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Cenozoic Era
Paleogene Neogene Period Quaternary
Oligocene Miocene Pliocene Pleistocene
Chattian Aquitanian Burdigalian Langhian Serravallian Tortonian Messinian Zanclean Piacenzian Gelasian
<nowiki>Zancliense; Zancliar; Zancleanu; Zancleum; Unterpliozän; Zanclean; زانکلین; 贊克爾階; ザンクリアン; Zankl; Занклський ярус; 讚克爾階; 잔클레절; Zankleano; Zancleano; Zancléen; занклін; Zanclianu; Tầng Zancle; Zancleum; zancle; zanklij; 赞克尔阶; занклский ярус; Zancleano; Zankleum; zankl; Zancle-kî; Zanklij; Zancle; Zanclien; Zanclià; Zancla-vaihe; Zanclean; الزانكلي; Ζάγκλεια βαθμίδα; ช่วงอายุซานเคลียน; primer piso y edad de la serie y época Plioceno; premier étage géologique du Pliocène; першая эра пліяцэну; pierwszy wiek pliocenu; первый ярус эпохи плиоцена; primu pianu dû Pliuceni; Stufe der Erdgeschichte im Neogen; plioseenin ensimmäinen vaihe; First age of the Pliocene Epoch; artikel daftar Wikimedia; πρώτη βαθμίδα της Πλειόκαινου εποχής; First age of the Pliocene Epoch; Pliocene inferiore; Basso pliocene; Pliocène inférieur; zancleum; 赞克尔阶; 讚克尔阶; занклский век; занкл; нижний плиоцен; Zancleum; Zankle; Zancliano; Zancleense; Zanclaniense; Zancleaniense; Zanclayense; Zanclagiense; piso Zancliense; edad Zancliense; Zanclean Age; Zanclean Stage; Early Pliocene; Early Pleiocene; Lower Pliocene; Lower Pleiocene; Zanclian; Early Pliocene; Lower Pliocene; Zanclean Age; Zanclean Stage; Early Pleiocene; Lower Pleiocene; Ζάγκλεια; πρώιμο Πλειόκαινο; Zanclïanu</nowiki>
First age of the Pliocene Epoch
Artistic impression of the Zanclean flood, marking the beginning of this age
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Instance of
  • stage
  • age
Part of
  • Pliocene (1)
  • ICS Standard Global Chronostratigraphic (Geochronologic) Scale (age)
Named after
Start time
  • c. 5,333rd millennium BC (Zanclean flood)
End time
  • c. 3,600th millennium BC
Followed by
Partially coincident with
  • Turolian
Map37° 23′ 30″ N, 13° 16′ 50″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q146094
BabelNet ID: 01150887n
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English: The following category lists files and subcategories depicting, involving, or related to the Zanclean Age, the first of two ages in the Pliocene Epoch, and the seventh age of the Neogene Period, which spans from around 5.333 to 3.6 million years ago.

Media in category "Zanclean"

This category contains only the following file.