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Fil:Sonja of Norway-Agencia Brasil.jpg

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Sonja_of_Norway-Agencia_Brasil.jpg (300 × 400 billedpunkter, filstørrelse: 26 KB, MIME-type: image/jpeg)

Denne fil er fra Wikimedia Commons

Português: A rainha da Noruega Sônia.
Kilde Agência Brasil [1]
Forfatter Roosewelt Pinheiro/ABr
(Genbrug af denne fil)
This photograph was produced by Agência Brasil, a public Brazilian news agency.
Their website (formerly) stated: "Todo o conteúdo deste site está publicado sob a Licença Creative Commons Atribuição 3.0 Brasil exceto quando especificado em contrário e nos conteúdos replicados de outras fontes." (English translation: All content on this website is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Brazil License unless specified otherwise and content replicated from other sources.)

This license is not valid for content that was produced (i.e. date taken) by Agência Brasil after 23. februar 2017. None of this is to imply that Agência Brasil content produced after 2017 cannot be freely licensed if otherwise noted.
To the uploader: You must provide a link (URL) to the original file and the authorship information if available.
w:da:Creative Commons
Denne fil er udgivet under Creative Commons Navngivelse 3.0 Brasilien-licensen.
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  • kreditering – Du skal give passende kreditering, angive et link til licensen, og oplyse om der er foretaget ændringer. Du må gøre det på enhver fornuftig måde, men ikke på en måde der antyder at licensgiveren godkender dig eller din anvendelse.


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Queen Sonja of Norway

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26.357 Byte

400 pixel

300 pixel



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nuværende25. okt. 2005, 09:40Miniature af versionen fra 25. okt. 2005, 09:40300 × 400 (26 KB)RanveigQueen Sonja of Norway By Roosewelt Pinheiro/ABr. 07.Oct.2003. Source: en:Image:Norway.QueenSonja.01.jpg Desc: This photo appeared as 10124.jpg on 07.Oct.2003. The photo was downloaded, cropped, and resized by Hajor. {{Agência Brasil}} [[category

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