- Die Sullivans (Originaltitel: The Sullivans) ist eine australische Seifenoper, die während des Zweiten Weltkriegs spielt. In der Serie geht es um die Familie Sullivan aus Melbourne, bestehend aus Vater Dave, Mutter Grace, den Söhnen John, Tom und Terry sowie der Tochter Kitty Sullivan, welche den Alltag während des Krieges zu meistern versucht. Neben nationaler Popularität hatte sie ebenfalls im Vereinigten Königreich, in Irland, Gibraltar, Neuseeland und der Niederlande große Erfolge zu verbuchen. (de)
- The Sullivans is an Australian period drama television series produced by Crawford Productions which ran on the Nine Network from 15 November 1976 until 10 March 1983. The series tells the story of a fictional average middle-class Melbourne family and the effect that the Second World War and the immediate post-war events had on their lives. It covers the period between 1 September 1939 to 22 August 1948. It was a consistent ratings success in Australia, and also became popular in the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, the Netherlands, Gibraltar, Greece and New Zealand. (en)
- I Sullivans (The Sullivans) è una soap opera australiana in 1114 puntate trasmesse per la prima volta dal 1976 al 1983. Racconta la storia di una famiglia della media borghesia di Melbourne e l'effetto della seconda guerra mondiale sulle loro vite. Fu un successo in Australia e fu trasmessa per sette anni. La storia inizia nel 1939, con la dichiarazione di guerra contro la Germania. (it)
- Die Sullivans (Originaltitel: The Sullivans) ist eine australische Seifenoper, die während des Zweiten Weltkriegs spielt. In der Serie geht es um die Familie Sullivan aus Melbourne, bestehend aus Vater Dave, Mutter Grace, den Söhnen John, Tom und Terry sowie der Tochter Kitty Sullivan, welche den Alltag während des Krieges zu meistern versucht. Neben nationaler Popularität hatte sie ebenfalls im Vereinigten Königreich, in Irland, Gibraltar, Neuseeland und der Niederlande große Erfolge zu verbuchen. (de)
- The Sullivans is an Australian period drama television series produced by Crawford Productions which ran on the Nine Network from 15 November 1976 until 10 March 1983. The series tells the story of a fictional average middle-class Melbourne family and the effect that the Second World War and the immediate post-war events had on their lives. It covers the period between 1 September 1939 to 22 August 1948. It was a consistent ratings success in Australia, and also became popular in the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, the Netherlands, Gibraltar, Greece and New Zealand. (en)
- I Sullivans (The Sullivans) è una soap opera australiana in 1114 puntate trasmesse per la prima volta dal 1976 al 1983. Racconta la storia di una famiglia della media borghesia di Melbourne e l'effetto della seconda guerra mondiale sulle loro vite. Fu un successo in Australia e fu trasmessa per sette anni. La storia inizia nel 1939, con la dichiarazione di guerra contro la Germania. (it)