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Türkçe: Giresun, Türkiye'nin bir ili. Karadeniz Bölgesi'nin Doğu Karadeniz bölümünde yer almaktadır.
English: Giresun is the provincial capital of Giresun Province in the Black Sea Region of northeastern Turkey, about 175 km (109 mi) west of the city of Trabzon.
<nowiki>Giresun; Giresun; Giresun; Giresun; گره‌سون; Гиресун; Giresun; 吉雷松; Giresun; Ґіресун; 吉雷松; Гирэсун; 기레순; Giresun; Giresun; গিরেসুন; Giresun; जायरसन; گره‌سۊن; Giresun; Giresuna; Гиресун; 吉雷松; Giresun; Giresun; Giresun; Giresun; ಗಿರಿಸುನ್; گیرەسون; Giresun; غيرسون; Giresun; ગિયરસન; Giresun; Giresun; Giresun; Гиресун; Giresun; گره‌سون; 吉雷松; Giresun; გირესუნი; ギレスン; Κερασούντα; 吉雷松; جيرسون; Giresun; ගිරේසන්; Cerasus; Giresun; गिरेसुं; గిరేసన్; Giresun; Կիրեսուն; Гиресун; Giresun; கிரேசன்; Giresun; Гиресун; Гиресун; Giresun; 吉雷松; Гиресун; Giresun; Giresun; گریسون; Guiressum; Կերասուն; Giresun; Giresun; Giresun; گریسن; Giresunas; Гиресун; گیره‌سون; Giresun; Giresun; กีเรซุน; Giresun; Giresun; Giresun; Κερασούντα; Гиресун; Giresun; גירסון; Гиресун; 吉雷松; Giresun; Гиресун; comune turco; török település, Giresun tartomány székhelye; город в Турции, административный центр одноимённого ила (провинции); Bezirk und Stadt in Giresun, Türkei; distrito e cidade capital da província homónima, Turquia; شهری در ترکیه; 土耳其城市; Giresun ilinin merkezi olan şehir; トルコの都市; مدينه فى جيرسون; miasto w Turcji; עיר בטורקיה; stad in Turkije; kapital sa lalawigan; град во Турција; central district and city in Giresun province, Turkey; عاصمة محافظة غيرسون في تركيا; πόλη του Πόντου στη σημερινή βόρεια Τουρκία; ville turque; Kerasus; Kérassoune; Kérésoun; Cérasonte; Kérésoum; Cerasonte; Kerasun; Kerason; Girezounda; Kerasos; Cerasus; Kerasus; Kerasounta; Kerasunt; Kerasund; Jimbo la Giresun; Cerasus; Керасунт; Карасунд; Kerasunt; Kerasos; Giresun; Kerassunde; Kerassounta; Kerasus; Choerades; Farnaceia; Pharnacia; Farnacia; Cerasunte; Pharnakeia; Գիրեսուն; Cerasunt; Girasunt; Farnacea; گیرسون</nowiki>
central district and city in Giresun province, Turkey
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Instance of
LocationGiresun Province, Turkey
Located in or next to body of water
  • 125,682 (2022)
  • 317 km²
Elevation above sea level
  • 10 m
  • Kerasus
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official website
Map40° 54′ 00″ N, 38° 25′ 00″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q201095
VIAF cluster ID: 160027215
GND ID: 4229419-8
Library of Congress authority ID: n2001046793
J9U ID: 987007489426005171
OpenStreetMap relation ID: 1835986
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City views


Buildings and museums


Mosques and madreses




Monuments and statues


Historical places and museums


City center


