 14 | 103 | 20130613214715 | 0 |
Schlacht | 7575324 | 14 | 62 | 20140716024632 | 0 |
Römische Befestigungsanlage | 9162513 | 14 | 149 | 20231205020943 | 0 |
Herrscher | 7727497 | 14 | 65 | 20200523221736 | 0 |
Museum | 12350798 | 14 | 137 | 20231205195115 | 0 |
Konstantinische Dynastie | 753048 | 14 | 261 | 20210528082957 | 0 |
Helena | 9527959 | 14 | 103 | 20210718194028 | 0 |
Oströmischer Heermeister | 8790603 | 14 | 90 | 20150616200742 | 0 |
Arcadius | 10456653 | 14 | 120 | 20210519200829 | 0 |
Archäologischer Fundplatz | 11135528 | 14 | 224 | 20231205142741 | 0 |
Christlicher Theologe | 8771428 | 14 | 54 | 20150324135827 | 0 |
Sassanidische Architektur | 11449170 | 14 | 158 | 20200906115344 | 0 |
Völkerwanderung | 10639001 | 14 | 99 | 20220208162435 | 0 |
Heiliger | 2679391 | 14 | 41 | 20150506091431 | 0 |
Gallische Kirche | 9411392 | 14 | 87 | 20220630214146 | 0 |
Schlacht | 11838434 | 14 | 102 | 20240628132907 | 0 |
Militärperson | 7724640 | 14 | 70 | 20160301171636 | 0 |
Christlicher Geistlicher | 8766377 | 14 | 57 | 20150320135010 | 0 |
Valentinianische Dynastie | 753113 | 14 | 224 | 20240416143454 | 0 |
Langobardenreich | 13145091 | 0 | 167 | 20240629080320 | 0 |
Politik | 12462692 | 14 | 68 | 20221129165715 | 0 |
Helenenpfad | 6144785 | 0 | 69 | 20180216085642 | 0 |
Recht | 5020688 | 14 | 74 | 20130624074415 | 0 |
Historiker | 4403951 | 14 | 1079 | 20240708190553 | 0 |
Burgundenreich | 8790787 | 0 | 121 | 20240626172956 | 0 |
Künstler der Spätantike | 13218384 | 14 | 103 | 20240912215325 | 0 |
Römischer Heermeister | 1751527 | 14 | 703 | 20240630173519 | 0 |
König | 7575317 | 14 | 101 | 20221129165829 | 0 |
Schule von Nisibis | 8642489 | 14 | 270 | 20200529123706 | 0 |
Schlacht | 3831811 | 14 | 100 | 20100324110904 | 0 |
Architektur | 7589949 | 14 | 62 | 20200620210559 | 0 |
Theoderich der Große | 7734770 | 14 | 229 | 20201206151840 | 0 |
Bibelhandschrift | 13221147 | 14 | 137 | 20240916123207 | 0 |
Gallische Mission | 9412650 | 14 | 30 | 20160410145650 | 0 |
Militärperson | 13139070 | 14 | 82 | 20240622124820 | 0 |
Thebaische Legion | 3670685 | 14 | 379 | 20241213134703 | 0 |
Religion | 5020673 | 14 | 77 | 20160204161417 | 0 |
Frühbyzantinische Dynastie | 6740682 | 14 | 76 | 20120204230224 | 0 |
Werk von Augustinus von Hippo | 8608783 | 14 | 125 | 20250113174518 | 0 |
Familienmitglied der Sassaniden | 11569217 | 14 | 87 | 20201214182144 | 0 |
Justinianische Dynastie | 3990656 | 14 | 256 | 20210528083222 | 0 |
Person | 8765737 | 14 | 147 | 20240220200738 | 0 |
Patricius | 8790352 | 14 | 76 | 20221129170547 | 0 |
Praefectus urbi | 13187502 | 14 | 779 | 20240907122303 | 0 |
Kaiser | 1944238 | 14 | 192 | 20221129170503 | 0 |
Christentum | 8766305 | 14 | 115 | 20240621215452 | 0 |
Herulerreich | 9340233 | 0 | 165 | 20240626122006 | 0 |
Römische Befestigungsanlage | 4968294 | 14 | 157 | 20240612224619 | 0 |
Konstantin der Große als Namensgeber | 10293633 | 14 | 80 | 20191003070919 | 0 |
Beamter | 13144422 | 14 | 131 | 20240628145906 | 0 |
Ashaqlun | 812414 | 0 | 2594 | 20220617072316 | 0 |
Lentienser | 9420392 | 14 | 66 | 20240811205955 | 0 |
Konstantin-und-Helena-Kirche | 6023128 | 14 | 209 | 20231204151520 | 0 |
König | 7725605 | 14 | 104 | 20221129165847 | 0 |
Militärperson | 13134602 | 14 | 157 | 20240617213427 | 0 |
Helenakirche | 5579335 | 14 | 375 | 20231204053243 | 0 |
Christlicher Theologe | 8768795 | 14 | 54 | 20150322131710 | 0 |
Res Gestae | 11339000 | 0 | 151 | 20210708134801 | 0 |
Burgundenreich | 8790742 | 0 | 182 | 20240626180910 | 0 |
Skirenreich | 13143140 | 0 | 144 | 20240626130615 | 0 |
Militärperson | 547985 | 14 | 73 | 20240617214036 | 0 |
Orientalisch-orthodoxer Bischof | 2260912 | 14 | 64 | 20150601122428 | 0 |
Römische Befestigungsanlage | 7372944 | 14 | 157 | 20240612224820 | 0 |
Archäologischer Fund | 11230510 | 14 | 115 | 20220310124154 | 0 |
Wüstenväter | 8765979 | 14 | 195 | 20220709151818 | 0 |
Völkerwanderung | 10638990 | 14 | 108 | 20220208164952 | 0 |
Weströmischer Heermeister | 8790542 | 14 | 102 | 20221129170616 | 0 |
Christlicher Geistlicher | 8766374 | 14 | 57 | 20150320135004 | 0 |
Person | 8766276 | 14 | 108 | 20240220195910 | 0 |
Sassaniden | 589841 | 14 | 323 | 20201207112005 | 0 |
Gotenreich | 7724589 | 14 | 122 | 20240626141119 | 0 |
Manichäismus | 533603 | 14 | 157 | 20160204155108 | 0 |
Königreich Brynaich | 11427362 | 0 | 102 | 20200819133410 | 0 |
Manichäer | 12874201 | 14 | 36 | 20231105092110 | 0 |
Byzantinisches Museum | 10299451 | 14 | 198 | 20241123115401 | 0 |
Militärgeschichte | 5018401 | 14 | 78 | 20240612193922 | 0 |
Herrscher | 9412131 | 14 | 151 | 20221129170433 | 0 |
Bischof | 2105910 | 14 | 40 | 20150320132007 | 0 |
Bibelhandschrift | 13221149 | 14 | 137 | 20240916123241 | 0 |
Schlacht | 5259865 | 14 | 165 | 20150122145305 | 0 |
Römische Befestigungsanlage | 6830333 | 14 | 150 | 20231204170811 | 0 |
Person | 8765735 | 14 | 147 | 20240220195157 | 0 |
Greutungenreich | 13142418 | 0 | 155 | 20240625191338 | 0 |
Rugier | 7734527 | 14 | 82 | 20201022215620 | 0 |
Chlodwig I. | 8790419 | 14 | 266 | 20240221174045 | 0 |
Medizin | 13144414 | 14 | 54 | 20240627185618 | 0 |
Römisches Reich in der Spätantike | 11135553 | 14 | 147 | 20230920125622 | 0 |
Byzantinisches Exarchat | 5023993 | 14 | 117 | 20220324070109 | 0 |
Theodosianische Dynastie | 753072 | 14 | 259 | 20210519200353 | 0 |
Archäologie | 12365052 | 14 | 72 | 20220907165212 | 0 |
Bibelhandschrift | 13151357 | 14 | 178 | 20240705011626 | 0 |
Wirtschaft | 5013093 | 14 | 71 | 20111029153029 | 0 |
Christentum | 8766304 | 14 | 115 | 20240621215433 | 0 |
Christentum | 7589573 | 14 | 65 | 20151104075213 | 0 |
Gotenreich | 7724596 | 14 | 127 | 20240626141154 | 0 |
Literatur der Spätantike | 5022865 | 14 | 97 | 20221129170234 | 0 |
Gallorömischer Senatsadel | 9411587 | 14 | 107 | 20240617130131 | 0 |
Heiliger | 2679380 | 14 | 41 | 20150506091415 | 0 |
Thrakische Dynastie | 3990574 | 14 | 223 | 20210519200427 | 0 |
Völkerwanderung | 1253158 | 14 | 150 | 20230217214916 | 0 |
Hunne | 485812 | 14 | 124 | 20170514195242 | 0 |
König | 5259779 | 14 | 275 | 20241120123347 | 0 |
Römisches Reich/Neue Artikel | 764195 | 100 | 3473 | 20250113030056 | 0 |
Philosoph | 2106326 | 14 | 140 | 20240612185736 | 0 |
Historischer Staat | 13140403 | 14 | 282 | 20240623223710 | 0 |
Militärperson | 13134611 | 14 | 316 | 20240807161033 | 0 |
Schlacht | 7624898 | 14 | 65 | 20140308140024 | 0 |
Archäologische Landschaft der Sassaniden in der Region Fars | 11459710 | 14 | 254 | 20200915191901 | 0 |
Königreich Alt Clut | 11428672 | 0 | 145 | 20220409164846 | 0 |
Herrscher | 7731196 | 14 | 131 | 20221129170443 | 0 |
Märtyrer der Julianischen Verfolgung | 6253530 | 14 | 532 | 20241213134255 | 0 |
Sklave | 9654460 | 14 | 66 | 20221129170659 | 0 |
Magister officiorum | 13189106 | 14 | 111 | 20240813185105 | 0 |
Römische Provinz | 13129342 | 14 | 370 | 20240909151416 | 0 |
Militärperson | 1528692 | 14 | 69 | 20240618175717 | 0 |
Völkerwanderung | 12119722 | 14 | 105 | 20220208162501 | 0 |
Frühbyzantinische Architektur | 8427597 | 14 | 115 | 20200620204722 | 0 |
Spätantike Ethnie als Thema | 13187470 | 14 | 179 | 20240908134311 | 0 |
Konstantin der Große | 4833877 | 14 | 213 | 20201207184626 | 0 |
Völkerwanderungszeitlicher Fundplatz | 11232681 | 14 | 147 | 20231205145535 | 0 |
Archäologischer Fund | 10207839 | 14 | 124 | 20220907165403 | 0 |
Geschichtswissenschaft | 5013101 | 14 | 73 | 20100106072513 | 0 |
Sarmate | 7736145 | 14 | 105 | 20130615124720 | 0 |
Heiliger | 2679384 | 14 | 41 | 20150506091424 | 0 |
Gallo-römisches Heiligtum Graach | 12486739 | 0 | 11207 | 20241003140550 | 0 |
Kultur | 5021119 | 14 | 74 | 20230219083104 | 0 |
Helena-von-Konstantinopel-Kirche | 6122554 | 14 | 158 | 20231204153415 | 0 |
Orientalisch-orthodoxer Theologe | 8857942 | 14 | 103 | 20150602072022 | 0 |
Geographie | 5020925 | 14 | 72 | 20220413135731 | 0 |
Collectio Arelatensis | 12309668 | 0 | 3790 | 20241112102418 | 0 |
Völkerwanderungszeitliche Siedlung | 7573892 | 14 | 140 | 20231204213536 | 0 |
Sassanidische Kunst | 6655722 | 14 | 62 | 20180131145539 | 0 |
Gräberfeld von Anderlingen | 11754955 | 0 | 326 | 20220120122240 | 0 |
Christliche Bewegung | 8923468 | 14 | 129 | 20240202061439 | 0 |
Philosoph | 2106323 | 14 | 181 | 20240612185637 | 0 |
Literatur | 7575196 | 14 | 112 | 20230216072842 | 0 |
Gotenkrieg | 11339045 | 0 | 185 | 20210708134558 | 0 |
Gelehrter | 13154912 | 14 | 74 | 20240708181907 | 0 |
Frühbyzantinisches Reich | 6740616 | 14 | 471 | 20240202154721 | 0 |
Alamannische Höhensiedlung | 11291874 | 14 | 179 | 20231205151209 | 0 |
Registri Ecclesiae Carthaginensis Excerpta | 12316977 | 0 | 2564 | 20241114093821 | 0 |
AqTaylor | 11266459 | 0 | 4683 | 20240916123057 | 0 |
Christentum | 8766306 | 14 | 115 | 20240621215517 | 0 |
Mediziner der Spätantike | 13144416 | 14 | 108 | 20240708181835 | 0 |
Spätantike Kunst | 13218382 | 14 | 153 | 20240912221313 | 0 |
Dioecesis | 6136857 | 14 | 125 | 20171113190658 | 0 |
Ostgote | 7722135 | 14 | 78 | 20201022212959 | 0 |
Sassanide | 5259774 | 14 | 468 | 20130625060746 | 0 |