- Die National Crime Agency (NCA, deutsch Nationale Kriminalbehörde) ist die nationale Kriminalpolizei des Vereinigten Königreichs. Die NCA stellt die führende Strafverfolgungsbehörde in Großbritannien und Nordirland gegen organisiertes Verbrechen, Waffen- und Drogenhandel, sowie Cyber- und Wirtschaftskriminalität dar. Als Besonderheit kann die NCA darüber hinaus, wenn nötig, damit beauftragt werden, polizeiliche Ermittlungen bei jeder Art von Verbrechen zu übernehmen. Die NCA nimmt eine strategische Rolle in der Verbrechensbekämpfung von Großbritannien ein, indem die Behörde regelmäßig Analysen über Verhaltens- und Vorgehensweise von Kriminellen erstellt; und Vorschläge erarbeitet, wie diese bekämpft werden können. Hierzu arbeitet die NCA eng mit den Regional Organised Crime Units (ROCU) der Territorialpolizeien, dem Serious Fraud Office, sowie weiteren britischen Polizeikräften wie etwa dem Metropolitan Police Service von London zusammen. Die NCA vertritt zudem das Vereinigte Königreich als Nationales Zentralbüro bei Interpol und Europol. Die NCA assistiert Polizeibehörden in England, Wales, Schottland und Nordirland auf Grundlage gemeinsamer Vereinbarungen. In dieser Hinsicht ist die NCA als zentrales Kriminalamt durchaus mit dem deutschen Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) vergleichbar. In Ausnahmefällen besitzt der Generaldirektor der NCA (derzeit Lynne Owens) die Befugnis, Polizeichefs der Territorialpolizeien zu befehligen und diese anzuweisen, Kräfte zur Unterstützung der NCA bereitzustellen. Der Generaldirektor der NCA ist damit einer der höchsten Polizeibeamten des Vereinigten Königreichs. Die National Crime Agency untersteht dem britischen Home Office unter der Aufsicht des Innenministers. Die NCA kann außer diesem auch von einem der weiteren drei Minister des Great Offices of State angewiesen werden, einer britischen Territorialpolizei oder anderen Polizeibehörde (etwa der Ministry of Defence Police) zu assistieren. Bisher ist jedoch nicht bekannt, ob diese Verfügungsgewalt je angewendet wurde. Die NCA wurde 2013 als Nachfolgebehörde der Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) gegründet und unlängst von den Medien als „britisches FBI“ betitelt. (de)
- The National Crime Agency (NCA) is a national law enforcement agency in the United Kingdom. It is the UK's lead agency against organised crime; human, weapon and drug trafficking; cybercrime; and economic crime that goes across regional and international borders; but it can be tasked to investigate any crime. The NCA has a strategic role as part of which it looks at serious crime in aggregate across the UK, especially analysing how organised criminals are operating and how they can be disrupted. To do this, it works closely with regional organised crime units (ROCUs), local police forces, and other government departments and agencies. It is the UK's point of contact for foreign agencies such as Interpol, Europol and other international law enforcement agencies. On a day-to-day basis, the NCA assists police forces and other law enforcement agencies (and vice versa) under voluntary assistance arrangements. In extremis, the NCA Director General has the power to direct a chief officer of a police force to give directed assistance with NCA tasks where necessary (but only with consent of the relevant Secretary of State), making this one of the most senior law enforcement positions in the country. The NCA itself can also be directed by the Secretary of State to give directed assistance to a police force or other law enforcement agency. It was established in 2013 as a non-ministerial government department, replacing the Serious Organised Crime Agency and absorbed the previously separate Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) as one of its commands. It also assumed a number of responsibilities from other law enforcement agencies. The NCA has also assumed a range of functions from the National Policing Improvement Agency, which has been scrapped as part of the government's changes to policing. These include a specialist database relating to injuries and unusual weapons, expert research on potential serial killers, and the National Missing Persons Bureau. The agencies going into the NCA had a combined budget of £812m, yet the new agency only had £464m in its first year—a decrease of 43%. Some of the responsibilities of the former UK Border Agency (now Immigration Enforcement and Border Force) relating to border policing also became part of the NCA. Like its predecessor SOCA, the NCA has been dubbed the "British FBI" by the media. (en)
- La National Crime Agency (NCA) est une agence nationale d'application de la loi au Royaume-Uni. C'est l'agence principale du Royaume-Uni de lutte contre le crime organisé ; le trafic d'êtres humains, le trafic d'armes et le trafic de drogues ; le cybercrime ; et la criminalité économique qui traverse les frontières régionales et internationales, mais elle peut être chargée d'enquêter sur tout crime. (fr)
- La National Crime Agency (NCA, "Agenzia nazionale anticrimine") è un'agenzia di polizia britannica fondata il 7 ottobre 2013. La NCA ha sostituito la Serious Organized Crime Agency e ha anche rilevato il Child Exploitation and Online Protection Center e parti della National Policing Improvement Agency. È la principale agenzia del Regno Unito contro la criminalità organizzata; traffico di esseri umani, armi e droga; crimine informatico; e criminalità economica che attraversa i confini regionali e internazionali, ma può essere incaricata di indagare su qualsiasi crimine. La NCA ha un ruolo strategico in cui guarda al quadro più ampio in tutto il Regno Unito, analizzando come operano i criminali e come possono essere interrotti. A tal fine lavora a stretto contatto con le unità regionali della criminalità organizzata (ROCU), il Serious Fraud Office e le singole forze di polizia. L'8 giugno 2011, il ministro dell'Interno Theresa May ha annunciato che la NCA sarà organizzata in una serie di comandi speciali; rispettivamente per la criminalità organizzata, la polizia di frontiera, la criminalità economica e la criminalità informatica. Tutti i comandi operano come parte di un'unica organizzazione e condividono servizi comuni come l'intelligence. Nell'ottobre 2011 è stato annunciato che , capo della Warwickshire Police, servirà come primo direttore della NCA. La NCA ha più di 4.000 ufficiali. (it)
- 국립범죄청(National Crime Agency; NCA)은 영국 내무부 산하의 법집행기관이다. 2013년 테레사 메이 산하에 창설되었으며, 규모는 4천명 정도이다. 원래 영국 내무장관 밑에는 4천명 규모의 국내정보국(MI5)이 있다. (ko)
- 国家犯罪対策庁(英語: National Crime Agency, NCA)は、イギリスの警察組織の一つ。主として組織犯罪を取り締まる捜査機関であり、2013年に既存の重大組織犯罪局(SOCA)を発展的に改編するかたちで、内務省所管のとして設置された。 (ja)
- La National Crime Agency (NCA) est une agence nationale d'application de la loi au Royaume-Uni. C'est l'agence principale du Royaume-Uni de lutte contre le crime organisé ; le trafic d'êtres humains, le trafic d'armes et le trafic de drogues ; le cybercrime ; et la criminalité économique qui traverse les frontières régionales et internationales, mais elle peut être chargée d'enquêter sur tout crime. (fr)
- 국립범죄청(National Crime Agency; NCA)은 영국 내무부 산하의 법집행기관이다. 2013년 테레사 메이 산하에 창설되었으며, 규모는 4천명 정도이다. 원래 영국 내무장관 밑에는 4천명 규모의 국내정보국(MI5)이 있다. (ko)
- 国家犯罪対策庁(英語: National Crime Agency, NCA)は、イギリスの警察組織の一つ。主として組織犯罪を取り締まる捜査機関であり、2013年に既存の重大組織犯罪局(SOCA)を発展的に改編するかたちで、内務省所管のとして設置された。 (ja)
- Die National Crime Agency (NCA, deutsch Nationale Kriminalbehörde) ist die nationale Kriminalpolizei des Vereinigten Königreichs. Die NCA stellt die führende Strafverfolgungsbehörde in Großbritannien und Nordirland gegen organisiertes Verbrechen, Waffen- und Drogenhandel, sowie Cyber- und Wirtschaftskriminalität dar. Als Besonderheit kann die NCA darüber hinaus, wenn nötig, damit beauftragt werden, polizeiliche Ermittlungen bei jeder Art von Verbrechen zu übernehmen. Die NCA vertritt zudem das Vereinigte Königreich als Nationales Zentralbüro bei Interpol und Europol. (de)
- The National Crime Agency (NCA) is a national law enforcement agency in the United Kingdom. It is the UK's lead agency against organised crime; human, weapon and drug trafficking; cybercrime; and economic crime that goes across regional and international borders; but it can be tasked to investigate any crime. The NCA has a strategic role as part of which it looks at serious crime in aggregate across the UK, especially analysing how organised criminals are operating and how they can be disrupted. To do this, it works closely with regional organised crime units (ROCUs), local police forces, and other government departments and agencies. (en)
- La National Crime Agency (NCA, "Agenzia nazionale anticrimine") è un'agenzia di polizia britannica fondata il 7 ottobre 2013. La NCA ha sostituito la Serious Organized Crime Agency e ha anche rilevato il Child Exploitation and Online Protection Center e parti della National Policing Improvement Agency. È la principale agenzia del Regno Unito contro la criminalità organizzata; traffico di esseri umani, armi e droga; crimine informatico; e criminalità economica che attraversa i confini regionali e internazionali, ma può essere incaricata di indagare su qualsiasi crimine. La NCA ha un ruolo strategico in cui guarda al quadro più ampio in tutto il Regno Unito, analizzando come operano i criminali e come possono essere interrotti. A tal fine lavora a stretto contatto con le unità regionali dell (it)