Category:Paintings by Emmanuel Phillips Fox
Media in category "Paintings by Emmanuel Phillips Fox"
The following 53 files are in this category, out of 53 total.
E Philips Fox (1909) Bathing Hour.jpg 729 × 1,200; 119 KB
After the Bath.jpg 421 × 600; 83 KB
E Phillips Fox - Al fresco - Google Art Project.jpg 4,725 × 3,714; 4.35 MB
E Phillips Fox - Al fresco - Google Art ProjectFXD.jpg 4,725 × 3,714; 3.27 MB
E Phillips Fox Al fresco.jpg 1,100 × 856; 117 KB
Andrew Fisher, 1913 (E. Phillips Fox).png 600 × 1,017; 204 KB
E Philips Fox Bathing Hour.jpg 486 × 800; 58 KB
E Phillips Fox Bathing Hour.jpg 485 × 788; 405 KB
Dd104246(1).jpg 1,264 × 742; 1.18 MB
Dejeuner.jpg 448 × 600; 123 KB
E Philips Fox Autumn.jpg 800 × 556; 105 KB
E philips fox venice 1907.jpg 900 × 694; 125 KB
E philips fox venice.jpg 1,000 × 732; 512 KB
E Phillips Fox - A Love Story, 1903.jpg 2,420 × 1,605; 2.55 MB
E Phillips Fox - Adelaide - Google Art Project.jpg 2,686 × 4,964; 2.35 MB
E Phillips Fox - Adelaide - Google Art ProjectFXD.jpg 2,686 × 4,964; 1.68 MB
E Phillips Fox - Elsie, daughter of H.W. Brooks, Esquire, 1904.jpg 313 × 600; 58 KB
E Phillips Fox - Heidelberg - Google Art Project.jpg 5,001 × 3,175; 5.83 MB
E Phillips Fox - On the Mediterranean Coast - c.1911.jpg 1,017 × 817; 313 KB
E Phillips Fox - Promenade 1909.jpg 500 × 386; 63 KB
E Phillips Fox - The green parasol, 1912.jpg 453 × 594; 306 KB
E Phillips Fox - The milking shed - Google Art Project.jpg 5,001 × 1,901; 3.39 MB
E Phillips Fox A Love Story.jpg 996 × 657; 875 KB
E Phillips Fox Monastery, San Lazzaro.jpg 1,200 × 852; 406 KB
E Phillips Fox Sunlight Effect.jpg 615 × 782; 411 KB
E Phillips Fox The Bathers.jpg 1,280 × 1,686; 2.43 MB
E Phillips Fox The Lesson.jpg 1,067 × 1,733; 2.65 MB
E. Phillips Fox "Nasturtiums" hung in AGNSW.JPG 3,000 × 4,000; 4.45 MB
E. Phillips Fox - Harvesting - Google Art Project.jpg 4,067 × 1,692; 3.46 MB
E. Phillips Fox lamplight.jpg 334 × 269; 51 KB
E. Phillips Fox Suffragette 1911.jpg 408 × 500; 66 KB
Emanuel Phillips Fox - Art Students, 1895.jpg 600 × 980; 393 KB
Emanuel Phillips Fox - Fairy Bower, Manly 1913.jpg 900 × 770; 173 KB
Emanuel Phillips Fox - Nasturtiums, 1912.jpg 900 × 1,155; 180 KB
Emanuel Phillips Fox - On the Balcony, 1912.jpg 900 × 1,350; 244 KB
Emmanuel Phillips Fox, 1903 - Rêverie.jpg 1,024 × 722; 250 KB
EPhillipsFOX-Portraitof-Dd105654.jpg 2,170 × 3,000; 666 KB
Etude de nu.jpg 600 × 385; 72 KB
E Phillips Fox - The Cabbage Patch, 1889.jpg 2,000 × 1,197; 1.01 MB
The Cabbage Patch by E Phillips Fox.jpg 998 × 600; 364 KB
E Phillips Fox - The Setting Sun, 1895.jpg 800 × 334; 93 KB
Emmanuel Phillips Fox - Nude and Satyr (c.1911).jpg 1,181 × 951; 630 KB
E philips fox evening.jpg 490 × 392; 51 KB
Landing of Lieutenant James Cook at Botany Bay, 29 April 1770 (painting by E Phillips Fox).jpg 5,000 × 3,656; 21.57 MB
E Phillips Fox My Cousin.jpg 1,007 × 2,260; 1.36 MB
Emanuel-Phillips-Fox-The-Arbour.jpg 400 × 320; 32 KB
E Phillips Fox - The ferry - Google Art Project.jpg 5,001 × 3,732; 4.79 MB
Emanuel Phillips Fox - The Ferry.jpg 614 × 457; 106 KB
The Lesson.jpg 361 × 600; 76 KB
Venice E. Phillips Fox.jpg 640 × 467; 40 KB